17 research outputs found

    Metaheuristics algorithms to identify nonlinear Hammerstein model: A decade survey

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    Metaheuristics have been acknowledged as an effective solution for many difficult issues related to optimization. The metaheuristics, especially swarm’s intelligence and evolutionary computing algorithms, have gained popularity within a short time over the past two decades. Various metaheuristics algorithms are being introduced on an annual basis and applications that are more new are gradually being discovered. This paper presents a survey for the years 2011-2021 on multiple metaheuristics algorithms, particularly swarm and evolutionary algorithms, to identify a nonlinear block-oriented model called the Hammerstein model, mainly because such model has garnered much interest amidst researchers to identify nonlinear systems. Besides introducing a complete survey on the various population-based algorithms to identify the Hammerstein model, this paper also investigated some empirically verified actual process plants results. As such, this article serves as a guideline on the fundamentals of identifying nonlinear block-oriented models for new practitioners, apart from presenting a comprehensive summary of cutting-edge trends within the context of this topic area

    Identification Of Continuous-Time Model Of Hammerstein System Using Archimedes Optimization Algorithm

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    This thesis proposed a novel identification method known as the improved archimedes optimization algorithm (IAOA) for identifying the continuous-time Hammerstein model. Two modifications were employed to solve several demerits of the original archimedes optimization algorithm (AOA). The first modification was an alteration of the density decreasing factor to solve the imbalance of the exploration and exploitation phases. The second one was the introduction of safe updating mechanism to solve the local optima issue. Next, the proposed method was utilized in identifying the variables of the linear and nonlinear subsystems in a continuous-time Hammerstein model using the given input and output data. To verify the efficiency of the proposed method, a numerical example and two real-world experiments, namely the twin-rotor system and the electromechanical positioning system were carried out. The results were analysed in terms of the convergence curve of the fitness function, the variable deviation index, time-domain and frequency-domain responses of the identified model, and the Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test. The obtained results showed that the proposed method, yields solutions with better accuracy and consistency when compared with other well-known metaheuristics methods such as the Particle Swarm Optimizer, Grey Wolf Optimizer, Multi-Verse Optimizer, Archimedes Optimization Algorithm and a hybrid method named the Average Multi-Verse Optimizer and Sine Cosine Algorithm

    Identification of the Thermoelectric Cooler using hybrid multi-verse optimizer and Sine Cosine Algorithm based continuous-Time Hammerstein Model

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    This paper presents the identification of the ThermoElectric Cooler (TEC) plant using a hybrid method of Multi-Verse Optimizer with Sine Cosine Algorithm (hMVOSCA) based on continuous-time Hammerstein model. These modifications are mainly for escaping from local minima and for making the balance between exploration and exploitation. In the Hammerstein model identification a continuous-time linear system is used and the hMVOSCA based method is used to tune the coefficients of both the Hammerstein model subsystems (linear and nonlinear) such that the error between the estimated output and the actual output is reduced. The efficiency of the proposed method is evaluated based on the convergence curve, parameter estimation error, bode plot, function plot, and Wilcoxon's rank test. The experimental findings show that the hMVOSCA can produce a Hammerstein system that generates an estimated output like the actual TEC output. Moreover, the identified outputs also show that the hMVOSCA outperforms other popular metaheuristic algorithms

    Identification of continuous-time model of hammerstein system using modified multi-verse optimizer

