155 research outputs found

    PCDT: Power Cabinet Diagnosis Tool

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    Contributions to artificial intelligence: the IIIA perspective

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    La intel·ligència artificial (IA) és un camp científic i tecnològic relativament nou dedicat a l'estudi de la intel·ligència mitjançant l'ús d'ordinadors com a eines per produir comportament intel·ligent. Inicialment, l'objectiu era essencialment científic: assolir una millor comprensió de la intel·ligència humana. Aquest objectiu ha estat, i encara és, el dels investigadors en ciència cognitiva. Dissortadament, aquest fascinant però ambiciós objectiu és encara molt lluny de ser assolit i ni tan sols podem dir que ens hi haguem acostat significativament. Afortunadament, però, la IA també persegueix un objectiu més aplicat: construir sistemes que ens resultin útils encara que la intel·ligència artificial de què estiguin dotats no tingui res a veure amb la intel·ligència humana i, per tant, aquests sistemes no ens proporcionarien necessàriament informació útil sobre la naturalesa de la intel·ligència humana. Aquest objectiu, que s'emmarca més aviat dins de l'àmbit de l'enginyeria, és actualment el que predomina entre els investigadors en IA i ja ha donat resultats impresionants, tan teòrics com aplicats, en moltíssims dominis d'aplicació. A més, avui dia, els productes i les aplicacions al voltant de la IA representen un mercat anual de desenes de milers de milions de dòlars. Aquest article resumeix les principals contribucions a la IA fetes pels investigadors de l'Institut d'Investigació en Intel·ligència Artificial del Consell Superior d'Investigacions Científiques durant els darrers cinc anys.Artificial intelligence is a relatively new scientific and technological field which studies the nature of intelligence by using computers to produce intelligent behaviour. Initially, the main goal was a purely scientific one, understanding human intelligence, and this remains the aim of cognitive scientists. Unfortunately, such an ambitious and fascinating goal is not only far from being achieved but has yet to be satisfactorily approached. Fortunately, however, artificial intelligence also has an engineering goal: building systems that are useful to people even if the intelligence of such systems has no relation whatsoever with human intelligence, and therefore being able to build them does not necessarily provide any insight into the nature of human intelligence. This engineering goal has become the predominant one among artificial intelligence researchers and has produced impressive results, ranging from knowledge-based systems to autonomous robots, that have been applied to many different domains. Furthermore, artificial intelligence products and services today represent an annual market of tens of billions of dollars worldwide. This article summarizes the main contributions to the field of artificial intelligence made at the IIIA-CSIC (Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of the Spanish Scientific Research Council) over the last five years

    Automated Deduction – CADE 28

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    This open access book constitutes the proceeding of the 28th International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE 28, held virtually in July 2021. The 29 full papers and 7 system descriptions presented together with 2 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 76 submissions. CADE is the major forum for the presentation of research in all aspects of automated deduction, including foundations, applications, implementations, and practical experience. The papers are organized in the following topics: Logical foundations; theory and principles; implementation and application; ATP and AI; and system descriptions

    An overview of decision table literature 1982-1995.

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    This report gives an overview of the literature on decision tables over the past 15 years. As much as possible, for each reference, an author supplied abstract, a number of keywords and a classification are provided. In some cases own comments are added. The purpose of these comments is to show where, how and why decision tables are used. The literature is classified according to application area, theoretical versus practical character, year of publication, country or origin (not necessarily country of publication) and the language of the document. After a description of the scope of the interview, classification results and the classification by topic are presented. The main body of the paper is the ordered list of publications with abstract, classification and comments.

    A workbench to develop ILP systems

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2022, which was held during April 2-7, 2022, in Munich, Germany, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022. The 46 full papers and 4 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 159 submissions. The proceedings also contain 16 tool papers of the affiliated competition SV-Comp and 1 paper consisting of the competition report. TACAS is a forum for researchers, developers, and users interested in rigorously based tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems. The conference aims to bridge the gaps between different communities with this common interest and to support them in their quest to improve the utility, reliability, exibility, and efficiency of tools and algorithms for building computer-controlled systems

