49 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Stability Prediction of Multibit Delta-Sigma Modulators for Sinusoidal Inputs

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    This paper proposes a novel algorithm that can be integrated with various design and evaluation tools, to more accurately and rapidly predict stability in multi-bit delta-sigma (Δ-Σ) modulators. Analytical expressions using the nonlinear gains from the concept of modified nonlinearity in control theory are incorporated into the mathematical model of multi-bit Δ-Σ modulators to predict the stable amplitude limits for sinusoidal input signals. The nonlinear gains lead to a set of equations which can numerically estimate the quantizer gain as a function of the input sinusoidal signal amplitude. This method is shown to accurately predict the stable amplitude limits of sinusoids for 2nd-, 3rd-, 4th-, 5th- and 6th-order 3- and 5-level mid-tread quantizer based Δ-Σ modulators. The algorithm is simple to apply and can be extended to midrise quantizers or to any number of quantizer levels. The only required input parameters for this algorithm are the number of quantizer levels and the coefficients of the noise transfer function

    A describing function study of saturated quantization and its application to the stability analysis of multi-bit sigma delta modulators

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    Just as their single-bit counterparts, multi-bit sigma delta modulators exhibit nonlinear behavior due to the presence of the quantizer in the loop. In the multi-bit case this is caused by the fact that any quantizer has a limited output range and hence gives an implicit saturation effect. Due to this, any multi-bit modulator is prone to modulator overloading. Unfortunately, until now, designers had to rely on extensive time-domain simulations to predict the overloading level, because there is no adequate analytical theory to model this effect. In this work, we have developed such an analytical theory based on multiple input describing function analysis. This way, we obtained expressions for the signal gain, the noise gain and the variance of the quantization noise. Here, both the case of DC as well as sinusoidal signals was considered. These results were used for the stability analysis of multi-bit Sigma Delta modulators, which allows to predict the overloading level. Code implementing the proposed expressions is available for download at http://cas1.elis.ugent. be/cas/en/download

    Σ-Δ Modulators - Stability Analysis and Optimization

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    Design, analysis and evaluation of sigma-delta based beamformers for medical ultrasound imaging applications

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    The inherent analogue nature of medical ultrasound signals in conjunction with the abundant merits provided by digital image acquisition, together with the increasing use of relatively simple front-end circuitries, have created considerable demand for single-bit beamformers in digital ultrasound imaging systems. Furthermore, the increasing need to design lightweight ultrasound systems with low power consumption and low noise, provide ample justification for development and innovation in the use of single-bit beamformers in ultrasound imaging systems. The overall aim of this research program is to investigate, establish, develop and confirm through a combination of theoretical analysis and detailed simulations, that utilize raw phantom data sets, suitable techniques for the design of simple-to-implement hardware efficient digital ultrasound beamformers to address the requirements for 3D scanners with large channel counts, as well as portable and lightweight ultrasound scanners for point-of-care applications and intravascular imaging systems. In addition, the stability boundaries of higher-order High-Pass (HP) and Band-Pass (BP) Σ−Δ modulators for single- and dual- sinusoidal inputs are determined using quasi-linear modeling together with the describing-function method, to more accurately model the modulator quantizer. The theoretical results are shown to be in good agreement with the simulation results for a variety of input amplitudes, bandwidths, and modulator orders. The proposed mathematical models of the quantizer will immensely help speed up the design of higher order HP and BP Σ−Δ modulators to be applicable for digital ultrasound beamformers. Finally, a user friendly design and performance evaluation tool for LP, BP and HP modulators is developed. This toolbox, which uses various design methodologies and covers an assortment of modulators topologies, is intended to accelerate the design process and evaluation of modulators. This design tool is further developed to enable the design, analysis and evaluation of beamformer structures including the noise analyses of the final B-scan images. Thus, this tool will allow researchers and practitioners to design and verify different reconstruction filters and analyze the results directly on the B-scan ultrasound images thereby saving considerable time and effort

    On the stability of sigma delta modulators

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    Oversampled analog-to-digital converter architectures based on pulse frequency modulation