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    his thesis implements a novel nature-inspired metaheuristic optimization algorithm, namely the modified Multi-Verse Optimizer (mMVO) algorithm, to identify the continuous-time model of Hammerstein system. Multi-Verse Optimizer (MVO) is one of the most recent robust nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm. It has been successfully implemented and used in various areas such as machine learning applications, engineering applications, network applications, parameter control, and other similar applications to solve optimization problems. However, such metaheuristics had some limitations, such as local optima problem, low searching capability and imbalance between exploration and exploitation. By considering these limitations, two modifications were made upon the conventional MVO in our proposed mMVO algorithm. Our first modification was an average design parameter updating mechanism to solve the local optima issue of the traditional MVO. The essential feature of the average design parameter updating mechanism is that it helps any trapped design parameter jump out from the local optima region and continue a new search track. The second modification is the hybridization of MVO with the Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA) to improve the low searching capability of the conventional MVO. Hybridization aims to combine MVO and SCA algorithms advantages and minimize the disadvantages, such as low searching capability and imbalance between exploration and exploitation. In particular, the search capacity of the MVO algorithm has been improved using the sine and cosine functions of the Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA) that will be able to balance the processes of exploration and exploitation. The mMVO based method is then used for identifying the parameters of linear and nonlinear subsystems in the Hammerstein model using the given input and output data. Note that the structure of the linear and nonlinear subsystems is assumed to be known. Moreover, a continuous-time linear subsystem is considered in this study, while there are a few methods that utilize such models. Two numerical examples and one real-world application, such as the Twin Rotor System (TRS) are used to illustrate the efficiency of the mMVO-based method. Various nonlinear subsystems such as quadratic and hyperbolic functions (sine and tangent) are used in those experiments. Numerical and experimental results are analyzed to focus on the convergence curve of the fitness function, the parameter variation index, frequency and time domain response and the Wilcoxon rank test. For the numerical identifications, three different levels of white noise variances were taken. The statistical analysis value (mean) was taken from the parameter deviation index to see how much our proposed algorithm has improved. For Example 1, the improvements are 29%, 33.15% and 36.68%, and for the noise variances, 0.01, 0.25, and 1.0 improvements can be found. For Example 2, the improvements are 39.36%, 39.61% and 66.18%, and for noise variances, the improvements are by 0.01, 0.25 and 1.0, respectively. Finally, for the real TRS application, the improvement is 7%. The numerical and experimental results also showed that both Hammerstein model subsystems are defined effectively using the mMVO-based method, particularly in quadratic output estimation error and a differentiation parameter index. The results further confirmed that the proposed mMVObased method provided better solutions than other optimization techniques, such as PSO, GWO, ALO, MVO and SCA

    Identification of the thermoelectric cooler using hybrid multi-verse optimizer and sine cosine algorithm based continuous-time Hammerstein model

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    This paper presents the identification of the ThermoElectric Cooler (TEC) plant using a hybrid method of Multi-Verse Optimizer with Sine Cosine Algorithm (hMVOSCA) based on continuous-time Hammerstein model. These modifications are mainly for escaping from local minima and for making the balance between exploration and exploitation. In the Hammerstein model identification a continuoustime linear system is used and the hMVOSCA based method is used to tune the coefficients of both the Hammerstein model subsystems (linear and nonlinear) such that the error between the estimated output and the actual output is reduced. The efficiency of the proposed method is evaluated based on the convergence curve, parameter estimation error, bode plot, function plot, and Wilcoxon’s rank test. The experimental findings show that the hMVOSCA can produce a Hammerstein system that generates an estimated output like the actual TEC output. Moreover, the identified outputs also show that the hMVOSCA outperforms other popular metaheuristic algorithms

    Modelos Híbridos Aplicados à Construção de Índice de Classificação de Níveis de Risco de Fogo no Brasil

