11 research outputs found


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    The activity of piezoelectric material linked the applied electric field with the strain generated that can be translated into geometrical variations. Flexible steel substrate exhibits fascinating mechanical properties which enable their integration into the emerging field of flexible microelectronics. This work presents an extended technique based on capacitance-voltage dependency to extract the geometrical variations in thin-film piezoelectric materials deposited on a flexible steel. A 50 μm flexible steel sheet has been sandwiched by two PZT film layers, each of 2.4 μm in thickness deposited by sputtering. An aluminum layer of 370 nm has been deposited above each PZT layer to form the electrical contact. The steel sheet represents the common electrode for both PZT structures. Gamry references 3000 analyzers were used to collect the capacitance-voltage measurements then estimating the piezoelectric charge constant. Experimental work has been validated by implementing the same method on a bulk piezoelectric film. Results have shown that the measured capacitance varies by 1% due to dielectric constant voltage dependency. On the other hand, 99% of capacitance variations depend on the change in physical dimensions of the sample via the piezoelectric effect. Further to that, this thesis explores the utilization of piezoelectric-based sensors to collect a corresponding representative signal from the chest surface. The subject typically needs to hold his or her breath to eliminate the respiration effect. This work further contributes to the extraction of the corresponding representative vital signs directly from the measured respiration signal. The contraction and expansion of the heart muscles, as well as the respiration activities, will induce a mechanical vibration across the chest wall. This vibration can be converted into an electrical output voltage via piezoelectric sensors. During breathing, the measured voltage signal is composed of the cardiac cycle activities modulated along with the respiratory cycle activity. The proposed technique employs the principles of piezoelectric and signal-processing methods to extract the corresponding signal of cardiac cycle activities from a breathing signal measured in real-time. All the results were validated step by step by a conventional apparatus, with good agreement observed

    Unobtrusive Monitoring of Heart Rate and Respiration Rate during Sleep

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    Sleep deprivation has various adverse psychological and physiological effects. The effects range from decreased vigilance causing an increased risk of e.g. traffic accidents to a decreased immune response causing an increased risk of falling ill. Prevalence of the most common sleep disorder, insomnia can be, depending on the study, as high as 30 % in adult population. Physiological information measured unobtrusively during sleep can be used to assess the quantity and the quality of sleep by detecting sleeping patterns and possible sleep disorders. The parameters derived from the signals measured with unobtrusive sensors may include all or some of the following: heartbeat intervals, respiration cycle lengths, and movements. The information can be used in wellness applications that include self-monitoring of the sleep quality or it can also be used for the screening of sleep disorders and in following-up of the effect of a medical treatment. Unobtrusive sensors do not cause excessive discomfort or inconvenience to the user and are thus suitable for long-term monitoring. Even though the monitoring itself does not solve the sleeping problems, it can encourage the users to pay more attention on their sleep. While unobtrusive sensors are convenient to use, their common drawback is that the quality of the signals they produce is not as good as with conventional measurement methods. Movement artifacts, for example, can make the detection of the heartbeat intervals and respiration impossible. The accuracy and the availability of the physiological information extracted from the signals however depend on the measurement principle and the signal analysis methods used. Three different measurement systems were constructed in the studies included in the thesis and signal processing methods were developed for detecting heartbeat intervals and respiration cycle lengths from the measured signals. The performance of the measurement systems and the signal analysis methods were evaluated separately for each system with healthy young adult subjects. The detection of physiological information with the three systems was based on the measurement of ballistocardiographic and respiration movement signals with force sensors placed under the bedposts, the measurement of electrocardiographic (ECG) signal with textile electrodes attached to the bed sheet, and the measurement of the ECG signal with non-contact capacitive electrodes. Combining the information produced by different measurement methods for improving the detection performance was also tested. From the evaluated methods, the most accurate heartbeat interval information was obtained with contact electrodes attached to the bed sheet. The same method also provided the highest heart rate detection coverage. This monitoring method, however, has a limitation that it requires a naked upper body, which is not necessarily acceptable for everyone. For respiration cycle length detection, better results were achieved by using signals recorded with force sensors placed under a bedpost than when extracting the respiration information from the ECG signal recorded with textile bed sheet electrodes. From the data quality point of view, an ideal night-time physiological monitoring system would include a contact ECG measurement for the heart rate monitoring and force sensors for the respiration monitoring. The force sensor signals could also be used for movement detection

