962 research outputs found

    Networks and navigation in the knowledge economy: Studies on the structural conditions and consequences of path-dependent and relational action

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    In the wake of a relational turn, economic geographers have begun to scrutinize the relationships and interactions between people and organizations as a driving force behind economic processes at both global and local scales. Through a focus on contingent contextuality and path dependence, relational economic geography and network thinking have provided the necessary conceptual toolbox for untangling the structural effects and drivers of these relationships and their spatial embeddedness. However, despite the conceptual richness of the relational approach, empirical studies have often fallen short of capturing its core tenets: First, there is a prevalence to focus on places, infrastructures, and similarities as aggregate proxies for actors and their socio-economic relationships as the unit of geographical network analysis; While often convenient, this approach misses out on the capacity of networks to represent spatially embedded social contexts as enablers or constraints of economic action. Second, while path dependence is at the heart of evolutionary approaches towards economic geography, few studies actually trace how path-dependent and interrelated innovation shapes the long-term emergence of fields. Relational processes are especially salient when outcomes are opaque, decisions are interdependent, and when formal rules and roles are weak or absent. In this thesis, I ask how actors navigate such contexts and investigate the structural conditions and consequences of their navigation efforts. In my pursuit of this question, I draw on literatures from sociology, economics, and organization studies and build on novel methods of network analysis capable of empirically capturing contextuality and path dependence to investigate relational processes at three levels of economic activity: The thesis first looks towards a localized and informal trade platform to demonstrate how consumers rely on their former transactions to navigate exchange uncertainty and how such an exchange system can become liable to personal lock-in. It then moves on to show how the geographically and organizationally diversified search for innovation opportunities structures the transfer of knowledge across a globalized and partially informal corporate scouting community. Finally, the thesis shows how the linkage of distinct knowledge domains drives the long-term emergence of heterogeneous technological fields. In its endeavor to trace these processes, the thesis contributes a set of distinct relational research designs that demonstrate how advances in methods and data can be employed to empirically exploit the conceptual richness of relational economic geography

    Coming From Good Stock: Career Histories and New Venture Formation

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    We examine how the social structure of existing organizations influences entrepreneurship and suggest that resources accrue to entrepreneurs based on the structural position of their prior employers. We argue that information advantages allow individuals from entrepreneurially prominent prior firms to identify new opportunities. Entrepreneurial prominence also reduces the perceived uncertainty of a new venture. Using a sample of Silicon Valley start-ups, we demonstrate that entrepreneurial prominence is associated with initial strategy and the probability of attracting external financing. New ventures with high prominence are more likely to be innovators; furthermore, innovators with high prominence are more likely to obtain financing

    Mergers & Acquisitions research: A bibliometric study of top strategy journals, 2000 - 2009

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    Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are important modes through which firms undertake their domestic and international strategies. This bibliometric review examines the extant research on M&As in the top five strategic management journals during a ten years period ? from 2000 to 2009. The 90 articles identified in these top journals denote an eclectic theoretical focus with the prevalence of four theories ? resource-based view, transaction costs, agency theory and institutional theory. We present a brief analysis of the key issues in M&A research, as well as the samples and theories more commonly used. We conclude by presenting a broad discussion comprising the methods used, the research questions investigated, the type of articles, as well as limitations and avenues for future enquiry.mergers & acquisitions; strategic management journals, bibliometric study

