26 research outputs found

    Improved Garbled Circuit Building Blocks and Applications to Auctions and Computing Minima

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    We consider generic Garbled Circuit (GC)-based techniques for Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) in the semi-honest model. We describe efficient GC constructions for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and comparison functions. Our circuits for subtraction and comparison are approximately two times smaller (in terms of garbled tables) than previous constructions. This implies corresponding computation and communication improvements in SFE of functions using our efficient building blocks. The techniques rely on recently proposed ``free XOR\u27\u27 GC technique. Further, we present concrete and detailed improved GC protocols for the problem of secure integer comparison, and related problems of auctions, minimum selection, and minimal distance. Performance improvement comes both from building on our efficient basic blocks and several problem-specific GC optimizations. We provide precise cost evaluation of our constructions, which serves as a baseline for future protocols

    F3B: A Low-Overhead Blockchain Architecture with Per-Transaction Front-Running Protection

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    Front-running attacks, which benefit from advanced knowledge of pending transactions, have proliferated in the blockchain space since the emergence of decentralized finance. Front-running causes devastating losses to honest participants and continues to endanger the fairness of the ecosystem. We present Flash Freezing Flash Boys (F3B), a blockchain architecture that addresses front-running attacks by using threshold cryptography. In F3B, a user generates a symmetric key to encrypt their transaction, and once the underlying consensus layer has finalized the transaction, a decentralized secret-management committee reveals this key. F3B mitigates front-running attacks because, before the consensus group finalizes it, an adversary can no longer read the content of a transaction, thus preventing the adversary from benefiting from advanced knowledge of pending transactions. Unlike other mitigation systems, F3B properly ensures that all unfinalized transactions, even with significant delays, remain private by adopting per-transaction protection. Furthermore, F3B addresses front-running at the execution layer; thus, our solution is agnostic to the underlying consensus algorithm and compatible with existing smart contracts. We evaluated F3B on Ethereum with a modified execution layer and found only a negligible (0.026%) increase in transaction latency, specifically due to running threshold decryption with a 128-member secret-management committee after a transaction is finalized; this indicates that F3B is both practical and low-cost

