40 research outputs found

    Combining heterogeneous data sources for neuroimaging based diagnosis: re-weighting and selecting what is important

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    Combining neuroimaging and clinical information for diagnosis, as for example behavioral tasks and genetics characteristics, is potentially beneficial but presents challenges in terms of finding the best data representation for the different sources of information. Their simple combination usually does not provide an improvement if compared with using the best source alone. In this paper, we proposed a framework based on a recent multiple kernel learning algorithm called EasyMKL and we investigated the benefits of this approach for diagnosing two different mental health diseases. The well known Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset tackling the Alzheimer Disease (AD) patients versus healthy controls classification task, and a second dataset tackling the task of classifying an heterogeneous group of depressed patients versus healthy controls. We used EasyMKL to combine a huge amount of basic kernels alongside a feature selection methodology, pursuing an optimal and sparse solution to facilitate interpretability. Our results show that the proposed approach, called EasyMKLFS, outperforms baselines (e.g. SVM and SimpleMKL), state-of-the-art random forests (RF) and feature selection (FS) methods

    Explainable deep learning classifiers for disease detection based on structural brain MRI data

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    In dieser Doktorarbeit wird die Frage untersucht, wie erfolgreich deep learning bei der Diagnostik von neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen unterstĂŒtzen kann. In 5 experimentellen Studien wird die Anwendung von Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) auf Daten der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) untersucht. Ein Schwerpunkt wird dabei auf die ErklĂ€rbarkeit der eigentlich intransparenten Modelle gelegt. Mit Hilfe von Methoden der erklĂ€rbaren kĂŒnstlichen Intelligenz (KI) werden Heatmaps erstellt, die die Relevanz einzelner Bildbereiche fĂŒr das Modell darstellen. Die 5 Studien dieser Dissertation zeigen das Potenzial von CNNs zur Krankheitserkennung auf neurologischen MRT, insbesondere bei der Kombination mit Methoden der erklĂ€rbaren KI. Mehrere Herausforderungen wurden in den Studien aufgezeigt und LösungsansĂ€tze in den Experimenten evaluiert. Über alle Studien hinweg haben CNNs gute Klassifikationsgenauigkeiten erzielt und konnten durch den Vergleich von Heatmaps zur klinischen Literatur validiert werden. Weiterhin wurde eine neue CNN Architektur entwickelt, spezialisiert auf die rĂ€umlichen Eigenschaften von Gehirn MRT Bildern.Deep learning and especially convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have a high potential of being implemented into clinical decision support software for tasks such as diagnosis and prediction of disease courses. This thesis has studied the application of CNNs on structural MRI data for diagnosing neurological diseases. Specifically, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease were used as classification targets due to their high prevalence, data availability and apparent biomarkers in structural MRI data. The classification task is challenging since pathology can be highly individual and difficult for human experts to detect and due to small sample sizes, which are caused by the high acquisition cost and sensitivity of medical imaging data. A roadblock in adopting CNNs to clinical practice is their lack of interpretability. Therefore, after optimizing the machine learning models for predictive performance (e.g. balanced accuracy), we have employed explainability methods to study the reliability and validity of the trained models. The deep learning models achieved good predictive performance of over 87% balanced accuracy on all tasks and the explainability heatmaps showed coherence with known clinical biomarkers for both disorders. Explainability methods were compared quantitatively using brain atlases and shortcomings regarding their robustness were revealed. Further investigations showed clear benefits of transfer-learning and image registration on the model performance. Lastly, a new CNN layer type was introduced, which incorporates a prior on the spatial homogeneity of neuro-MRI data. CNNs excel when used on natural images which possess spatial heterogeneity, and even though MRI data and natural images share computational similarities, the composition and orientation of neuro-MRI is very distinct. The introduced patch-individual filter (PIF) layer breaks the assumption of spatial invariance of CNNs and reduces convergence time on different data sets without reducing predictive performance. The presented work highlights many challenges that CNNs for disease diagnosis face on MRI data and defines as well as tests strategies to overcome those

    Machine Learning for Multiclass Classification and Prediction of Alzheimer\u27s Disease