    Three Essays on Innovation Performace, Aspirations and Strategic Decision Making

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    La recerca que he desenvolupat a la meva tesi doctoral està centrada en la comprensió del paper que desenvolupa el innovative performance per influir en la presa de decisions estratègiques a nivell individual i d’organitzacions, en un context intensiu de coneixement. La meva tesi doctoral s’articula en tres capítols principals, que corresponen a tres articles d’investigació de la meva línia de treball actual. Basant-me en la investigació prèvia sobre els nivells d’aspiració i presa de decisions a nivell de gerència, en el primer article s’examinaran les condicions en què les empreses farmacèutiques canvien el seu partnering behavior a través del temps. En línia amb el pensament actual en Behavioral Theory and Evolutionary Theory of the firm, sostenim que qualsevol canvi en partnering behavior és considerat de risc, i es posa en marxa per la diferència (o el gap existent) entre el rendiment actual i el rendiment desitjat. Hem estudiat una mostra de 988 empreses farmacèutiques entre 1990 i 2006 –els resultats confirmen la idea central del treball- que suggereixen que el tipus de performance (financer o innovador) té una marcada influencia en el associated feedback loop amb les subseqüents conseqüències a nivell organitzatiu de l’empresa. Quan la performance financera s’allunya de les expectatives (tan per sobre com per sota) les empreses farmacèutiques disminueixen la magnitud dels canvis en partnering behavior. Per contra, quan la innovative performance s’allunya de les expectatives (tan per sobre com per sota) les empreses farmacèutiques augmenten la magnitud de canvi en partnering behavior. El segon article, a partir d’investigacions anteriors i actuals de la mobilitat dels treballador, és un intent exploratori que busca construir sobre la Behavioral and Prospect theory més concretament sobre la literatura de managerial risk taking amb l’objectiu d’explorar les influències “motivacionals” sobre la mobilitat individual a través de les empreses de la industria farmacèutica –específicament com les desviacions del rendiment des de punts de referència específics expliquen la probabilitat de la mobilitat (una acció amb risc). En línia amb les teories del coneixement mencionades prèviament, els nostres resultats suggereixen que: quan un inventor performs per sobre del seu nivell d’aspiració/expectativa (tan històrica com social), trobem un recolzament pels arguments d’aversió de risc quan un inventor performs per sota les seves expectatives està més predisposat a participar en la mobilitat entre organitzacions, considerada com a acció arriscada, però només quan es compara la seva actuació amb les aspiracions socials (per exemple, considerant el risc del perfil). Finalment, en el tercer article s’intenta donar llum a les preguntes “per què els inventors es mouen?” Estudis recents proposen respostes a aquesta pregunta fonamental centrant-se principalment o bé en l’estructura d’incentius en els contractes d’inventors (mercat, és a dir laboral intern) o bé en les oportunitats externes del mercat laboral. Nosaltres creiem que aquestes teories econòmiques suposen una explicació parcial de per què els treballadors amb talent participen en la mobilitat entre organitzacions. De fet, no tenim una idea clara sobre els fonaments sociològics que caracteritzen la mobilitat, concretament desconeixem les raons que porten l’inventor a assumir aquests riscs/ que hi ha darrera de la inclinació dels inventors a assumir aquests riscs. Per tant, el present article és un intent d’oferir un model més comprensible per explicar els antecedents de mobilitat entre organitzacions. Prenent com a base la Behavioral and Prospect theories i més concretament, la literatura sobre managerial risk taking el document té com a objectiu principal el d’explorar i subratllar les influencies motivacionals sobre la mobilitat individual a través de les empreses de la industria farmacèutica –específicament es centra en com la desviació del “rendiment” respecte punts de referència específics (aspiracions socials) explica la probabilitat (la inclinació a la) mobilitat (una acció arriscada). Els resultats de la nostra investigació confirmen i amplien els estudis anteriors sobre la mobilitat; juntament amb l’estructura d’incentius d’empresa per retenir els empleats i inventors amb talent, el mercat laboral explica la inclinació a la mobilitat, la desviació en la performance dels inventors des de social aspiration levels i també pot predir a tendència a la mobilitat dels inventors. En conclusió, a la meva tesi doctoral intento millorar la comprensió, i per tant oferir a la comunitat acadèmica de managment, de com organitzacions i individus aprenen de les seves accions en el passat i prenen (decisions basades en la subseqüent strategic decision-making) com a resposta a la interpretació de la performance necessària per millorar la performance i aconseguir competitivitat exitosa.La investigación que he desarrollado durante mi tesis doctoral se centra en la comprensión del papel que desempeña el rendimiento innovador para influir en las decisiones estratégicas a nivel organizacional e individual en contextos intensivos en conocimiento. Mi tesis doctoral se articula en tres capítulos principales, que representan tres papeles de trabajo actuales. Basándose en la investigación previa sobre los niveles de aspiración y toma de decisiones gerenciales, en el primer documento de trabajo se examinará las condiciones en que las empresas farmacéuticas cambian su partnering behavior a través del tiempo. Usando fundamentos de Behavioral Theory y Evolutionary Theory of the firm, sostenemos que cualquier cambio en el partnering behavior se considera riesgoso, y es accionado por la brecha entre el rendimiento real y el rendimiento de aspiración. Prueba de una muestra de 988 empresas farmacéuticas a partir de 1990 a 2006, nuestros resultados confirman la idea central del trabajo - que el tipo de desempeño (financiero o innovador) tiene una fuerte influencia en el circuito de retorno correspondiente y la acción organizativa posterior: cualquier desvío de desempeño financiero de aspiraciones predice risk aversión behavior (i.e. menos cambio en partnering behavior) mientras cualquier desvío de desempeño innovador de aspiraciones predice risktaking behavior (i.e. mas cambio en partnering behavior). El segundo documento de trabajo, a partir de investigaciones anteriores y actuales de la movilidad de los empleados, es un intento exploratorio que busca construir sobre Behavioral Theory y la perspectiva, sobre todo, en la literatura de managerial risk taking con el fin de explorar las influencias motivacionales sobre la movilidad individual a través de las empresas de la industria farmacéutica - específicamente cómo las desviaciones del rendimiento desde los puntos de referencia específicos (aspiraciones) explican la probabilidad de movilidad (una acción arriesgada). De acuerdo con las tradiciones teóricas mencionadas anteriormente, nuestros resultados sugieren que: cuando un inventor realiza por encima de su nivel de aspiración (tanto histórica como social), encontramos apoyo para los argumentos de aversión al riesgo (es decir, menos propensos a cambiar de empleador), cuando un inventor realiza a continuación sus niveles de aspiración es más probable que participen en la movilidad entre organizaciones, como la acción arriesgada, pero sólo cuando se compara su desempeño con las aspiraciones sociales (es decir, teniendo riesgo de perfil). Finalmente, en el tercer documento de trabajo se intenta responder a las preguntas "¿por qué los inventores se mueven?" Estudios recientes que proponen respuesta a esta pregunta fundamental se centran principalmente en la estructura de incentivos en los contratos de inventor (es decir, mercado laboral interno) o oportunidades externas del mercado laboral. Nosotros creemos que estas tradiciones económicas teóricas presentar una representación parcial de por qué los empleados talentosos participan en la movilidad entre organizaciones. De hecho, no tenemos una idea clara sobre los fundamentos sociológicos que caracterizan a la movilidad, en particular, las razones motivacionales del inventor detrás de la participación en tal toma de riesgo (es decir, movilidad). Por lo tanto, el presente articulo es un intento que busca ofrecer un modelo más amplio para explicar los antecedentes de la movilidad entre organizaciones. Sobre la base de Behavioral Theory y tomando la perspectiva, sobre todo, de la literatura managerial risk taking, el documento tiene como objetivo principal de explorar y llamar la atención a las influencias motivacionales sobre la movilidad individual a través de las empresas de la industria farmacéutica - específicamente cómo las desviaciones de rendimiento de los puntos de referencia específicos (aspiraciones sociales) explican la probabilidad de movilidad (una acción arriesgada). Los resultados de nuestra investigación confirman y amplían los estudios anteriores sobre la movilidad: junto con la estructura de incentivos de la empresa para retener a los empleados talentosos y a las dinámicas de mercado de laboral externo que explican los inventores la posibilidad de la movilidad, las desviaciones del inventor de su rendimiento desde los niveles de aspiración sociales también predicen la probabilidad de inventor de la movilidad. En conclusión, en mi tesis doctoral intento de comprender mejor, y por lo tanto ofrecer a la comunidad académica de administración de empresa, como las organizaciones y los individuos aprenden de sus acciones pasadas y deciden posteriores tomas de decisiones estratégicas como respuesta a la interpretación del rendimiento, necesario para mejorar el rendimiento y reunir el éxito competitivo.The research I developed during my doctoral dissertation focuses on the understanding of the role that innovative performance plays in influencing strategic decision-making at the organizational and individual level in knowledge intensive contexts. My doctoral dissertation is articulated in three main chapters, which represent three current working papers. Building on the prior research on aspiration levels and managerial decision making, in the first working paper we examine the conditions under which pharmaceutical firms change their partnering behavior across time. Using insights drawn from behavioral theory and evolutionary theory of the firm, we argue that any change in partnering behavior is considered risky, and is triggered by the gap between actual performance and aspirational performance. Testing a sample of 988 pharmaceutical firms from 1990 to 2006, our results confirm the central idea of the paper - that the type of performance (financial or innovative) has a strong influence on the associated feedback loop and subsequent organizational action: any deviation of financial performance from aspirations predicts risk aversion behavior (i.e. less change in partnering behavior) while any deviation of innovative performance from aspirations predicts risk taking behavior (i.e. more change in partnering behavior). The second working paper, building on previous and current research of employees’ mobility, is an exploratory attempt that seeks to build on behavioral and prospect theory, particularly, on the literature of managerial risk taking in order to explore the motivational influences on individual mobility across firms in the pharmaceutical industry - specifically how performance deviations from specific reference points (aspirations) explain the likelihood of mobility (a risky action). In line with the theoretical traditions mentioned above, our results suggest that: when an inventor performs above her aspiration level (both historical and social), we found support for risk adversity arguments (i.e. less likely to change employer); when an inventor performs below her aspiration levels is more likely to engage in inter-organizational mobility, such as risky action, but only when comparing her performance to the social aspirations (i.e. risk taking profile). Finally, in the third working paper we attempt to answer to the questions “why do inventors move?” Recent studies propose answer to this fundamental question focusing mainly either on incentives structure in inventor’s contracts (i.e. internal labor market) or external labor market opportunities. We believe that these theoretical economic traditions present a partial representation of why talented employees engage in inter-organizational mobility. In fact, we do not have a clear understanding on the sociological underpinnings characterizing mobility, in particular about the inventor’s motivational rationales behind the engagement in such risky decision. Building on behavioral and prospect theory, particularly, on the literature of managerial risk taking, the paper mainly aims to explore and to bring attention to the motivational influences on individual mobility across firms in the pharmaceutical industry - specifically how performance deviations from specific reference points (social aspirations) explain the likelihood of mobility (a risky action). The results of our research confirm and extend previous studies on mobility: along with firm’s incentive structure to retain talented employees and inventors’ labor market explain the likelihood of mobility, inventor’s performance deviations from social aspiration levels also predict inventor’s likelihood of mobility. In conclusions, in my doctoral dissertation I attempt to better understand, and therefore offer to the academic management community, how organizations and individuals learn from their past actions and decide on subsequent strategic decision-making as a response to performance interpretation necessary to improve performance and gather competitive success

