130 research outputs found

    Neural representations of phonology in temporal cortex scaffold longitudinal reading gains in 5- to 7-year-old children

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    © 2019 Elsevier Inc. The objective of this study was to investigate whether phonological processes measured through brain activation are crucial for the development of reading skill (i.e. scaffolding hypothesis) and/or whether learning to read words fine-tunes phonology in the brain (i.e. refinement hypothesis). We specifically looked at how different grain sizes in two brain regions implicated in phonological processing played a role in this bidirectional relation. According to the dual-stream model of speech processing and previous empirical studies, the posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG) appears to be a perceptual region associated with phonological representations, whereas the dorsal inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) appears to be an articulatory region that accesses phonological representations in STG during more difficult tasks. 36 children completed a reading test outside the scanner and an auditory phonological task which included both small (i.e. onset) and large (i.e. rhyme) grain size conditions inside the scanner when they were 5.5–6.5 years old (Time 1) and once again approximately 1.5 years later (Time 2). To study the scaffolding hypothesis, a regression analysis was carried out by entering brain activation in either STG or IFG for either small (onset \u3e perceptual) or large (rhyme \u3e perceptual) grain size phonological processing at T1 as the predictors and reading skill at T2 as the dependent measure, with several covariates of no interest included. To study the refinement hypothesis, the regression analysis included reading skill at T1 as the predictor and brain activation in either STG or IFG for either small or large grain size phonological processing at T2 as the dependent measures, with several covariates of no interest included. We found that only posterior STG, regardless of grain size, was predictive of reading gains. Parallel models with only behavioral accuracy were not significant. Taken together, our results suggest that the representational quality of phonology in temporal cortex is crucial for reading development. Moreover, our study provides neural evidence supporting the scaffolding hypothesis, suggesting that brain measures of phonology could be helpful in early identification of reading difficulties

    Reciprocal relations between reading skill and the neural basis of phonological awareness in 7- to 9-year-old children

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    By using a longitudinal design and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), our previous study (Wang et al., 2020) found a scaffolding effect of early phonological processing in the superior temporal gyrus (STG) in 6-year-old children on later behavioral reading skill in 7.5-year-old children. Other than this previous study, nothing is known about longitudinal change in the bidirectional relation between reading skill and phonological processing in the brain. To fill this gap, in the current study, we used the same experimental paradigm as in Wang et al. (2020) to measure children\u27s reading skill and brain activity during an auditory phonological awareness task, but with children who were 7.5 years old at Time 1 (T1) and about 1.5 years later when they were 9 years old at Time 2 (T2). The phonological awareness task included both small grain (i.e., onset) and large grain (i.e., rhyme) conditions. In a univariate analysis, we found that better reading skill at T1 predicted lower brain activation in IFG at T2 for onset processing after controlling for brain activation and non-verbal IQ at T1. This suggests that early reading ability reduces the effort of phonemic access, thus supporting the refinement hypothesis. When using general psychophysiological interaction (gPPI), we found that higher functional connectivity from IFG to STG for rhyme processing at T1 predicted better reading skill at T2 after controlling for reading skill and non-verbal IQ at T1. This suggests that the early effectiveness of accessing rhyme representations scaffolds reading acquisition. As both results did not survive multiple comparison corrections, replication of these findings is needed. However, both findings are consistent with prior studies demonstrating that phonological access in the frontal lobe becomes important in older elementary school readers. Moreover, the refinement effect for onsets is consistent with the hypothesis that learning to read allows for better access of small grain phonology, and the scaffolding effect for rhymes supports the idea that reading progresses to larger grain orthography-to-phonology mapping in older skilled readers. The current study, along with our previous study on younger children, indicates that the development of reading skill is associated with (1) the early importance of the quality of the phonological representations to later access of these representations, and (2) early importance of small grain sizes to later development of large grain ones

    Letter fluency in 7-8-year-old children is related to the anterior, but not posterior, ventral occipito-temporal cortex during an auditory phonological task

