13 research outputs found

    Wireless backhaul in future cellular communication

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    Abstract. In 5G technology, huge number of connected devices are needed to be considered where the expected throughput is also very ambitious. Capacity is needed and thus used frequencies are expected to get higher (above 6 GHz even up to 80 GHz), the Cell size getting smaller and number of cells arising significantly. Therefore, it is expected that wireless backhaul will be one option for Network operators to deliver capacity and coverage for high subscriber density areas with reduced cost. Wireless backhaul optimization, performance and scalability will be on the critical path on such cellular system. This master鈥檚 thesis work includes connecting a base station by using the wireless backhaul by introducing a VPN in the proposed network. We find the bottleneck and its solution. The network is using 3.5 GHz wireless link instead of LAN wire for backhaul link between the EnodeB and the core network (OpenEPC). LTE TDD band 42 acting as a Wireless Backhaul (Link between EnodeB and Band 42 CPE Router). The status and attachment procedure are observed from different nodes of the openEPC and from the VPN machine. Step by step we have established a tunnel between the CPE device and the VPN server using PPTP and L2TP with IPSec tunneling protocol. The progression towards the final implementation brings in step by step all difficulties and bottlenecks are documented in the study

    Metodolog铆a para evaluar el rendimiento de software de redes privadas virtuales

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    La presente investigaci贸n se desarroll贸 con el prop贸sito de determinar cu谩les ser谩nlos procesos de una metodolog铆a que permitir谩n realizar la evaluaci贸n de los softwares de redes privadas virtuales. El tipo de investigaci贸n que se utilizar谩 es aplicado con un dise帽o de investigaci贸n no experimental transversaldescriptivo. Asimismo, el enfoque fue cuantitativo, por lo que se ha hecho la utilidad de recursosestad铆sticos para el an谩lisis de los resultados clave en busca de las aprobaciones de las hip贸tesis. Por consiguiente, para el desarrollo de la presente investigaci贸n se eligi贸 como muestra tres (03) softwares de redes privadas virtuales, tales como: (i) software licenciado (NordVPN), (ii) software libre (ProtonVPN), (iii) software gratuito (TunnelBear) las mismas que fueron comparadas mediante los criterios: (a) rendimiento del software (throughput, jitter), (b) administraci贸n de recursos (uso delCPU, uso de Memoria RAM, uso del Disco Duro) y (c) desempe帽o en la red (latencia, velocidad de descargas de archivos, velocidad de subida de archivos, ancho de banda, filtro y marcado de trafico de red, velocidad de encriptamiento dedatos, velocidad de desencriptamiento de datos, fugas de servidores DNS, fugas de direcci贸n IP, fugas de direcci贸n IP por WebRTC, tiempo de conexi贸n al servidor).En consecuencia, se cumpli贸 con todas las metas planteadas y se acept贸 todas las hip贸tesis. En s铆ntesis, se afirma que la aplicaci贸n de los procesos de la metodolog铆a MEPVPNS permiti贸 determinar la evaluaci贸n de rendimiento de los softwares de redes privadas virtuales en cuanto a: (i) rendimiento del software, (ii) administraci贸n de recursos y (iii) desempe帽o en la red. Finalmente, se recomend贸validar la metodolog铆a MEPVPNS ampliando sus procesos o desarrollando una nueva para entidades proveedores de medios inform谩ticos, etc

    VPN Solution Benchmarking for Endpoints Under Fast Network Mobility

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    This dissertation was proposed by Veniam, a start-up working on vehicular networks. Offering connectivity to moving things over different technologies (DSRC, Wi-Fi, or 4G LTE) while maintaining a good quality of experience for users is a challenging endeavour. In some cases, the use of a VPN can solve many of the issues. However, many popular VPN solutions were developed with a different use case in mind - the out of office worker. These solutions cannot handle mobility well, breaking connections when access points switch, and require considerable processing power. Applying these solutions to the fast moving, low resource devices deployed in Veniam connected fleets results in a severely degraded service. Therefore, other VPNs will be researched and compared, in order to benchmark and pick a suitable VPN solution. The VPN's overhead, namely throughput degradation, latency increase, and CPU usage will be measured, and its capacity to adapt to fast switching over heterogenous networks evaluated. The benchmark results will allow the minimisation of service degradation caused by the use of VPN tunnels in this constrained mobile environment

    Enhancing data security in cloud using random pattern fragmentation and a distributed nosql database

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    漏 2019 IEEE. The cloud computing model has become very popular among users, as it has proven to be a cost-effective solution to store and process data, thanks to recent advancements in virtualization and distributed computing. Nevertheless, in the cloud environment, the user entrusts the safekeeping of its data entirely to the provider, which introduces the problem of how secure such data is and whether its integrity has been maintained. This paper proposes an approach to the data security in cloud by utilizing a random pattern fragmentation algorithm and combining it with a distributed NoSQL database. This not only increases the security of the data by storing it in different nodes and scramble all the bytes, but also allows the user to implement an alternative method of securing data. The performance of the approach is compared to other approaches, along with AES 256 encryption. Results indicate a significant performance improvement over encryption, highlighting the capabilities of this method for cloud stored data, as it creates a layer of protection without additional overhead


