57 research outputs found

    Experimental Evidence of Chaotic Resonance in Semiconductor Laser

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    تم في هذا البحث تقديم دراسة تجريبية بشأن إشارة الرنين في ليزر أشباه الموصلات الشواشي. تعتبر اضطرابات الرنين فعالة في تسخير مؤشرات التذبذب غير الخطية لتطبيقات مختلفة مثل إحداث الشواش والسيطرة على الشواش. تم الحصول على نتائج مثيرة للاهتمام فيما يتعلق بتأثير الرنين الشواشي عن طريق إضافة التردد على الأنظمة. يغير التردد القسري النظام الديناميكي غير الخطي من خلال قيمة حرجة ، وهناك انتقال من جاذب دوري إلى جاذب غريب. كما ان السعة لها تأثير وثيق الصلة للغاية بالنظام ، مما أدى إلى استجابة الرنين الأمثل للقيم المناسبة المتعلقة بزمن الارتباط. فيصبح النظام الشواشي منتظمًا تحت ترددات أو سعات معتدلة. كما تم تحليل هذه الديناميكيات لمخرجات الليزر من خلال السلاسل الزمنية واطياف القدرة المستخرجة (FFT) وقد تعززت بواسطة مخطط التشعب.In this paper, an experimental study has been conducted regarding the indication of resonance in chaotic semiconductor laser.  Resonant perturbations are effective for harnessing nonlinear oscillators for various applications such as inducing chaos and controlling chaos. Interesting results have been obtained regarding to the effect of the   chaotic resonance by adding the frequency on the systems. The frequency changes nonlinear dynamical system through a critical value, there is a transition from a periodic attractor to a strange attractor. The amplitude has a very relevant impact on the system, resulting in an optimal resonance response for appropriate values related to correlation time. The chaotic system becomes regular under a moderate frequencies or amplitudes. These dynamics of the laser output are analyzed by time series, FFT and bifurcation diagram as a result

    Exploring noise effects in chaotic optical networks

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    We report the experimental evidence coherence and stochastic resonance in a dynamics of fast chaotic spiking of a semiconductor laser with optical feedback using an external nonwhite noise in the pumping current. We characterize both coherence and stochastic resonance in the time and frequency domain. We show that the regularity of the chaotic pulses in the intensity of laser diod increases when adding noise and it is optimal for some intermediate value of the noise intensity. We find that the power spectrum of the signal develops a peak at a finite frequency at intermediate values of the noise. The results show that noise may help in extracting the periodic signal without synchronization in chaotic communication. Then we reported the effect of external noise numerically on a single system by using bifurcation diagram. Finally, we considered Chaos synchronization in a network of 28 distinct chaotic systems with independent initial conditions when a normal Gaussian noise is added. The transition between non-synchronization to synchronization states using a suitable spatio-temporal representation has been reported. The role of coherence has also been considered. Keywords: Coherence resonance, Stochastic resonance, Control, Nois

    Delay dynamics of neuromorphic optoelectronic nanoscale resonators: Perspectives and applications

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    With the recent exponential growth of applications using artificial intelligence (AI), the development of efficient and ultrafast brain-like (neuromorphic) systems is crucial for future information and communication technologies. While the implementation of AI systems using computer algorithms of neural networks is emerging rapidly, scientists are just taking the very first steps in the development of the hardware elements of an artificial brain, specifically neuromorphic microchips. In this review article, we present the current state of the art of neuromorphic photonic circuits based on solid-state optoelectronic oscillators formed by nanoscale double barrier quantum well resonant tunneling diodes. We address, both experimentally and theoretically, the key dynamic properties of recently developed artificial solid-state neuron microchips with delayed perturbations and describe their role in the study of neural activity and regenerative memory. This review covers our recent research work on excitable and delay dynamic characteristics of both single and autaptic (delayed) artificial neurons including all-or-none response, spike-based data encoding, storage, signal regeneration and signal healing. Furthermore, the neural responses of these neuromorphic microchips display all the signatures of extended spatio-temporal localized structures (LSs) of light, which are reviewed here in detail. By taking advantage of the dissipative nature of LSs, we demonstrate potential applications in optical data reconfiguration and clock and timing at high-speeds and with short transients. The results reviewed in this article are a key enabler for the development of high-performance optoelectronic devices in future high-speed brain-inspired optical memories and neuromorphic computing. (C) 2017 Author(s).Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) [UID/Multi/00631/2013]European Structural and Investment Funds (FEEI) through the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program - COMPETE 2020National Funds through FCT [ALG-01-0145-FEDER-016432/POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016432]European Commission under the project iBROW [645369]project COMBINA [TEC2015-65212-C3-3-PAEI/FEDER UE]Ramon y Cajal fellowshipinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Self-organization in semiconductor lasers with ultra-short optical feedback