    Recognising the design decisions in Prolog programs as a prelude to critiquing

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    This thesis presents an approach by which an automated teaching system can analyse the design of novices' Prolog programs for tutorial critiquing. Existing methodologies for tutorial analysis of programs focus on the kind of small pro¬ gramming examples that are used only in the early stages of teaching. If an automated teaching system is to be widely useful, it must cover a substantial amount of the teaching syllabus, and a critiquing system must be able to analyse and critique programs written during the later stages of the syllabus.The work is motivated by a study of students' Prolog programs which were written as assessed exercises towards the end of their course. These programs all work (in some sense), yet they reveal a wide range of design (laws (bodges) for which some form of tutoring would be useful. They present problems for any automated analysis in terms of the size of the programs, the number of individual decisions that must be made to create each program and the range of correct and incorrect decisions that may be made in each case.This study identifies two areas in the analysis of students' program in which further work is needed. Existing work has focussed only on the design and implementation decisions that relate closely to the programming language. That is not sufficient for these slightly more advanced programs, for which decisions in the problem domain must also be recognised. Existing work has focussed on the different ways to implement code, but in these programs the students also make decisions about which data structures are to be used. These decisions must also be part of an analysis.The thesis provides an approach which represents both decisions in the domain of the problem being solved and decisions about how to implement them in Prolog. Decisions in the problem domain are represented by tasks (for code) and by domain objects (for data structures). Decisions that are specific to the Prolog implementation are represented by prototypes which encapsulate standard programming techniques (for code) and by a polymorphic data type language (for data structures). Issues in devising these representations are discussed.An analysis-by synthesis approach is used for code recognition. This is aug¬ mented by a procedure called "clausal split" which isolates novel or poorly de¬ signed parts of an implementation. Following an incomplete analysis of the program by synthesis, the results of this analysis provide the basis for making inferences about the parts of the program that have not been understood. For analysing data structures, a type inference mechanism is combined with inference about the parts of domain objects. Inferred data type information is also used to limit search, both for synthesis and analysis.An architecture using this approach has been implemented. The success of the architecture is assessed on student's programs. From this assessment it is clear that much further work remains to be done, but the results are hopeful

    Configuration Analysis for Large Scale Feature Models: Towards Speculative-Based Solutions

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    Los sistemas de alta variabilidad son sistemas de software en los que la gestión de la variabilidad es una actividad central. Algunos ejemplos actuales de sistemas de alta variabilidad son el sistema web de gesión de contenidos Drupal, el núcleo de Linux, y las distribuciones Debian de Linux. La configuración en sistemas de alta variabilidad es la selección de opciones de configuración según sus restricciones de configuración y los requerimientos de usuario. Los modelos de características son un estándar “de facto” para modelar las funcionalidades comunes y variables de sistemas de alta variabilidad. No obstante, el elevado número de componentes y configuraciones que un modelo de características puede contener hacen que el análisis manual de estos modelos sea una tarea muy costosa y propensa a errores. Así nace el análisis automatizado de modelos de características con mecanismos y herramientas asistidas por computadora para extraer información de estos modelos. Las soluciones tradicionales de análisis automatizado de modelos de características siguen un enfoque de computación secuencial para utilizar una unidad central de procesamiento y memoria. Estas soluciones son adecuadas para trabajar con sistemas de baja escala. Sin embargo, dichas soluciones demandan altos costos de computación para trabajar con sistemas de gran escala y alta variabilidad. Aunque existan recusos informáticos para mejorar el rendimiento de soluciones de computación, todas las soluciones con un enfoque de computación secuencial necesitan ser adaptadas para el uso eficiente de estos recursos y optimizar su rendimiento computacional. Ejemplos de estos recursos son la tecnología de múltiples núcleos para computación paralela y la tecnología de red para computación distribuida. Esta tesis explora la adaptación y escalabilidad de soluciones para el analisis automatizado de modelos de características de gran escala. En primer lugar, nosotros presentamos el uso de programación especulativa para la paralelización de soluciones. Además, nosotros apreciamos un problema de configuración desde otra perspectiva, para su solución mediante la adaptación y aplicación de una solución no tradicional. Más tarde, nosotros validamos la escalabilidad y mejoras de rendimiento computacional de estas soluciones para el análisis automatizado de modelos de características de gran escala. Concretamente, las principales contribuciones de esta tesis son: • Programación especulativa para la detección de un conflicto mínimo y 1 2 preferente. Los algoritmos de detección de conflictos mínimos determinan el conjunto mínimo de restricciones en conflicto que son responsables de comportamiento defectuoso en el modelo en análisis. Nosotros proponemos una solución para, mediante programación especulativa, ejecutar en paralelo y reducir el tiempo de ejecución de operaciones de alto costo computacional que determinan el flujo de acción en la detección de conflicto mínimo y preferente en modelos de características de gran escala. • Programación especulativa para un diagnóstico mínimo y preferente. Los algoritmos de diagnóstico mínimo determinan un conjunto mínimo de restricciones que, por una adecuada adaptación de su estado, permiten conseguir un modelo consistente o libre de conflictos. Este trabajo presenta una solución para el diagnóstico mínimo y preferente en modelos de características de gran escala mediante la ejecución especulativa y paralela de operaciones de alto costo computacional que determinan el flujo de acción, y entonces disminuir el tiempo de ejecución de la solución. • Completar de forma mínima y preferente una configuración de modelo por diagnóstico. Las soluciones para completar una configuración parcial determinan un conjunto no necesariamente mínimo ni preferente de opciones para obtener una completa configuración. Esta tesis soluciona el completar de forma mínima y preferente una configuración de modelo mediante técnicas previamente usadas en contexto de diagnóstico de modelos de características. Esta tesis evalua que todas nuestras soluciones preservan los valores de salida esperados, y también presentan mejoras de rendimiento en el análisis automatizado de modelos de características con modelos de gran escala en las operaciones descrita

