738 research outputs found

    Glaucoma Detection from Color Fundus Images

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    Glaucoma is a pathological condition, progressive neurodegeneration of the optic nerve, which causes vision loss. The damage to the optic nerve occurs due to the increase in pressure within the eye. Glaucoma is evaluated by monitoring intra ocular pressure (IOP), visual field and the optic disc appearance (cup-to-disc ratio). Cup-to disc ratio (CDR) is normally a time invariant feature. Therefore, it is one of the most accepted indicator of this disease and the disease progression. In this paper, active contour method is used to find the CDR from the color fundus images to determine pathological process of glaucoma. The method is applied on 25 nos of color fundus images obtained from optic disc organization UK having normal and pathological images. The proposed technique able to categorize all the glaucoma disease images

    The Optic Nerve in Glaucoma

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    Segmentation of Optic Disc in Fundus Images using Convolutional Neural Networks for Detection of Glaucoma

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    The condition of the vascular network of human eye is an important diagnostic factor in ophthalmology. Its segmentation in fundus imaging is a difficult task due to various anatomical structures like blood vessel, optic cup, optic disc, macula and fovea. Blood vessel segmentation can assist in the detection of pathological changes which are possible indicators for arteriosclerosis, retinopathy, microaneurysms and macular degeneration. The segmentation of optic disc and optic cup from retinal images is used to calculate an important indicator, cup-to disc ratio( CDR) accurately to help the professionals in the detection of Glaucoma in fundus images.In this proposed work, an automated segmentation of anatomical structures in fundus images such as blood vessel and optic disc is done using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) . A Convolutional Neural Network is a composite of multiple elementary processing units, each featuring several weighted inputs and one output, performing convolution of input signals with weights and transforming the outcome with some form of nonlinearity. The units are arranged in rectangular layers (grids), and their locations in a layer correspond to pixels in an input image. The spatial arrangement of units is the primary characteristics that makes CNNs suitable for processing visual information; the other features are local connectivity, parameter sharing and pooling of hidden units. The advantage of CNN is that it can be trained repeatedly so more features can be found. An average accuracy of 95.64% is determined in the classification of blood vessel or not. Optic cup is also segmented from the optic disc by Fuzzy C Means Clustering (FCM). This proposed algorithm is tested on a sample of hospital images and CDR value is determined. The obtained values of CDR is compared with the given values of the sample images and hence the performance of proposed system in which Convolutional Neural Networks for segmentation is employed, is excellent in automated detection of healthy and Glaucoma images

    Retinal Image Analysis: A Review

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    Images of the eye ground or retina not only provide an insight to important parts of the visual system but also reflect the general state of health of the entire human body. Automated retina image analysis is becoming an important screening tool for early detection of certain risks and diseases like diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, age related macular degeneration, glaucoma etc. This can in turn be used to reduce human errors or to provide services to remote areas. In this review paper, we discuss some of the current techniques used to automatically detect the important clinical features of retinal image, such as the blood vessels, optic disc and macula. The quantitative analysis and measurements of these features can be used to better understand the relationship between various diseases and the retinal features

    An Efficient Approach of Optic Disc Normalization and Segmentation for Glaucoma Detection

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    Glaucoma is considered as one of the major eye disease which will lead to vision loss if it is not diagnosed at a right time. Hence it is required to recognize the stage of the disease as early as possible. The earlier methods called Intra ocular pressure(IOP) and Visual Field Test have a disadvantage of requirement of special equipment which will be available in only specialized hospitals and provide low accuracy. In this paper effective method called Sparse Dissimilarity Constrained Coding (SDC) have been used where it considers optic disc and cup called cup to disc ratio (CDR). In this approach the optic disc is localized and segmented which is followed by cup segmentation. From which the area of optic disc and optic cup is obtained. The method gives accurate CDR results and it is well suited for more population. From the obtained ratio the stage of the disease can be well predicted and suitable treatment required can be suggested. The retinal fundus images that are used for the method will be easily available in almost all the hospitals and medical centers for comparing the result with the reference CDR ratios. The method provides efficient and reliable result compared to the manual method. Hence the proposed method is an effective approach for glaucoma detection

    Imaging Devices and Glaucoma Management

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    Machine Learning for Glaucoma Assessment using Fundus Images