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    In dieser Arbeit wird die Selbstorganisation in Halbleiterlasern mit ultrakurzer optischer Rueckkopplung untersucht. Es wurden eine Vielzahl neuer nichtlinearer dynamischer Szenarien experimentell praepariert und untersucht, wobei die Steuerung der relevanten Rueckkopplungsparameter ueber Injektionsstroeme erfolgt. Zwei verschiedene Typen von selbsterhaltenden Intensitaetspulsationen wurden abhaengig von der Phase und der Staerke der Rueckkopplung gefunden. Ein Pulsationstyp entsteht in einer Hopf-Bifurkation aus gedaempften Relaxationsoszillationen. Beim zweiten Pulsationstyp handelt es sich um Schwebungs-Oszillationen zweier verschiedener konkurrierender Moden der Gesamtkavitaet. Diese Ergebnisse repraesentieren experimentelle Beweise fuer theoretische Vorhersagen. Die Koexistenz von Schwebungsoszillationen und Relaxationsoszillationen fuehrt zum uebergang von regulaeren Pulsationen in chaotische Emission ueber eine quasiperiodische Route zum Chaos. Ein ploetzlicher Untergang des Chaos deutet auf ein Boundary-Crisis-Szenario hin. Die Existenz chaotischer Saettel, die transienten chaotischen Dynamiken nach einer Boundary Crisis zugrunde liegen und die Erregung von chaotischen Transienten ist eng verwandt mit konventioneller Erregbarkeit, wird experimentell verifiziert. Es wird der Einfluss externen Gaussschen Rauschens nahe von sub- und superkritischen Hopf-Bifurkationen untersucht. Rausch-induzierte Schwingungen tauchen als verrauschte Vorlaeufer in Form von lorentzfoermigen Spitzen im Powerspektrum auf. Der Kohaerenzfaktor, definiert durch das Produkt aus Hoehe der Spitze und Qualitaetsfaktor, zeigt fuer beide Typen von Hopf-Bifurkationen ein nichtmonotones Verhalten. Damit wird Kohaerenzresonanz experimentell demonstriert. Die Messungen zeigen neben diesen uebereinstimmungen auch qualitative Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Faellen. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse werden mittels eines allgemeinen Modells fuer rauschgetriebene Bewegungen in der Naehe von Bifurkationen untersucht.In this work, self-organization in semiconductor lasers with ultra-short optical feedback is investigated. Exploiting dc currents to tune the relevant feedback parameters, we have experimentally prepared and studied a number of novel nonlinear dynamical scenarios. Two different types of self-sustaining intensity-pulsations are detected depending on strength and phase of the feedback. One type of pulsations is emerging in a Hopf-bifurcation from relaxation oscillations. The second type of pulsations is a beating of distinct compound-cavity modes. It is also born in a Hopf bifurcation. These findings represent experimental evidence for theoretical predictions. Coexistence of mode beating and relaxation oscillations gives rise to the break-up of regular pulsations into chaotic emission via a quasi-periodic route to chaos. The sudden destruction of chaos is indicative of a boundary crisis scenario. The existence of chaotic saddles underlying transient chaotic dynamics which appears behind boundary crisis is experimentally verified. It is experimentally demonstrated that an excitation of chaotic transients is closely related to a conventional excitability. The influence of external Gaussian noise close to the onset of sub- and super-critical Hopf bifurcations is studied. Noise-induced oscillations appear as a noisy precursor with Lorentzian shape peak in the power spectrum. The coherence factor defined by the product of height and quality factor exhibits non-monotonic behavior with a distinct maximum at a certain noise intensity for both types of Hopf bifurcations, demonstrating coherence resonance. Besides these similarities, the measurements reveal also qualitative differences between the two cases. Whereas the width of the noise induced peak increases monotonically with noise intensity for the supercritical bifurcation, it traverses a pronounced minimum in the subcritical case. The experimental findings are examined in terms of general model for the noise driven motion close to bifurcations