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    Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) is an irreversible neurodegenerative disorder and a common form of dementia. This research aims to develop machine learning algorithms that diagnose and predict the progression of AD from multimodal heterogonous biomarkers with a focus placed on the early diagnosis. To meet this goal, several machine learning-based methods with their unique characteristics for feature extraction and automated classification, prediction, and visualization have been developed to discern subtle progression trends and predict the trajectory of disease progression. The methodology envisioned aims to enhance both the multiclass classification accuracy and prediction outcomes by effectively modeling the interplay between the multimodal biomarkers, handle the missing data challenge, and adequately extract all the relevant features that will be fed into the machine learning framework, all in order to understand the subtle changes that happen in the different stages of the disease. This research will also investigate the notion of multitasking to discover how the two processes of multiclass classification and prediction relate to one another in terms of the features they share and whether they could learn from one another for optimizing multiclass classification and prediction accuracy. This research work also delves into predicting cognitive scores of specific tests over time, using multimodal longitudinal data. The intent is to augment our prospects for analyzing the interplay between the different multimodal features used in the input space to the predicted cognitive scores. Moreover, the power of modality fusion, kernelization, and tensorization have also been investigated to efficiently extract important features hidden in the lower-dimensional feature space without being distracted by those deemed as irrelevant. With the adage that a picture is worth a thousand words, this dissertation introduces a unique color-coded visualization system with a fully integrated machine learning model for the enhanced diagnosis and prognosis of Alzheimer\u27s disease. The incentive here is to show that through visualization, the challenges imposed by both the variability and interrelatedness of the multimodal features could be overcome. Ultimately, this form of visualization via machine learning informs on the challenges faced with multiclass classification and adds insight into the decision-making process for a diagnosis and prognosis

    Statistical Learning for Biomedical Data under Various Forms of Heterogeneity

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    In modern biomedical research, an emerging challenge is data heterogeneity. Ignoring such heterogeneity can lead to poor modeling results. In cancer research, clustering methods are applied to find subgroups of homogeneous individuals based on genetic profiles together with heuristic clinical analysis. A notable drawback of existing clustering methods is that they ignore the possibility that the variance of gene expression profile measurements can be heterogeneous across subgroups, leading to inaccurate subgroup prediction. In Chapter 2, we present a statistical approach that can capture both mean and variance structure in gene expression data. We demonstrate the strength of our method in both synthetic data and two cancer data sets. For a binary classification problem, there can be potential subclasses within the two classes of interest. These subclasses are latent and usually heterogeneous. We propose the Composite Large Margin Classifier (CLM) to address the issue of classification with latent subclasses in Chapter 3. The CLM aims to find three linear functions simultaneously: one linear function to split the data into two parts, with each part being classified by a different linear classifier. Our method has comparable prediction accuracy to a general nonlinear kernel classifier without overfitting the training data while at the same time maintaining the interpretability of traditional linear classifiers. There is a growing recognition of the importance of considering individual level heterogeneity when searching for optimal treatment doses. Such optimal individualized treatment rules (ITRs) for dosing should maximize the expected clinical benefit. In Chapter 4, we consider a randomized trial design where the candidate dose levels are continuous. To find the optimal ITR under such a design, we propose an outcome weighted learning method which directly maximizes the expected beneficial clinical outcome. This method converts the individualized dose selection problem into a nonstandard weighted regression problem. A difference of convex functions (DC) algorithm is adopted to efficiently solve the associated non-convex optimization problem. The consistency and convergence rates for the estimated ITR are derived and small-sample performance is evaluated via simulation studies. We illustrate the method using data from a clinical trial for Warfarin dosing.Doctor of Philosoph

    Towards generalizable machine learning models for computer-aided diagnosis in medicine

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    Hidden stratification represents a phenomenon in which a training dataset contains unlabeled (hidden) subsets of cases that may affect machine learning model performance. Machine learning models that ignore the hidden stratification phenomenon--despite promising overall performance measured as accuracy and sensitivity--often fail at predicting the low prevalence cases, but those cases remain important. In the medical domain, patients with diseases are often less common than healthy patients, and a misdiagnosis of a patient with a disease can have significant clinical impacts. Therefore, to build a robust and trustworthy CAD system and a reliable treatment effect prediction model, we cannot only pursue machine learning models with high overall accuracy, but we also need to discover any hidden stratification in the data and evaluate the proposing machine learning models with respect to both overall performance and the performance on certain subsets (groups) of the data, such as the ‘worst group’. In this study, I investigated three approaches for data stratification: a novel algorithmic deep learning (DL) approach that learns similarities among cases and two schema completion approaches that utilize domain expert knowledge. I further proposed an innovative way to integrate the discovered latent groups into the loss functions of DL models to allow for better model generalizability under the domain shift scenario caused by the data heterogeneity. My results on lung nodule Computed Tomography (CT) images and breast cancer histopathology images demonstrate that learning homogeneous groups within heterogeneous data significantly improves the performance of the computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system, particularly for low-prevalence or worst-performing cases. This study emphasizes the importance of discovering and learning the latent stratification within the data, as it is a critical step towards building ML models that are generalizable and reliable. Ultimately, this discovery can have a profound impact on clinical decision-making, particularly for low-prevalence cases