    Network brokerage:An integrative review and future research agenda

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    Network brokerage research has grown rapidly in recent decades, spanning the boundaries of multiple social science disciplines as well as diverse research areas within management. Accordingly, we take stock of the literature on network brokerage and provide guidance on ways to move this burgeoning research area forward. We provide a comprehensive review of this literature, including crucial dimensions of the concept itself in terms of brokerage structure and behavior, a set of key categories of factors surrounding the brokerage concept (antecedents, outcomes, and moderators), and an overview of brokerage dynamics over time. We use these dimensions and categories to depict network brokerage’s theoretical and empirical underpinnings as well as evaluate prior research efforts. In so doing, we offer a means to summarize and synthesize this large, interdisciplinary literature, identify important research gaps, and offer promising directions for future research

    Knowledge transfer mechanisms of University-Industry collaboration: an empirical analysis of the biotechnology industry

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    This study aims to adopt the transaction cost economics, resource-based theory, and social exchange theory to theoretically analyse university-industry knowledge transfer activities and their determinants and consequences. Four mechanisms are identified for university-industry knowledge transfer, namely equity-based transfer, research contract-based transfer, general contract-based transfer, and relation-based transfer. These determinants are examined in three categories, namely, resource factors, resource dependency and complementarities, and transaction cost factors. The sample was gathered from 145 Taiwanese biotechnology firms, and the results indicate that collaboration with a university improves a firm ’s knowledge transfer performance in terms o f knowledge acquisition, knowledge generation, and commercial success. Relation-based transfer and general contract-based transfer are the most effective ways in which to transfer knowledge, and these are followed by research contract-based transfer, and equity-based transfer respectively. Furthermore, the empirical results illustrate that not all types o f resources contribute to university-industry knowledge transfer activities and knowledge transfer performance. A firm’s resources are found to be useful for the formation o f collaboration, and a university’s resources are beneficial for improving knowledge transfer performance, particularly when they have more knowledge resources and organisational resources. Technology transfer office resources and the relationship resources o f universities and firms facilitate an equity-based transfer and improve the performance o f knowledge transfer. Flowever, the greater property-based resources o f a university and a firm do not generate more university-industry knowledge transfer activities and a better knowledge transfer performance. A university’s greater property-based resources can even decrease the knowledge transfer performance. In addition, it was found that knowledge asset specificity and market uncertainty are related to the formation o f a relation-based transfer, general contract-based transfer, and research contract-based transfer. However, resource dependency and resource complementarity do not appear to have an effect on facilitating university-industry knowledge transfer activities and knowledge transfer performance

    Analysis of knowledge flows in university-industry collaboration: a materials innovation case

