1,624 research outputs found

    A genetic algorithm for the mixed flow shop problem

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    In this thesis we present a new interesting version of the mixed flow shop se-quencing problem, which at the same time is a version of the classic flow shop,a very common topic on operations research.We propose a genetic algorithm to solve it that we will compare at the endwith a simple initial genetic-based algorithm previously design. For that wefirst focus on the crossover operator as we consider it the most challenging parton a sequencing problem. We study and compare 5 different crossover operatorsand we choose the one that performs better. Finally we calibrate the populationsize, the weight of mutation and crossover operators on the algorithm and alsothe mutations operator itself.The goal of the thesis is to better understand the specific mixed flow shopproblem version presented and design a genetic algorithm that clearly improvesthe performance of the initial algorith

    A Memetic Algorithm for the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem

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    The generalized traveling salesman problem (GTSP) is an extension of the well-known traveling salesman problem. In GTSP, we are given a partition of cities into groups and we are required to find a minimum length tour that includes exactly one city from each group. The recent studies on this subject consider different variations of a memetic algorithm approach to the GTSP. The aim of this paper is to present a new memetic algorithm for GTSP with a powerful local search procedure. The experiments show that the proposed algorithm clearly outperforms all of the known heuristics with respect to both solution quality and running time. While the other memetic algorithms were designed only for the symmetric GTSP, our algorithm can solve both symmetric and asymmetric instances.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in Natural Computing, Springer, available online: http://www.springerlink.com/content/5v4568l492272865/?p=e1779dd02e4d4cbfa49d0d27b19b929f&pi=1

    The Traveling Salesman Problem: An Analysis and Comparison of Metaheuristics and Algorithms

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    One of the most investigated topics in operations research is the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and the algorithms that can be used to solve it. Despite its relatively simple formulation, its computational difficulty keeps it and potential solution methods at the forefront of current research. This paper defines and analyzes numerous proposed solutions to the TSP in order to facilitate understanding of the problem. Additionally, the efficiencies of different heuristics are studied and compared to the aforementioned algorithms’ accuracy, as a quick algorithm is often formulated at the expense of an exact solution

    Solution of Travelling Salesman Problem based on Metaheuristic Techniques

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    The traveling salesman problem is a classic problem in combinatorial optimization. This problem is to find the shortest path that a salesman should take to traverse through a list of cities and return to the origin city. The list of cities and the distance between each pair are provided. It is an NP-complete problem i.e., class of computational problem for which no efficient solution algorithm has been found, presently there is no polynomial solution available. In this paper, we try to solve this very hard problem using various heuristics such as Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithm to find a near-optimal solu-tion as fast as possible. We try to escape the local optimum, using these advanced heu-ristic techniques

    Traveling Salesman Problem

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    The idea behind TSP was conceived by Austrian mathematician Karl Menger in mid 1930s who invited the research community to consider a problem from the everyday life from a mathematical point of view. A traveling salesman has to visit exactly once each one of a list of m cities and then return to the home city. He knows the cost of traveling from any city i to any other city j. Thus, which is the tour of least possible cost the salesman can take? In this book the problem of finding algorithmic technique leading to good/optimal solutions for TSP (or for some other strictly related problems) is considered. TSP is a very attractive problem for the research community because it arises as a natural subproblem in many applications concerning the every day life. Indeed, each application, in which an optimal ordering of a number of items has to be chosen in a way that the total cost of a solution is determined by adding up the costs arising from two successively items, can be modelled as a TSP instance. Thus, studying TSP can never be considered as an abstract research with no real importance
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