131 research outputs found

    Conditional Cube Attack on Reduced-Round Keccak Sponge Function

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    The security analysis of Keccak, the winner of SHA-3, has attracted considerable interest. Recently, some attention has been paid to the analysis of keyed modes of Keccak sponge function. As a notable example, the most efficient key recovery attacks on Keccak-MAC and Keyak were reported at EUROCRYPT\u2715 where cube attacks and cubeattack- like cryptanalysis have been applied. In this paper, we develop a new type of cube distinguisher, the conditional cube tester, for Keccak sponge function. By imposing some bit conditions for certain cube variables, we are able to construct cube testers with smaller dimensions. Our conditional cube testers are used to analyse Keccak in keyed modes. For reduced-round Keccak-MAC and Keyak, our attacks greatly improve the best known attacks in key recovery in terms of the number of rounds or the complexity. Moreover, our new model can also be applied to keyless setting to distinguish Keccak sponge function from random permutation.We provide a searching algorithm to produce the most efficient conditional cube tester by modeling it as an MILP (mixed integer linear programming) problem. As a result, we improve the previous distinguishing attacks on Keccak sponge function significantly. Most of our attacks have been implemented and verified by desktop computers. Finally we remark that our attacks on the the reduced-round Keccak will not threat the security margin of Keccak sponge function

    Cryptographic Applications of the Duplex Construction

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    Assured security is the desirable feature of modern cryptography. Most of moderncryptography primitives have no provably secure constructions. Their safety is defined on the basis ofwell-known in the given time cryptanalytic attacks. The duplex construction equipped with one idealpermutation and appropriate security parameters is suitable for building provably secure cryptographicprimitives. The constructions can be used for unclassified information of different sensitivity levelsprotection. Some of them can secure classified information up to the TOP SECRET level. Theapplications based on the duplex construction can be used for key wrapping, authenticated encryptionand can work as a pseudo-random bit sequence generator. They are not covered by any knownintellectual property

    New Results on the SymSum Distinguisher on Round-Reduced SHA3

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    In ToSC 2017 Saha et al. demonstrated an interesting property of SHA3 based on higher-order vectorial derivatives which led to self-symmetry based distinguishers referred to as SymSum and bettered the complexity w.r.t the well-studied ZeroSum distinguisher by a factor of 4. This work attempts to take a fresh look at this distinguisher in the light of the linearization technique developed by Guo et al. in Asiacrypt 2016. It is observed that the efficiency of SymSum against ZeroSum drops from 4 to 2 for any number of rounds linearized. This is supported by theoretical proofs. SymSum augmented with linearization can penetrate up to two more rounds as against the classical version. In addition to that, one more round is extended by inversion technique on the final hash values. The combined approach leads to distinguishers up to 9 rounds of SHA3 variants with a complexity of only 264 which is better than the equivalent ZeroSum distinguisher by the factor of 2. To the best of our knowledge this is the best distinguisher available on this many rounds of SHA3

    Security of the SHA-3 candidates Keccak and Blue Midnight Wish: Zero-sum property

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    The SHA-3 competition for the new cryptographic standard was initiated by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2007. In the following years, the event grew to one of the top areas currently being researched by the CS and cryptographic communities. The first objective of this thesis is to overview, analyse, and critique the SHA-3 competition. The second one is to perform an in-depth study of the security of two candidate hash functions, the finalist Keccak and the second round candidate Blue Midnight Wish. The study shall primarily focus on zero-sum distinguishers. First we attempt to attack reduced versions of these hash functions and see if any vulnerabilities can be detected. This is followed by attacks on their full versions. In the process, a novel approach is utilized in the search of zero-sum distinguishers by employing SAT solvers. We conclude that while such complex attacks can theoretically uncover undesired properties of the two hash functions presented, such attacks are still far from being fully realized due to current limitations in computing power


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    In a recent presentation, we promoted the use of 12-round instances of Keccak, collectively called “TurboSHAKE”, in post-quantum cryptographic schemes, but without defining them further. The goal of this note is to fill this gap: The definition of the TurboSHAKE family simply consists in exposing and generalizing the primitive already defined inside KangarooTwelve

    Zero-Sum Partitions of PHOTON Permutations

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    sLiSCP: Simeck-based Permutations for Lightweight Sponge Cryptographic Primitives