    Stochasticity,complexity and synchronization in semiconductor lasers

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    The purpose of this Thesis is study the dynamical behavior of semiconductor lasers with optical feedback, as well as analyze the synchronization of this kind of systems under different coupling arquitectures. This study has been done from an experimental point of view, but in some cases we have used numerical models in order to verify and/or extend the experimental results. A semiconductor laser in absence of any optical feedback emits light at constant power. If one wants to induce dynamics in the laser, a good strategy is to introduce an external cavity able to reflect the emitted light back into the laser. Due to this feedback, the laser can show a large variety of dynamical behaviors. In this Thesis we will focus mainly in a dynamical regime known as low frequency fluctuations regime (LFF). The LFF regime takes place when the pump current of the laser is close to its threshold current and the feedback strength is sufficiently large, and it consists in sudden intensity dropouts arising at irregular times, followed by a gradual and stepwise recovery. During this Thesis, we have characterized in detail the dynamical behavior of the time between intensity dropouts for a semiconductor laser with feedback, by using different statistical techniques based on information theory concepts. We have quantified the probability of appearance of certain patterns within the temporal series, as well as its degree of complexity. As a result of these studies, we can conclude that the dynamics of a semiconductor laser with optical feedback is stochastic for pump current values close to the laser threshold. On the other hand, for larger pump currents the dynamics is basically deterministic (chaotic). Numerical simulations have shown a good qualitative and quantitive agreement with the experimental results. During this Thesis we have also studied the ability of semiconductor lasers to synchronize under different coupling architectures. First, we have characterized the leader-laggard dynamics showed by two semiconductor lasers bidirectionally coupled operating at the LFF regime, with a method that takes into account the number of forbidden patterns that appears in the temporal series. We have quantified the degree of stochasticity of the system as a function of the pump current of both lasers. A second coupling architecture studied here, consists in two lasers unidirectionally coupled via two paths. In this case, we have analyzed how the synchronization is affected under different values of the coupling strength of both paths, as well as the potential of this system (or rather, the lack thereof) to be used in chaotic communications. Finally we have characterized the synchronization at zero lag for two lasers coupled bidirectionally via a passive relay. In particular, we have studied the desynchronization events and their statistics for different pump currents. The experimental results obtained in this Thesis give a global perspective of the dynamical statistical properties of semiconductor laser dynamics, both isolated or coupled to other lasers, which contributes to a better understanding of this kind of dynamical systems.L’objectiu d’aquesta Tesi ´es l’estudi de la din`amica de l`asers de semiconductor amb retroalimentaci´o `optica, aix´ý com l’an`alisis de la sincronitzaci´o d’aquest tipus de sistemes sota diferents arquitectures d’acoblament. Aquest estudi s’ha fet sempre des d’un punt de vista b`asicament experimental, tot i que en alguns casos hem utilitzat models num`erics per tal de verificar i/o ampliar els resultats experimentals. Un l`aser de semiconductor en abs`encia de retroalimentaci´o `optica o altres perturbacions externes, emet llum a una intensitat pr`acticament constant. Aix´ý doncs, si el que es vol ´es indu¨ýr din`amica en el l`aser, una bona estrat`egia ´es introdu¨ýr una cavitat externa capa¸c de reflexar la llum cap al l`aser. Un cop la llum ´es reinjectada, els l`asers de semiconductor poden mostrar una gran varietat de comportaments din`amics. En aquesta tesis ens centrarem principalment en un r`egim din`amic anomenat r`egim de fluctuacions de baixa frequ`encia (LFF en les seves sigles en angl`es). El r`egim d’LFF es d´ona quan el corrent d’injecci´o del l`aser es troba a prop del seu corrent llindar i la intensitat de la retroalimentaci´o ´es suficientment gran, i est`a caracteritzat per sobtades caigudes de la intensitat a temps irregulars, seguides per una recuperaci´o gradual i escalonada. Durant aquesta Tesi, hem caracteritzat de forma detallada el comportament din`amic de la distribuci´o dels temps entre les caigudes d’intensitat d’un l`aser de semiconductor amb retroalimentaci´o `optica, utilitzant diferents m`etodes estad´ýstics basats en conceptes de teoria de la informaci´o. En particular, hem quantificat la probabilitat d’aparici´o de certs patrons dins les s`eries temporals, aix´ý com el grau de complexitat d’aquestes. Durant aquest estudi hem observat que la din`amica d’un l`aser de semiconductor amb retroalimentaci´o es estoc`astica per valors del corrent d’injecci´o propers al corrent llindar del l`aser. D’altra banda, per a valors m´es grans del corrent d’injecci´o la din`amica ´es m´es determinista (ca`otica). Les simulacions num`eriques realitzades han mostrat un acord qualitatiu i quantitatiu amb els resultats experimentals. Durant aquesta Tesi tamb´e hem estudiat la sincronitzaci´o entre l`asers de semiconductor. Hem analitzat diferents arquitectures d’acoblament. Primer hem caracteritzat la din`amica leader-laggard que presenten dos l`asers de semiconductor acoblats bidireccionalment operant en r`egim de LFFs, amb un m`etode que t´e en compte el nombre de patrons prohibits que apareixen en la s`erie temporal. Hem quantificat el grau d’estocasticitat del sistema en funci´o del nivell de bombeig al qual est`an sotmesos els dos l`asers. La seg¨uent arquitectura d’acoblament que hem estudiat consisteix en dos l`asers acoblats unidireccionalment a trav´es de dos camins. En aquest cas hem analitzat com es veu afectada la sincronitzaci´o sota diferents valors de l’acoblament dels dos camins, aix´ý com el potencial d’aquest esquema experimental per realitzar comunicacions ca`otiques. Per ´ultim hem caracteritzat la sincronitzaci´o a retard zero per dos l`asers acoblats bidireccionalment, a on els dos l`asers tenen la seva pr`opia realimentaci´o `optica. En particular, hem estudiat els events de desincronitzaci´o i la seva estad´ýstica per a diferents corrents d’injecci´o. Els resultats experimentals obtinguts en aquesta Tesi, ofereixen una prespectiva global de les propietats estad´ýstiques de la din`amica de l`asers de semiconductor, tant a¨ýllats com acoblats a altres l`asers, que contribueixen a entendre millor aquests sistemes din`amics