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    Fire has always exerted a great attraction on humans. Fires generally provide social and environmental impacts at the places where they occur. Several Brazilian localities, especially in the driest months of the year, are more susceptible to this phenomenon. In this paper, an index able of classifying levels of fire risk in areas geographically located in Brazil. This paper presents an index capable of classifying fire risk levels elaborated from neuro-fuzzy systems. Data from the municipality of Sorocaba were used to test the proposed models. The results obtained by this index are promising, reaching values of mean absolute error below 3% when applied in the prediction of the risk of fire for the maximum period of up to 3 days. The proposed index can be used as a tool to support and assist various research agencies or institutes that need to identify the possibility of burning, corroborating the measures to reduce atmospheric emitters and meeting Goal 15 of Agenda 30 as defined by the UN in 2015, which aims to stimulate conservation actions and the recovery and sustainable use of ecosystems.O fogo sempre exerceu grande atração sobre os seres humanos. As queimadas, de maneira geral, proporcionam impactos sociais e ambientais nos locais onde ocorrem. Diversas localidades brasileiras, especialmente nos meses mais secos do ano, estão mais suscetíveis a esse fenômeno. O estudo e o monitoramento do risco do fogo são uma poderosa ferramenta adotada no mapeamento e sensoriamento de áreas afetadas ao longo do território brasileiro e em outras partes do mundo. Este trabalho apresenta um índice para classificar os níveis de risco de fogo, elaborado com base nos sistemas neuro-fuzzy. Dados da cidade de Sorocaba foram utilizados para testar os modelos propostos. Os resultados obtidos mostram-se promissores, alcançando valores referentes à média de erros absolutos abaixo de 3%, aplicados na previsão do risco de queima pelo período máximo de até três dias. O índice proposto poderá ser utilizado como ferramenta de apoio e auxílio a diversos órgãos ou institutos de pesquisa que necessitam identificar a possibilidade de ocorrência de queimadas. Pode, assim, colaborar nas medidas para a redução de emissores atmosféricos, de modo a satisfazer o objetivo 15 da Agenda 30 definido pela Organização das Nações Unidas em 2015, o qual visa estimular ações de conservação, recuperação e uso sustentável de ecossistemas, especialmente

    Comparison of artificial intelligence methods for predicting compressive strength of concrete

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    Tlačna čvrstoća betona je značajan parametar u projektiranju betona. Točnim predviđanjem tlačne čvrstoće betona mogu se smanjiti troškovi i ostvariti uštede u vremenu. U ovom radu se na temelju šest raznih međunarodnih nizova podataka uspoređuje uspješnost predviđanja vrijednosti tlačne čvrstoće betona primjenom nekoliko metoda baziranih na umjetnoj inteligenciji (prilagodljivi neuroneizraziti sustav, algoritam slučajnih šuma, linearna regresija, klasifikacijsko i regresijsko stablo, regresija potpornih vektora, metoda najbližih susjeda i stroj za ekstremno učenje). Učinak tih metoda procjenjuje se pomoću koeficijenta korelacije, korijena srednje kvadratne pogreške, srednje apsolutne pogreške i srednje apsolutne postotne pogreške. Usporedni rezultati pokazuju da je prilagodljivi neuroneizraziti sustav uspješniji od ostalih u svim nizovima podataka.Compressive strength of concrete is an important parameter in concrete design. Accurate prediction of compressive strength of concrete can lower costs and save time. Therefore, thecompressive strength of concrete prediction performance of artificial intelligence methods (adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system, random forest, linear regression, classification and regression tree, support vector regression, k-nearest neighbour and extreme learning machine) are compared in this study using six different multinational datasets. The performance of these methods is evaluated using the correlation coefficient, root mean square error, mean absolute error, and mean absolute percentage error criteria. Comparative results show that the adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is more successful in all datasets

    Evolutionary Neuro-Computing Approaches to System Identification

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    System models are essentially required for analysis, controller design and future prediction. System identification is concerned with developing models of physical system. Although linear system identification got enriched with several useful classical methods, nonlinear system identification always remained active area of research due to the reason that most of the real world systems are nonlinear in nature and moreover, having non-unique models. Among the several conventional system identification techniques, the Volterra series, Hammerstein-Wiener and polynomial model identification involve considerable computational complexities. The other techniques based on regression models such as nonlinear autoregressive exogenous (NARX) and nonlinear autoregressive moving average exogenous (NARMAX), also suffer from dfficulty in choosing regressors

    Development Schemes of Electric Vehicle Charging Protocols and Implementation of Algorithms for Fast Charging under Dynamic Environments Leading towards Grid-to-Vehicle Integration

