875 research outputs found

    New bounds for multi-dimensional packing

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    New upper and lower bounds are presented for a multi-dimensional generalization of bin packing called box packing. Several variants of this problem, including bounded space box packing, square packing, variable sized box packing and resource augmented box packing are also studied. The main results, stated for d=2, are as follows: A new upper bound of 2.66013 for online box packing, a new 14/9+varepsilon14/9 + varepsilon polynomial time offline approximation algorithm for square packing, a new upper bound of 2.43828 for online square packing, a new lower bound of 1.62176 for online square packing, a new lower bound of 2.28229 for bounded space online square packing and a new upper bound of 2.32571 for online two-sized box packing

    On variable sized vector packing

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    One of the open problems in on-line packing is the gap between the lower bound Ω(l) and the upper bound O(d) for vector packing of d-dimensional items into d-dimensional bins. We address a more general packing problem with variable sized bins. In this problem, the set of allowed bins contains the traditional "all-1" vector, but also a finite number of other d-dimensional vectors. The study of this problem can be seen as a first step towards solving the classical problem. It is not hard to see that a simple greedy algorithm achieves competitive ratio O(d) for every set of bins. We show that for all small ε > 0 there exists a set of bins for which the competitive ratio is 1 + ε. On the other hand we show that there exists a set of bins for which every deterministic or randomized algorithm has competitive ratio Ω(d). We also study one special case for d = 2

    Online bin packing with resource augmentation

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    In competitive analysis, we usually do not put any restrictions on the computational complexity of online algorithms, although efficient algorithms are preferred. Thus if such an algorithm were given the entire input in advance, it could give an optimal solution (in exponential time). Instead of giving the algorithm more knowledge about the input, in this paper we consider the effects of giving an online bin packing algorithm larger bins than the offline algorithm it is compared to. We give new algorithms for this problem that combine items in bins in an unusual way and give bounds on their performance which improve upon the best possible bounded space algorithm. We also give general lower bounds for this problem which are nearly matching for bin sizes b ?

    Dagstuhl Reports : Volume 1, Issue 2, February 2011

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    Online Privacy: Towards Informational Self-Determination on the Internet (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 11061) : Simone Fischer-Hübner, Chris Hoofnagle, Kai Rannenberg, Michael Waidner, Ioannis Krontiris and Michael Marhöfer Self-Repairing Programs (Dagstuhl Seminar 11062) : Mauro Pezzé, Martin C. Rinard, Westley Weimer and Andreas Zeller Theory and Applications of Graph Searching Problems (Dagstuhl Seminar 11071) : Fedor V. Fomin, Pierre Fraigniaud, Stephan Kreutzer and Dimitrios M. Thilikos Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Sequence Processing (Dagstuhl Seminar 11081) : Maxime Crochemore, Lila Kari, Mehryar Mohri and Dirk Nowotka Packing and Scheduling Algorithms for Information and Communication Services (Dagstuhl Seminar 11091) Klaus Jansen, Claire Mathieu, Hadas Shachnai and Neal E. Youn

    QAL-BP: An Augmented Lagrangian Quantum Approach for Bin Packing Problem

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    The bin packing is a well-known NP-Hard problem in the domain of artificial intelligence, posing significant challenges in finding efficient solutions. Conversely, recent advancements in quantum technologies have shown promising potential for achieving substantial computational speedup, particularly in certain problem classes, such as combinatorial optimization. In this study, we introduce QAL-BP, a novel Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) formulation designed specifically for bin packing and suitable for quantum computation. QAL-BP utilizes the augmented Lagrangian method to incorporate the bin packing constraints into the objective function while also facilitating an analytical estimation of heuristic, but empirically robust, penalty multipliers. This approach leads to a more versatile and generalizable model that eliminates the need for empirically calculating instance-dependent Lagrangian coefficients, a requirement commonly encountered in alternative QUBO formulations for similar problems. To assess the effectiveness of our proposed approach, we conduct experiments on a set of bin-packing instances using a real Quantum Annealing device. Additionally, we compare the results with those obtained from two different classical solvers, namely simulated annealing and Gurobi. The experimental findings not only confirm the correctness of the proposed formulation but also demonstrate the potential of quantum computation in effectively solving the bin-packing problem, particularly as more reliable quantum technology becomes available.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Algorithms for the Bin Packing Problem with Scenarios