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    In this paper, we propose a family of lightweight cryptographic permutations called sLiSCP, with the sole aim to provide a realistic minimal design}that suits a variety of lightweight device applications. More precisely, we argue that for such devices the chip area dedicated for security purposes should, not only be consumed by an encryption or hashing algorithm, but also provide as many cryptographic functionalities as possible. Our main contribution is the design of a lightweight permutation employing a 4-subblock Type-2 Generalized-like Structure (GFS) and round-reduced unkeyed Simeck with either 48 or 64-bit block length as the two round functions, thus resulting in two lightweight instances of the permutation, sLiSCP-192 and sLiSCP-256. We leverage the extensive security analysis on both Simeck (Simon-like functions) and Type-2 GFSs and present bounds against differential and linear cryptanalysis. In particular, we provide an estimation on the maximum differential probability of the round-reduced Simeck and use it for bounding the maximum expected differential/linear characteristic probability for our permutation. Due to the iterated nature of the Simeck round function and the simple XOR and cyclic shift mixing layer of the GFS that fosters the propagation of long trails, the long trail strategy}is adopted to provide tighter bounds on both characteristics. Moreover, we analyze sLiSCP against a wide range of distinguishing attacks, and accordingly, claim that there exists no structural distinguishers for sLiSCP with a complexity below 2b/22^{b/2} where bb is the state size. We demonstrate how sLiSCP can be used as a unified round function in the duplex sponge construction to build (authenticated) encryption and hashing functionalities. The parallel hardware implementation area of the unified duplex mode of sLiSCP-192 (resp. sLiSCP-256) in CMOS 65nm65\,nm ASIC is 2289 (resp. 3039) GEs with a throughput of 29.62 (resp. 44.44) kbps, and their areas in CMOS 130nm130\, nm are 2498 (resp. 3319) GEs

    Unaligned Rebound Attack: Application on Keccak

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    We analyze the internal permutations of Keccak, one of the NIST SHA-3 competition finalists, in regard to differential properties. By carefully studying the elements composing those permutations, we are able to derive most of the best known differential paths for up to 5 rounds. We use these differential paths in a rebound attack setting and adapt this powerful freedom degrees utilization in order to derive distinguishers for up to 8 rounds of the internal permutations of the submitted version of Keccak. The complexity of the 8 round distinguisher is 2491.472^{491.47}. Our results have been implemented and verified experimentally on a small version of Keccak. This is currently the best known differential attack against the internal permutations of Keccak

    Algebraic Attacks on Round-Reduced Keccak/Xoodoo

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    Since Keccak was selected as the SHA-3 standard, both its hash mode and keyed mode have attracted lots of third-party cryptanalysis. Especially in recent years, there is progress in analyzing the collision resistance and preimage resistance of round-reduced Keccak. However, for the preimage attacks on round-reduced Keccak-384/512, we found that the linear relations leaked by the hash value are not well exploited when utilizing the current linear structures. To make full use of the 320+64×2=448320+64\times2=448 and 320 linear relations leaked by the hash value of Keccak-512 and Keccak-384, respectively, we propose a dedicated algebraic attack by expressing the output as a quadratic Boolean equation system in terms of the input. Such a quadratic Boolean equation system can be efficiently solved with linearization techniques. Consequently, we successfully improved the preimage attacks on 2/3/4 rounds of Keccak-384 and 2/3 rounds of Keccak-512. Since similar θ\theta and χ\chi operations exist in the round function of Xoodoo, we make a study of the permutation and construct a practical zero-sum distinguisher for 12-round Xoodoo. Although 12-round Xoodoo is the underlying permutation used in Xoodyak, which has been selected by NIST for the second round in the Lightweight Cryptography Standardization process, such a distinguisher will not lead to an attack on Xoodyak

    Zero-Sum Partitions of PHOTON Permutations

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    We describe an approach to zero-sum partitions using Todo’s division property at EUROCRYPT 2015. It follows the inside-out methodology, and includes MILP-assisted search for the forward and backward trails, and subspace approach to connect those two trails that is less restrictive than commonly done. As an application we choose PHOTON, a family of sponge-like hash function proposals that was recently standardized by ISO. With respect to the security claims made by the designers, we for the first time show zero-sum partitions for almost all of those full 12-round permutation variants that use a 4-bit S-Box. As with essentially any other zero-sum property in the literature, also here the gap between a generic attack and the shortcut is small