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais, Florianópolis, 2021.Materiais avançados são fundamentais para a inovação, pois desempenham um papel importante no desenvolvimento de todos os tipos de novos produtos e processos. Materiais avançados, entretanto, apresentam vários desafios devido à sua posição a montante na cadeia de valor. O desenvolvimento de materiais requer longos períodos de desenvolvimento e altos investimentos antes de obter os primeiros feedbacks dos clientes, aumentando assim os riscos de investimento. Portanto, a cooperação universidade-indústria (CUI), apoiada por políticas científicas nacionais e programas de fomento, desempenha um papel importante no apoio ao desenvolvimento de materiais avançados e na construção de vantagem competitiva no mercado. Na CUI, o compartilhamento de conhecimento é um dos principais objetivos, portanto, o gerenciamento dos fluxos de conhecimento (FC) entre a universidade e a indústria com práticas de gestão do conhecimento (GC) é uma questão importante para a eficácia da colaboração. A maioria dos estudos anteriores avalia a CUI e o fluxo de conhecimento no nível organizacional, deixando o nível de equipe (nível micro) desses construtos obscuros. O objetivo deste trabalho qualitativo foi analisar, usando uma abordagem de método misto, como o conhecimento flui em uma colaboração universidade-indústria para a inovação de materiais, a fim de propor uma estrutura de análise e um conjunto de práticas para melhorar a colaboração. A caracterização do fluxo de conhecimento mostra redes distintas de conhecimento técnico, gerencial e de mercado, nós principais espalhados pelas redes e uma série de práticas de gestão do conhecimento. Os resultados evidenciaram a relação entre o fluxo de conhecimento, CUI e fatores de influência, mas a relação quantitativa entre o desempenho da CUI e as práticas de GC não pôde ser identificada com os instrumentos empregados. A estrutura de análise sugere investigar FC pela rede, densidade, atividade do intermediador, capacidade absortiva e práticas; resultados da CUI, por seus principais produtos como tecnologias, componentes, publicações, patentes, pessoas treinadas, ganhos técnicos e econômicos e continuidade de parcerias; e fatores de influência, por setor, área de conhecimento, nível de maturidade tecnológica, posição da cadeia de valor, sobreposição de conhecimento e velocidade das mudanças. Os resultados podem ser gerados mapeando a rede usando a técnica da bola de neve e entrevistando os principais participantes da colaboração. A avaliação de nível micro forneceu informações da gestão da colaboração de nível operacional que permitiu uma visão mais profunda da colaboração e, portanto, a proposição da estrutura de análise e práticas para ajudar no sucesso da CUI. A partir dos fatores influenciadores encontrados neste trabalho, duas práticas foram concebidas e ainda não testadas: (i) implementar uma estrutura de encontros periódicos para conectar pesquisadores de todas as áreas; e (ii) dividir a colaboração em projetos de curto e longo prazo.Abstract: Advanced materials are fundamental for innovation as they play a major role in all sorts of new products and processes development. Advanced materials however present several challenges due to its upstream position in the value chain. Materials development requires long periods of development and high investments before getting the first customers? feedbacks, thus increasing investment risks. Therefore, university-industry cooperation (UIC) supported by national science policies and granting programs plays an important role supporting the development of advanced materials and building market competitive advantage. In UIC, knowledge sharing is one of the main objectives, thus managing knowledge flows (KF) between university and industry with knowledge management (KM) practices is an important issue for collaboration effectiveness. Most of previous studies assess UIC and knowledge flow at organizational-level, leaving team-level (micro-level) of these constructs unclear. The objective of this qualitative work was to analyze, using a mixed method approach, how knowledge flows in a university-industry collaboration for materials innovation, in order to propose a framework of analysis and a set of practices to improve collaboration. Knowledge flow characterization show distinct networks of technical, managerial and market knowledge, key nodes scattered across the networks and a series of knowledge management practices. Results evidenced the relationship between knowledge flow, UIC and influencing factors, but the quantitative relationship between UIC performance and KM practices couldn?t be identified with the instruments employed. The framework of analysis suggests investigating KF by its network, density, broker activity, absorptive capacity and practices; UIC outcomes, by its main outputs such as technologies, components, publications, patents, people trained, technical and economic gains and partnership continuity; and influencing factors, by industry, knowledge field, technology readiness level, value chain position, knowledge overlap and speed of changes. Results can be generated by mapping the network using the snowball technique and interviewing key participants of the collaboration. Micro-level assessment provided information from bottom-level collaboration management that allowed a deeper view of the collaboration and thus the proposition of the framework of analysis and practices to help UIC success. Based on influencing factors found in this work, two practices were conceived and not tested: (i) implement a structure of periodic meetings to connect researchers across areas; and (ii) split collaboration in short-term and long-term projects

    Mergers & acquisitions research: a bibliometric study of top strategy journals, 2000 - 2009

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    Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are important modes through which firms undertake their domestic and international strategies. This bibliometric review examines the extant research on M&As in the top five strategic management journals during a ten years period – from 2000 to 2009. The 90 articles identified in these top journals denote an eclectic theoretical focus with the prevalence of four theories – resource-based view, transaction costs, agency theory and institutional theory. We present a brief analysis of the key issues in M&A research, as well as the samples and theories more commonly used. We conclude by presenting a broad discussion comprising the methods used, the research questions investigated, the type of articles, as well as limitations and avenues for future enquiry