51 research outputs found

    Суб’єктний склад відносин у мережі Інтернет

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    Природа діяльності в кіберпросторі, утвореному зв’язком віддалених комп’ютерів, диктує необхідність виділення суб’єктів цих суспільних відносин. При визначенні суб’єктного складу відносин, що виникають у мережі Інтернет, слід враховувати, що цифровий простір є технологічним середовищем, яке складає всесвітню комп’ютерну мережу, що завдяки інфраструктурам телекомунікацій з’єднує велику кількість осіб з різноманітністю культур, мов та професій

    Essays in Conveyancing and Property Law in Honour of Professor Robert Rennie:

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    "Professor Robert Rennie has been one of the most influential voices in Scots private law over the past thirty years. Highly respected as both an academic and a practitioner, his contribution to the development of property law and practice has been substantial and unique. This volume celebrates his retirement from the Chair of Conveyancing at the University of Glasgow in 2014 with a selection of essays written by his peers and colleagues from the judiciary, academia and legal practice. Each chapter covers a topic of particular interest to Professor Rennie during his career, from the historical development of property law rules through to the latest developments in conveyancing practice and the evolution of the rules of professional negligence. Although primarily Scottish in focus, the contributions will have much of interest to lawyers in any jurisdiction struggling with similar practical problems, particularly those with similar legal roots including the Netherlands and South Africa. As a whole, the collection is highly recommended to students, practitioners and academics.

    The rise of the lex electronica and the international sale of goods

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    Handling Soundness and Quality to Improve Reliability in LPS - A Case Study of an Offshore Construction Site in Denmark

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    Trust as a Competitive Parameter in the Construction Industry

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    Regulatory bodies in EC securities markets between self- and statutory regulation: investor protection and the new financial intermediaries. A study of the French, Italian and British systems

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    Since the 1970s securities markets in the EC have undergone significant reforms. The use of new information and communication technologies and above all the envisaged integration of the Community financial markets have been strong driving forces behind the developments. Considerations of competition between the national securities markets in the emerging single space of the EC have also motivated the reforms and, not least, better Investor protection has been a point of considerable importance not to be neglected in a progressively bigger and complex market. The thesis analyses and assesses new legislation in three of the currently 12 member states (France, Italy and the United Kingdom) in terms of the impact of self- regulatory and statutory rules and bodies on financial intermediaries with investor protection in mind. Before referring to the back ground of securities regulation in the selected three member state, the thesis examines, with, whenever relevant, reference to the situation in the USA, the notions of se1f-regu1ation, regulation with transition to deregulation, re-regulation and lastly "new regulation". Professional deontology is discussed as a regulatory element in the practice of the intermediaries, again with investor protection in mind. Dealing with the newly established regulatory bodies in the selected three member states, the thesis analyses the respective functions and effectiveness of the COB in France, CONSOB in Italy and the SIB in the United Kingdom. The last two chapters of the thesis concentrate on the question of investor protection in the light of the new regimes with regard to se1f-regu1atory and statutory standards