    Machine Learning Methods for Structural Brain MRIs: Applications for Alzheimer’s Disease and Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    This thesis deals with the development of novel machine learning applications to automatically detect brain disorders based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data, with a particular focus on Alzheimer’s disease and the autism spectrum disorder. Machine learning approaches are used extensively in neuroimaging studies of brain disorders to investigate abnormalities in various brain regions. However, there are many technical challenges in the analysis of neuroimaging data, for example, high dimensionality, the limited amount of data, and high variance in that data due to many confounding factors. These limitations make the development of appropriate computational approaches more challenging. To deal with these existing challenges, we target multiple machine learning approaches, including supervised and semi-supervised learning, domain adaptation, and dimensionality reduction methods.In the current study, we aim to construct effective biomarkers with sufficient sensitivity and speciïŹcity that can help physicians better understand the diseases and make improved diagnoses or treatment choices. The main contributions are 1) development of a novel biomarker for predicting Alzheimer’s disease in mild cognitive impairment patients by integrating structural MRI data and neuropsychological test results and 2) the development of a new computational approach for predicting disease severity in autistic patients in agglomerative data by automatically combining structural information obtained from different brain regions.In addition, we investigate various data-driven feature selection and classiïŹcation methods for whole brain, voxel-based classiïŹcation analysis of structural MRI and the use of semi-supervised learning approaches to predict Alzheimer’s disease. We also analyze the relationship between disease-related structural changes and cognitive states of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.The positive results of this effort provide insights into how to construct better biomarkers based on multisource data analysis of patient and healthy cohorts that may enable early diagnosis of brain disorders, detection of brain abnormalities and understanding effective processing in patient and healthy groups. Further, the methodologies and basic principles presented in this thesis are not only suited to the studied cases, but also are applicable to other similar problems

    Prediction and Monitoring of Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease : Multivariable approaches for decision support

