616 research outputs found

    Veena Krishnamachariar-Life and Contribution

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    Scents of Adolescence: The Maturation of the Olfactory Phenotype in a Free-Ranging Mammal

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    Olfaction is an important sensory modality for mate recognition in many mammal species. Odorants provide information about the health status, genotype, dominance status and/or reproductive status. How and when odor profiles change during sexual maturation is, however often unclear, particularly in free-ranging mammals. Here, we investigated whether the wing sac odorant of male greater sac-winged bats (Saccopteryx bilineata, Emballonuridae) differs between young and adults, and thus offers information about sexual maturity to potential mating partners. Using gas chromatography – mass spectrometry, we found differences in the odorants of young and adult males prior and during, but not after the mating period. The wing sac odorant of adult males consists of several substances, such as Pyrocoll, 2,6,10-trimethyl-3-oxo-6,10-dodecadienolide, and a so far unidentified substance; all being absent in the odor profiles of juveniles prior to the mating season. During the mating season, these substances are present in most of the juvenile odorants, but still at lower quantities compared to the wing sac odorants of adults. These results suggest that the wing sac odorant of males encodes information about age and/or sexual maturity. Although female S. bilineata start to reproduce at the age of half a year, most males of the same age postpone the sexual maturation of their olfactory phenotype until after the first mating season

    Ariel - Volume 8 Number 1

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    Executive Editor James W. Lockard, Jr. Issue Editor Michael J. Grimes Business Manager Neeraj K. Kanwal Managing Editor Edward H. Jasper University News Richard J. Perry World News William D.B. Hiller Opinions Elizabeth A. McGuire Features Patrick P. Sokas Sports Desk Shahab S. Minassian Managing Associate Brenda Peterson Photography Robert D. Lehman, Jr. Graphics Christine M. Kuhnl

    Commonwealth Times 2008-01-14

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    The Power of the Written Word and the Spoken Word in the Rise and Fall of William Lee Popham

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    William Lee Popham first came to the small fishing and lumbering town of Apalachicola in 1916. Seat of government for Franklin County in northwest Florida and located at the mouth of the Apalachicola River, the town had an aesthetic appeal. Equally important, it enjoyed strategic economic advantages. As a port opening to the Gulf of Mexico, antebellum Apalachicola imported manufactured goods and luxuries and shipped them by steamboats up the Apalachicola River and beyond. They went to individuals and businesses in north Florida, southwest Georgia, and southeast Alabama. In turn, Apalachicola received timber and agricultural products, especially cotton, from the interior and transhipped them to American and international markets. It became Florida’s premier port of shipment and third on the Gulf of Mexico after New Orleans and Mobile. With little agricultural income from Franklin County’s poor soil or from limited urban manufacturing, Apalachicola became a conduit of trade. It prospered from the 1830s through the mid-1850s. Yet, over sixty years before the exuberant Popham came to town, Apalachicola had begun to decline

    Volume 19, Number 4 - May 1937

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    Volume 19, Number 4 - May 1937. 64 pages including covers and advertisements. Hughes, Edward Riley, Commencement Geary, William Denis, O Salutaris Hostia Ryan, John J., On Propaganda and Art Gibbons, Walter F., Escape Serry, Franklin, His Is The Cool Of A Mountain Pool Geary, William Denis, Dawn Comes For Cathleen Campbell, Walter E., Sorcery To Socialization Smith, E. Allan, Sweet Sorrow Healey, Robert, Why? Fanning, John H., Elementary, Watson! MacArthur, Daniel J., Notes From A Freshman\u27s Log Hughes, Walter Appleton, Rossetti, Poetic Expatriate Editorials The Collegiate World Book Review

    A tale of lovers : Chopin\u27s Nocturne Op. 27, No. 2 as a contribution to the violist\u27s repertory

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    The purpose of this project is to present a violist with complete transcription and performer’s guide of Fryderyk Chopin’s Nocturne Op. 27, No. 2 originally written for solo piano in 1835. Chopin wrote predominately for the piano, and the nocturnes are some of his most sublime works that have a personal quality that likely reflect a diary of his personal feelings. At the beginning of this document a brief overview of the composer’s lifetime and analysis of the events that took place around the time of composition are provided. Later on, the characteristic genre features, the formal structure, the influences of French song, Italian opera, John Field’s nocturnes, and the plausible meaning behind the work are described and discussed. The following chapters deal with the process of transcription, performance issues, hints on how to solve them, as well as the aspects of contribution to the dearth of Romantic viola repertory

    Rotunda - Vol 50, No 9 - Dec 9, 1970

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    Abstract Churches and ministries need to identify and recruit effective leaders. Employing the gift of discerning of spirits can help ministries identify quality leaders and avoid problems and pitfalls. This project aims to equip Pastors and Church Leaders to rediscover and utilize discerning of spirits in their leadership selection process. The significance of this project is that although there has been much written about spiritual gifts, little has been written specifically about the Discerning of Spirits and its application to leadership recruitment and development in modern ministry. It offers church and ministry leaders another avenue to recover and utilize the gift of Discerning of Spirits to better serve their ministry contexts. This project argues that there is a historical, Biblical/Theological and pragmatic rationale for employing the gift of Discerning of Spirits as a tool for Pastors and Ministry Leaders to identify committed and effective ministry leaders. A historical analysis of Bernard of Clairvaux, Hildegard of Bingen and Ignatius of Loyola reveal their encounters with and uses of discerning of spirits that leaders can use today. Each experienced the charism in different and unique ways and provided original and useful insights into the gift. A hermeneutical study of 1 Cor. 12:10 reveals that in discernment of spirits the main action, the discerning, is accomplished by the Holy Spirit who then shares that information with the gifted person. It was found that the gift is not specifically connected prophecy and false prophecy, nor is it intended as the instrument for testing the spirits in 1 John 4:1. The definition of discerning of spirits was provided with a discussion of how charismatic gifts work in general. With regard to how gifts are obtained, the principle of Ask-Seek-Knock with a scriptural analysis was offered as well the idea that the Spirit gives gifts to whom He wills. The method of how the charismata work and ways God communicates is expounded with a special emphasis on the physical body as an instrument of discernment. Finally discerning of spirits is presented as a practical tool for ministry, choosing leaders, the necessity of a ministry team in the process, and as a means to identify and avoid problems
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