153 research outputs found

    Unifying Internet Services Using Distributed Shared Objects

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    Developing wide area applications such as those for sharing data across the Internet is unnecessarily difficult. The main problem is the widespread use of a communication paradigm that is too low level. We will show how wide area application development can be made easier when using distributed shared objects instead of a communication-oriented model. An object in our model is physically distributed, with multiple copies of its state on different machines. All implementation aspects such as replication, distribution, and migration of state, are hidden from users through an object's interface. In this paper, we concentrate on the application of distributed shared objects, by providing an outline of a middleware solution that permits integration of the Internet services for e-mail, News, file transfer, and Web documents. vrije Universiteit Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science 1 Introduction Constructing wide area applications, such as those for sharing data across the Internet,..

    Towards the definition of a quality model for mail servers

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    The paper presents an approach for building a Mail Server Quality Model, based on the ISO/IEC software quality standard. We start by defining the mail system domain to be used as general framework and the relevant technologies involved. Then a general overview of the ISO/IEC standard is given. The basic steps, the relevant considerations and criteria used to select the appropriated subcharacteristics and quality attributes are also presented. The selected attributes are categorized under the six ISO/IEC quality characteristics conforming the model. Finally some case studies requirements and two commercial mail server tools are used to evaluate the model.Postprint (published version

    NNTP Server as a Windows Network Service

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    Tato práce se zabývá analýzou požadavků, návrhem a implementací internetového diskusního serveru. Přesněji řečeno, jedná se o server spravující diskusní skupiny s příspěvky a zajišťující jejich dostupnost prostřednictvím protokolu NNTP a  HTTP.  Server podporuje autentizaci uživatele a disponuje volitelným proxy módem, kdy jsou všechny NNTP požadavky přeposílány na vzdálený NNTP diskusní server. Součástí programu je též mechanismus zajišťující stahování příspěvků ze vzdálených NNTP serverů a tím pádem plnící distribuční funkci.  Aplikace je určena pro operační systémy MS Windows počínaje verzí NT a vyšší. Program poběží jako služba NT  a je konfigurovatelný prostřednictvím grafického uživatelského rozhranní. V dokumentu jsou také obsaženy teoretické informace nutné pro praktické zvládnutí výše uvedených kroků.This work includes specification and analysis of requirements, design and implementation of the internet news server. The server controls newsgroups and associated news. It provides availability of the articles by NNTP protocol and HTTP protocol (by web interface). The server supports a user authentication and an optional proxy mode, when all NNTP requests are resent to another remote NNTP server.  A mechanism that provides news-downloading from remote NNTP servers and performs distribution function is included too. The application is designed to run on MS Windows NT (and higher version) as a NT service. The server is configurable by a graphic user interface. The work also includes theoretical information needed for successful accomplishment of the above-mentioned requirements.

    Internet Messaging

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    Nástroj pro penetrační testování webových aplikací

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    Abstract As hackers become more skilled and sophisticated and with cyber-attacks becoming the norm, it is more important than ever before to undertake regular vulnerability scans and penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities and ensure on a regular basis that the cyber controls are working. In this thesis the importance and working of penetration testing and web application based penetration testing are discussed, followed by comparison and information’s about various testing tools and techniques and their advantages and disadvantages. The next section of the thesis mainly focuses on the past, current and future state of penetration testing in the computer systems and application security, importance of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Content Management system (CMS) followed by the main goal of the thesis which explains the existing solutions in automated tools for vulnerability detection of web application their techniques, positive and negative results of the conducted tests and their merits and demerits. In the next section, based on the comparison of various existing tools selecting appropriate algorithm for discussing the importance of scanning the ports which are usually focused in very few existing web application tools, the following section practically demonstrate the scanning of ports which gives information regarding, the state of ports to understand the service information running on the server. Finally the result of the experiment will be compared with the existing web application tools.Abstraktní Vzhledem k tomu, že se hackeři stávají zkušenějšími a sofistikovanějšími a kybernetické útoky se stávají normou, je důležitější než kdy jindy provádět pravidelné kontroly zranitelnosti a penetrační testování, aby bylo možné identifikovat zranitelná místa a pravidelně zajišťovat fungování kybernetických kontrol. V této práci je diskutován význam a fungování penetračního testování a penetračního testování založeného na webových aplikacích, následuje srovnání a informace o různých testovacích nástrojích a technikách a jejich výhodách a nevýhodách. Další část práce se zaměřuje především na minulý, současný a budoucí stav penetračního testování v počítačových systémech a zabezpečení aplikací, význam nařízení o obecné ochraně údajů (GDPR) a redakčního systému (CMS) následovaného hlavním cílem práce, která vysvětluje stávající řešení v automatizovaných nástrojích pro zjišťování zranitelnosti webové aplikace, jejich techniky, pozitivní a negativní výsledky provedených testů a jejich přednosti a nedostatky. V další části, založené na srovnání různých existujících nástrojů, které vybírají vhodný algoritmus pro diskusi o důležitosti skenování portů, které jsou obvykle zaměřeny na velmi málo stávajících webových aplikací, následující část prakticky demonstruje skenování portů, které poskytují informace týkající se, stav portů pro pochopení informací o službě běžících na serveru. Nakonec bude výsledek experimentu porovnán s existujícími nástroji webové aplikace.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Internet... the final frontier: an ethnographic account: exploring the cultural space of the Net from the inside

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    The research project The Internet as a space for interaction, which completed its mission in Autumn 1998, studied the constitutive features of network culture and network organisation. Special emphasis was given to the dynamic interplay of technical and social conventions regarding both the Net’s organisation as well as its change. The ethnographic perspective chosen studied the Internet from the inside. Research concentrated upon three fields of study: the hegemonial operating technology of net nodes (UNIX) the network’s basic transmission technology (the Internet Protocol IP) and a popular communication service (Usenet). The project’s final report includes the results of the three branches explored. Drawing upon the development in the three fields it is shown that changes that come about on the Net are neither anarchic nor arbitrary. Instead, the decentrally organised Internet is based upon technically and organisationally distributed forms of coordination within which individual preferences collectively attain the power of developing into definitive standards. --

    WebALPS Implementation and Performance Analysis: Using Trusted Co-servers to Enhance Privacy and Security of Web Interactions

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    The client-server model of the Web poses a fundamental trust issue: clients are forced to trust in secrecy and correctness of computation occurring at a remote server of unknown credibility. The current solution for this problem is to use a PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) system and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) digital certificates to prove the claimed identity of a server and establish an authenticated, encrypted channel between the client and this server. However, this approach does not address the security risks posed by potential malicious server operators or any third parties who may penetrate the server sites. The WebALPS (Web Applications with Lots of Privacy and Security) approach is proposed to address these weaknesses by moving sensitive computations at server side into trusted co-servers running inside high-assurance secure coprocessors. In this report, we examine the foundations of the credibility of WebALPS co-servers. Then we will describe our work of designing and building a prototype WebALPS co-server, which is integrated into the widely-deployed, commercial-grade Apache server. We will also present the performance test results of our system which support the argument that WebALPS approach provides a systematic and practical way to address the remote trust issue

    The Architecture of a Worldwide Distributed System

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