    On Privacy Preserving Blockchains and zk-SNARKs

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    Viimastel aastatel on krüptoraha ja plokiahela tehnoloogia leidnud suurt tähelepanu nii kaubanduslikust kui ka teaduslikust vaatenurgast. Krüptoraha kujutab endast digitaalseid münte, mis kasutades krüptograafilisi vahendeid võimaldab turvalisi tehinguid võrdvõrkudes. Bitcoin on kõige tuntum krüptoraha, mis võimaldab otsetehinguid kasutajate pseudonüümide vahel ilma, et oleks vaja kolmandaid osapooli. Paraku kui kasutaja pseudonüüm on seotud tema identiteediga, on kõik tema tehingud jälgitavad ning kaob privaatsus.Selle lahendamiseks on välja pakutud erinevaid privaatsust säilitavaid krüptorahasi, mis kasutavad anonüümsete tehingute saavutamiseks krüptograafilisi tööriistu. Zerocash on üks populaarseimatest privaatsetest krüptorahadest, mis kasutab iga tehingu allika, sihtkoha ja väärtuse varjamiseks nullteadmustõestust.Antud töö koosneb kahest peamisest osast.Esimeses osas kirjeldame, pärast lühikest ülevaadet mõnest privaatsest krüptorahast (Bitcoin, Monero ja Zerocoin), Zerocashi konstruktsiooni ja anname intuitsiivse seletuse selle tööpõhimõttele. Me tutvustame kasutuselevõetud primitiive ja arutleme iga primitiivi rolli üle mündi konstruktsioonis. Erilist tähelepanu pöörame kompaktsetele nullteadmustõestusetele (zk-SNARKidele), millel on peamine roll Zerocashis.Kuna nullteadmustõestus on niivõrd olulisel kohal Zerocashis (ja teistes privaatsetes rakendustes) siis töö teises osas pakume välja uue variatsiooni Grothi 2016. aasta zk-SNARKile, mis on seni kõige tõhusam.Erinevalt Grothi konstruktsioonist, meie variatsioonis ei ole võimalik tõestusi modifitseerida.Muudatused mõjutavad nullteadmustõestuse tõhusust vaid minimaalselt ning meie konstruktsioon on kiirem kui Grothi ja Malleri 2017. nullteadmustõestus, mis samuti välistab muudetavuse.During last few years, along with blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies have found huge attention from both commercial and scientific perspectives. Cryptocurrencies are digital coins which use cryptographic tools to allow secure peer-to-peer monetary transactions. Bitcoin is the most well-known cryptocurrency that allows direct payments between pseudonyms without any third party. If a user's pseudonym is linked to her identity, all her transactions will be traceable, which will violate her privacy. To address this, various privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies have been proposed that use different cryptographic tools to achieve anonymous transactions. Zerocash is one of the most popular ones that uses zero-knowledge proofs to hide the source, destination and value of each transaction. This thesis consists of two main parts. In the first part, after a short overview of some cryptocurrencies (precisely Bitcoin, Monero and Zerocoin), we will explain the construction of Zerocash cryptocurrency and discuss the intuition behind the construction. More precisely, we will introduce the deployed primitives and will discuss the role of each primitive in the construction of the coin. In particular, we explain zero-knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge (a.k.a. zk-SNARKs) that play the main role in achieving strong privacy in Zerocash. Due to the importance of zk-SNARKs in privacy-preserving applications, in the second part of the thesis, we will present a new variation of Groth's 2016 zk-SNARK that currently is the most efficient pairing-based scheme. The main difference between the proposed variation and the original one is that unlike the original version, new variation guarantees non-malleability of generated proofs. Our analysis shows that the proposed changes have minimal effects on the efficiency of the original scheme and particularly it outperforms Groth and Maller's 2017 zk-SNARK that also guarantees non-malleability of proofs

    Anonymous Single-Round Server-Aided Verification

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    Server-Aided Verification (SAV) is a method that can be employed to speed up the process of verifying signatures by letting the verifier outsource part of its computation load to a third party. Achieving fast and reliable verification under the presence of an untrusted server is an attractive goal in cloud computing and internet of things scenarios. In this paper, we describe a simple framework for SAV where the interaction between a verifier and an untrusted server happens via a single-round protocol. We propose a security model for SAV that refines existing ones and includes the new notions of SAV-anonymity and extended unforgeability. In addition, we apply our definitional framework to provide the first generic transformation from any signature scheme to a single-round SAV scheme that incorporates verifiable computation. Our compiler identifies two independent ways to achieve SAV-anonymity: computationally, through the privacy of the verifiable computation scheme, or unconditionally, through the adaptibility of the signature scheme. Finally, we define three novel instantiations of SAV schemes obtained through our compiler. Compared to previous works, our proposals are the only ones which simultaneously achieve existential unforgeability and soundness against collusion

    Ballot secrecy: Security definition, sufficient conditions, and analysis of Helios

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    We propose a definition of ballot secrecy as an indistinguishability game in the computational model of cryptography. Our definition improves upon earlier definitions to ensure ballot secrecy is preserved in the presence of an adversary that controls ballot collection. We also propose a definition of ballot independence as an adaptation of an indistinguishability game for asymmetric encryption. We prove relations between our definitions. In particular, we prove ballot independence is sufficient for ballot secrecy in voting systems with zero-knowledge tallying proofs. Moreover, we prove that building systems from non-malleable asymmetric encryption schemes suffices for ballot secrecy, thereby eliminating the expense of ballot-secrecy proofs for a class of encryption-based voting systems. We demonstrate applicability of our results by analysing the Helios voting system and its mixnet variant. Our analysis reveals that Helios does not satisfy ballot secrecy in the presence of an adversary that controls ballot collection. The vulnerability cannot be detected by earlier definitions of ballot secrecy, because they do not consider such adversaries. We adopt non-malleable ballots as a fix and prove that the fixed system satisfies ballot secrecy