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe purpose of this research work is providing new insights in the development of voltage-controlled oscillator based analog-to-digital converters (VCO-based ADCs). Time-encoding based ADCs have become of great interest to the designer community due to the possibility of implementing mostly digital circuits, which are well suited for current deep-submicron CMOS processes. Within this topic, VCO-based ADCs are one of the most promising candidates. VCO-based ADCs have typically been analyzed considering the output phase of the oscillator as a state variable, similar to the state variables considered in __ modulation loops. Although this assumption might take us to functional designs (as verified by literature), it does not take into account neither the oscillation parameters of the VCO nor the deterministic nature of quantization noise. To overcome this issue, we propose an interpretation of these type of systems based on the pulse frequency modulation (PFM) theory. This permits us to analytically calculate the quantization noise, in terms of the working parameters of the system. We also propose a linear model that applies to VCO-based systems. Thanks to it, we can determine the different error processes involved in the digitization of the input data, and the performance limitations which these processes direct to. A generic model for any order open-loop VCO-based ADCs is made based on the PFM theory. However, we will see that only the first-order case and a second order approximation can be implemented in practice. The PFM theory also allows us to propose novel approaches to both single-stage and multistage VCObased architectures. We describe open-loop architectures such as VCO-based architectures with digital precoding, PFM-based architectures that can be used as efficient ADCs or MASH architectures with optimal noise-transfer-function (NTF) zeros. We also make a first approach to the proposal and analysis of closed loop architectures. At the same time, we deal with one of the main limitations of VCOs (especially those built with ring oscillators), which is the non-linear voltage to- frequency relation. In this document, we describe two techniques mitigate this phenomenon. Firstly, we propose to use a pulse width modulator in front of the VCO. This way, there are only two possible oscillation states. Consequently, the oscillator works linearly. To validate the proposed technique, an experimental prototype was implemented in a 40-nm CMOS process. The chip showed noise problems that degraded the expected resolution, but allowed us to verify that the potential performance was close to the expected one. A potential signal-to-noise-distortion ratio (SNDR) equal to 56 dB was achieved in 20 MHz bandwidth, consuming 2.15 mW with an occupied area equal to 0.03 mm2. In comparison to other equivalent systems, the proposed architecture is simpler, while keeping similar power consumption and linearity properties. Secondly, we used a pulse frequency modulator to implement a second ADC. The proposed architecture is intrinsically linear and uses a digital delay line to increase the resolution of the converter. One experimental prototype was implemented in a 40-nm CMOS process using one of these architectures. Proper results were measured from this prototype. These results allowed us to verify that the PFM-based architecture could be used as an efficient ADC. The measured peak SNDR was equal to 53 dB in 20 MHz bandwidth, consuming 3.5 mW with an occupied area equal to 0.08 mm2. The architecture shows a great linearity, and in comparison to related work, it consumes less power and occupies similar area. In general, the theoretical analyses and the architectures proposed in the document are not restricted to any application. Nevertheless, in the case of the experimental chips, the specifications required for these converters were linked to communication applications (e.g. VDSL, VDSL2, or even G.fast), which means medium resolution (9-10 bits), high bandwidth (20 MHz), low power and low area.El propósito del trabajo presentado en este documento es aportar una nueva perspectiva para el diseño de convertidores analógico-digitales basados en osciladores controlados por tensión. Los convertidores analógico-digitales con codificación temporal han llamado la atención durante los últimos años de la comunidad de diseñadores debido a la posibilidad de implementarlos en su gran mayoría con circuitos digitales, los cuales son muy apropiados para los procesos de diseño manométricos. En este ámbito, los convertidores analógico-digitales basados en osciladores controlados por tensión son uno de los candidatos más prometedores. Los convertidores analógico-digitales basados en osciladores controlados por tensión han sido típicamente analizados considerando que la fase del oscilador es una variable de estado similar a las que se observan en los moduladores __. Aunque esta consideración puede llevarnos a diseños funcionales (como se puede apreciar en muchos artículos de la literatura), en ella no se tiene en cuenta ni los parámetros de oscilación ni la naturaleza determinística del ruido de cuantificación. Para solventar esta cuestión, en este documento se propone una interpretación alternativa de este tipo de sistemas haciendo uso de la teoría de la modulación por frecuencia de pulsos. Esto nos permite calcular de forma analítica las ecuaciones que modelan el ruido de cuantificación en función de los parámetros de oscilación. Se propone también un modelo lineal para el análisis de convertidores analógico-digitales basados en osciladores controlados por tensión. Este modelo permite determinar las diferentes fuentes de error que se producen durante el proceso de digitalización de los datos de entrada y las limitaciones que suponen. Un modelo genérico de convertidor de cualquier orden se propone con la ayuda de este modelo. Sin embargo, solo los casos de primer orden y una aproximación al caso de segundo orden se pueden implementar en la práctica. La teoría de la modulación por frecuencia de pulsos también permite nuevas perspectivas para la propuesta y el análisis tanto de arquitecturas de una sola etapa como de arquitecturas de varias etapas construidas con osciladores controlados por tensión. Se proponen y se describen arquitecturas en lazo abierto como son las basadas en osciladores controlador por tensión con moduladores digitales en la etapa de entrada, moduladores por frecuencia de pulsos que se utilizan como convertidores analógico-digitales eficientes o arquitecturas en cascada en las que se optimizan la distribución de los ceros en la función de transferencia del ruido. También se realiza una aproximación a la propuesta y el análisis de arquitecturas en lazo cerrado. Al mismo tiempo, se aborda una de las problemáticas más importantes de los osciladores controlados por tensión (especialmente en aquellos implementados mediante osciladores en anillo): la relación tensión-freculineal que presentan este tipo de circuitos. En el documento, se describen dos técnicas cuyo objetivo es mitigar esta limitación. La primera técnica de corrección se basa en el uso de un modulador por ancho de pulsos antes del oscilador controlado por tensión. De esta forma, solo existen dos estados de oscilación en el oscilador, se trabaja de forma lineal y no se genera distorsión en los datos de salida. La técnica se propone de forma teórica haciendo uso de la teoría desarrollada previamente. Para llevar a cabo la validación de la propuesta teórica se fabricó un prototipo experimental en un proceso CMOS de 40-nm. El chip mostró problemas de ruido que limitaban la resolución, sin embargo, nos permitió velicar que la resolución ideal que se podrá haber obtenido estaba muy cercana a la resolución esperada. Se obtuvo una potencial relación señal-(ruido-distorsión) igual a 56 dB en 20 MHz de ancho de banda, un consumo de 2.15 mW y un área igual a 0.03 mm2. En comparación con sistemas equivalentes, la arquitectura propuesta es más simple al mismo tiempo que se mantiene el consumo así como la linealidad. A continuación, se propone la implementación de un convertidor analógico digital mediante un modulador por frecuencia de pulsos. La arquitectura propuesta es intrínsecamente lineal y hace uso de una línea de retraso digital con el fin de mejorar la resolución del convertidor. Como parte del trabajo experimental, se fabricó otro chip en tecnología CMOS de 40 nm con dicha arquitectura, de la que se obtuvieron resultados notables. Estos resultados permitieron verificar que la arquitectura propuesta, en efecto, podrá emplearse como convertidor analógico-digital eficiente. La arquitectura consigue una relación real señal-(ruido-distorsión) igual a 53 dB en 20 MHz de ancho de banda, un consumo de 3.5 mW y un área igual a 0.08 mm2. Se obtiene una gran linealidad y, en comparación con arquitecturas equivalentes, el consumo es menor mientras que el área ocupada se mantiene similar. En general, las aportaciones propuestas en este documento se pueden aplicar a cualquier tipo de aplicación, independientemente de los requisitos de resolución, ancho de banda, consumo u área. Sin embargo, en el caso de los prototipos fabricados, las especificaciones se relacionan con el ámbito de las comunicaciones (VDSL, VDSL2, o incluso G.fast), en donde se requiere una resolución media (9-10 bits), alto ancho de banda (20 MHz), manteniendo bajo consumo y baja área ocupada.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Michael Peter Kennedy.- Secretario: Antonio Jesús López Martín.- Vocal: Jörg Hauptman