    Physiological Information Analysis Using Unobtrusive Sensors: BCG from Load-Cell Based Infants' Bed and ECG from Patch Electrode

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 바이오엔지니어링전공, 2016. 8. 박광석.The aging population, chronic diseases, and infectious diseases are major challenges for our current healthcare system. To address these unmet healthcare needs, especially for the early prediction and treatment of major diseases, acquiring physiological information of different types has emerged as a promising interdisciplinary research area. Unobtrusive sensing techniques are instrumental in constructing a routine health management system, because they can be incorporated in daily life without confining individuals or causing any discomfort. This dissertation is dedicated to summarizing our research on monitoring of cardiorespiratory activities by means of unobtrusive sensing methods. Ballistocardiography and electrocardiography, which record the activity of the cardiorespiratory system with respect to mechanical or electrical characteristics, are both being actively investigated as important physiological signal measurement that provide the information required to monitor human health states. This research was carried out to evaluate the feasibility of new application methods of unobtrusive sensing that not been investigated significantly in previous investigations. We also tried to incorporate improvement essential for bringing these technologies to practical use. Our first device is a non-confining system for monitoring the physiological information of infants using ballistocardiography technology. Techniques to observe continuous biological signals without confinement may be even more important for infants since they could be used effectively to detect respiratory distress and cardiac abnormalities. We also expect to find extensive applications in the field of sleep research for analyzing sleep efficiency and sleep patterns of infants. Specifically, the sleep of infants is closely related to their health, growth, and development. Children who experience abnormal sleep and activity rhythms during their early infantile period are more prone to developing sleep-related disorders in late childhood, which are also more difficult to overcome. Therefore, studying their sleep characteristics is extremely important. Although ballistocardiography technology seems to represent a possible solution to overcome the limitations of conventional physiological signal monitoring, most studies investigating the application of these methods have focused on adults, and few have been focused on infants. To verify the usefulness of ballistocardiogram (BCG)-based physiological measurement in infants, we describe a load-cell based signal monitoring bed and assess an algorithm to estimate heartbeat and respiratory information. Four infants participated in 13 experiments. As a reference signal, electrocardiogram (ECG) and respiration signals were simultaneously measured using a commercial device. The proposed automatic algorithm then selected the optimal sensor from which to estimate the heartbeat and respiratory information. The results from the load-cell sensor signals were compared with those of the reference signals, and the heartbeat and respiratory information were found to have average performance errors of 2.55% and 2.66%, respectively. We believe that our experimental results verify the feasibility of BCG-based measurements in infants. Next, we developed a small, light, ECG monitoring device with enhanced portability and wearability, with software that contains a peak detection algorithm for analyzing heart rate variability (HRV). A mobile ECG monitoring system, which can assess an individuals condition efficiently during daily life activities, could be beneficial for management of their health care. A portable ECG monitoring patch with a minimized electrode array pad, easily attached to a persons chest, was developed. To validate the devices performance and efficacy, signal quality analysis in terms of robustness under motion, and HRV results obtained under stressful conditions were assessed by comparing the developed device with a commercially available ECG device. The R-peak detection results obtained with the device exhibited a sensitivity of 99.29%, a positive predictive value of 100.00%, and an error of 0.71%. The device also exhibited less motional noise than conventional ECG recording, being stable up to a walking speed of 5 km/h. When applied to mental stress analysis, the device evaluated the variation in HRV parameters in the same way as a reference ECG signal, with very little difference. Thus, our portable ECG device with its integrated minimized electrode patch carries promise as a form of ECG measurement technology that can be used for daily health monitoring. There is currently an increased demand for continuous health monitoring systems with unobtrusive sensors. All of the experimental results in this dissertation verify the feasibility of our unobtrusive cardiorespiratory activity monitoring system. We believe that the proposed device and algorithm presented here are essential prerequisites toward substantiating the utility of unobtrusive physiological measurements. We also expect this system can help users better understand their state of health and provide physicians with more reliable data for objective diagnosis.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Cardiorespiratory signal and its related physiological information 2 1.1.1. Electrocardiogram 2 1.1.2. Ballistocardiogram 3 1.1.3. Respiration 4 1.1.4. Heart rate and breathing rate 5 1.1.5. Variability analysis of heart and respiratory rate 5 1.2. Unobtrusive sensing methods for continuous physiological monitoring 6 1.3. Outline of the dissertation 9 Chapter 2. Development of sensor device for unobtrusive physiological signal measurement 13 2.1. Unobtrusive BCG measurement device for infants health monitoring 13 2.1.1. Specifications of the device 17 2.1.2. Signal processing in hardware 18 2.1.3. Performance of the device 21 2.2. Unobtrusive ECG measurement device for health monitoring in daily life 25 2.2.1. Specifications of the device 26 2.2.2. Signal processing in hardware 28 2.2.3. Performance of the device 30 Chapter 3. Development of algorithm for physiological information analysis from unobtrusively measured signal 35 3.1. Algorithm for automatically analyzing unobtrusively measured BCG signal 35 3.1.1. Process flow of the algorithm 36 3.1.2. Performance evaluation 47 3.2. Algorithm for automatically analyzing unobtrusively measured ECG signal 57 3.2.1. Process flow of the algorithm 57 3.2.2. Performance evaluation 60 3.3. HRV analysis for processing unobtrusively measured signals 63 3.3.1. Optimum HRV algorithm selection in data missing simulation 64 3.3.2. Stress assessment using HRV parameters 67 Chapter 4. Discussion 71 Chapter 5. Conclusion 79 Reference 81 Abstract in Korean 89 Appendix 93Docto