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    Nowadays, accessing the Internet in a secure way in a big concern for many people due to the increase of cybersecurity attacks and the vulnerability of the data that is transferred online. In order to address such vulnerabilities, the use of a Virtual Private Network is really important. Not only for security reasons, but also to access resources of the network, such as printers, files or web pages. Considering that many people, especially IT students, have curiosity and enjoy creating their own technologies, this project aims to create a user manual to teach how people can create their own VPN server at home using a Raspberry Pi and to access their files and folders which are in the network. For that, tutorials were used and adapted in order to install the VPN server and NAS. In order to prove that the whole process was successful, some tools, such as, Wireshark, were used to show how the network traffic works once the VPN is used. The process was successful and many concepts were learnt and used such as Cryptography, Port forwarding, dynamic DNS, OpenVPN, etc

    A Scalable and Secure System Architecture for Smart Buildings

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    Recent years has seen profound changes in building technologies both in Europe and worldwide. With the emergence of Smart Grid and Smart City concepts, the Smart Building has attracted considerable attention and rapid development. The introduction of novel information and communication technologies (ICT) enables an optimized resource utilization while improving the building performance and occupants' satisfaction over a broad spectrum of operations. However, literature and industry have drawn attention to certain barriers and challenges that inhibit its universal adoption. The Smart Building is a cyber-physical system, which as a whole is more than the sum of its parts. The heterogeneous combination of systems, processes, and practices requires a multidisciplinary research. This work proposes and validates a systems engineering approach to the investigation of the identified challenges and the development of a viable architecture for the future Smart Building. Firstly, a data model for the building management system (BMS) enables a semantic abstraction of both the ICT and the building construction. A high-level application programming interface (API) facilitates the creation of generic management algorithms and external applications, independent from each Smart Building instance, promoting the intelligence portability and lowering the cost. Moreover, the proposed architecture ensures the scalability regardless of the occupant activities and the complexity of the optimization algorithms. Secondly, a real-time message-oriented middleware, as a distributed embedded architecture within the building, empowers the interoperability of the ICT devices and networks and their integration into the BMS. The middleware scales to any building construction regardless of the devices' performance and connectivity limitations, while a secure architecture ensures the integrity of data and operations. An extensive performance and energy efficiency study validates the proposed design. A "building-in-the-loop" emulation system, based on discrete-event simulation, virtualizes the Smart Building elements (e.g., loads, storage, generation, sensors, actuators, users, etc.). The high integration with the message-oriented middleware keeps the BMS agnostic to the virtual nature of the emulated instances. Its cooperative multitasking and immerse parallelism allow the concurrent emulation of hundreds of elements in real time. The virtualization facilitates the development of energy management strategies and financial viability studies on the exact building and occupant activities without a prior investment in the necessary infrastructure. This work concludes with a holistic system evaluation using a case study of a university building as a practical retrofitting estimation. It illustrates the system deployment, and highlights how a currently under development energy management system utilizes the BMS and its data analytics for demand-side management applications

    Marco de trabajo usando VPN con software libre para mejorar la velocidad de internet en dispositivos m贸viles con Android

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    El prop贸sito del estudio consisti贸 en desarrollar un marco de trabajo utilizando VPN con software libre para favorecer la mejora de la velocidad de internet. Se utiliz贸 como referencia la metodolog铆a PPDIOO de Cisco con la arquitectura de la plataforma V2RAY sobre en la nube en AWS y ORACLE. Se consider贸 4 indicadores: velocidad de descarga, velocidad de carga, tasa de perdida y tiempo de respuesta. Estos fueron evaluados en 2 momentos, a 42 estudiantes de la empresa Fundet Per煤. El primero fue antes de la implementaci贸n y el segundo despu茅s durante 5 d铆as, a trav茅s de instrumentos validados por los expertos (Ficha de Registro). Los resultados de la evaluaci贸n del antes y el despu茅s, mostraron el 26.4% respecto al indicador de velocidad de descarga, asimismo para el indicador de velocidad de carga con 79.5%, adem谩s, para el indicador de Tiempo de Respuesta con 100% y para el indicador de tasa de p茅rdida de 100%, siendo a su vez significativo con P_Value<0.05 para los 4 indicadores. El estudio concluy贸 que la aplicaci贸n del marco de trabajo usando VPN con software libre influy贸 de manera favorable en el incremento de la velocidad de internet en dispositivos m贸viles con Android

    The InfoSec Handbook

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