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    [ES] Las imágenes de fondo de ojo son muy utilizadas por los oftalmólogos para la evaluación de la retina y la detección de glaucoma. Esta patología es la segunda causa de ceguera en el mundo, según estudios de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). En esta tesis doctoral, se estudian algoritmos de aprendizaje automático (machine learning) para la evaluación automática del glaucoma usando imágenes de fondo de ojo. En primer lugar, se proponen dos métodos para la segmentación automática. El primer método utiliza la transformación Watershed Estocástica para segmentar la copa óptica y posteriormente medir características clínicas como la relación Copa/Disco y la regla ISNT. El segundo método es una arquitectura U-Net que se usa específicamente para la segmentación del disco óptico y la copa óptica. A continuación, se presentan sistemas automáticos de evaluación del glaucoma basados en redes neuronales convolucionales (CNN por sus siglas en inglés). En este enfoque se utilizan diferentes modelos entrenados en ImageNet como clasificadores automáticos de glaucoma, usando fine-tuning. Esta nueva técnica permite detectar el glaucoma sin segmentación previa o extracción de características. Además, este enfoque presenta una mejora considerable del rendimiento comparado con otros trabajos del estado del arte. En tercer lugar, dada la dificultad de obtener grandes cantidades de imágenes etiquetadas (glaucoma/no glaucoma), esta tesis también aborda el problema de la síntesis de imágenes de la retina. En concreto se analizaron dos arquitecturas diferentes para la síntesis de imágenes, las arquitecturas Variational Autoencoder (VAE) y la Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). Con estas arquitecturas se generaron imágenes sintéticas que se analizaron cualitativa y cuantitativamente, obteniendo un rendimiento similar a otros trabajos en la literatura. Finalmente, en esta tesis se plantea la utilización de un tipo de GAN (DCGAN) como alternativa a los sistemas automáticos de evaluación del glaucoma presentados anteriormente. Para alcanzar este objetivo se implementó un algoritmo de aprendizaje semi-supervisado.[CA] Les imatges de fons d'ull són molt utilitzades pels oftalmòlegs per a l'avaluació de la retina i la detecció de glaucoma. Aquesta patologia és la segona causa de ceguesa al món, segons estudis de l'Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS). En aquesta tesi doctoral, s'estudien algoritmes d'aprenentatge automàtic (machine learning) per a l'avaluació automàtica del glaucoma usant imatges de fons d'ull. En primer lloc, es proposen dos mètodes per a la segmentació automàtica. El primer mètode utilitza la transformació Watershed Estocàstica per segmentar la copa òptica i després mesurar característiques clíniques com la relació Copa / Disc i la regla ISNT. El segon mètode és una arquitectura U-Net que s'usa específicament per a la segmentació del disc òptic i la copa òptica. A continuació, es presenten sistemes automàtics d'avaluació del glaucoma basats en xarxes neuronals convolucionals (CNN per les sigles en anglès). En aquest enfocament s'utilitzen diferents models entrenats en ImageNet com classificadors automàtics de glaucoma, usant fine-tuning. Aquesta nova tècnica permet detectar el glaucoma sense segmentació prèvia o extracció de característiques. A més, aquest enfocament presenta una millora considerable del rendiment comparat amb altres treballs de l'estat de l'art. En tercer lloc, donada la dificultat d'obtenir grans quantitats d'imatges etiquetades (glaucoma / no glaucoma), aquesta tesi també aborda el problema de la síntesi d'imatges de la retina. En concret es van analitzar dues arquitectures diferents per a la síntesi d'imatges, les arquitectures Variational Autoencoder (VAE) i la Generative adversarial Networks (GAN). Amb aquestes arquitectures es van generar imatges sintètiques que es van analitzar qualitativament i quantitativament, obtenint un rendiment similar a altres treballs a la literatura. Finalment, en aquesta tesi es planteja la utilització d'un tipus de GAN (DCGAN) com a alternativa als sistemes automàtics d'avaluació del glaucoma presentats anteriorment. Per assolir aquest objectiu es va implementar un algoritme d'aprenentatge semi-supervisat.[EN] Fundus images are widely used by ophthalmologists to assess the retina and detect glaucoma, which is, according to studies from the World Health Organization (WHO), the second cause of blindness worldwide. In this thesis, machine learning algorithms for automatic glaucoma assessment using fundus images are studied. First, two methods for automatic segmentation are proposed. The first method uses the Stochastic Watershed transformation to segment the optic cup and measures clinical features such as the Cup/Disc ratio and ISNT rule. The second method is a U-Net architecture focused on the optic disc and optic cup segmentation task. Secondly, automated glaucoma assessment systems using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are presented. In this approach, different ImageNet-trained models are fine-tuned and used as automatic glaucoma classifiers. These new techniques allow detecting glaucoma without previous segmentation or feature extraction. Moreover, it improves the performance of other state-of-art works. Thirdly, given the difficulty of getting large amounts of glaucoma-labelled images, this thesis addresses the problem of retinal image synthesis. Two different architectures for image synthesis, the Variational Autoencoder (VAE) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) architectures, were analysed. Using these models, synthetic images that were qualitative and quantitative analysed, reporting state-of-the-art performance, were generated. Finally, an adversarial model is used to create an alternative automatic glaucoma assessment system. In this part, a semi-supervised learning algorithm was implemented to reach this goal.The research derived from this doctoral thesis has been supported by the Generalitat Valenciana under the scholarship Santiago Grisolía [GRISOLIA/2015/027].Díaz Pinto, AY. (2019). Machine Learning for Glaucoma Assessment using Fundus Images [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/124351TESI
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