53 research outputs found

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    Distributed Adaptation Techniques for Connected Vehicles

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    In this PhD dissertation, we propose distributed adaptation mechanisms for connected vehicles to deal with the connectivity challenges. To understand the system behavior of the solutions for connected vehicles, we first need to characterize the operational environment. Therefore, we devised a large scale fading model for various link types, including point-to-point vehicular communications and multi-hop connected vehicles. We explored two small scale fading models to define the characteristics of multi-hop connected vehicles. Taking our research into multi-hop connected vehicles one step further, we propose selective information relaying to avoid message congestion due to redundant messages received by the relay vehicle. Results show that the proposed mechanism reduces messaging load by up to 75% without sacrificing environmental awareness. Once we define the channel characteristics, we propose a distributed congestion control algorithm to solve the messaging overhead on the channels as the next research interest of this dissertation. We propose a combined transmit power and message rate adaptation for connected vehicles. The proposed algorithm increases the environmental awareness and achieves the application requirements by considering highly dynamic network characteristics. Both power and rate adaptation mechanisms are performed jointly to avoid one result affecting the other negatively. Results prove that the proposed algorithm can increase awareness by 20% while keeping the channel load and interference at almost the same level as well as improve the average message rate by 18%. As the last step of this dissertation, distributed cooperative dynamic spectrum access technique is proposed to solve the channel overhead and the limited resources issues. The adaptive energy detection threshold, which is used to decide whether the channel is busy, is optimized in this work by using a computationally efficient numerical approach. Each vehicle evaluates the available channels by voting on the information received from one-hop neighbors. An interdisciplinary approach referred to as entropy-based weighting is used for defining the neighbor credibility. Once the vehicle accesses the channel, we propose a decision mechanism for channel switching that is inspired by the optimal flower selection process employed by bumblebees foraging. Experimental results show that by using the proposed distributed cooperative spectrum sensing mechanism, spectrum detection error converges to zero

    Robust distributed resource allocation for cellular vehicle-to-vehicle communication

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    Mit Release 14 des LTE Standards unterstĂŒtzt dieser die direkte Fahrzeug-zu-Fahrzeug-Kommunikation ĂŒber den Sidelink. Diese Dissertation beschĂ€ftigt sich mit dem Scheduling Modus 4, einem verteilten MAC-Protokoll ohne Involvierung der Basisstation, das auf periodischer Wiederverwendung von Funkressourcen aufbaut. Der Stand der Technik und eine eigene Analyse des Protokolls decken verschiedene Probleme auf. So wiederholen sich Kollisionen von Paketen, wodurch manche Fahrzeuge fĂŒr lĂ€ngere Zeit keine sicherheitskritischen Informationen verbreiten können. Kollisionen entstehen vermehrt auch dadurch, dass Hidden-Terminal-Probleme in Kauf genommen werden oder verĂ€nderliche PaketgrĂ¶ĂŸen und -raten schlecht unterstĂŒtzt werden. Deshalb wird ein Ansatz namens "Scheduling based on Acknowledgement Feedback Exchange" vorgeschlagen. ZunĂ€chst wird eine Funkreservierung in mehrere ineinander verschachtelte Unter-Reservierungen mit verschiedenen Funkressourcen unterteilt, was die Robustheit gegenĂŒber wiederholenden Kollisionen erhöht. Dies ist die Grundlage fĂŒr eine verteilte Staukontrolle, die die PeriodizitĂ€tseigenschaft nicht verletzt. Außerdem können so verĂ€nderliche PaketgrĂ¶ĂŸen oder -raten besser abgebildet werden. Durch die periodische Wiederverwendung können Acknowledgements fĂŒr Funkressourcen statt fĂŒr Pakete ausgesendet werden. Diese können in einer Bitmap in den Padding-Bits ĂŒbertragen werden. Mittels der Einbeziehung dieser Informationen bei der Auswahl von Funkressourcen können Hidden-Terminal-Probleme effizient vermieden werden, da die Acknowledgements auch eine Verwendung dieser Funkressource ankĂŒndigen. Kollisionen können nun entdeckt und eine Wiederholung vermieden werden. Die Evaluierung des neuen MAC-Protokolls wurde zum großen Teil mittels diskreter-Event-Simulationen durchgefĂŒhrt, wobei die Bewegung jedes einzelnen Fahrzeuges simuliert wurde. Der vorgeschlagene Ansatz fĂŒhrt zu einer deutlich erhöhten Paketzustellrate. Die Verwendung einer anwendungsbezogenen Awareness-Metrik zeigt, dass die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit der Kommunikation durch den Ansatz deutlich verbessert werden kann. Somit zeigt sich der prĂ€sentierte Ansatz als vielversprechende Lösung fĂŒr die erheblichen Probleme, die der LTE Modus 4 mit sich bringt.The LTE Standard added support for a direct vehicle-to-vehicle communication via the Sidelink with Release 14. This dissertation focuses on the scheduling Mode 4, a distributed MAC protocol without involvement of the base station, which requires the periodic reuse of radio resources. The state of the art and a own analysis of this protocol unveil multiple problems. For example, packet collisions repeat in time, so that some vehicles are unable to distribute safety-critical information for extended periods of time. Collisions also arise due to the hidden-terminal problem, which is simply put up with in Mode 4. Additionally, varying packet sizes or rates can hardly be supported. Consequently, an approach called "Scheduling based on Acknowledgement Feedback Exchange" is proposed. Firstly, a reservation of radio resources is split into multiple, interleaved sub-reservations that use different radio resources. This increases the robustness against repeating collisions. It is also the basis for a distributed congestion control that does not violate the periodicity. Moreover, different packet rates or sizes can be supported. The periodic reuse of radio resources enables the transmission of acknowledgements for radio resources instead of packets. These can be transmitted in a bitmap inside the padding bits. Hidden-terminal problems can be mitigated by considering the acknowledgements when selecting radio resources as they announce the use of these radio resources. Collisions can also be detected and prevented from re-occurring. The evaluation of the MAC protocol is mostly performed using discrete-event simulations, which model the movement of every single vehicle. The presented approach leads to a clear improvement of the packet delivery rate. The use of an application-oriented metric shows that the communication robustness can be improved distinctly. The proposed approach hence presents itself as a promising solution for the considerable problems of LTE Mode 4

    Mapping the Applications of Vehicular Communications in the Context of Smart Maritime Ports

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    The maritime transport networks play a critical and major role in an increasingly globalized world economy. Within these networks, the maritime ports play the role of hubs. Any disturbances in these hubs will negatively affect the worldwide economy. Therefore, economy players are transforming the ports through an evolutionary process to become smart maritime ports. These smart ports are built through an ensemble of smart domains that adopt sensing, data transmission, and data intelligence to support intelligent decision-making processes. Examples of such smart domains include smart grid/microgrids, smart container management, and smart/automatized terminal operations. In each of these domains, optimal decisions must be met to optimize the use of resources, increase the economy efficiency of the ports, and increase the safety and security for assets, goods, and people. In smart maritime port environment, vehicular applications are adopted everywhere, such as automated guided vehicles to transport containers, unmanned aerial vehicles for different port operations, etc. In this work, we discuss some concrete examples of these vehicular applications in the smart port environment and suggest the adequate and optimal vehicular communication technologies to be deployed to support a reliable data transmission for these applications