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    This thesis focuses on the development of electric vehicle (EV) charging protocols under a dynamic environment using artificial intelligence (AI), to achieve Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) integration and promote automobile electrification. The proposed framework comprises three major complementary steps. Firstly, the DC fast charging scheme is developed under different ambient conditions such as temperature and relative humidity. Subsequently, the transient performance of the controller is improved while implementing the proposed DC fast charging scheme. Finally, various novel techno-economic scenarios and case studies are proposed to integrate EVs with the utility grid. The proposed novel scheme is composed of hierarchical stages; In the first stage, an investigation of the temperature or/and relative humidity impact on the charging process is implemented using the constant current-constant voltage (CC-CV) protocol. Where the relative humidity impact on the charging process was not investigated or mentioned in the literature survey. This was followed by the feedforward backpropagation neural network (FFBP-NN) classification algorithm supported by the statistical analysis of an instant charging current sample of only 10 seconds at any ambient condition. Then the FFBP-NN perfectly estimated the EV’s battery terminal voltage, charging current, and charging interval time with an error of 1% at the corresponding temperature and relative humidity. Then, a nonlinear identification model of the lithium-polymer ion battery dynamic behaviour is introduced based on the Hammerstein-Wiener (HW) model with an experimental error of 1.1876%. Compared with the CC-CV fast charging protocol, intelligent novel techniques based on the multistage charging current protocol (MSCC) are proposed using the Cuckoo optimization algorithm (COA). COA is applied to the Hierarchical technique (HT) and the Conditional random technique (CRT). Compared with the CC-CV charging protocol, an improvement in the charging efficiency of 8% and 14.1% was obtained by the HT and the CRT, respectively, in addition to a reduction in energy losses of 7.783% and 10.408% and a reduction in charging interval time of 18.1% and 22.45%, respectively. The stated charging protocols have been implemented throughout a smart charger. The charger comprises a DC-DC buck converter controlled by an artificial neural network predictive controller (NNPC), trained and supported by the long short-term memory neural network (LSTM). The LSTM network model was utilized in the offline forecasting of the PV output power, which was fed to the NNPC as the training data. The NNPC–LSTM controller was compared with the fuzzy logic (FL) and the conventional PID controllers and perfectly ensured that the optimum transient performance with a minimum battery terminal voltage ripple reached 1 mV with a very high-speed response of 1 ms in reaching the predetermined charging current stages. Finally, to alleviate the power demand pressure of the proposed EV charging framework on the utility grid, a novel smart techno-economic operation of an electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) in Egypt controlled by the aggregator is suggested based on a hierarchical model of multiple scenarios. The deterministic charging scheduling of the EVs is the upper stage of the model to balance the generated and consumed power of the station. Mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) is used to solve the first stage, where the EV charging peak demand value is reduced by 3.31% (4.5 kW). The second challenging stage is to maximize the EVCS profit whilst minimizing the EV charging tariff. In this stage, MILP and Markov Decision Process Reinforcement Learning (MDP-RL) resulted in an increase in EVCS revenue by 28.88% and 20.10%, respectively. Furthermore, the grid-to-vehicle (G2V) and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies are applied to the stochastic EV parking across the day, controlled by the aggregator to alleviate the utility grid load demand. The aggregator determined the number of EVs that would participate in the electric power trade and sets the charging/discharging capacity level for each EV. The proposed model minimized the battery degradation cost while maximizing the revenue of the EV owner and minimizing the utility grid load demand based on the genetic algorithm (GA). The implemented procedure reduced the degradation cost by an average of 40.9256%, increased the EV SOC by 27%, and ensured an effective grid stabilization service by shaving the load demand to reach a predetermined grid average power across the day where the grid load demand decreased by 26.5% (371 kW)

    Deep Learning-Based Machinery Fault Diagnostics

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    This book offers a compilation for experts, scholars, and researchers to present the most recent advancements, from theoretical methods to the applications of sophisticated fault diagnosis techniques. The deep learning methods for analyzing and testing complex mechanical systems are of particular interest. Special attention is given to the representation and analysis of system information, operating condition monitoring, the establishment of technical standards, and scientific support of machinery fault diagnosis