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    Previous studies have shown that reading skill in 3- to 6-year-old children is related to the automatic activation of the posterior left ventral occipitotemporal cortex (vOT) during spoken language processing, whereas 8- to 15-year-old children and adult readers activate the anterior vOT. However, it is unknown how children who are between these two age groups automatically activate orthographic representations in vOT for spoken language. In the current study, we recruited 153 7- to 8-year-old children to fill the age gap from previous studies. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we measured children\u27s reading-related skills and brain activity during an auditory phonological task with both a small (i.e. onset) and a large (i.e. rhyme) grain size condition. We found that letter fluency, but not reading accuracy, was correlated with activation in the anterior vOT for the rhyme condition. There were no reading-related skill correlations for the posterior vOT or for activation during the onset condition in this age group. Our findings reveal that automatic activation in the anterior vOT during spoken language processing already occurs in higher skilled 7- to 8-year-old children. In addition, increases in naming automaticity is the primary determinant of the engagement of vOT during phonological awareness tasks

    Reading acquisition: from digital screening to neurocognitive bases in a transparent orthography

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    155 p.El aprendizaje de la lectura es un área activa de investigación en la psicología y la neurociencia cognitiva. En las últimas décadas se ha avanzado enormemente en la comprensión de los procesos neurocognitivos subyacentes al aprendizaje de la lectura y a sus dificultades. Sin embargo, existen al menos dos dimensiones en las que es necesario seguir trabajando arduamente. Por un lado, el conocimiento actual sobre el aprendizaje de la lectura no ha impactado en las prácticas educativas. Por otro lado, la diversidad de las características del aprendizaje de la lectura en distintas ortografías no se comprende cabalmente. La presente tesis se enfoca en el estudio del aprendizaje de la lectura combinando estrategias de identificación oportuna de niños en riesgo lector en el contexto escolar, y estudios de laboratorio enfocados en comprender las bases neurocognitivas del aprendizaje de la lectura en una ortografía transparente como el español. Estos objetivos se lograron a través de un diseño longitudinal comenzando desde la educación inicial, siguiendo a un mismo grupo de aproximadamente 600 niños hasta segundo año de escuela. Los resultados muestran, por una parte, que es factible identificar a niños en riesgo lector incluso antes de la educación primaria, y, por otra parte, que el aprendizaje de la lectura en una ortografía transparente como el español tiene características comunes y características distintivas respecto a ortografías opacas. Estos resultados ponen en evidencia la factibilidad de la identificación oportuna de riesgo lector, y remarcan la importancia de considerar las características de la ortografía durante el aprendizaje de la lectura

    The contribution of auditory attention to reading processes of school-age children with and without dyslexia

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    Mastering proficient reading skills is essential for an individual’s personal and professional development. However, there are considerable individual differences in reading skills among children, and several potential environmental and cognitive factors underlying this variability. The overarching aim of this thesis was is to establish whether auditory attention is among these factors. The first study explored the effects of background speech on children reading performance and found that speech loudness and intelligibility differentially disrupted reading speed and comprehension. Moreover, weaker inhibitory control was associated with greater interference on reading comprehension. In the following two studies, I examined inhibitory control and behavioural and neural (EEG) measures of non-verbal sustained selective attention in a relatively large sample of children with and without dyslexia. As a model mimicking one of the first steps of reading acquisition, I also asked participants to learn to associated novel symbols with speech sounds. At the group level, auditory attentional measures did not differ between children with and without dyslexia. However, auditory attentional skills were related to reading fluency, and to the ability to learn novel audio-visual associations. Both of these skills were compromised in dyslexic readers. A final objective was to identify cognitive abilities predicting individual benefits of intensive intervention for dyslexia. I found that an interplay between auditory attentional and reading-specific (e.g. phonological awareness) abilities predicted individual reading and spelling intervention outcomes. Taken together, these studies indicated that auditory attention plays a role in children’s reading, for example, by supporting fundamental processes underlying reading acquisition, such as letter-speech sound learning, as well as by facilitating learning processes during interventions. They also showed that auditory attention could modulate the harmful effects of background speech. The novel findings presented in this thesis represent a starting point for future investigations into the relationship between auditory attention and reading abilities during development

