26 research outputs found

    The Measurement and Analysis of Housing Preference and Choice

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    What are the current trends in housing? Is my planned project commercially viable? What should be my marketing and advertisement strategies? These are just some of the questions real estate agents, landlords and developers ask researchers to answer. But to find the answers, researchers are faced with a wide variety of methods that measure housing preferences and choices. To select and value a valid research method, one needs a well-structured overview of the methods that are used in housing preference and housing choice research. This comprehensive introduction to this field offers just such an overview. It discusses and compares numerous methods, detailing the potential limitation of each one, and it reaches beyond methodology, illustrating how thoughtful consideration of methods and techniques in research can help researchers and other professionals to deliver products and services that are more in line with residents’ needs

    The Measurement and Analysis of Housing Preference and Choice

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    What are the current trends in housing? Is my planned project commercially viable? What should be my marketing and advertisement strategies? These are just some of the questions real estate agents, landlords and developers ask researchers to answer. But to find the answers, researchers are faced with a wide variety of methods that measure housing preferences and choices. To select and value a valid research method, one needs a well-structured overview of the methods that are used in housing preference and housing choice research. This comprehensive introduction to this field offers just such an overview. It discusses and compares numerous methods, detailing the potential limitation of each one, and it reaches beyond methodology, illustrating how thoughtful consideration of methods and techniques in research can help researchers and other professionals to deliver products and services that are more in line with residents’ needs

    The identification of a multi-ethnic South African typology

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    The aim of this study was to discover whether a value-based typology could be established that was applicable to all South African adults. It was predicated on the basis of a literature review and previous research findings that there were two major underlying dimensions of values: collectivism versus individualism and inner- versus outer-directed. The parameters of these dimensions were hypothesised within the framework of a common social structure, based on a number of related propositions. It was also hypothesised that the South African adult population consisted of five types. Five value measures were examined and found to have disadvantages for South Africa. A value measurement technique had been developed in South Africa for an on-going study titled Sociomonitor. The core of this study was the measurement of values of relevance to marketing and media. Over the period 1976 to 1993 separate value based typologies were identified for urban Blacks and Whites. In 1995 both races were covered in the same year and a common typology was found. In 1997/8 Sociomonitor was extended to the total adult population of South Africa. Respondents were sub-divided into Collectivism, Individualism, Inner- and Outer-directed groups. The characteristics of which were found to be substantially as had been expected. South African adults were categorised into five value types. Three of which were as had been hypothesised, two were in place of one of the five anticipated and one wasn't found. It is concluded that the values of adults from all ethnic groups fall within the parameters of collectivism versus individualism and inner- versus outer-directed. Furthermore, there are five different value types in the South African adult population that transcend ethnic boundaries. The implications of a multi-ethnic typology for marketing, social and political decision-making, research and the formulation of scenarios are outlined. It is recommended that this type of research be extended to other African countries and small communities.Dissertation (PHD)--University of Pretoria, 2003.Psychologyunrestricte

