10 research outputs found

    Feminism’s Search for the Feminine: Essentialism Utopianism and Community

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    How Right-Wing Populist Comments Affect Online Deliberation on News Media Facebook Pages

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    Right-wing populist user comments on social media are said to impair online deliberation. Right-wing populism’s anti-pluralist and conflict-centered message might hinder deliberative debates, which are characterized by reciprocity, arguments, sourcing, politeness, and civility. Although right-wing populism has been found to foster user interaction on social media, few empirical studies have examined its impact on the scope and deliberative quality of user debates. This study focuses on debates on 10 Facebook pages of Austrian and Slovenian mass media during the so-called "refugee crisis" of 2015–2016. Proceeding in two steps, we first analyze how right-wing populist user comments affect the number of reply comments using a dataset of N = 281,115 Facebook comments and a validated, automated content analysis. In a second step, we use a manual, quantitative content analysis to investigate how right-wing populist comments affect the deliberative quality of N = 1,413 reply comments. We test five hypotheses in carefully modeled regression analyses. Our findings show that right-wing populist comments trigger replies but impair their deliberative quality. People-centric comments decrease the probability of arguments in replies, and anti-immigrant comments spark incivility. Countering populism further increases impoliteness. We discuss our findings against the backdrop of an increasingly uncivil online public sphere and populism’s ambivalent relationship with democracy

    Discovery and Verification of Neighbor Positions in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    A growing number of ad hoc networking protocols and location-aware services require that mobile nodes learn the position of their neighbors. However, such a process can be easily abused or disrupted by adversarial nodes. In absence of a-priori trusted nodes, the discovery and verification of neighbor positions presents challenges that have been scarcely investigated in the literature. In this paper, we address this open issue by proposing a fully-distributed cooperative solution that is robust against independent and colluding adversaries, and can be impaired only by an overwhelming presence of adversaries. Results show that our protocol can thwart more than 99% of the attacks under the best possible conditions for the adversaries, with minimal false positive rates

    Gene expression during early development and genetic variation among recently evolved sympatric Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) morphs in Lake Þingvallavatn, Iceland

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    The four morphs of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in Lake Þingvallavatn, Iceland, which differ in many phenotypic traits related to morphology, life history, and feeding ecology, are believed to have evolved locally within the lake after the retreat of the Ice-age glacier. The principal aims of the study were to get a handle on the molecular mechanisms underlying the phenotypic differences and assess genetic differentiation among the morphs. Gene expression during early development was surveyed to look for differential expression of genes thereby identifying developmental processes affecting divergent phenotypes. Genetic variation among the morphs was studied and patterns of biological function (gene ontology) and genomic position of highly differentiated variants were examined. Both candidate gene and transcriptome-wide profiling (RNA-sequencing) approaches were used. The results reveal both differentiation in expression and genetic composition of the sympatric morphs. Gene expression differences in multiple genes and biological pathways were discovered, pointing to substantial differentiation of morphs and that many genes may have been under selection. However, RNA degradation during sample handling created technical problems that complicated data analysis. The transcriptome-wide profiling was nonetheless useful as it revealed expression differences in genes relating to extra-cellular matrix formation and skeletogenesis and highlights differentiation in more biological pathways. The data show extensive genome-wide differentiation in allele frequencies, pointing to reproductive isolation of the morphs and/or natural selection operating on multiple parts of the genome. Strong genetic differentiation among morphs was for example discovered in immunological genes using a candidate gene approach and in genes involved in collagen metabolism and environmental sensing, by gene ontology enrichment tests of differentiated variants in the transcriptome. The expression differences in embryos and the clear genetic differentiation of the morphs suggest that they have advanced along "the speciation continuum" towards becoming reproductively isolated.Fjögur afbrigði bleikju (Salvelinus alpinus) finnast í Þingvallavatni. Afbrigðin eru talin hafa þróast innan vatnsins frá lokum síðustu ísaldar og eru ólík hvað varðar m.a. stærð, útlit, lífsferla og fæðuöflun. Meginmarkmið verkefnisins var að auka skilning á hvaða sameinda- og þroskunarferlar liggja að baki mismunandi svipgerð afbrigðanna og meta erfðafræðilega aðgreiningu þeirra á milli. Könnuð var genatjáning í snemmþroskun í leit að mismunandi tjáðum genum sem gætu þannig bent á hvaða ferlar móta þroskun ólíkra svipgerða. Erfðabreytileiki meðal afbrigðanna var metinn og athugað hvort að erfðaset með mikinn mun í tíðni samsæta, meðal afbrigða, fyndust í genum með svipuð líffræðileg hlutverk og/eða væru bundin við ákveðna staði innan erfðamengisins. Tvenns konar aðferðarfræði var beitt, í fyrsta lagi að kanna áhugaverð gen með sértækum aðferðum og í öðru lagi að rannsaka allt umritunarmengið (RNA-raðgreiningu). Niðurstöðurnar afhjúpa ólíka genatjáningu og erfðamun milli afbrigðanna. Munur í tjáningu finnst á genum í mörgum líffræðilegum ferlum sem bendir til töluverðar aðgreiningar afbrigðanna og að mögulega hafi mörg gen verið undir náttúrulegu vali. RNA-niðurbrot í sýnum, líklega vegna tæknilegra vandkvæða í meðhöndlun þeirra, hækkaði flækjustig greininga á RNA-raðgreiningargögnum. Greining umritunarmengisins var engu að síður gagnleg þar sem tjáningarmunur fannst í genum sem tengjast myndun utanfrumugrindar og beinmyndun. Gögnin sýna mikinn mun í tíðni samsæta meðal afbrigða og var mikinn mun að finna víða í erfðamenginu. Það getur bent til æxlunarlegrar einangrunar afbrigðanna og/eða náttúrulegs vals á mörgum litningasvæðum. Mikill erfðamunur fannst til dæmis í genum tengdum ónæmiskerfinu með sértækum aðferðum og aðgreinandi erfðabreytileiki í genum tengdum kollagen-efnaskiptum og umhverfisskynjum (sjón, heyrn) var áberandi í umritunarmenginu. Genatjáningarmunur í fóstrum og skýr munur í erfðasamsetningu afbrigðanna bendir til að þau séu komin áleiðis inn á "veg tegundamyndunar"