10 research outputs found

    P-HIP: A Multiresolution halftoning algorithm for progressive display

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    This thesis describes and implements an algorithmic framework for memory efficient, \u27on-the-fly\u27 halftoning in a progressive transmission environment. Instead of a conventional approach which repeatedly reconstructs the continuous tone image from memory and subsequently halftones it for display, the proposed method achieves significant memory efficiency by storing only the halftoned image and updating it in response to additional information received through progressive transmission. Thus the method requires only a single frame-buffer of bits for storage of the displayed binary image and no additional storage is required for the contone data. The additional image data received through progressive transmission is accommodated through in-place updates of the buffer. The method is thus particularly advantageous for high resolution bi-level displays where it can result in significant savings in memory. The proposed framework is implemented using a suitable multi-resolution, multi-level modification of error diffusion that is motivated by the presence of a single binary frame-buffer. Aggregates of individual display bits constitute the multiple output levels at a given resolution. This creates a natural progression of increasing resolution with decreasing bit-depth. Output images are shown to be comparable in terms of quality to those obtained from the conventional Floyd Steinberg error diffusion algorithm

    Digital halftoning and the physical reconstruction function

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    Originally presented as author's thesis (Ph. D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 1986.Bibliography: p. 397-405."This work has been supported by the Digital Equipement Corporation."by Robert A. Ulichney

    Hardware-accelerated algorithms in visual computing

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    This thesis presents new parallel algorithms which accelerate computer vision methods by the use of graphics processors (GPUs) and evaluates them with respect to their speed, scalability, and the quality of their results. It covers the fields of homogeneous and anisotropic diffusion processes, diffusion image inpainting, optic flow, and halftoning. In this turn, it compares different solvers for homogeneous diffusion and presents a novel \u27extended\u27 box filter. Moreover, it suggests to use the fast explicit diffusion scheme (FED) as an efficient and flexible solver for nonlinear and in particular for anisotropic parabolic diffusion problems on graphics hardware. For elliptic diffusion-like processes, it recommends to use cascadic FED or Fast Jacobi schemes. The presented optic flow algorithm represents one of the fastest yet very accurate techniques. Finally, it presents a novel halftoning scheme which yields state-of-the-art results for many applications in image processing and computer graphics.Diese Arbeit prĂ€sentiert neue parallele Algorithmen zur Beschleunigung von Methoden in der Bildinformatik mittels Grafikprozessoren (GPUs), und evaluiert diese im Hinblick auf Geschwindigkeit, Skalierungsverhalten, und QualitĂ€t der Resultate. Sie behandelt dabei die Gebiete der homogenen und anisotropen Diffusionsprozesse, Inpainting (BildvervollstĂ€ndigung) mittels Diffusion, die Bestimmung des optischen Flusses, sowie Halbtonverfahren. Dabei werden verschiedene Löser fĂŒr homogene Diffusion verglichen und ein neuer \u27erweiterter\u27 Mittelwertfilter prĂ€sentiert. Ferner wird vorgeschlagen, das schnelle explizite Diffusionsschema (FED) als effizienten und flexiblen Löser fĂŒr parabolische nichtlineare und speziell anisotrope Diffusionsprozesse auf Grafikprozessoren einzusetzen. FĂŒr elliptische diffusionsartige Prozesse wird hingegen empfohlen, kaskadierte FED- oder schnelle Jacobi-Verfahren einzusetzen. Der vorgestellte Algorithmus zur Berechnung des optischen Flusses stellt eines der schnellsten und dennoch Ă€ußerst genauen Verfahren dar. Schließlich wird ein neues Halbtonverfahren prĂ€sentiert, das in vielen Bereichen der Bildverarbeitung und Computergrafik Ergebnisse produziert, die den Stand der Technik reprĂ€sentieren

