685 research outputs found

    Nitrogen status assessment for variable rate fertilization in maize through hyperspectral imagery

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    This paper presents a method for mapping the nitrogen (N) status in a maize field using hyperspectral remote sensing imagery. An airborne survey was conducted with an AISA Eagle hyperspectral sensor over an experimental farm where maize (Zea mays L.) was grown with two N fertilization levels (0 and 100 kg N ha-1) in four replicates. Leaf and canopy field data were collected during the flight. The nitrogen (N) status has been estimated in this work based on the Nitrogen Nutrition Index (NNI) defined as the ratio between the leaf actual N concentration (%Na) of the crop and the minimum N content required for the maximum biomass production (critical N concentration (%Nc)) calculated through the dry mass at the time of the flight (Wflight). The inputs required to calculate the NNI (i.e. %Na and Wflight) have been estimated through regression analyses between field data and remotely sensed vegetation indices. MCARI/MTVI2 (Modified Chlorophyll Absorption Ratio Index / Modified Triangular Vegetation Index 2) showed the best performances in estimating the %Na (R2 = 0.59) and MTVI2 in estimating the Wflight (R2 = 0.80). The %Na and the Wflight were then mapped and used to compute the NNI map over the entire field. The NNI map agreed with the NNI estimated using field data through traditional destructive measurements (R2 = 0.70) confirming the potential of using remotely sensed indices to assess the crop N condition. Finally, a method to derive a pixel based variable rate N fertilization map was proposed as the difference between the actual N content and the optimal N content. We think that the proposed operational methodology is promising for precision farming since it represents an innovative attempt to derive from an aerial hyperspectral image a variable rate N fertilization map based on the actual crop N status.JRC.H.4-Monitoring Agricultural Resource

    Remote Sensing for Precision Nitrogen Management

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    This book focuses on the fundamental and applied research of the non-destructive estimation and diagnosis of crop leaf and plant nitrogen status and in-season nitrogen management strategies based on leaf sensors, proximal canopy sensors, unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing, manned aerial remote sensing and satellite remote sensing technologies. Statistical and machine learning methods are used to predict plant-nitrogen-related parameters with sensor data or sensor data together with soil, landscape, weather and/or management information. Different sensing technologies or different modelling approaches are compared and evaluated. Strategies are developed to use crop sensing data for in-season nitrogen recommendations to improve nitrogen use efficiency and protect the environment

    Remote Sensing: Useful Approach for Crop Nitrogen Management and Sustainable Agriculture

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    Soil fertility is among the most important criteria that affect crop yield and quality. Nitrogen stress due to the low soil fertility and the lack of nitrogen availability is a major factor limiting the crop productivity in arid and semiarid environments, where fertilization is not optimized in terms of timing and quantity. Managing nitrogen fertilization is one of the most important criteria in the precision agriculture, which helps to improve crop production, environment conditions, and farmer’s economy. It is very important to apply N fertilizers with efficient methods allowing to the nutrient use efficiency and avoiding nitrogen losses and environment contamination. Nowadays, remote sensing methods using spectral and thermal approaches have been proposed as potential indicators to rapid identification of crop nitrogen status by providing information about vegetation canopy properties across large areas. The use of remote sensing methods to schedule nitrogen fertilization can help farmers to practice a more sustainable agriculture, minimizing risks of losing the harvest by providing an adequate rate of nitrogen when the crops’ needs and at a specific location

    Use of consumer-grade cameras to assess wheat N status and grain yield

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    Relationships between (a) fractional Intercepted PAR (fIPAR), and (b) aboveground biomass (Biomass) and (c) grain yield at harvest with the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived either from a spectroradiometer or a conventional camera at final grain filling (n = 12).Postprint (published version

    Assessment of maize nitrogen uptake from PRISMA hyperspectral data through hybrid modelling

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    The spaceborne imaging spectroscopy mission PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa (PRISMA), launched on 22 March 2019 by the Italian Space Agency, opens new opportunities in many scientific domains, including precision farming and sustainable agriculture. This new Earth Observation (EO) data stream requires new-generation approaches for the estimation of important biophysical crop variables (BVs). In this framework, this study evaluated a hybrid approach, combining the radiative transfer model PROSAIL-PRO and several machine learning (ML) regression algorithms, for the retrieval of canopy chlorophyll content (CCC) and canopy nitrogen content (CNC) from synthetic PRISMA data. PRISMA-like data were simulated from two images acquired by the airborne sensor HyPlant, during a campaign performed in Grosseto (Italy) in 2018. CCC and CNC estimations, assessed from the best performing ML algorithms, were used to define two relations with plant nitrogen uptake (PNU). CNC proved to be slightly more correlated to PNU than CCC (R-2 = 0.82 and R-2 = 0.80, respectively). The CNC-PNU model was then applied to actual PRISMA images acquired in 2020. The results showed that the estimated PNU values are within the expected ranges, and the temporal trends are compatible with plant phenology stages