    G-Merkle: A Hash-Based Group Signature Scheme From Standard Assumptions

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    Hash-based signature schemes are the most promising cryptosystem candidates in a post-quantum world, but offer little structure to enable more sophisticated constructions such as group signatures. Group signatures allow a group member to anonymously sign messages on behalf of the whole group (as needed for anonymous remote attestation). In this work, we introduce G-Merkle, the first (stateful) hash-based group signature scheme. Our proposal relies on minimal assumptions, namely the existence of one-way functions, and offers performance equivalent to the Merkle single-signer setting. The public key size (as small as in the single-signer setting) outperforms all other post-quantum group signatures. Moreover, for NN group members issuing at most BB signatures each, the size of a hash-based group signature is just as large as a Merkle signature with a tree composed by NBN\cdot B leaf nodes. This directly translates into fast signing and verification engines. Different from lattice-based counterparts, our construction does not require any random oracle. Note that due to the randomized structure of our Merkle tree, the signature authentication paths are pre-stored or deduced from a public tree, which seems a requirement hard to circumvent. To conclude, we present implementation results to demonstrate the practicality of our proposal

    Security and Privacy Preservation in Mobile Crowdsensing

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    Mobile crowdsensing (MCS) is a compelling paradigm that enables a crowd of individuals to cooperatively collect and share data to measure phenomena or record events of common interest using their mobile devices. Pairing with inherent mobility and intelligence, mobile users can collect, produce and upload large amounts of data to service providers based on crowdsensing tasks released by customers, ranging from general information, such as temperature, air quality and traffic condition, to more specialized data, such as recommended places, health condition and voting intentions. Compared with traditional sensor networks, MCS can support large-scale sensing applications, improve sensing data trustworthiness and reduce the cost on deploying expensive hardware or software to acquire high-quality data. Despite the appealing benefits, however, MCS is also confronted with a variety of security and privacy threats, which would impede its rapid development. Due to their own incentives and vulnerabilities of service providers, data security and user privacy are being put at risk. The corruption of sensing reports may directly affect crowdsensing results, and thereby mislead customers to make irrational decisions. Moreover, the content of crowdsensing tasks may expose the intention of customers, and the sensing reports might inadvertently reveal sensitive information about mobile users. Data encryption and anonymization techniques can provide straightforward solutions for data security and user privacy, but there are several issues, which are of significantly importance to make MCS practical. First of all, to enhance data trustworthiness, service providers need to recruit mobile users based on their personal information, such as preferences, mobility pattern and reputation, resulting in the privacy exposure to service providers. Secondly, it is inevitable to have replicate data in crowdsensing reports, which may possess large communication bandwidth, but traditional data encryption makes replicate data detection and deletion challenging. Thirdly, crowdsensed data analysis is essential to generate crowdsensing reports in MCS, but the correctness of crowdsensing results in the absence of malicious mobile users and service providers become a huge concern for customers. Finally yet importantly, even if user privacy is preserved during task allocation and data collection, it may still be exposed during reward distribution. It further discourage mobile users from task participation. In this thesis, we explore the approaches to resolve these challenges in MCS. Based on the architecture of MCS, we conduct our research with the focus on security and privacy protection without sacrificing data quality and users' enthusiasm. Specifically, the main contributions are, i) to enable privacy preservation and task allocation, we propose SPOON, a strong privacy-preserving mobile crowdsensing scheme supporting accurate task allocation. In SPOON, the service provider recruits mobile users based on their locations, and selects proper sensing reports according to their trust levels without invading user privacy. By utilizing the blind signature, sensing tasks are protected and reports are anonymized. In addition, a privacy-preserving credit management mechanism is introduced to achieve decentralized trust management and secure credit proof for mobile users; ii) to improve communication efficiency while guaranteeing data confidentiality, we propose a fog-assisted secure data deduplication scheme, in which a BLS-oblivious pseudo-random function is developed to enable fog nodes to detect and delete replicate data in sensing reports without exposing the content of reports. Considering the privacy leakages of mobile users who report the same data, the blind signature is utilized to hide users' identities, and chameleon hash function is leveraged to achieve contribution claim and reward retrieval for anonymous greedy mobile users; iii) to achieve data statistics with privacy preservation, we propose a privacy-preserving data statistics scheme to achieve end-to-end security and integrity protection, while enabling the aggregation of the collected data from multiple sources. The correctness verification is supported to prevent the corruption of the aggregate results during data transmission based on the homomorphic authenticator and the proxy re-signature. A privacy-preserving verifiable linear statistics mechanism is developed to realize the linear aggregation of multiple crowdsensed data from a same device and the verification on the correctness of aggregate results; and iv) to encourage mobile users to participating in sensing tasks, we propose a dual-anonymous reward distribution scheme to offer the incentive for mobile users and privacy protection for both customers and mobile users in MCS. Based on the dividable cash, a new reward sharing incentive mechanism is developed to encourage mobile users to participating in sensing tasks, and the randomization technique is leveraged to protect the identities of customers and mobile users during reward claim, distribution and deposit