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    Alzheimerin tauti, yksi yleisimmistĂ€ muistisairauksista, on hitaasti etenevĂ€ aivoja rappeuttava tauti, jolle ei ole vielĂ€ parantavaa hoitoa. Tietyt lÀÀkkeet ja elĂ€mĂ€ntapainterventiot voivat kuitenkin hidastaa taudin etenemistĂ€ ja lievittÀÀ sen oireita, mikĂ€ parantaa potilaiden elĂ€mĂ€nlaatua ja terveydenhuollon kustannusvaikuttavuutta. Alzheimerin taudin varhainen diagnostiikka on erittĂ€in tĂ€rkeÀÀ, koska erilaiset interventiot pitĂ€isi aloittaa jo taudin varhaisessa vaiheessa, jotta niillĂ€ saataisiin aikaan paras mahdollinen vaikutus. Taudin varhainen diagnostiikka on kuitenkin haastavaa, koska muutokset aivoissa alkavat vuosia tai vuosikymmeniĂ€ ennen ensimmĂ€isten oireiden ilmaantumista. LisĂ€ksi viime vuosien tutkimus on tuottanut tietoa suuresta mÀÀrĂ€stĂ€ erilaisia testejĂ€ ja biomarkkereita, jotka voivat vaikuttaa taudin diagnoosiin ja prognoosiin. Tiedon suuri mÀÀrĂ€ saattaa aiheuttaa informaatioĂ€hkyĂ€ kliinikoille vaikeuttaen heidĂ€n pÀÀtöksentekoaan. DatalĂ€htöiset analytiikka- ja visualisointimenetelmĂ€t voivat auttaa suuren ja heterogeenisen tietomÀÀrĂ€n tulkinnassa ja hyödyntĂ€misessĂ€. Ne voivat siten tukea kliinikkoa hĂ€nen pÀÀtöksenteossaan. LisĂ€ksi nĂ€mĂ€ menetelmĂ€t voivat auttaa tunnistamaan sopivia potilaita kliinisiin lÀÀketutkimuksiin, joiden tavoitteena on kehittÀÀ Alzheimerin taudin etenemistĂ€ hidastavia lÀÀkkeitĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€n vĂ€itöskirjan tavoitteena oli kehittÀÀ datalĂ€htöisiĂ€ menetelmiĂ€ Alzheimerin taudin etenemisen ennustamiseen ja seurantaan taudin eri vaiheisiin alkaen normaalista kognitiosta ja edeten kuolemaan. Mallien kehittĂ€misessĂ€ hyödynnettiin kognitiivisten ja neuropsykologisten testien tuloksia, magneettikuvantamista (MRI), selkĂ€ydinnestenĂ€ytteitĂ€, ja genetiikkaa (apolipoproteiini E). VĂ€itöskirja koostuu neljĂ€stĂ€ alkuperĂ€isestĂ€ tutkimuksesta, jotka on julkaistu kansainvĂ€lisissĂ€ tieteellisissĂ€ lehdissĂ€. EnsimmĂ€inen osatutkimus keskittyi Alzheimerin taudin varhaiseen vaiheeseen. Tutkimuksessa kĂ€ytettiin ohjattua koneoppimisen menetelmÀÀ Disease State Index (DSI, taudin tilan indeksi) ennustamaan, kenellĂ€ subjektiivisesti koettu kognition heikkeneminen etenee taudin vakavampaan vaiheeseen eli lievÀÀn kognition heikentymiseen (mild cognitive impairment, MCI) tai dementiaan. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui 647 henkilöstĂ€ kolmesta eurooppalaisesta muisti- klinikkakohortista. Kun yhdistettiin useita eri muuttujia DSI-menetelmĂ€llĂ€, ROC- kĂ€yrĂ€n (engl. Receiver Operating Characteristic curve) alle jÀÀvĂ€ pinta-ala (AUC) oli 0.81 ja tasapainotettu tarkkuus oli 74%. Negatiivinen ennustearvo oli korkea (93%) ja positiivinen ennustearvo oli matala (38%). Kun DSI-malli validoitiin erillisellĂ€ testikohortilla, mallin AUC huononi 11%. LisĂ€analyysit osoittivat, ettĂ€ useat erot kohorttien vĂ€lillĂ€ voivat selittÀÀ suorituskyvyn alenemista. Toinen osatutkimus keskittyi taudin myöhĂ€isempÀÀn vaiheeseen. DSI-menetelmĂ€llĂ€ analysoitiin pitkittĂ€istĂ€ dataa, joka koostui 273 henkilön MCI-kohortista. Kohortti hankittiin Alzheimer’s Disease and Neuroimaging (ADNI 1) tietokannasta. DSI-arvojen muutokset ajan kuluessa olivat erilaiset niillĂ€, joiden tauti eteni Alzheimerin taudin dementiaksi, ja niillĂ€, joilla tauti pysyi MCI-vaiheessa. LisĂ€ksi huomattiin, ettĂ€ stabiilina pysynyt MCI-ryhmĂ€ koostui kahdesta aliryhmĂ€stĂ€: ensimmĂ€isessĂ€ ryhmĂ€ssĂ€ DSI-arvot pysyivĂ€t vakaina ja toisessa ryhmĂ€ssĂ€ DSI-arvot kohosivat. TĂ€mĂ€ indikoi, ettĂ€ toisessa ryhmĂ€ssĂ€ tauti saattaa edetĂ€ dementiaksi tulevaisuudessa. NĂ€iden analyysien lisĂ€ksi DSI:in oleellisesti liittyvĂ€ Disease State Fingerprint (DSF, taudin tilan sormenjĂ€lki) -visualisointimenetelmĂ€ laajennettiin pitkittĂ€iselle datalle. Kolmas osatutkimus ennusti hippokampuksen surkastumista 24 kuukauden ai- kana lĂ€htötilanteen mittausten perusteella. Tutkimuskohortti koostui henkilöistĂ€, joilla oli normaali kognitio, MCI tai Alzheimerin taudin dementia, ja se hankittiin ADNI 1 (n=530) ja Australian Imaging Biomarkers and Lifestyle Flagship Study of Ageing (AIBL, n=176) tutkimuksista. Useita eri datatyyppejĂ€ sisĂ€ltĂ€vĂ€t mallit ennustivat hippokampuksen surkastumista tarkemmin kuin pelkistĂ€ MRI-muuttujista koostuvat mallit. Kuitenkin molemmat mallit aliarvioivat todellista surkastumista erityisesti suuremmilla surkastumisnopeuksilla, aliarviointi oli suurempaa pelkĂ€stÀÀn MRI-muuttujiin perustuvilla malleilla. Kun ennustettiin kaksiluokkaista vastemuuttujaa, eli nopea vs. hidas surkastuminen, mallien tarkkuus oli 79-87%. MRI-mallien suorituskyky oli hyvĂ€, kun testauksessa kĂ€ytettiin erillistĂ€ AIBL-aineistoa. Viimeinen osatutkimus keskittyi Alzheimerin taudin viimeisimpiin vaiheisiin. SiinĂ€ tutkittiin, mitkĂ€ tautiin liittyvĂ€t tekijĂ€t ovat yhteydessĂ€ kuolleisuuteen potilailla, joilla oli Alzheimerin taudin dementia. Aineisto koostui 616 henkilöstĂ€ Amsterdam Dementia Cohort -aineistosta. IĂ€llĂ€ ja sukupuolella vakioidun Coxin suhteellisen vaaran mallin mukaan vanhempi ikĂ€, miessukupuoli, huonommat pisteet kognitiivisessa toimintakyvyssĂ€, ja aivojen kuoriosien ja mediaalisen ohimolohkon surkastuminen olivat yhteydessĂ€ kuolleisuuteen. Optimaalinen muuttujien yhdistelmĂ€ sisĂ€lsi iĂ€n, sukupuolen, tulokset kahdesta kognitiivisesta testistĂ€ (digit span backward, Trail Ma- king Test A), mediaalisen ohimolohkon surkastumisen ja selkĂ€ydinnestenĂ€ytteestĂ€ mitatun kohdasta 181 (treoniini) fosforyloidun tau-proteiinin mÀÀrĂ€n. Yhteenvetona todetaan, ettĂ€ datalĂ€htöisillĂ€ menetelmillĂ€ voidaan ennustaa ja seu- rata Alzheimerin taudin etenemistĂ€ varhaisesta vaiheesta myöhĂ€iseen vaiheeseen. YhdistĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ useita eri datatyyppejĂ€ saadaan parempia tuloksia kuin kĂ€yttĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ vain yhtĂ€ datatyyppiĂ€. Tulokset korostavat myös, ettĂ€ datalĂ€htöiset menetelmĂ€t on tĂ€rkeĂ€ arvioida erillisellĂ€ aineistolla, jota ei ole kĂ€ytetty menetelmien kehittĂ€miseen. LisĂ€ksi nĂ€iden menetelmien kĂ€yttöönotto eri ympĂ€ristöissĂ€ tai maissa saattaa vaatia potilaan tutkimusmenetelmien ja diagnoosikriteereiden harmonisointia.Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common form of dementia, is a slowly progressing neurodegenerative disease, which cannot be cured yet. However, certain medications and lifestyle interventions can delay progression of the disease and its symptoms, thereby positively influencing both quality of life of patients as well as cost- effectiveness of healthcare. Early diagnosis of AD is important because such interventions should be started already at an early phase of the disease to have the best effect. However, early diagnosis is challenging because pathological changes in the brain occur years before the clinical symptoms become visible. In addition, the re- search during the past years has produced information from a large number of different tests and biomarkers that can potentially contribute to diagnosis and prognosis of AD. This excessive amount of data can cause information overload for clinicians, thus hampering the clinicians’ decision making. Data-driven analysis and visualization methods may help with interpretation and utilization of large amounts of heterogeneous patient data and support the clinicians’ decision-making process. Furthermore, the methods may aid in identifying suitable patients for clinical drug trials. The aim of the work described in this thesis was to develop and validate data- driven methods for predicting and monitoring progression of Alzheimer’s disease at the different phases of the disease spectrum, starting from normal cognition and ending to death, using data from neuropsychological and cognitive tests, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), cerebrospinal fluid samples (CSF), comorbidities, and genetics (apolipoprotein E). The thesis consists of four original studies published as international journal articles. The first study focused on the early phase of AD. A supervised machine learning method called Disease State Index (DSI) was utilized to predict who of the individuals with subjective cognitive decline (SCD) will progress to a more severe condition, i.e., mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia. The study population included 647 subjects from three different memory clinic-based cohorts in Europe. When all data modalities were combined, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was 0.81 and balanced accuracy was 74%. Negative predictive value was high (93%), whereas positive predictive value was low (38%). Performance of the DSI method in terms of AUC decreased by 11% when validated with an in- dependent test set. Additional analyses suggested that several differences between the cohorts may explain the decrease in the performance. The second study focused on a more advanced disease stage. The DSI method was applied to longitudinal data collected from an MCI cohort of 273 subjects obtained from the Alzheimer’s Disease and Neuroimaging (ADNI 1) study. Longitudinal profiles of the DSI values differed between the subjects progressing to dementia due to AD and subjects remaining as MCI. In addition, two subgroups were found in the group remaining as MCI: one group with stable DSI values over time and another group with increasing DSI values, suggesting the latter group may progress to dementia due to AD in the future. This study also extended the Disease State Fingerprint (DSF) data visualization method for longitudinal data. The third study predicted hippocampal atrophy over 24 months using baseline data and penalized linear regression. The cohorts consisted of subjects with normal cognition, MCI, and dementia due to AD and were obtained from the ADNI 1 (n=530) and the Australian Imaging Biomarkers and Lifestyle Flagship Study of Ageing (AIBL, n=176) studies. The models including different data modalities per- formed better than the models including only MRI features. However, both models underestimated the real change at higher atrophy rate levels, the MRI-only models showing a greater underestimation. When predicting dichotomized outcome, i.e., fast vs. slow atrophy, the models obtained a prediction accuracy of 79-87%. The MRI-only models performed well when evaluated with an independent validation cohort (AIBL). The last study focused on the latest phase of AD by identifying which disease- related determinants are associated with mortality in patients with dementia due to AD. The cohort included 616 patients from the Amsterdam Dementia Cohort. Age- and sex-adjusted Cox proportional hazards models revealed that older age, male sex, and worse scores on cognitive functioning, as well as more severe medial temporal lobe and global cortical atrophy were associated with an increased risk of mortality. An optimal combination of variables comprised age, sex, performance on digit span backward test and Trail Making Test A, medial temporal lobe atrophy, and tau phosphorylated at threonine 181 in CSF. In conclusion, data-driven methods can be used for predicting and monitoring progression of AD from the mildest stages to the more advanced stages. Combining information from several data modalities provides better prediction performance than individual data modalities alone. The results also highlight the importance of the validation of the methods with independent validation cohorts. Introduction of these methods to different environments and countries may require harmonization of patient examination methods and diagnostic criteria

