14,964 research outputs found

    Ethics and taxation : a cross-national comparison of UK and Turkish firms

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    This paper investigates responses to tax related ethical issues facing busines

    Political Shaping Of Transitions To Biofuels In Europe, Brazil And The USA

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    Faced with major challenges of global climate change, declining fossil fuel reserves, and competition between alternative uses of land, the transition to renewable transport fuels has been marked by new modes of political economic governance and the strategic direction of innovation. In this paper, we compare the different trajectories to the development and uptake of biofuels in Europe, Brazil and the USA. In terms of the timing, direction, and development of biofuels for road transport, the early lead taken by Brazil in sugarcane based ethanol and flex-fuel cars, the USA drive to corn-to-ethanol, and the European domination of biodiesel from rapeseed, manifest significant contrasts at many levels. Adopting a neo-Polanyian ?instituted economic process? approach we argue that the contrasting trajectories exemplify the different modes of politically instituting markets. We analyse the contrasting weight and impact of different drivers in each case (energy security, climate change mitigation, rural economy development, and market opportunity) in the context of diverse initial conditions and resource endowments. We explore the ?politics of markets? that arise from the different modes of instituting markets for ecologically sustainable economic growth, including the role of NGOs, the scientific controversies over land-use change, and the contrasting political institutions in our case studies. We also place our analysis in the historical perspective of other major carbon energy transitions (charcoal to coal, coal to petrochemicals). In so doing, we explore the idea of the emergence of new modes of governance of contemporary capitalist political economies, and the significance of politically directed innovation. The research is based on an extensive primary research programme of in-depth interviews with strategic players in each of the geographic regions, qualitative institutional analysis, a scenario workshop, and secondary data analysis

    Cultures of innovation of the African poor : common roots, shared traits, joint prospects? ; on the articulation of multiple modernities in African societies and black diasporas in latin America

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    The globalized Western culture of innovation, as propagated by major aid institutions, does not necessarily lead to empowerment or improvement of the well-being of the stakeholders. On the contrary, it often blocks viable indigenous innovation cultures. In African societies and African Diasporas in Latin America, cultures of innovation largely accrue from the informal, not the formal sector. Crucial for their proper understanding is a threefold structural differentiation: between the formal and informal sector, within the informal sector, according to class, gender or religion, and between different transnational social spaces. Different innovation cultures may be complementary, mutually reinforcing, or conflicting, leading in extreme cases even to a ‘clash of cultures’ at the local level. The repercussions of competing, even antagonistic agencies of innovative strategic groups are demonstrated, analyzing the case of the African poor in Benin and the African Diasporas of Brazil and Haiti.Die globalisierte westliche Innovationskultur, wie sie von den großen Entwicklungshilfeinstitutionen propagiert wird, fĂŒhrt nicht notwendigerweise zur Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen der Armen. Sie blockiert im Gegenteil oft wertvolle AnsĂ€tze endogener kultureller Innovationen. In afrikanischen Gesellschaften und in der Afrikanischen Diaspora Lateinamerikas entstehen Innovationskulturen ĂŒberwiegend im informellen, nicht im formellen Sektor. Diese Innovationskulturen weisen eine dreifache strukturelle Differenzierung auf: zwischen formellem und informellem Sektor, innerhalb des informellen gemĂ€ĂŸ sozialer Schichtung, Geschlecht oder Religion sowie zwischen transnationalen sozialen RĂ€umen. Diese unterschiedlichen Innovationskulturen können sich gegenseitig ergĂ€nzen und verstĂ€rken oder aber auch bekĂ€mpfen, was in ExtremfĂ€llen bis hin zum „Kampf der Kulturen“ auf lokaler Ebene fĂŒhrt. Die Auswirkungen dieser konkurrierenden oder antagonistischen Handlungsstrategien innovativer strategischer Gruppen werden an Hand von Fallstudien der Armen in Benin und in der Afrikanischen Diaspora Brasiliens und Haitis aufgezeigt

    Participation and Watershed Management: Experiences from Brazil

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    Public participation is emphasized in many new institutional approaches to resource management, especially watershed governance. The implementation of participatory management frameworks, and capacity-building for civil society participants, deserve close attention. This paper reports on an ongoing project in Sao Paulo State, Brazil, which is designed to strengthen the ability of local and NGO representatives to participate in democratic water management structures.This research was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canad

    Privatization, Corporate Control and Regulatory Reform: The case of Telefonica

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    This study analyzes the interaction of agency problems in public policy and of agency problems inside the firm: it investigates the case of a large privatized firm subject to many policy constraints. The last steps of Telefonica's privatization were designed to promote a disperse ownership and give managers a high level of discretion in running the company. By this, the government effectively created an agency problem inside the firm. There were no powerful shareholders to constrain the managers, and the threat of a takeover was not a credible one, since the government kept a golden share. There is no overall evidence of capture of politicians and regulators by managers in the interest of shareholders, although evidence suggests the existence of collusion between politicians and managers. We interpret the political interference with the firm’s control (a well documented phenomenon both in this study and in the cross-country literature on privatization; e.g. political ends in privatization, influence in appointments, golden shares) as the most visible part of such collusion. Liberalization and multi-level regulation will likely make any type of collusion or capture more difficult in the future.Governance, Privatization, Regulation, Deregulation, Capture

    Commoning and climate justice

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    Commoning represents a dynamic and emergent means of risk-reduction and livelihood provision which can address the shortcomings of both market and state-oriented economic systems -- increasingly relevant as climate change threatens human subsistence worldwide. This paper brings together international examples of responses to climate-related threats that are collective (not privatizing), to provide preliminary empirical evidence about how and in what circumstances people may develop equitable communal institutions rather than ones that worsen community fragmentation. The examples include traditional and new forms of commons which help to meet local subsistence needs and develop communities’ social, political and economic resilience in the face of climate change, exploring how climate justice -- improving the local and global equity of climate change impacts and processes – can advance in parallel with commons development.This research was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, FRN IDRC and SSHRC File Agreement No. 2017-008

    Regulatory Cooperation in Latin America: The Case of Mercosur

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