21 research outputs found

    Petri net controlled grammars

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    Different types of regulated grammars have been introduced in order to supplement shortcomings of context-free grammars in applications preserving their elegant mathematical properties. However, the rapid developments in present day industry, biology, and other areas challenge to deal with various tasks which need suitable tools for their modelling and investigation. We propose Petri net controlled grammars as models for representing and analyzing of metabolic pathways in living cells where Petri nets are responsible for the structure and communication of the pathways, and grammars represent biochemical processes. On the other hand, the control by Petri nets has also theoretical interest: it extends possibilities to introduce and investigate concurrent control mechanisms in formal language theory. The thesis introduces various variants of Petri net controlled grammars using different types of Petri nets and investigates their mathematical properties such as computational power and closure properties.Los diferentes tipos de gramáticas con reescritura regulada han sido introducidas para complementar las deficiencias de las gramáticas libres del contexto en las aplicaciones, preservando sus propiedades matemáticas. Por otro lado, la rápida evolución la biología, y otras áreas actuales supone un reto para tratar de las tareas varias que necesitan las herramientas adecuadas para la elaboración de modelos e investigación. Proponemos gramáticas controladas por redes de Petri como modelos para representar y analizar los procesos bioquímicos en las células vivas donde redes de Petri son responsables de la estructura, y gramáticas representan los procesos generativos. Además, el control de redes de Petri también tiene interés teórico: amplía las posibilidades de investigar los mecanismos de control concurrente en la teoría de lenguajes formales. La tesis presenta distintas variantes de gramáticas controladas por redes de Petri e investiga sus propiedades matemáticas

    Controlled Bidirectional Grammars

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    We investigate context-free grammars the rules of which can be used in a productive and in a reductive fashion, while the application of these rules is controlled by a regular language. We distinguish several modes of derivation for this kind of grammar. The resulting language families (properly) extend the family of context-free languages. We establish some closure properties of these language families and some grammatical transformations which yield a few normal forms for this type of grammar. Finally, we consider some special cases (viz. the context-free grammar is linear or left-linear), and generalizations, in particular, the use of arbitrary rather than regular control languages

    A study in parallel rewriting systems

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    In this paper we study systematically three basic classes of grammars incorporating parallel rewriting: Indian parallel grammars, Russian parallel grammars and L systems. In particular by extracting basic characteristics of these systems and combining them we introduce new classes of rewriting systems (ETOL[k] systems, ETOLIP systems and ETOLRP systems) Among others, some results on the combinatorial structure of Indian parallel languages and on the combinatorial structures of the new classes of languages are proved. As far as ETOL systems are concerned we prove that every ETOL language can be generated with a fixed (equal to 8) bounded degree of parallelism

    An introduction to (Co)algebras and (Co)induction and their application to the semantics of programming languages

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    This report summarizes operational approaches to the formal semantics of programming languages and shows that they can be interpreted inductively by least fixed points as well as coinductively by greatest fixed points. While the inductive interpretation gives semantics to all terminating programs, the coinductive one defines moreover also a semantics for all non-terminating programs. This is especially important in areas where programs do not terminate in general, e.g. data bases, operating systems, or control software in embedded systems. The semantic foundations described in this report can be used to verify that transformations (e.g. in compilers) of such software systems are correct. In the course of this report, coalgebras and coinduction are introduced, starting with a gentle intuitive motivation and ending with a detailed mathematical description within the notions of category theory