259,779 research outputs found

    Transportation Routes with Fastest Determination Algorithm Prim in Department of Transportation

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    Prim's algorithm is an algorithm in graph theory minimu spaning looking for a tree to resolve the problems TSP example is the replacement of the telephone network system or service transport lines making ari mail post box, and so on. In DISHUB (Department of Transportation), especially in Asahan. Which are currently experiencing density of transport, even experienced problems in determining the appropriate transport connections needed in Asahan. So on the basis that the author describes a case study with the determination of the transport path in Asahan District Department of TransportationKeywords: Prim’s Algorithm, Transportation, Asaha

    Denial of Service (DoS) in Internet Protocol (IP) Network and Information Centric Network (ICN): An Impediment to Network Quality of Service (QoS).

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    This paper compares and analyses the Denial-of-Service attacks in the two different Network architectures. The two architectures are based on different routing approaches: Hop-by-Hop IP routing and source-routing using Bloom filters. In Hop-by-Hop IP routing, the packet header contains the address, and the route is decided node by node. Forwarding in this method requires a node to have a routing table which contains the port through which the packet should traverse depending on the address of the destination. Instead in source-routing, the forwarding identifier is encoded with the path a packet should take and it is placed in the packet header. The forwarding identifier in this approach does not require a forwarding table for look ups like the IP routing; it relies on Line Speed Publish/Subscribe (LIPSIN) forwarding solution that focuses on using named links not nodes or interfaces. The forwarding identifier encompasses a set of Link ID’s which specifies the path to the recipient and they are encoded in a Bloom filter. The In-packet Bloom filters serve as both path selectors and as capabilities, and they are generated dynamically. However, this thesis is going to focus on the latter network technology by looking at both its benefits and drawbacks as well as analysing the possibilities of having a Denial of service attack. Keywords: DoS, DDoS, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, ICMP flood, E-mail Bomb, Ping of Death, TCP and UD

    The relationship between the means of help seeking and adaptation among university students

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    This study sets out to investigate the means of help seeking such as direct meeting, E-mail, phone, and social network service(SNS). In the first part of this study we examined whether social skill and friendship satisfaction influence the means of help seeking. Regression analysis revealed the followings: (a)A direct meeting and phone showed a significant path from crowed friendship and social skill.( b)The social skill promoted the means of help seeking using E-mail( c) Social network service showed a significant path from crowed friendship. Second, we investigated the relationship between the means of help seeking and adjustment of university students. The participants were divided into 4 groups according to their mean scores on direct help seeking(direct meeting) and indirect help seeking(phone ,E-mail, and SNS).We make direct meeting and indirect meeting was both high group( DHIH), group of High direct helping and low indirect helping (DHIL), group of low direct helping and high indirect helping (DLIH), direct meeting and indirect meeting was both low group( DLIL). Analysis of variance revealed the following:( a) DHIL and DHIH students were more satisfied with their friendship than DLIL students.( b)DHIL students were more satisfied with their friendship than DLIH students

    On Cost Allocation in Networks with Threshold Based Discounting

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    We study network design in which each pair of nodes can communicate via a direct link and the communication flow can be delivered through any path in the network. The cost of flow through each link is discounted if and only if the amount of flow exceeds certain threshold. This exploitation of economies of scale encourages the concentration of flows and use of relatively small number of links. Applications include telecommunications, airline traffic flow, and mail delivery networks. The cost of services delivered through such a network is distributed among its users who may be individuals or organizations with possibly conflicting interests. The cooperation between these users is essential for the exploitation of economies of scale. Consequently, there is a need to ensure a fair distribution of the cost of providing the service among network users. In order to describe this cost allocation problem we formulate the associated cooperative game, to be referred to as the threshold game. We then demonstrate that certain cost allocation solution (the core of the threshold game) can be efficiently applied to relatively ’large’ networks with threshold-based discounting

    Network cost allocation games based on threshold discounting

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    Consider networks in which each pair of nodes needs to communicate. The communication flow between any pair of nodes can be delivered through a direct link or via some connecting path in the network. By discounting the cost of flow through links for which the high flow volume is anticipated, network designers exploit economies of scale. This approach encourages the concentration of flows and use of relatively small number of links. This led to the design of well known hub networks and more recently hub-like networks. Applications include telecommunications, airline traffic flow, and mail delivery networks. The cost of services delivered through such networks is distributed among its users who may be individuals or organizations with possibly conflicting interests. The cooperation of these users is essential for the exploitation of economies of scale. Consequently, there is a need to find a fair distribution of the cost of providing the service among network users. In this paper, we present a survey of some recent results in the development of cooperative game theory based mechanisms to efficiently characterize cost allocation solutions for hub and hub-like networks. Specifically, we formulate the associated hub and hub-like network cost allocation games. Then, while paying special attention to users\u27 contribution to economies of scale, we demonstrate that some attractive cost allocation solutions, which provide users with the incentive to cooperate, can be efficiently computed


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    ABSTRAKSI: VoIP adalah IP Telephony yang mendefinisikan suatu sistem yang menggunakan jaringan internet untuk mengirimkan paket data suara dari satu tempat ke tempat lain menggunakan perantara protokol IP. Layanan komunikasi public yang menggunakan teknologi VoIP antara lain layanan komunikasi voice dengan normal, layanan voice mail yang dapat ditinggalkan pada nomor yang dihubungi, dan layanan pengiriman transmisi fax dengan biaya yang terjangkau.Bandwidth adalah parameter penting di dalam komunikasi VoIP. Jika jalur VoIP memiliki bandwidth yang tidak cukup maka kualitas suara terganggu. Dalam proyek akhir ini dilakukan Perancangan Kalkulator Bandwidth VoIP untuk membantu mahasiswa dalam mempelajari dan menghitung bandwidth yang diminta oleh jaringan agar komunikasi VoIP tidak terganggu.Kata Kunci : VoIP, Bandwidth, Kalkulator, TrafikABSTRACT: VoIP is an IP Telephony, a system using internet network to send voice data packets from one place to another places, using IP. Publik communication services which use VoIP technology are normal voice communication service, voice mail service which can be left on the dialled number, and fax transmission service with reasonable price.Bandwidth is one of important parameters in VoIP communication. If VoIP path has insufficient bandwidth, then voice quality will be affected. In tis final project, we design VoIP bandwidth calculator to help students learning and calculating bandwidth that is required for a network, so that VoIP communication will not be interfered.Keyword: VoIP, Traffi