    Knowledge compilation for online decision-making : application to the control of autonomous systems = Compilation de connaissances pour la décision en ligne : application à la conduite de systèmes autonomes

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    La conduite de systèmes autonomes nécessite de prendre des décisions en fonction des observations et des objectifs courants : cela implique des tâches à effectuer en ligne, avec les moyens de calcul embarqués. Cependant, il s'agit généralement de tâches combinatoires, gourmandes en temps de calcul et en espace mémoire. Réaliser ces tâches intégralement en ligne dégrade la réactivité du système ; les réaliser intégralement hors ligne, en anticipant toutes les situations possibles, nuit à son embarquabilité. Les techniques de compilation de connaissances sont susceptibles d'apporter un compromis, en déportant au maximum l'effort de calcul avant la mise en situation du système. Ces techniques consistent à traduire un problème dans un certain langage, fournissant une forme compilée de ce problème, dont la résolution est facile et la taille aussi compacte que possible. La traduction peut être très longue, mais n'est effectuée qu'une seule fois, hors ligne. Il existe de nombreux langages-cible de compilation, notamment le langage des diagrammes de décision binaires (BDDs), qui ont été utilisés avec succès dans divers domaines (model-checking, configuration, planification). L'objectif de la thèse était d'étudier l'application de la compilation de connaissances à la conduite de systèmes autonomes. Nous nous sommes intéressés à des problèmes réels de planification, qui impliquent souvent des variables continues ou à grand domaine énuméré (temps ou mémoire par exemple). Nous avons orienté notre travail vers la recherche et l'étude de langages-cible de compilation assez expressifs pour permettre de représenter de tels problèmes.Controlling autonomous systems requires to make decisions depending on current observations and objectives. This involves some tasks that must be executed online-with the embedded computational power only. However, these tasks are generally combinatory; their computation is long and requires a lot of memory space. Entirely executing them online thus compromises the system's reactivity. But entirely executing them offline, by anticipating every possible situation, can lead to a result too large to be embedded. A tradeoff can be provided by knowledge compilation techniques, which shift as much as possible of the computational effort before the system's launching. These techniques consists in a translation of a problem into some language, obtaining a compiled form of the problem, which is both easy to solve and as compact as possible. The translation step can be very long, but it is only executed once, and offline. There are numerous target compilation languages, among which the language of binary decision diagrams (BDDs), which have been successfully used in various domains of artificial intelligence, such as model-checking, configuration, or planning. The objective of the thesis was to study how knowledge compilation could be applied to the control of autonomous systems. We focused on realistic planning problems, which often involve variables with continuous domains or large enumerated domains (such as time or memory space). We oriented our work towards the search for target compilation languages expressive enough to represent such problems