70 research outputs found

    Structuring Multilevel Discrete-Event Systems With Dependence Structure Matrices

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    Despite the correct-by-construction property, one of the major drawbacks of supervisory control synthesis is state-space explosion. Several approaches have been proposed to overcome this computational difficulty, such as modular, hierarchical, decentralized, and multilevel supervisory control synthesis. Unfortunately, the modeler needs to provide additional information about the system's structure or controller's structure as input for most of these nonmonolithic synthesis procedures. Multilevel synthesis assumes that the system is provided in a tree-structured format, which may resemble a system decomposition. In this paper, we present a systematic approach to transform a set of plant models and a set of requirement models provided as extended finite automata into a tree-structured multilevel discrete-event system to which multilevel supervisory control synthesis can be applied. By analyzing the dependencies between the plants and the requirements using dependence structure matrix techniques, a multilevel clustering can be calculated. With the modeling framework of extended finite automata, plant models and requirements depend on each other when they share events or variables. We report on experimental results of applying the algorithm's implementation on several models available in the literature to assess the applicability of the proposed method. The benefit of multilevel synthesis based on the calculated clustering is significant for most large-scale systems

    Model Properties for Efficient Synthesis of Nonblocking Modular Supervisors

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    Supervisory control theory provides means to synthesize supervisors for systems with discrete-event behavior from models of the uncontrolled plant and of the control requirements. The applicability of supervisory control theory often fails due to a lack of scalability of the algorithms. We propose a format for the requirements and a method to ensure that the crucial properties of controllability and nonblockingness directly hold, thus avoiding the most computationally expensive parts of synthesis. The method consists of creating a control problem dependency graph and verifying whether it is acyclic. Vertices of the graph are modular plant components, and edges are derived from the requirements. In case of a cyclic graph, potential blocking issues can be localized, so that the original control problem can be reduced to only synthesizing supervisors for smaller partial control problems. The strength of the method is illustrated on two case studies: a production line and a roadway tunnel.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Control Engineering Practice, revision


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    Dynamical systems can be classified into two groups. One group is continuoustime systems that describe the physical system behavior, and therefore are typically modeled by differential equations. The other group is discrete event systems (DES)s that represent the sequential and logical behavior of a system. DESs are therefore modeled by discrete state/event models.DESs are widely used for formal verification and enforcement of desired behaviors in embedded systems. Such systems are naturally prone to faults, and the knowledge about each single fault is crucial from safety and economical point of view. Fault diagnosability verification, which is the ability to deduce about the occurrence of all failures, is one of the problems that is investigated in this thesis. Another verification problem that is addressed in this thesis is security/privacy. The two notions currentstate opacity and current-state anonymity that lie within this category, have attracted great attention in recent years, due to the progress of communication networks and mobile devices.Usually, DESs are modular and consist of interacting subsystems. The interaction is achieved by means of synchronous composition of these components. This synchronization results in large monolithic models of the total DES. Also, the complex computations, related to each specific verification problem, add even more computational complexity, resulting in the well-known state-space explosion problem.To circumvent the state-space explosion problem, one efficient approach is to exploit the modular structure of systems and apply incremental abstraction. In this thesis, a unified abstraction method that preserves temporal logic properties and possible silent loops is presented. The abstraction method is incrementally applied on the local subsystems, and it is proved that this abstraction preserves the main characteristics of the system that needs to be verified.The existence of shared unobservable events means that ordinary incremental abstraction does not work for security/privacy verification of modular DESs. To solve this problem, a combined incremental abstraction and observer generation is proposed and analyzed. Evaluations show the great impact of the proposed incremental abstraction on diagnosability and security/privacy verification, as well as verification of generic safety and liveness properties. Thus, this incremental strategy makes formal verification of large complex systems feasible

    Supervisory control synthesis for large-scale infrastructural systems

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    Supervisory control synthesis for large-scale infrastructural systems

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    On the control of the paint factory scale model

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    This report is about the modelling and control of a paint factory scale model, located at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven1 (TU/e) in Eindhoven, Netherlands. The goal of this study is to apply supervisory control theory (SCT), as defined by Peter J. Ramadge and W. Murray Wonham in their well-known article [Ramadge and Wonham, 1989], on a quite realistic system. But the classical state space explosion problem of SCT arises also in this case study. Thus we decided to apply the theory of coordination control, in order to synthesise several smaller supervisors and overcome this complexity issue. The two next sections describe the physical elements that take part in the scale model and its desired behaviour. A first attempt at TU/e to fully model the system using the SCT framework by a student had shown that the system is too complex for the computation of a single supervisor using standard SCT [Hamer, 2007]. We will see in section 4 how far this student and other ones have managed to model the physical system and compute a supervisor for it. Section 5 deals with our current proposition to model this system, thanks to the theory of coordination control, and includes a discussion of the results at the end

    Distributed Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems with Communication Delay

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    This paper identifies a property of delay-robustness in distributed supervisory control of discrete-event systems (DES) with communication delays. In previous work a distributed supervisory control problem has been investigated on the assumption that inter-agent communications take place with negligible delay. From an applications viewpoint it is desirable to relax this constraint and identify communicating distributed controllers which are delay-robust, namely logically equivalent to their delay-free counterparts. For this we introduce inter-agent channels modeled as 2-state automata, compute the overall system behavior, and present an effective computational test for delay-robustness. From the test it typically results that the given delay-free distributed control is delay-robust with respect to certain communicated events, but not for all, thus distinguishing events which are not delay-critical from those that are. The approach is illustrated by a workcell model with three communicating agents