    Awareness of Rhythm in SLI

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    Children with specific language impairments (SLIs) show impaired perception and production of language, and also show impairments in perceiving auditory cues to rhythm [amplitude rise time (ART) and sound duration] and in tapping to a rhythmic beat. Here we explore potential links between language development and rhythm perception in 45 children with SLI and 50 age-matched controls. We administered three rhythmic tasks, a musical beat detection task, a tapping-to-music task, and a novel music/speech task, which varied rhythm and pitch cues independently or together in both speech and music. Via low-pass filtering, the music sounded as though it was played from a low-quality radio and the speech sounded as though it was muffled (heard "behind the door"). We report data for all of the SLI children (N = 45, IQ varying), as well as for two independent subgroupings with intact IQ. One subgroup, "Pure SLI," had intact phonology and reading (N = 16), the other, "SLI PPR" (N = 15), had impaired phonology and reading. When IQ varied (all SLI children), we found significant group differences in all the rhythmic tasks. For the Pure SLI group, there were rhythmic impairments in the tapping task only. For children with SLI and poor phonology (SLI PPR), group differences were found in all of the filtered speech/music AXB tasks. We conclude that difficulties with rhythmic cues in both speech and music are present in children with SLIs, but that some rhythmic measures are more sensitive than others. The data are interpreted within a "prosodic phrasing" hypothesis, and we discuss the potential utility of rhythmic and musical interventions in remediating speech and language difficulties in children.This project has been funded by the Nuffield Foundation, but the views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Foundation.This is the final version of the article. It was first available from Frontiers via http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2015.0067