    Turvalise ühisarvutuse rakendamine

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    Andmetest on kasu vaid siis kui neid saab kasutada. Eriti suur lisandväärtus tekib siis, kui ühendada andmed erinevatest allikatest. Näiteks, liites kokku maksu- ja haridusandmed, saab riik läbi viia kõrghariduse erialade tasuvusanalüüse. Sama kehtib ka erasektoris - ühendades pankade maksekohustuste andmebaasid, saab efektiivsemalt tuvastada kõrge krediidiriskiga kliente. Selline andmekogude ühendamine on aga tihti konfidentsiaalsus- või privaatsusnõuete tõttu keelatud. Õigustatult, sest suuremahulised ühendatud andmekogud on atraktiivsed sihtmärgid nii häkkeritele kui ka ametnikele ja andmebaaside administraatoritele, kes oma õigusi kuritarvitada võivad. Seda sorti rünnete vastus aitab turvalise ühisarvutuse tehnoloogia kasutamine, mis võimaldab mitmed osapoolel andmeid ühiselt analüüsida, ilma et keegi neist pääseks ligi üksikutele kirjetele. Oma esimesest rakendamisest praktikas 2008. aastal on turvalise ühisarvutuse tehnoloogia praeguseks jõudnud seisu, kus seda juurutatakse hajusates rakendustes üle interneti ning seda pakutakse ka osana teistest teenustest. Käesolevas töös keskendume turvalise ühisarvutuse praktikas rakendamise tehnilistele küsimustele. Alustuseks tutvustame esimesi selle tehnoloogia rakendusi, tuvastame veel lahendamata probleeme ning pakume töö käigus välja lahendusi. Töö põhitulemus on samm-sammuline ülevaade sellise juurutuse elutsüklist, kasutades näitena esimest turvalise ühisarvutuse abil läbi viidud suuremahulisi registriandmeid hõlmavat uuringut. Sealhulgas anname ülevaate ka mittetehnilistest toimingutest nagu lepingute sõlmimine ja Andmekaitse Inspektsiooniga suhtlemine, mis tulenevad suurte organisatsioonide kaasamisest nagu seda on riigiasutused. Tulevikku vaadates pakume välja lahenduse, mis ühendab endas födereeritud andmevahetusplatvormi ja turvalise ühisarvutuse tehnoloogiat. Konkreetse lahendusena pakume Eesti riigi andmevahetuskihi X-tee täiustamist turvalise ühisarvutuse teenusega Sharemind. Selline arhitektuur võimaldaks mitmeid olemasolevaid andmekogusid uuringuteks liita efektiivselt ja turvaliselt, ilma üksikisikute privaatsust rikkumata.Data is useful only when used. This is especially true if one is able to combine several data sets. For example, combining income and educational data, it is possible for a government to get a return of investment overview of educational investments. The same is true in private sector. Combining data sets of financial obligations of their customers, banks could issue loans with lower credit risks. However, this kind of data sharing is often forbidden as citizens and customers have their privacy expectations. Moreover, such a combined database becomes an interesting target for both hackers as well as nosy officials and administrators taking advantage of their position. Secure multi-party computation is a technology that allows several parties to collaboratively analyse data without seeing any individual values. This technology is suitable for the above mentioned scenarios protecting user privacy from both insider and outsider attacks. With first practical applications using secure multi-party computation developed in 2000s, the technology is now mature enough to be used in distributed deployments and even offered as part of a service. In this work, we present solutions for technical difficulties in deploying secure multi-party computation in real-world applications. We will first give a brief overview of the current state of the art, bring out several shortcomings and address them. The main contribution of this work is an end-to-end process description of deploying secure multi-party computation for the first large-scale registry-based statistical study on linked databases. Involving large stakeholders like government institutions introduces also some non-technical requirements like signing contracts and negotiating with the Data Protection Agency. Looking into the future, we propose to deploy secure multi-party computation technology as a service on a federated data exchange infrastructure. This allows privacy-preserving analysis to be carried out faster and more conveniently, thus promoting a more informed government

