136 research outputs found

    Report 2011

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    Algorithms in nature: the convergence of systems biology and computational thinking

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    Biologists rely on computational methods to analyze and integrate large data sets, while several computational methods were inspired by the high-level design principles of biological systems. This Perspectives discusses the recent convergence of these two ways of thinking

    On the development of slime mould morphological, intracellular and heterotic computing devices

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    The use of live biological substrates in the fabrication of unconventional computing (UC) devices is steadily transcending the barriers between science fiction and reality, but efforts in this direction are impeded by ethical considerations, the field’s restrictively broad multidisciplinarity and our incomplete knowledge of fundamental biological processes. As such, very few functional prototypes of biological UC devices have been produced to date. This thesis aims to demonstrate the computational polymorphism and polyfunctionality of a chosen biological substrate — slime mould Physarum polycephalum, an arguably ‘simple’ single-celled organism — and how these properties can be harnessed to create laboratory experimental prototypes of functionally-useful biological UC prototypes. Computing devices utilising live slime mould as their key constituent element can be developed into a) heterotic, or hybrid devices, which are based on electrical recognition of slime mould behaviour via machine-organism interfaces, b) whole-organism-scale morphological processors, whose output is the organism’s morphological adaptation to environmental stimuli (input) and c) intracellular processors wherein data are represented by energetic signalling events mediated by the cytoskeleton, a nano-scale protein network. It is demonstrated that each category of device is capable of implementing logic and furthermore, specific applications for each class may be engineered, such as image processing applications for morphological processors and biosensors in the case of heterotic devices. The results presented are supported by a range of computer modelling experiments using cellular automata and multi-agent modelling. We conclude that P. polycephalum is a polymorphic UC substrate insofar as it can process multimodal sensory input and polyfunctional in its demonstrable ability to undertake a variety of computing problems. Furthermore, our results are highly applicable to the study of other living UC substrates and will inform future work in UC, biosensing, and biomedicine

    Opinions and Outlooks on Morphological Computation

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    Morphological Computation is based on the observation that biological systems seem to carry out relevant computations with their morphology (physical body) in order to successfully interact with their environments. This can be observed in a whole range of systems and at many different scales. It has been studied in animals – e.g., while running, the functionality of coping with impact and slight unevenness in the ground is "delivered" by the shape of the legs and the damped elasticity of the muscle-tendon system – and plants, but it has also been observed at the cellular and even at the molecular level – as seen, for example, in spontaneous self-assembly. The concept of morphological computation has served as an inspirational resource to build bio-inspired robots, design novel approaches for support systems in health care, implement computation with natural systems, but also in art and architecture. As a consequence, the field is highly interdisciplinary, which is also nicely reflected in the wide range of authors that are featured in this e-book. We have contributions from robotics, mechanical engineering, health, architecture, biology, philosophy, and others

    Preliminaries for distributed natural computing inspired by the slime mold Physarum Polycephalum

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    This doctoral thesis aims towards distributed natural computing inspired by the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. The vein networks formed by this organism presumably support efficient transport of protoplasmic fluid. Devising models which capture the natural efficiency of the organism and form a suitable basis for the development of natural computing algorithms is an interesting and challenging goal. We start working towards this goal by designing and executing wet-lab experi- ments geared towards producing a large number of images of the vein networks of P. polycephalum. Next, we turn the depicted vein networks into graphs using our own custom software called Nefi. This enables a detailed numerical study, yielding a catalogue of characterizing observables spanning a wide array of different graph properties. To share our results and data, i.e. raw experimental data, graphs and analysis results, we introduce a dedicated repository revolving around slime mold data, the Smgr. The purpose of this repository is to promote data reuse and to foster a practice of increased data sharing. Finally we present a model based on interacting electronic circuits including current controlled voltage sources, which mimics the emergent flow patterns observed in live P. polycephalum. The model is simple, distributed and robust to changes in the underlying network topology. Thus it constitutes a promising basis for the development of distributed natural computing algorithms.Diese Dissertation dient als Vorarbeit fĂŒr den Entwurf von verteilten Algorithmen, inspiriert durch den Schleimpilz Physarum polycephalum. Es wird vermutet, dass die Venen-Netze dieses Organismus den effizienten Transport von protoplasmischer FlĂŒssigkeit ermöglichen. Die Herleitung von Modellen, welche sowohl die natĂŒrliche Effizienz des Organismus widerspiegeln, als auch eine geeignete Basis fĂŒr den Entwurf von Algorithmen bieten, gilt weiterhin als schwierig. Wir nĂ€hern uns diesem Ziel mittels Laborversuchen zur Produktion von zahlreichen Abbildungen von Venen-Netzwerken. Weiters fĂŒhren wir die abgebildeten Netze in Graphen ĂŒber. HierfĂŒr verwenden wir unsere eigene Software, genannt Nefi. Diese ermöglicht eine numerische Studie der Graphen, welche einen Katalog von charakteristischen Grapheigenschaften liefert. Um die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse und Daten zu teilen, fĂŒhren wir ein spezialisiertes Daten-Repository ein, genannt Smgr. Hiermit begĂŒnstigen wir die Wiederverwendung von Daten und fördern das Teilen derselben. Abschließend prĂ€sentieren wir ein Modell, basierend auf elektrischen Elementen, insbesondere stromabhĂ€ngigen Spannungsquellen, welches die FlĂŒsse von P. poly- cephalum nachahmt. Das Modell ist simpel, verteilt und robust gegenĂŒber topolo- gischen Ă€nderungen. Aus diesen GrĂŒnden stellt es eine vielversprechende Basis fĂŒr den Entwurf von verteilten Algorithmen dar