    A ciência da leitura e a produção acadêmica: caminhos trilhados

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    Linguistics focuses on the different phenomena of language. In macrolinguistics areas, there is Psycholinguistics. This subfield researches (de)coding processes of messages with verbal codes. Thus, one of its influential fields of activity is reading. Reading is one of the most complex information processing tasks. It begins with the graphemes decoding and it finishes with the text comprehension. Regarding the assessment of reading, there are several exams and large-scale tests, such as Pisa, Saeb (Aneb and Anresc/Prova Brasil), ENEM. Alarming statistics come with the indicators from these evaluative instruments. There are, among Brazilians, low levels of reading comprehension and marked functional illiteracy rate. Therefore, this study aimed to research what scientific communication has shared in terms of knowledge about reading. Specifically, the objectives were synthesize, considering the psycholinguistic approach of reading research, studies and research with the most recurrent theme in the reading field evidenced from the electronic communication, in order to investigate the dimensions and limitations of knowledge about this subject. For this, through WebQualis system, Qualis A1 and A2 scientific journals with electronic format and with focuses/scopes related to reading from the areas of (1) Language Arts/Linguistics, (2) Psychology and (3) Education were selected. With the selected journals and through Capes Journals Portal, all their volumes and issues from 2011 to 2015 were analyzed. With this, scientific articles related to reading were mapped. With the mapped articles abstracts, the recurrent themes in reading in the scientific production were observed. Finally, with the full articles that had the recurrent theme, the researches results were integrated, synthesizing and pondering about them. With a critical-reflexive assessment of the data, relevant information was found. First, on one hand, it was noted that the reading has achieved a stable and upward space through the electronic communication. On the other one, it was checked that the contributions of Psychology have a great influence in reading and comprehension research. Second, it was shown that the most frequent theme in electronic productions is comprehension. Finally, with the synthesis, it was found that, increasingly, comprehension topics related to reading neurobiological aspects were empirical and directly investigated. In addition, there are several studies that propose reading teaching methods as well as strategies for improving the comprehension, including the use of TICs. Moreover, it was found that many research results are limited. This is because the comprehension involves several components – cognitive processes and skills. Researches often focus attention on one or the other component of it only, and each research fixes a specific methodology design and that vary considerabably. Regarding the assessment of reading, many of the methodological apparatus tasks evaluate only the product of comprehension and not its process. In other words, built mental representations are evaluated and not how the encoding of this text occurred. Therefore, in short, both the researches advancement in the comprehension field and several limitations were observed.A Linguística atém-se aos mais diferentes fenômenos da língua(gem). Nos domínios macrolinguísticos, há a Psicolinguística. Essa subárea tem como foco de investigação os processos de (de)codificação de mensagens de códigos verbais. Assim, um de seus influentes campos de atuação é o de leitura. A leitura é uma das tarefas de processamento de informações mais complexas. Ela tem como princípio a decodificação grafêmica e como fim a compreensão textual. Em relação à avaliação da leitura, existem diversos testes e provas em larga escala, como o Pisa, o Saeb (Aneb e Anresc/Prova Brasil), o ENEM. Com os indicadores desses instrumentos avaliativos, vêm estatísticas alarmantes. Há, entre os brasileiros, baixos níveis de compreensão leitora e acentuado índice de analfabetismo funcional. Por conseguinte, este trabalho pretendeu investigar o que a comunicação científica tem compartilhado em termos de conhecimento sobre leitura. Especificamente, objetivou-se sintetizar, considerando a abordagem psicolinguística de investigação da leitura, estudos e pesquisas cuja temática evidenciada da comunicação eletrônica fosse a mais recorrente no campo da leitura, a fim de investigar dimensões e limitações do conhecimento a respeito dessa temática. Para isso, selecionaram-se, por meio do sistema WebQualis, periódicos científicos Qualis A1 e A2 em formato eletrônico e com focos/escopos relacionados à leitura, das áreas de (1) Letras/Linguística, (2) Psicologia e (3) Educação. Com os periódicos selecionados e por meio do Portal de Periódicos Capes, analisaram-se todos os seus volumes e números de 2011 a 2015, a fim de mapear artigos científicos com assunto em leitura. Com os resumos dos artigos mapeados, evidenciaram-se temáticas mais recorrentes na produção científica em leitura. Por fim, dos artigos completos cuja temática era a mais recorrente, integraram-se resultados das pesquisas, fazendo-se uma análise, com fins de síntese e reflexão. Da apreciação crítico-reflexiva dos dados, constataram-se relevantes informações. Em primeiro lugar, de um lado, observou-se que a leitura tem conquistado um estável e ascendente espaço em meio à comunicação eletrônica. De outro, demonstrou-se que contribuições da Psicologia têm forte influência na pesquisa de leitura e compreensão. Em segundo, evidenciou-se que a compreensão é a temática mais frequente nas produções eletrônicas. Por fim, com a síntese, constatou-se que, cada vez mais, se investiga empírica e diretamente facetas da compreensão em relação às bases neurobiológicas da leitura. Igualmente, há diversas pesquisas que propõem metodologias de ensino da leitura, bem como estratégias para a melhoria da compreensão, incluindo a utilização das TICs. Além disso, concluiu-se que muitos resultados de pesquisas são limitados. Isso porque a compreensão envolve diversos componentes – processos cognitivos e habilidades. E as pesquisas, muitas vezes, apenas focam a atenção em um ou em outro componente, além de definirem específicos e variados designs de metodologia. Em relação à avaliação da leitura, muitas das tarefas do aparato metodológico das pesquisas apenas avaliam o produto da compreensão e não o seu processo. Ou seja, avaliam-se representações mentais construídas e não como ocorreu a codificação desse texto na mente do leitor. Por conseguinte, em suma, tanto o avanço de pesquisas no campo de compreensão quanto, também, diversas limitações ficaram evidentes

    Advances in the neurocognition of music and language

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    Cognition, Language and Aging

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    Age-related changes in cognitive and language functions have been extensively researched over the past half-century. The older adult represents a unique population for studying cognition and language because of the many challenges that are presented with investigating this population, including individual differences in education, life experiences, health issues, social identity, as well as gender. The purpose of this book is to provide an advanced text that considers these unique challenges and assembles in one source current information regarding (a) language in the aging population and (b) current theories accounting for age-related changes in language function. A thoughtful and comprehensive review of current research spanning different disciplines that study aging will achieve this purpose. Such disciplines include linguistics, psychology, sociolinguistics, neurosciences, cognitive sciences, and communication sciences

    Infants' perception of sound patterns in oral language play

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