    Development of a Portable Seat Cushion for the Estimation of Heart Rate Using Ballistocardiography

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    Cardiovascular diseases are a leading contributor of health problems all over the world and are the second leading cause of death. They are also the cause of significant economic burden, costing billions of dollars in healthcare every year. With an aging population, the strain on the healthcare system, both in terms of costs and care provision, is expected to worsen. Frequent cardiac assessment can provide essential information towards diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment, which can mitigate symptoms and improve health outcomes for people with conditions such as heart failure. This has led to increasing interest in cardiac assessment at home. Additionally, for some populations like people with limited mobility and older adults, long term vitals monitoring at a clinical setting is not feasible, making at-home monitoring more viable and economical. Most devices available for cardiac monitoring at home are wearables. While wearable technology can be accurate, it requires compliance and maintenance, which is not an ideal solution for all populations. For example, people who are not comfortable using wearables or people with a cognitive impairment may not want or be able to use wearables, which could exclude these user types from at home monitoring. Keeping these factors under consideration, the past decade has seen an increased interest in the development of technologies for Ambient Assisted Living (i.e., smart technologies integrated into a user's environment). These technologies have the potential for ongoing health monitoring in an unobtrusive manner. This thesis presents research into the development of a smart seat cushion for heart rate monitoring. The cushion is able to calculate the heart rate of a person seated on it by acquiring their Ballistocardiogram (BCG). BCG is a cardiovascular signal corresponding to the displacement of the body in response to the heart pumping blood at every heartbeat. The prototype seat cushion has load cells embedded inside it that sense the micromovements of the body and translate it to an electrical signal. An analog signal conditioning circuit amplifies and filters this signal to enhance the components corresponding to BCG before it is converted to digital form. A pilot study was conducted with twenty participants to acquire BCG in real-world scenarios: 1) sitting still, 2) reading, 3) using a computer, 4) watching TV, and 5) having a conversation. Heart rate was calculated using a novel algorithm based on Continuous Wavelet Transform by detecting the largest peaks (referred to as the J-peaks) in the BCG. Excluding three outliers, the algorithm is able to achieve an overall accuracy of 94.6% compared to gold standard Electrocardiography (ECG). This accuracy is observed to be as good as or better than those of existing wearable heart rate monitors. The seat cushion developed in this thesis research can serve as a portable solution for cardiac monitoring and can integrate into an ambient health monitoring system, offering continued monitoring of heart rate while requiring no perceived effort to operate it. Future work includes exploring different sensor configurations, machine learning based approaches for improving J-peaks detection, and real-time monitoring of heart rate

