2,174 research outputs found

    ā€œPedantan amateurā€ Karlo DieneÅ” i druÅ”tvena uloga fotografije 1920-ih (Sažetak)

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    Karlo DieneÅ”, an amateur photographer and pharmacist from Nova GradiÅ”ka, left us with a valuable collection of photographs which offers plenty of research opportunities. This research focuses only on their social role. In this paper, we ask three questions: what motifs did he photograph and to what had he aspired in doing so, how did photographs and photography impact his social connections and status, and, finally, how could he present them to the public and thus influence the visual culture of his era.Amaterski fotograf i novogradiÅ”ki ljekarnik Karlo DieneÅ” ostavio je vrijednu zbirku fotografija koja nudi Å”iroke istraživačke mogućnosti. U ovom smo se istraživanju ograničili samo na njihovu druÅ”tvenu ulogu. Pri tome smo postavili tri pitanja: koje motive je fotografirao i Å”to mu je u tome bio uzor; kakav je bio utjecaj fotografija i fotografiranja na njegove druÅ”tvene veze i status; te na koje ih je načine mogao predstaviti javnosti i time utjecati na onodobnu vizualnu kulturu

    Musealisation of Folk Art - on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Ethnographic Museum

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    Starting from the concept of folk art as a historical phenomenon that refers to particular civic processes of valorisation, selection and representation of peasant painting traditions, its role can be considered against the backdrop of specific economic, social and political circumstances of congenial cultural activities, which, from the end of the 19th century to the World War II, included the practices of gathering of ethnographic collections, the formation of the first museum collections and museum activities, the development of artistic crafts, encouragement of home-based handicraft businesses, as well as education in visual arts through professional education. This paper provides a historical overview of the process of affirmation of folk art, with an emphasis on musealisation and it is intended as a contribution to the interpretation of the initial collections of the Ethnographic Museum

    Musical Discourse in the Works of Milutin Cihlar Nehajev and Nedjeljko Fabrio

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    Zaplet nacije i epistemologije: pogledi u stražnje dvoriŔte akademskoga dostojanstva

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    This article addresses the phenomenon of ā€˜national epistemologiesā€™ that are understood as particular ways to think about the world, both enabled and restricted by national(ist) ideologies as cultural thesis about distinct commonality and togetherness. With regard to methodology, the article describes on a general level how these ā€˜national epistemologiesā€™ can be identified and particularly how their development as nationally idiosyncratic ways of conceptualizing and conducting research can be explained, taking the academic field of education as an example. The existence of such distinct national research thought styles can be detected, at least in the West: in the United States, in France, in England and in Germany. Thereby, imperial aspirations of these nationally connoted and configured phenomena come to the fore, indicating their efforts of spreading from epistemologically stronger nation(-state)s into weaker ones in the way of ā€˜travelling ideasā€™. Starting from the thought style represented by German Idealism, two major reasons or purposes for these travels can be distinguished: One ā€˜by invitationā€™ and one ā€˜as occupationā€™, as represented by the case of Austria.U ovom radu govori se o pojavi ā€˜nacionalnih epistemologijaā€™ kao posebnih načina razmiÅ”ljanja o svijetu, oboje omogućenim i ograničenim nacionalnim/ nacionalističkim ideologijama poput kulturoloÅ”ke teze o izrazitoj sličnosti i zajedniÅ”tvu. S obzirom na metodologiju, u ovom radu općenito se opisuje način identifikacije ā€˜nacionalne epistemologijeā€™ i posebno način objaÅ”njavanja njihovoga razvoja kao nacionalno idiosinkratičnih načina konceptualizacije i provođenja istraživanja, uzimajući kao primjer područje akademskoga obrazovanja. Postojanje takvoga izrazito nacionalnoga stila istraživačke misli može se utvrditi, barem na Zapadu: u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, Francuskoj, Engleskoj i Njemačkoj. Stoga, imperijalističke težnje tih nacionalno obojanih i konfiguriranih fenomena dolaze u prednji plan, ukazujući na njihova nastojanja Å”irenja od epistemoloÅ”ki jačih nacija (država) na slabije, uz pomoć ā€˜putujućih idejaā€™. PočevÅ”i od stila misli njemačkog idealizma, utvrđena su dva glavna razloga ili svrhe tih putovanja: ā€žpozivomā€ i ā€žokupacijomā€, kao Å”to je predstavljeno na slučaju Austrije

    Translated traditions: A comparative ethnography of traditional dance in the Irish and Croatian communities in Sydney, Australia