    New Applications Of Public Ledgers

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    The last decade and a half has seen the rise of a new class of systems loosely categorized as public ledgers. Public ledgers guarantee that all posted information is permanently available to the entire public. Common realizations of public ledgers include public blockchains and centralized logs. In this work we investigate novel applications of public ledgers. We begin by describing enclave ledger interaction, a computational method that allows the execution of trusted execution environments or cryptographically obfuscated programs to be conditioned on the contents of the ledger. We then show how this conditional execution paradigm can be used to achieve fairness in dishonest majority secure multiparty computation, which is impossible in the plain model. Finally, we show how conditional execution can be used to build systems that facilitate law enforcement access to ciphertext while ensuring robust transparency and accountability mechanisms

    Anonymity and Time in Public-Key Encryption

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    In a world that is increasingly relying on digital technologies, the ability to securely communicate and distribute information is of crucial importance. Cryptography plays a key role in this context and the research presented in this thesis focuses on developing cryptographic primitives whose properties address more closely the needs of users. We start by considering the notion of robustness in public-key encryption, a property which models the idea that a ciphertext should not decrypt to a valid mes- sage under two different keys. In contexts where anonymity is relevant, robustness is likely to be needed as well, since a user cannot tell from the ciphertext if it is intended for him or not. We develop and study new notions of robustness, relating them to one another and showing how to achieve them. We then consider the important issue of protecting users’ privacy in broadcast encryption. Broadcast encryption (BE) is a cryptographic primitive designed to efficiently broadcast an encrypted message to a target set of users that can decrypt it. Its extensive real-life application to radio, television and web-casting renders BE an extremely interesting area. However, all the work so far has striven for efficiency, focusing in particular on solutions which achieve short ciphertexts, while very little attention has been given to anonymity. To address this issue, we formally define anonymous broadcast encryption, which guarantees recipient-anonymity, and we provide generic constructions to achieve it from public-key, identity-based and attribute-based encryption. Furthermore, we present techniques to improve the efficiency of our constructions. Finally, we develop a new primitive, called time-specific encryption (TSE), which allows us to include the important element of time in the encryption and decryption processes. In TSE, the sender is able to specify during what time interval a ciphertext can be decrypted by a receiver. This is a relevant property since information may become useless after a certain point, sensitive data may not be released before a particular time, or we may wish to enable access to information for only a limited period. We define security models for various flavours of TSE and provide efficient instantiations for all of them. These results represent our efforts in developing public-key encryption schemes with enhanced properties, whilst maintaining the delicate balance between security and efficiency