    New methods for continuous non-invasive blood pressure measurement

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    Hlavním cílem této práce je nalezení nové metodiky pro měření kontinuálního neinvazivního krevního tlaku na základě rychlosti šíření pulzní vlny v krevním řečišti. Práce se opírá o rešerši zabývající se základním modelem pro stanovení kontinuálního neinvazivního krevního tlaku na základě měření zpoždění pulzní vlny a jeho rozšířením. Z informací získaných z rešerše se upravila metodika měření doby zpoždění pulzní vlny / rychlosti šíření pulzní vlny, aby bylo možné docílit přesnějších výsledků a omezit tak lidský faktor, který způsobuje významnou nepřesnost vlivem nedokonalého rozmístění senzorů. Rešerše se rovněž podrobně zabývá modely pro stanovení kontinuálního neinvazivního krevního tlaku a jejich úprav zajištujících zvýšení přesnosti. Mezi úpravy modelů zejména patří vstupní parametry popisující krevní oběh - systémový cévní odpor, elasticita cév, tuhost cév. Práce se taky zabývá úpravami stávajícího modelu krevního řečiště pro bližší přizpůsobení fyzického modelu k reálnému cévnímu systému lidského těla. Mezi tyto úpravy patří i funkce baroreflexu či simulace různé tvrdosti stěny umělých cévních segmentů. Protože se jedná o simulační model krevního řečiště, důležitým krokem je také měření tlakové a objemové pulzní vlny, kde není možné využít konvenční senzory pro fotopletysmografii kvůli absenci částic pohlcující světlo. Na základě experimentálního měření pro různé nastavení modelu krevního řečiště bylo provedeno měření pulzní vlny pomocí tlakových a kapacitních senzorů s následným zpracováním měřených signálů a detekcí příznaků charakterizující pulzní vlnu. Na základě příznaku byly stanoveny predikční regresní modely, které vykazovaly dostatečnou přesnost jejich určení, a tak následovaly dvě metody pro získání parametru o tvrdosti cévní stěny na základě měřitelných parametrů. První metodou byl predikční regresní model, který vykazoval přesnost 74,1 % a druhou metodou byl adaptivní neuro-fuzzy inferenční systém, který vykazoval přesnost 98,7 %. Tyto stanovení rychlosti pulzní vlny bylo ověřeno dalším přímým měřením pulzní vlny a výsledky byly srovnány. Výsledkem disertační práce je určení rychlosti šíření pulzní vlny s využitím pouze jednoho pletysmografického senzoru bez nutnosti měření na dvou různých místech s přesným měřením vzdálenosti a možnosti aplikace v klinické praxi.The main objective of this work is to find a new methodology for measuring continuous non-invasive blood pressure based on the pulse wave velocity in the vascular system. The work is based on the literature research of the basic model for the determination of non-invasive continuous blood pressure based on the measurement of pulse transit time. From the information obtained from the review, the methodology of measuring the pulse transit time/pulse wave velocity was modified in order to achieve more accurate results and to reduce the human factor that causes significant inaccuracy due to imperfect sensor placement. The review discusses in detail the models for continuous non-invasive blood pressure estimation and their modifications to ensure increased accuracy. In particular, model modifications include input parameters describing blood circulation - systemic vascular resistance, vascular elasticity, and vascular stiffness. The thesis deals with modifications to the existing physical vascular model to more closely mimic the real vascular system of the human body. These modifications include the baroreflex function or the simulation of different wall hardness of artificial arterial segments. As this is a simulation model of the vascular system, the measurement of pressure and volume pulse wave is also an important step, where it is not possible to use photoplethysmography method due to the absence of light absorbing particles. Based on the experimental measurements for different settings of the vascular model, pulse wave measurements were performed using pressure and capacitive sensors with subsequent processing of the measured signals and detection of the pulse wave features. Predictive regression models were established based on the pulse wave features and showed sufficient accuracy in their determination, followed by two methods for obtaining the parameter on the hardness of the vascular wall based on the measurable parameters. The first method was a predictive regression model, which showed an accuracy of 74.1 %, and the second method was an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, which showed an accuracy of 98.7 %. These pulse wave velocity determinations were verified by further direct pulse wave measurements and the results were compared. The dissertation results in the determination of pulse wave propagation velocity using only one plethysmographic sensor without the need for measurements at two different locations with accurate distance measurements and the possibility of application in clinical practice.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívyhově

    Wearable and Nearable Biosensors and Systems for Healthcare

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    Biosensors and systems in the form of wearables and “nearables” (i.e., everyday sensorized objects with transmitting capabilities such as smartphones) are rapidly evolving for use in healthcare. Unlike conventional approaches, these technologies can enable seamless or on-demand physiological monitoring, anytime and anywhere. Such monitoring can help transform healthcare from the current reactive, one-size-fits-all, hospital-centered approach into a future proactive, personalized, decentralized structure. Wearable and nearable biosensors and systems have been made possible through integrated innovations in sensor design, electronics, data transmission, power management, and signal processing. Although much progress has been made in this field, many open challenges for the scientific community remain, especially for those applications requiring high accuracy. This book contains the 12 papers that constituted a recent Special Issue of Sensors sharing the same title. The aim of the initiative was to provide a collection of state-of-the-art investigations on wearables and nearables, in order to stimulate technological advances and the use of the technology to benefit healthcare. The topics covered by the book offer both depth and breadth pertaining to wearable and nearable technology. They include new biosensors and data transmission techniques, studies on accelerometers, signal processing, and cardiovascular monitoring, clinical applications, and validation of commercial devices