    Compression, pose tracking, and halftoning

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    In this thesis, we discuss image compression, pose tracking, and halftoning. Although these areas seem to be unrelated at first glance, they can be connected through video coding as application scenario. Our first contribution is an image compression algorithm based on a rectangular subdivision scheme which stores only a small subsets of the image points. From these points, the remained of the image is reconstructed using partial differential equations. Afterwards, we present a pose tracking algorithm that is able to follow the 3-D position and orientation of multiple objects simultaneously. The algorithm can deal with noisy sequences, and naturally handles both occlusions between different objects, as well as occlusions occurring in kinematic chains. Our third contribution is a halftoning algorithm based on electrostatic principles, which can easily be adjusted to different settings through a number of extensions. Examples include modifications to handle varying dot sizes or hatching. In the final part of the thesis, we show how to combine our image compression, pose tracking, and halftoning algorithms to novel video compression codecs. In each of these four topics, our algorithms yield excellent results that outperform those of other state-of-the-art algorithms.In dieser Arbeit werden die auf den ersten Blick vollkommen voneinander unabhĂ€ngig erscheinenden Bereiche Bildkompression, 3D-PosenschĂ€tzung und Halbtonverfahren behandelt und im Bereich der Videokompression sinnvoll zusammengefĂŒhrt. Unser erster Beitrag ist ein Bildkompressionsalgorithmus, der auf einem rechteckigen Unterteilungsschema basiert. Dieser Algorithmus speichert nur eine kleine Teilmenge der im Bild vorhandenen Punkte, wĂ€hrend die restlichen Punkte mittels partieller Differentialgleichungen rekonstruiert werden. Danach stellen wir ein PosenschĂ€tzverfahren vor, welches die 3D-Position und Ausrichtung von mehreren Objekten anhand von Bilddaten gleichzeitig verfolgen kann. Unser Verfahren funktioniert bei verrauschten Videos und im Falle von ObjektĂŒberlagerungen. Auch Verdeckungen innerhalb einer kinematischen Kette werden natĂŒrlich behandelt. Unser dritter Beitrag ist ein Halbtonverfahren, das auf elektrostatischen Prinzipien beruht. Durch eine Reihe von Erweiterungen kann dieses Verfahren flexibel an verschiedene Szenarien angepasst werden. So ist es beispielsweise möglich, verschiedene PunktgrĂ¶ĂŸen zu verwenden oder Schraffuren zu erzeugen. Der letzte Teil der Arbeit zeigt, wie man unseren Bildkompressionsalgorithmus, unser PosenschĂ€tzverfahren und unser Halbtonverfahren zu neuen Videokompressionsalgorithmen kombinieren kann. Die fĂŒr jeden der vier Themenbereiche entwickelten Verfahren erzielen hervorragende Resultate, welche die Ergebnisse anderer moderner Verfahren ĂŒbertreffen

    Colour coded

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    This 300 word publication to be published by the Society of Dyers and Colourists (SDC) is a collection of the best papers from a 4-year European project that has considered colour from the perspective of both the arts and sciences.The notion of art and science and the crossovers between the two resulted in application and funding for cross disciplinary research to host a series of training events between 2006 and 2010 Marie Curie Conferences & Training Courses (SCF) Call Identifier: FP6-Mobility-4, Euros 532,363.80 CREATE – Colour Research for European Advanced Technology Employment. The research crossovers between the fields of art, science and technology was also a subject that was initiated through Bristol’s Festival if Ideas events in May 2009. The author coordinated and chaired an event during which the C.P Snow lecture “On Two Cultures’ (1959) was re-presented by Actor Simon Cook and then a lecture made by Raymond Tallis on the notion of the Polymath. The CREATE project has a worldwide impact for researchers, academics and scientists. Between January and October 2009, the site has received 221, 414 visits. The most popular route into the site is via the welcome page. The main groups of visitors originate in the UK (including Northern Ireland), Italy, France, Finland, Norway, Hungary, USA, Finland and Spain. A basic percentage breakdown of the traffic over ten months indicates: USA -15%; UK - 16%; Italy - 13%; France -12%; Hungary - 10%; Spain - 6%; Finland - 9%; Norway - 5%. The remaining approximate 14% of visitors are from other countries including Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany (approx 3%). A discussion group has been initiated by the author as part of the CREATE project to facilitate an ongoing dialogue between artists and scientists. http://createcolour.ning.com/group/artandscience www.create.uwe.ac.uk.Related papers to this research: A report on the CREATE Italian event: Colour in cultural heritage.C. Parraman, A. Rizzi, ‘Developing the CREATE network in Europe’, in Colour in Art, Design and Nature, Edinburgh, 24 October 2008.C. Parraman, “Mixing and describing colour”. CREATE (Training event 1), France, 2008

    Using MapReduce Streaming for Distributed Life Simulation on the Cloud

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    Distributed software simulations are indispensable in the study of large-scale life models but often require the use of technically complex lower-level distributed computing frameworks, such as MPI. We propose to overcome the complexity challenge by applying the emerging MapReduce (MR) model to distributed life simulations and by running such simulations on the cloud. Technically, we design optimized MR streaming algorithms for discrete and continuous versions of Conway’s life according to a general MR streaming pattern. We chose life because it is simple enough as a testbed for MR’s applicability to a-life simulations and general enough to make our results applicable to various lattice-based a-life models. We implement and empirically evaluate our algorithms’ performance on Amazon’s Elastic MR cloud. Our experiments demonstrate that a single MR optimization technique called strip partitioning can reduce the execution time of continuous life simulations by 64%. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose and evaluate MR streaming algorithms for lattice-based simulations. Our algorithms can serve as prototypes in the development of novel MR simulation algorithms for large-scale lattice-based a-life models.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/scs_books/1014/thumbnail.jp