    Semiconductor Laser Dynamics

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    This is a collection of 18 papers, two of which are reviews and seven are invited feature papers, that together form the Photonics Special Issue “Semiconductor Laser Dynamics: Fundamentals and Applications”, published in 2020. This collection is edited by Daan Lenstra, an internationally recognized specialist in the field for 40 years

    Principles of Neuromorphic Photonics

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    In an age overrun with information, the ability to process reams of data has become crucial. The demand for data will continue to grow as smart gadgets multiply and become increasingly integrated into our daily lives. Next-generation industries in artificial intelligence services and high-performance computing are so far supported by microelectronic platforms. These data-intensive enterprises rely on continual improvements in hardware. Their prospects are running up against a stark reality: conventional one-size-fits-all solutions offered by digital electronics can no longer satisfy this need, as Moore's law (exponential hardware scaling), interconnection density, and the von Neumann architecture reach their limits. With its superior speed and reconfigurability, analog photonics can provide some relief to these problems; however, complex applications of analog photonics have remained largely unexplored due to the absence of a robust photonic integration industry. Recently, the landscape for commercially-manufacturable photonic chips has been changing rapidly and now promises to achieve economies of scale previously enjoyed solely by microelectronics. The scientific community has set out to build bridges between the domains of photonic device physics and neural networks, giving rise to the field of \emph{neuromorphic photonics}. This article reviews the recent progress in integrated neuromorphic photonics. We provide an overview of neuromorphic computing, discuss the associated technology (microelectronic and photonic) platforms and compare their metric performance. We discuss photonic neural network approaches and challenges for integrated neuromorphic photonic processors while providing an in-depth description of photonic neurons and a candidate interconnection architecture. We conclude with a future outlook of neuro-inspired photonic processing.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figure