    Recent development of respiratory rate measurement technologies

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    Respiratory rate (RR) is an important physiological parameter whose abnormity has been regarded as an important indicator of serious illness. In order to make RR monitoring simple to do, reliable and accurate, many different methods have been proposed for such automatic monitoring. According to the theory of respiratory rate extraction, methods are categorized into three modalities: extracting RR from other physiological signals, RR measurement based on respiratory movements, and RR measurement based on airflow. The merits and limitations of each method are highlighted and discussed. In addition, current works are summarized to suggest key directions for the development of future RR monitoring methodologies

    Blind Source Separation for the Processing of Contact-Less Biosignals

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    (Spatio-temporale) Blind Source Separation (BSS) eignet sich für die Verarbeitung von Multikanal-Messungen im Bereich der kontaktlosen Biosignalerfassung. Ziel der BSS ist dabei die Trennung von (z.B. kardialen) Nutzsignalen und Störsignalen typisch für die kontaktlosen Messtechniken. Das Potential der BSS kann praktisch nur ausgeschöpft werden, wenn (1) ein geeignetes BSS-Modell verwendet wird, welches der Komplexität der Multikanal-Messung gerecht wird und (2) die unbestimmte Permutation unter den BSS-Ausgangssignalen gelöst wird, d.h. das Nutzsignal praktisch automatisiert identifiziert werden kann. Die vorliegende Arbeit entwirft ein Framework, mit dessen Hilfe die Effizienz von BSS-Algorithmen im Kontext des kamera-basierten Photoplethysmogramms bewertet werden kann. Empfehlungen zur Auswahl bestimmter Algorithmen im Zusammenhang mit spezifischen Signal-Charakteristiken werden abgeleitet. Außerdem werden im Rahmen der Arbeit Konzepte für die automatisierte Kanalauswahl nach BSS im Bereich der kontaktlosen Messung des Elektrokardiogramms entwickelt und bewertet. Neuartige Algorithmen basierend auf Sparse Coding erwiesen sich dabei als besonders effizient im Vergleich zu Standard-Methoden.(Spatio-temporal) Blind Source Separation (BSS) provides a large potential to process distorted multichannel biosignal measurements in the context of novel contact-less recording techniques for separating distortions from the cardiac signal of interest. This potential can only be practically utilized (1) if a BSS model is applied that matches the complexity of the measurement, i.e. the signal mixture and (2) if permutation indeterminacy is solved among the BSS output components, i.e the component of interest can be practically selected. The present work, first, designs a framework to assess the efficacy of BSS algorithms in the context of the camera-based photoplethysmogram (cbPPG) and characterizes multiple BSS algorithms, accordingly. Algorithm selection recommendations for certain mixture characteristics are derived. Second, the present work develops and evaluates concepts to solve permutation indeterminacy for BSS outputs of contact-less electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings. The novel approach based on sparse coding is shown to outperform the existing concepts of higher order moments and frequency-domain features

    Tactile Sensing for Assistive Robotics

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    Biosensors for Diagnosis and Monitoring

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    Biosensor technologies have received a great amount of interest in recent decades, and this has especially been the case in recent years due to the health alert caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The sensor platform market has grown in recent decades, and the COVID-19 outbreak has led to an increase in the demand for home diagnostics and point-of-care systems. With the evolution of biosensor technology towards portable platforms with a lower cost on-site analysis and a rapid selective and sensitive response, a larger market has opened up for this technology. The evolution of biosensor systems has the opportunity to change classic analysis towards real-time and in situ detection systems, with platforms such as point-of-care and wearables as well as implantable sensors to decentralize chemical and biological analysis, thus reducing industrial and medical costs. This book is dedicated to all the research related to biosensor technologies. Reviews, perspective articles, and research articles in different biosensing areas such as wearable sensors, point-of-care platforms, and pathogen detection for biomedical applications as well as environmental monitoring will introduce the reader to these relevant topics. This book is aimed at scientists and professionals working in the field of biosensors and also provides essential knowledge for students who want to enter the field