    Signal processing using short word-length

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    Recently short word-length (normally 1 bit or bits) processing has become a promising technique. However, there are unresolved issues in sigma-delta modulation, which is the basis for 1b/2b systems. These issues hindered the full adoption of single-bit techniues in industry. Among these problems is the stability of high-order modulators and the limit cycle behaviour. More importantly, there is no adaptive LMS structure of any kind in 1b/2b domain. The challenge in this problem is the harsh quantization that prevents straightforward LMS application. In this thesis, the focus has been made on three axes: designing new single-bit DSP applications, proposing novel approaches for stability analysis, and tacking the unresolved problems of 1b/2b adaptive filtering. Two structures for 1b digital comb filtering are proposed. A ternary DC blocker structure is also presented and performanc e is tested. We also proposed a single-bit multiplierless DC-blocking structure. The stability of a single-bit high-order signma-delta modulator is studied under dc inputs. A new approach for stability analysis is proposed based on analogy with PLL analysis. Finally we succeeded in designing 1b/2b Wiener-like filtering and introduced (for the first time) three 1b/2b adaptive schemes

    1-Bit processing based model predictive control for fractionated satellite missions

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    In this thesis, a 1-bit processing based Model Predictive Control (OBMPC) structure is proposed for a fractionated satellite attitude control mission. Despite the appealing advantages of the MPC algorithm towards constrained MIMO control applications, implementing the MPC algorithm onboard a small satellite is certainly challenging due to the limited onboard resources. The proposed design is based on the 1-bit processing concept, which takes advantage of the affine relation between the 1-bit state feedback and multi-bit parameters to implement a multiplier free MPC controller. As multipliers are the major power consumer in online optimization, the OBMPC structure is proven to be more efficient in comparison to the conventional MPC implementation in term of power and circuit complexity. The system is in digital control nature, affected by quantization noise introduced by Δ∑ modulators. The stability issues and practical design criteria are also discussed in this work. Some other aspects are considered in this work to complete the control system. Firstly, the implementation of the OBMPC system relies on the 1-bit state feedbacks. Hence, 1-bit sensing components are needed to implement the OBMPC system. While the ∆∑ modulator based Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) gyroscope is considered in this work, it is possible to implement this concept into other sensing components. Secondly, as the proposed attitude mission is based on the wireless inter-satellite link (ISL), a state estimator is required. However, conventional state estimators will once again introduce multi-bit signals, and compromise the simple, direct implementation of the OBMPC controller. Therefore, the 1-bit state estimator is also designed in this work to satisfy the requirements of the proposed fractionated attitude control mission. The simulation for the OBMPC is based on a 2U CubeSat model in a fractionated satellite structure, in which the payload and actuators are separated from the controller and controlled via the ISL. Matlab simulations and FPGA implementation based performance analysis shows that the OBMPC is feasible for fractionated satellite missions and is advantageous over the conventional MPC controllers