    Nonlinear Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers and Their Applications

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    Semiconductor lasers are key components in many optical systems due to their advantages, including their small size, low cost, high efficiency, and low power consumption. It is well-known that semiconductor lasers under external perturbations, such as optical injection, optical feedback, or delayed coupling can exhibit a large variety of complex dynamical behaviors. Nowadays, cutting-edge engineering applications based on the complex dynamics of diode lasers are being conducted in areas, such as optical communications, optical signal processing, encoded communications, neuro-inspired ultra-fast optical computing devices, microwave signal generation, RADAR and LIDAR applications, biomedical imaging, and broadband spectroscopy. The prospects for these applications are even more exciting with the advent of photonic integrated circuits. This Special Issue focuses on theoretical and experimental advances in the nonlinear dynamics of semiconductor lasers subject to different types of external perturbations

    Experimental study of feedback-induced dynamics in semiconductor lasers : from symbolic analysis to subwavelength position sensing

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    The aim of this thesis is the study of the dynamics induced by optical feedback in semiconductor lasers. This study aims, on the one hand, to improve our knowledge of stocahstic complex systems, and on the other hand, to use complex dynamics of semiconductor lasers to develop a protocol for subwavelength position sensing. The intensity of the light emitted by a semiconductor laser is stable, besides fluctuations due to spontaneous emission noise. When the light of the laser is reflected and part re-enters into the laser, the laser intensity can become unstable, displaying a broad range of dynamical behaviors. One of the dynamical regimes present in lasers with optical feedback is the low frequency fluctuations (LFF). This dynamics is characterized by sharp drops in the laser intensity (to almost switch the laser off), followed by gradual recoveries. The time intervals between two consecutive drops is irregular. The first part of this Thesis is focused on this dynamic regime, and a detailed experimental study has been performed to characterize it. A symbolic time series analysis has been used, based on the comparison of successive time intervals between dropouts. The dynamics of a semiconductor laser with feedback is governed by nonlinear light-matter interaction in the active medium of the laser, quantum noise due to spontaneous emission and time-delayed feedback. Therefore, the dropouts in the LFF regime can be noise-induced or triggered by deterministic processes. In this Thesis symbolic ordinal analysis has been used to statisticlly distinguish dropouts that can be noise-induced from those that have signatures of a deterministic origin. In this Thesis, the symbolic dynamics in the LFF regime has also been studied, and serial correlations have been found among several consecutive dropouts. It has been found a hierarchical and clustered structure of the symbolic dynamics. Moreover, a minimal iterative model has been found that, despite its simplicity, describes successfully the correlations found in the experiments. Because of the importance of external forcing in dynamical systems, the effect of current modulation on the symbolic dynamics of the LFFs has been studied. These experiments have allowed to characterize the effect of the modulation in the symbolic dynamics. The clusters of ordinal patterns formed without forcing remain under external periodic forcing. The minimal model has been verified, as it reproduces satisfactorily the symbolic dynamics of the experimental data. Also, in this Thesis a technique has been developed to detect displacements of two independent objects at subwavelength resolution (λ/160). With this purpose, a setup has been developed with a semiconductor laser with dual feedback. In addition to the high resolution, this protocol offers the advantage of sensing two objects by just measuring one variable.El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de la dinámica inducida por realimentación óptica en láseres de semiconductor. Dicho estudio persigue, por un lado, profundizar en el conocimiento de aspectos generales de los sistemas complejos, y por otro lado, utilizar dicha dinámica para crear un protocolo para medir desplazamientos en dos dimensiones con una resolución mucho menor que la longitud de onda del láser utilizado. La intensidad de la luz emitida por un láser de semiconductor es estable salvo fluctuaciones debidas al ruido de emisión espontánea. Sin embargo, cuando la luz del láser se refleja en una superficie y parte de esta luz vuelve a entrar en el láser, la intensidad de la luz emitida se puede desestabilizar y mostrar una amplia gama de comportamientos dinámicos. Uno de los regímenes dinámicos presentes en láseres con realimentación óptica es el de fluctuaciones de baja frecuencia (LFF de sus siglas en inglés). Esta dinámica se caracteriza por caídas abruptas de la intensidad del láser (hasta casi apagarse), seguidas de recuperaciones graduales, siendo la separación temporal entre dos caídas consecutivas irregular. La primera parte de esta tesis está centrada en este régimen dinámico, habiéndose realizado un detallado estudio experimental para caracterizarlo. Se ha utilizado un análisis simbólico de series de datos basado en patrones ordinales, definidos mediante la comparación de tiempos consecutivos entre caídas. En la dinámica del láser de semiconductor con realimentación intervienen varios factores: la interacción no lineal entre luz y materia en el medio activo del láser, el ruido cuántico debido a la emisión espontánea y la señal retardada de la realimentación. Por ello las caídas en el régimen de LFFs pueden ser inducidas tanto por ruido como por procesos deterministas. En esta tesis, mediante el análisis simbólico se ha conseguido distinguir estadísticamente, qué caídas pueden ser inducidas por ruido y cuales presentan una estadística que muestra señales de determinismo. En esta tesis también se ha estudiado la dinámica simbólica del régimen de LFF y se han encontrado correlaciones entre varias caídas consecutivas. También se ha encontrado una estructura jerárquica en la dinámica simbólica que incluye emparejamientos de las probabilidades de los patrones simbólicos. Además se ha encontrado un modelo simple a tiempo discreto (mapa) que describe adecuadamente la dinámica simbólica del régimen de LFF. Debido a la importancia de forzamientos externos en sistemas dinámicos, se han realizado experimentos incorporando modulación en la corriente de inyección del láser. Estos experimentos han permitido caracterizar el efecto de la amplitud de la modulación en la dinámica simbólica, encontrando cambios claros en la estructura simbólica, inducidos por la modulación, pero que se conservan los emparejamientos observados sin modulación. El modelo simple ha sido verificado ya que reproduce satisfactoriamente la dinámica simbólica encontrada en los datos experimentales. Asimismo, en esta tesis se ha demostrado experimentalmente un protocolo que permite detectar desplazamientos de dos objetos independientes en una escala muy inferior a la longitud de onda de la luz empleada (Λ/160). Para ello se ha diseñado un experimento donde el láser está sometido a realimentación de dos espejos que se mueven de manera independiente. Además de la alta resolución, otra ventaja de este protocolo reside en que únicamente es preciso medir una variable para calcular los dos desplazamientos