    Angielsko-polski słownik IA, UX, UI & SEO

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    "Angielsko-polski słownik IA, UX, UI & SEO zawiera 4 800 haseł, na które składają się terminy z zakresu: architektury informacji, projektowania wrażeń (doświadczeń) i interfejsów użytkownika oraz optymalizacji stron internetowych jako elementu marketingu internetowego. Anglojęzyczne hasła opatrzono ich polskimi odpowiednikami; do niejednoznacznych lub mniej zrozumiałych tłumaczeń dodano objaśnienia i dopowiedzenia. Krótkie opisy wyjaśniające Czytelnik znajdzie także w tych hasłach, które odnoszą się do angielskich słów lub wyrażeń niemających jeszcze powszechnie przyjętego polskiego ekwiwalentu. W słowniku znalazły się również słowa należące do języka ogólnego, które ściśle wiążą się z tematyką słownika lub tworzą z terminami kolokacje i mogłyby powodować trudności w pracy nad przekładem. Słownik jest adresowany do wszystkich osób zainteresowanych problematyką digital design: projektowaniem, tworzeniem oraz marketingiem internetowym produktów i usług cyfrowych, a także kształtowaniem, organizowaniem i integrowaniem przestrzeni informacyjnych. Podstawę słownika stanowi słownictwo pochodzące z tekstów głównych i indeksów książek, norm, standardów, wytycznych oraz internetowych glosariuszy. Pełny wykaz źródeł materiału leksykalnego został zamieszczony w dalszej części wstępu. Źródła wykorzystane podczas opracowywania słownika umożliwiły zebranie najważniejszej terminologii z zakresu architektury informacji (IA), wrażeń użytkownika (UX), interfejsu użytkownika (UI) i optymalizacji stron internetowych (SEO). Jeśli weźmiemy jednak pod uwagę szybki rozwój tych specjalności, a co za tym idzie terminologii, należy podkreślić, że słownik ma charakter otwarty i będzie wymagał regularnej aktualizacji. W słowniku przy wyrazach hasłowych mających brytyjską wersję pisowni zamieszczono odsyłacze zob. do wersji amerykańskiej. Formy nieregularne liczby mnogiej rzeczowników podano w nawiasach i poprzedzono kwalifikatorem pl." [...] (fragm.

    Obiter Dicta

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    "Stitched together over five years of journaling, Obiter Dicta is a commonplace book of freewheeling explorations representing the transcription of a dozen notebooks, since painstakingly reimagined for publication. Organized after Theodor Adorno’s Minima Moralia, this unschooled exercise in aesthetic thought—gleefully dilettantish, oftentimes dangerously close to the epigrammatic—interrogates an array of subject matter (although inescapably circling back to the curiously resemblant histories of Western visual art and instrumental music) through the lens of drive-by speculation. Erick Verran’s approach to philosophical inquiry follows the brute-force literary technique of Jacques Derrida to exhaustively favor the material grammar of a signifier over hand-me-down meaning, juxtaposing outer semblances with their buried systems and our etched-in-stone intuitions about color and illusion, shape and value, with lessons stolen from seemingly unrelatable disciplines. Interlarded with extracts of Ludwig Wittgenstein but also Wallace Stevens, Cormac McCarthy as well as Roland Barthes, this cache of incidental remarks eschews what’s granular for the biggest picture available, leaving below the hyper-specialized fields of academia for a bird’s-eye view of their crop circles. Obiter Dicta is an unapologetic experiment in intellectual dot-connecting that challenges much long-standing wisdom about everything from illuminated manuscripts to Minecraft and the evolution of European music with lyrical brevity; that is, before jumping to the next topic.

    Managing the Paradox of Growth in Brand Communities Through Social Media

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    The commercial benefits of online brand communities are an important focus for marketers seeking deeper engagement with increasingly elusive consumers. Managing participation in these socially bound brand conversations challenges practitioners to balance authenticity towards the community against corporate goals. This is important as social media proliferation affords communities the capacity to reach a scale well beyond their offline equivalents and to operate independently of brands. While research has identified the important elements of engagement in brand communities, less is known about how strategies required to maximise relationships in these circumstances must change with growth. Using a case study approach, we examine how a rapidly growing firm and its community have managed the challenges of a maturing relationship. We find that, in time, the community becomes self-sustaining, and a new set of marketing management strategies is required to move engagement to the next level

    Managing the Paradox of Growth in Brand Communities Through Social Media

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    The commercial benefits of online brand communities are an important focus for marketers seeking deeper engagement with increasingly elusive consumers. Managing participation in these socially bound brand conversations challenges practitioners to balance authenticity towards the community against corporate goals. This is important as social media proliferation affords communities the capacity to reach a scale well beyond their offline equivalents and to operate independently of brands. While research has identified the important elements of engagement in brand communities, less is known about how strategies required to maximise relationships in these circumstances must change with growth. Using a case study approach, we examine how a rapidly growing firm and its community have managed the challenges of a maturing relationship. We find that, in time, the community becomes self-sustaining, and a new set of marketing management strategies is required to move engagement to the next level

    Measurement of service innovation project success:A practical tool and theoretical implications

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