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    This comparative ethnography investigates the traditional dance practices of the Irish and Croatian communities in Sydney, Australia. Transnationalism theory affords the means through which to examine the multiple ways in which individuals and groups have forged, and continue to participate in, fields of engagement across national borders. The study situates the immigrant groups within the context of multicultural Australia, and additionally references the theoretical paradigms of cultural identity, diaspora studies, nostalgia theory and ethnochoreology. The research entailed detailed case studies of three dance groups from each of the immigrant communities under investigation. Data were gathered through ethnographic fieldwork conducted in dance classes and special events over two years and interviews with 100 participants. Emergent themes revealed participantsā€™ agency in multiple transnational spaces including, at a personal level, cultural identity, emotional attachment and embodied signification. Themes relating to structural and functional fields were the global organisational frameworks, patterns of pedagogical practice and flows of material goods. The final theme was transnational representation through public performances of dance. The research revealed that participation in traditional dance was an important means through which immigrants may perpetuate links with their ancestral birthplace. Strong affective bonds with that former homeland were noted amongst the large majority of respondents. Dance was also identified as an important signifier of cultural belonging amongst members of both communities. Additionally, the study acknowledged that transnational engagements were not the sole province of immigrants, but also included those who have merely affiliated themselves with a traditional dance genre

    Collection of Carpets and Kilims of the Museum of Arts And Crafts in Zagreb - Vladimir Tkalčićā€™s Museological Concept

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    The article comprises a contribution to the knowledge of Vladimir Tkalčićā€™s museological work during his directorship at the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb (1933ā€“1952). Tkalčićā€™s role in the creation and presentation of the Museumā€™s ā€œcomprehensiveā€ collection of carpets and kilims is determined in the context of museological practices and research in the field of carpet-making at the time. Based on the analysis of the number and type of carpets and kilims acquired during his term, and an examination of the Museumā€™s archival material, primary and secondary documentation, it is possible to gain an insight into the history of the collection and Vladimir Tkalčićā€™s collecting and exhibiting policies

    Univerzalni jezik, lokalno iskustvo - transnacionalni pregovori

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    The paper addresses the texts ā€“ in the Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian language ā€“ reated to the memory of World War II and Shoah from the perspective of the second generation of artists. Local strategies of returning to the past and their function (foremostly in the context of the war 1991-1995 and the subsequent transition) will be dealt with based on the concept of Multidirectional Memory by M. Rothberg and trauma mirrorings by S. Creps. The universalised idiom Shoah, as related to its uncomforable counterpart, provides an impulse for reflecting on national traumas, painful histories, as well as the attempts to diagnose contemporary illnesses, and the conditions of memory / identity. This research will isolate similarities and differences, elaborate on the use of accents in national negotiations of the memory of Shoah / war in the area (post-Yugoslav), and further inquire whether they are described or given attention (if so, in which way) within the space of the wider Central European trend of Post-Memory literature.Rad se odnosi na tekstove hrvatskoga, srpskoga i bosanskoga jezika vezane uz sjećanje na Drugi svjetski rat i Shoah iz kruga druge generacije umjetnika. Istaknut će se lokalne strategije povratka u proÅ”lost i njihove funkcije (prvenstveno u kontekstu rata 1991. ā€“ 1995. i tranzicije) temeljene na koncepciji viÅ”esmjernog sjećanja M. Rothberga i traumatskih zrcaljenja S. Crepsa. Univerzalizirani idiom Shoah, kao rod nelagodne paralele, daje impuls refleksiji narodnim traumama, teÅ”kim proÅ”lostima, pokuÅ”ava dijagnosticirati suvremene bolesti te stanja pamćenja/identiteta. Izdvojit će se sličnosti i razlike, pojaÅ”njenje naglasaka u narodnim pregovorima sjećanja Shoaha / rata u području (postjugoslavenskom), potom postaviti pitanje opisuju li se ili ističu (ako da, kako) na prostoru Å”irega, srednjoeuropskoga trenda postsjećajne književnosti

    Reciprocity of Networks with Degree Correlations and Arbitrary Degree Sequences

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    Although most of the real networks contain a mixture of directed and bidirectional (reciprocal) connections, the reciprocity rr has received little attention as a subject of theoretical understanding. We study the expected reciprocity of networks with an arbitrary degree sequence and a broad class of degree correlations by means of statistical ensemble approach. We demonstrate that degree correlations are crucial to understand the reciprocity in real networks and a hierarchy of correlation contributions to rr is revealed. Numerical experiments using novel network randomization methods show very good agreement to our analytical estimations.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, added a new table and a new figure, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.
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