    Dynamics of resonant tunneling diode optoelectronic oscillators

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    Tese de dout., Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2012The nonlinear dynamics of optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC) oscillators comprising semiconductor resonant tunneling diode (RTD) nanoelectronic quantum devices has been investigated. The RTD devices used in this study oscillate in the microwave band frequency due to the negative di erential conductance (NDC) of their nonlinear current voltage characteristics, which is preserved in the optoelectronic circuit. The aim was to study RTD circuits incorporating laser diodes and photo-detectors to obtain novel dynamical operation regimes in both electrical and optical domains taking advantage of RTD's NDC characteristic. Experimental implementation and characterization of RTD-OEICs was realized in parallel with the development of computational numerical models. The numerical models were based on ordinary and delay di erential equations consisting of a Li enard's RTD oscillator and laser diode single mode rate equations that allowed the analysis of the dynamics of RTD-OEICs. In this work, several regimes of operation are demonstrated, both experimentally and numerically, including generation of voltage controlled microwave oscillations and synchronization to optical and electrical external signals providing stable and low phase noise output signals, and generation of complex oscillations that are characteristic of high-dimensional chaos. Optoelectronic integrated circuits using RTD oscillators are interesting alternatives for more e cient synchronization, generation of stable and low phase noise microwave signals, electrical/optical conversion, and for new ways of optoelectronic chaos generation. This can lead to simpli cation of communication systems by boosting circuits speed while reducing the power and number of components. The applications of RTD-OEICs include operation as optoelectronic voltage controlled oscillators in clock recovery circuit systems, in wireless-photonics communication systems, or in secure communication systems using chaotic waveforms