    Artificial intelligence for diagnostic and prognostic neuroimaging in dementia: a systematic review

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    Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) and neuroimaging offer new opportunities for diagnosis and prognosis of dementia. Methods We systematically reviewed studies reporting AI for neuroimaging in diagnosis and/or prognosis of cognitive neurodegenerative diseases. Results A total of 255 studies were identified. Most studies relied on the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative dataset. Algorithmic classifiers were the most commonly used AI method (48%) and discriminative models performed best for differentiating Alzheimer's disease from controls. The accuracy of algorithms varied with the patient cohort, imaging modalities, and stratifiers used. Few studies performed validation in an independent cohort. Discussion The literature has several methodological limitations including lack of sufficient algorithm development descriptions and standard definitions. We make recommendations to improve model validation including addressing key clinical questions, providing sufficient description of AI methods and validating findings in independent datasets. Collaborative approaches between experts in AI and medicine will help achieve the promising potential of AI tools in practice. Highlights There has been a rapid expansion in the use of machine learning for diagnosis and prognosis in neurodegenerative disease Most studies (71%) relied on the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset with no other individual dataset used more than five times There has been a recent rise in the use of more complex discriminative models (e.g., neural networks) that performed better than other classifiers for classification of AD vs healthy controls We make recommendations to address methodological considerations, addressing key clinical questions, and validation We also make recommendations for the field more broadly to standardize outcome measures, address gaps in the literature, and monitor sources of bia

    Automated detection of depression from brain structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) scans

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     Automated sMRI-based depression detection system is developed whose components include acquisition and preprocessing, feature extraction, feature selection, and classification. The core focus of the research is on the establishment of a new feature selection algorithm that quantifies the most relevant brain volumetric feature for depression detection at an individual level