    Analysis of vegetation indices to determine nitrogen application and yield prediction in maize (Zea mays L.) from a standard UAV service

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    The growing use of commercial unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and the need to adjust N fertilization rates in maize (Zea mays L.) currently constitute a key research issue. In this study, different multispectral vegetation indices (green-band and red-band based indices), SPAD and crop height (derived from a multispectral compact camera mounted on a UAV) were analysed to predict grain yield and determine whether an additional sidedress application of N fertilizer was required just before flowering. Seven different inorganic N rates (0, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400 kg·N·ha−1), two different pig slurry manure rates (Ps) (150 or 250 kg·N·ha−1) and four different inorganic-organic N combinations (N100Ps150, N100Ps250, N200Ps150, N200Ps250) were applied to maize experimental plots. The spectral index that best explained final grain yield for the N treatments was the Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index (WDRVI). It identified a key threshold above/below 250–300 kg·N·ha−1. WDRVI, NDVI and crop height showed no significant response to extra N application at the economic optimum rate of fertilization (239.8 kg·N·ha−1), for which a grain yield of 16.12 Mg·ha−1 was obtained. This demonstrates their potential as yield predictors at V12 stage. Finally, a ranking of different vegetation indices and crop height is proposed to overcome the uncertainty associated with basing decisions on a single index.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Project AGL2012-35122). The authors also would like to thank the IRTA Research Station (Gimenells, Lleida) for allowing the research to take place, the GIS & Remote Sensing Laboratory of the University of Lleida for the facilities to carry out the image processing and analysis, and the University of Lleida for the PhD scholarship of Ángel Maresma

    Remote Sensing as a Precision Farming Tool in the Nile Valley, Egypt

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    Detecting stress in plants resulting from different stressors including nitrogen deficiency, salinity, moisture, contamination and diseases, is crucial in crop production. In the Nile Valley, crop production is hindered perhaps more fundamentally by issues of water supply and salinity. Predicting stress in crops by conventional methods is tedious, laborious and costly and is perhaps unreliable in providing a spatial context of stress patterns. Accurate and quick monitoring techniques for crop status to detect stress in crops at early growth stages are needed to maximize crop productivity. In this context, remotely sensed data may provide a useful tool in precision farming. This research aims to evaluate the role of in situ hyperspectral and high spatial resolution satellite remote sensing data to detect stress in wheat and maize crops and assess whether moisture induced stress can be distinguished from salinity induced stress spectrally. A series of five greenhouse based experiments on wheat and maize were undertaken subjecting both crops to a range of salinity and moisture stress levels. Spectroradiometry measurements were collected at different growth stages of each crop to assess the relationship between crop biophysical and biochemical properties and reflectance measurements from plant canopies. Additionally, high spatial resolution satellite images including two QuickBird, one ASTER and two SPOT HRV were acquired in south-west Alexandria, Egypt to assess the potential of high spectral and spatial resolution satellite imagery to detect stress in wheat and maize at local and regional scales. Two field work visits were conducted in Egypt to collect ground reference data and coupled with Hyperion imagery acquisition, during winter and summer seasons of 2007 in March (8-30: wheat) and July (12-17: maize). Despite efforts, Hyperion imagery was not acquired due to factors out with the control of this research. Strong significant correlations between crop properties and different vegetation indices derived from both ground based and satellite platforms were observed. RDVI showed a sensitive index to different wheat properties (r > 0.90 with different biophysical properties). In maize, GNDVIbr and Cgreen had strong significant correlations with maize biophysical properties (r > 0.80). PCA showed the possibility to distinguish between moisture and salinity induced stress at the grain filling stages. The results further showed that a combined approach of high (2-5 m) and moderate (15-20) spatial resolution satellite imagery can provide a better mechanistic interpretation of the distribution and sources of stress, despite the typical small size of fields (20-50 m scale). QuickBird imagery successfully detects stress within field and local scales, whereas SPOT HRV imagery is useful in detecting stress at a regional scale, and therefore, can be a robust tool in identifying issues of crop management at a regional scale. Due to the limited spectral capabilities of high spatial resolution images, distinguishing different sources of stress is not directly possible, and therefore, hyperspectral satellite imagery (e.g. Hyperion or HyspIRI) is required to distinguish between moisture and salinity induced stress. It is evident from the results that remotely sensed data acquired by both in situ hyperspectral and high spatial resolution satellite remote sensing can be used as a useful tool in precision farming in the Nile Valley, Egypt. A combined approach of using reliable high spatial and spectral satellite remote sensing data could provide better insight about stress at local and regional scales. Using this technique as a precision farming and management tool will lead to improved crop productivity by limiting stress and consequently provide a valuable tool in combating issues of food supply at a time of rapid population growth