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    This paper presents theoretical and practical results for the bin packing problem with scenarios, a generalization of the classical bin packing problem which considers the presence of uncertain scenarios, of which only one is realized. For this problem, we propose an absolute approximation algorithm whose ratio is bounded by the square root of the number of scenarios times the approximation ratio for an algorithm for the vector bin packing problem. We also show how an asymptotic polynomial-time approximation scheme is derived when the number of scenarios is constant. As a practical study of the problem, we present a branch-and-price algorithm to solve an exponential model and a variable neighborhood search heuristic. To speed up the convergence of the exact algorithm, we also consider lower bounds based on dual feasible functions. Results of these algorithms show the competence of the branch-and-price in obtaining optimal solutions for about 59% of the instances considered, while the combined heuristic and branch-and-price optimally solved 62% of the instances considered

    Stochastic programming for City Logistics: new models and methods

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    The need for mobility that emerged in the last decades led to an impressive increase in the number of vehicles as well as to a saturation of transportation infrastructures. Consequently, traffic congestion, accidents, transportation delays, and polluting emissions are some of the most recurrent concerns transportation and city managers have to deal with. However, just building new infrastructures might be not sustainable because of their cost, the land usage, which usually lacks in metropolitan regions, and their negative impact on the environment. Therefore, a different way of improving the performance of transportation systems while enhancing travel safety has to be found in order to make people and good transportation operations more efficient and support their key role in the economic development of either a city or a whole country. The concept of City Logistics (CL) is being developed to answer to this need. Indeed, CL focus on reducing the number of vehicles operating in the city, controlling their dimension and characteristics. CL solutions do not only improve the transportation system but the whole logistics system within an urban area, trying to integrate interests of the several. This global view challenges researchers to develop planning models, methods and decision support tools for the optimization of the structures and the activities of the transportation system. In particular, this leads researchers to the definition of strategic and tactical problems belonging to well-known problem classes, including network design problem, vehicle routing problem (VRP), traveling salesman problem (TSP), bin packing problem (BPP), which typically act as sub-problems of the overall CL system optimization. When long planning horizons are involved, these problems become stochastic and, thus, must explicitly take into account the different sources of uncertainty that can affect the transportation system. Due to these reasons and the large-scale of CL systems, the optimization problems arising in the urban context are very challenging. Their solution requires investigations in mathematical and combinatorial optimization methods as well as the implementation of efficient exact and heuristic algorithms. However, contributions answering these challenges are still limited number. This work contributes in filling this gap in the literature in terms of both modeling framework for new planning problems in CL context and developing new and effective heuristic solving methods for the two-stage formulation of these problems. Three stochastic problems are proposed in the context of CL: the stochastic variable cost and size bin packing problem (SVCSBPP), the multi-handler knapsack problem under uncertainty (MHKPu) and the multi-path traveling salesman problem with stochastic travel times (mpTSPs). The SVCSBPP arises in supply-chain management, in which companies outsource the logistics activities to a third-party logistic firm (3PL). The procurement of sufficient capacity, expressed in terms of vehicles, containers or space in a warehouse for varying periods of time to satisfy the demand plays a crucial role. The SVCSBPP focuses on the relation between a company and its logistics capacity provider and the tactical-planning problem of determining the quantity of capacity units to secure for the next period of activity. The SVCSBPP is the first attempt to introduce a stochastic variant of the variable cost and size bin packing problem (VCSBPP) considering not only the uncertainty on the demand to deliver, but also on the renting cost of the different bins and their availability. A large number of real-life situations can be satisfactorily modeled as a MHKPu, in particular in the last mile delivery. Last mile delivery may involve different sequences of consolidation operations, each handled by different workers with different skill levels and reliability. The improper management of consolidation operations can cause delay in the operations reducing the overall profit of the deliveries. Thus, given a set of potential logistics handlers and a set of items to deliver, characterized by volume and random profit, the MHKPu consists in finding a subset of items which maximizes the expected total profit. The profit is given by the sum of a deterministic profit and a stochastic profit oscillation, with unknown probability distribution, due to the random handling costs of the handlers.The mpTSPs arises mainly in City Logistics applications. Cities offer several services, such as garbage collection, periodic delivery of goods in urban grocery distribution and bike sharing services. These services require the planning of fixed and periodic tours that will be used from one to several weeks. However, the enlarged time horizon as well as strong dynamic changes in travel times due to traffic congestion and other nuisances typical of the urban transportation induce the presence of multiple paths with stochastic travel times. Given a graph characterized by a set of nodes connected by arcs, mpTSPs considers that, for every pair of nodes, multiple paths between the two nodes are present. Each path is characterized by a random travel time. Similarly to the standard TSP, the aim of the problem is to define the Hamiltonian cycle minimizing the expected total cost. These planning problems have been formulated as two-stage integer stochastic programs with recourse. Discretization methods are usually applied to approximate the probability distribution of the random parameters. The resulting approximated program becomes a deterministic linear program with integer decision variables of generally very large dimensions, beyond the reach of exact methods. Therefore, heuristics are required. For the MHKPu, we apply the extreme value theory and derive a deterministic approximation, while for the SVCSBPP and the mpTSPs we introduce effective and accurate heuristics based on the progressive hedging (PH) ideas. The PH mitigates the computational difficulty associated with large problem instances by decomposing the stochastic program by scenario. When effective heuristic techniques exist for solving individual scenario, that is the case of the SVCSBPP and the mpTSPs, the PH further reduces the computational effort of solving scenario subproblems by means of a commercial solver. In particular, we propose a series of specific strategies to accelerate the search and efficiently address the symmetry of solutions, including an aggregated consensual solution, heuristic penalty adjustments, and a bundle fixing technique. Yet, although solution methods become more powerful, combinatorial problems in the CL context are very large and difficult to solve. Thus, in order to significantly enhance the computational efficiency, these heuristics implement parallel schemes. With the aim to make a complete analysis of the problems proposed, we perform extensive numerical experiments on a large set of instances of various dimensions, including realistic setting derived by real applications in the urban area, and combinations of different levels of variability and correlations in the stochastic parameters. The campaign includes the assessment of the efficiency of the meta-heuristic, the evaluation of the interest to explicitly consider uncertainty, an analysis of the impact of problem characteristics, the structure of solutions, as well as an evaluation of the robustness of the solutions when used as decision tool. The numerical analysis indicates that the stochastic programs have significant effects in terms of both the economic impact (e.g. cost reduction) and the operations management (e.g. prediction of the capacity needed by the firm). The proposed methodologies outperform the use of commercial solvers, also when small-size instances are considered. In fact, they find good solutions in manageable computing time. This makes these heuristics a strategic tool that can be incorporated in larger decision support systems for CL

    Volumetric Techniques for Product Routing and Loading Optimisation in Industry 4.0: A Review

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    Industry 4.0 has become a crucial part in the majority of processes, components, and related modelling, as well as predictive tools that allow a more efficient, automated and sustainable approach to industry. The availability of large quantities of data, and the advances in IoT, AI, and data-driven frameworks, have led to an enhanced data gathering, assessment, and extraction of actionable information, resulting in a better decision-making process. Product picking and its subsequent packing is an important area, and has drawn increasing attention for the research community. However, depending of the context, some of the related approaches tend to be either highly mathematical, or applied to a specific context. This article aims to provide a survey on the main methods, techniques, and frameworks relevant to product packing and to highlight the main properties and features that should be further investigated to ensure a more efficient and optimised approach

    A machine learning optimization approach for last-mile delivery and third-party logistics

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    Third-party logistics is now an essential component of efficient delivery systems, enabling companies to purchase carrier services instead of an expensive fleet of vehicles. However, carrier contracts have to be booked in advance without exact knowledge of what orders will be available for dispatch. The model describing this problem is the variable cost and size bin packing problem with stochastic items. Since it cannot be solved for realistic instances by means of exact solvers, in this paper, we present a new heuristic algorithm able to do so based on machine learning techniques. Several numerical experiments show that the proposed heuristics achieve good performance in a short computational time, thus enabling its real-world usage. Moreover, the comparison against a new and efficient version of progressive hedging proves that the proposed heuristic achieves better results. Finally, we present managerial insights for a case study on parcel delivery in Turin, Italy
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