    High-throughput field phenotyping in cereals and implications in plant ecophysiology

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    [eng] Global climate change effects on agroecosystems together with increasing world population is already threatening food security and endangering ecosystem stability. Meet global food demand with crops production under climate change scenario is the core challenge in plant research nowadays. Thus, there is an urgent need to better understand the underpinning mechanisms of plant acclimation to stress conditions contributing to obtain resilient crops. Also, it is essential to develop new methods in plant research that permit to better characterize non-destructively plant traits of interest. In this sense, the advance in plant phenotyping research by high throughput systems is key to overcome these challenges, while its verification in the field may clear doubts on its feasibility. To this aim, this thesis focused on wheat and secondarily on maize as study species as they make up the major staple crops worldwide. A large panoply of phenotyping methods was employed in these works, ranging from RGB and hyperspectral sensing to metabolomic characterization, besides of other more conventional traits. All research was performed with trials grown in the field and diverse stressor conditions representative of major constrains for plant growth and production were studied: water stress, nitrogen deficiency and disease stress. Our results demonstrated the great potential of leave-to-canopy color traits captured by RGB sensors for in-field phenotyping, as they were accurate and robust indicators of grain yield in wheat and maize under disease and nitrogen deficiency conditions and of leaf nitrogen concentration in maize. On the other hand, the characterization of the metabolome of wheat tissues contributed to elucidate the metabolic mechanisms triggered by water stress and their relationship with high yielding performance, providing some potential biomarkers for higher yields and stress adaptation. Spectroscopic studies in wheat highlighted that leaf dorsoventrality may affect more than water stress on the reflected spectrum and consequently the performance of the multispectral/hyperspectral approaches to assess yield or any other relevant phenotypic trait. Anatomy, pigments and water changes were responsible of reflectance differences and the existence of leaf-side-specific responses were discussed. Finally, the use of spectroscopy for the estimation of the metabolite profiles of wheat organs showed promising for many metabolites which could pave the way for a new generation phenotyping. We concluded that future phenotyping may benefit from these findings in both the low-cost and straightforward methods and the more complex and frontier technologies.[cat] Els efectes del canvi climàtic sobre els agro-ecosistemes i l’increment de la població mundial posa en risc la seguretat alimentària i l’estabilitat dels ecosistemes. Actualment, satisfer les demandes de producció d’aliments sota l’escenari del canvi climàtic és el repte central a la Biologia Vegetal. Per això, és indispensable entendre els mecanismes subjacents de l’aclimatació a l’estrès que permeten obtenir cultius resilients. També és precís desenvolupar nou mètodes de recerca que permetin caracteritzar de manera no destructiva els trets d’interès. L’avenç del fenotipat vegetal amb sistemes d’alt rendiment és clau per abordar aquests reptes. La present tesi s’enfoca en el blat i secundàriament en el panís com a espècies d’estudi ja que constitueixen els cultius bàsics arreu del món. Un ampli ventall de mètodes de fenotipat s’han utilitzat, des sensors RGB a híper-espectrals fins a la caracterització metabolòmica. La recerca s’ha dut a terme en assajos de camp i s’han avaluat diversos tipus d’estrès representatius de les majors limitacions pel creixement i producció vegetal: estrès hídric i biòtic i deficiència de nitrogen. Els resultats demostraren el gran potencial dels trets del color RGB (des de la planta a la capçada) pel fenotipat de camp, ja que foren indicadors precisos del rendiment a blat i panís sota condicions de malaltia i deficiència de nitrogen i de la concentració de nitrogen foliar a panís. La caracterització metabolòmica de teixits de blat contribuí a esbrinar els processos metabòlics endegats per l’estrès hídric i la seva relació amb comportament genotípic, proporcionant bio-marcadors potencials per rendiments més alts i l’adaptació a l’estrès. Estudis espectroscòpics en blat van demostrar que la dorsoventralitat pot afectar més que l’estrès hídric sobre l’espectre de reflectància i consegüentment sobre el comportament de les aproximacions multi/híper-espectrals per avaluar el rendiment i d’altres trets fenotípics com anatòmics i contingut de pigments. Finalment, l’ús de l’espectroscòpia per l’estimació del contingut metabòlic als teixits de blat resulta prometedor per molts metabòlits, la qual cosa obre les portes per a un fenotipat de nova generació. El fenotipat pot beneficiar-se d’aquestes troballes, tant en els mètodes de baix cost com de les tecnologies més sofisticades i d’avantguarda
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