976 research outputs found

    Operating guidelines for services

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    In the paradigm of service-oriented computing, companies organize their core competencies as services and may request other functionalities from services of other companies. Services provide high flexibility, platform independent loose coupling, and distributed execution. They may thus help to reduce the complexity of dynamically binding and integrating heterogenous processes within and across organizations. The vision of service-oriented architectures is to provide a framework for publishing new services, for on demand searching for and discovery of existing services, and for dynamically binding services to achieve common business goals. That way, each individual organization gains more flexibility to dynamically react on new challenges. As services may be created or modified, or collaborations may be restructured at any point in time, a new challenge arises in this setting—the challenge for deciding the compatibility of the composed services before their actual binding. Recent literature distinguishes four different aspects of service compatibility: syntactical, behavioral, semantical, and non-functional compatibility. In this thesis, we focus on behavioral compatibility and abstract from the other aspects. Potential behavioral incompatibilities between services include deadlocks (two services wait for a message of each other), livelocks (two services keep exchanging messages without progressing), and pending messages that have been sent but cannot be received anymore. For stateful services that interact via asynchronous message passing, deciding behavioral compatibility is far from trivial. Local changes to one service may introduce errors in some or even all other services of an interaction. The verification of behavioral compatibility suffers from state explosion problems and is restricted by privacy issues. That is, the parties of an interaction are essentially autonomous and may be competitors in other business fields. Consequently, they do not want to reveal the internals of their processes to the other participants in order to hide trade secrets. To systematically approach this challenge, we introduce a formal framework based on Petri nets and automata for service modeling and formalize behavioral compatibility as deadlock freedom of the composition of the services. The main contribution of this thesis is to introduce the concept of the operating guideline of a service. Operating guidelines provide a formal characterization of the set of all behaviorally compatible services R for a given service S. Usually, this set is infinite. However, the operating guideline OGS of a service S serves as a finite representation of this infinite set. Furthermore, the operating guideline of S reveals only internals that are inevitably necessary to decide behavioral compatibility with S. We provide a construction method of operating guidelines for finite-state services with bounded communication. Operating guidelines can be used in many applications in the context of serviceoriented computing. The most fundamental application is to support the discovery of behaviorally compatible services. To this end, we develop a matching procedure that efficiently decides whether a given service R is characterized by the operating guideline OGS of a service S. If R matches, then both services R and S are behaviorally compatible and can be bound together to interact with each other. If R does not match with OGS, then the services are behaviorally incompatible and may run into severe behavioral errors and not reach their common business goal. Operating guidelines can furthermore be applied in the novel research areas of service substitutability and the generation of adapter services, for instance. To this end, we develop methods to compare the sets of services characterized by the operating guidelines OGS and OGS0 . If OGS0 characterizes more services than OGS, then the service S can be substituted by the service S0 without loosing any behaviorally compatible interaction partner R. Furthermore, we show how to synthesize a service R from the operating guideline OGS such that R is behaviorally compatible to S by construction. All results presented in this thesis are implemented in our service analysis tool Fiona. Fiona may compute operating guidelines for services modeled as Petri nets. It may match a service with an operating guideline, compare operating guidelines for equivalence or an inclusion relation, and synthesize service adapters for behaviorally incompatible services. Together with the tool BPEL2oWFN— which translates web services specified in BPEL into Petri net models of the services—we can immediately apply our results to services that stem from practic

    Service substitution : a behavioral approach based on Petri Nets

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    Service-Oriented Computing is an emerging computing paradigm that supports the modular design of (software) systems. Complex systems are designed by composing less complex systems, called services. Such a (complex) system is a distributed application often involving several cooperating enterprises. As a system usually changes over time, individual services will be substituted by other services. Substituting one service by another one should not affect the correctness of the overall system. Assuring correctness becomes particularly challenging, as the services rely on each other, and each of the involved enterprises only oversees a part of the overall system. In addition, services communicate asynchronously which makes the analysis even more difficult. For this reason, formal methods to support service substitution are indispensable. In this thesis, we study service substitution at the level of service models. Thereby we restrict ourselves to service behavior. As a formalism to model service behavior, we use Petri nets. The first contribution of this thesis is the definition of several substitutability criteria that are suitable in the context of Service-Oriented Computing. Substituting a service S by a service S0 should preserve some behavioral properties of the overall system. For each set of behavioral properties and a given service S, there exists a set of behaviorally compatible services for S. A substitutability criterion defines which of these behaviorally compatible services of S have to be preserved by S0. We relate our substitutability criteria to preorders and equivalences known from process theory. The second contribution of this thesis is to present, for each substitutability criterion, a procedure to decide whether a service S0 can substitute a service S. The decision requires the comparison of the in general infinite sets of behaviorally compatible services for the services S and S0. Hence, we extend existing work on an abstract representation of all behaviorally compatible services for a given service. For each notion of behavioral compatibility, we present an algorithmic solution to represent all behaviorally compatible services. Based on these representations, we can decide substitutability of a service S by a service S0. The third contribution of this thesis is a method to support the design of a service S0 that can substitute a service S according to a substitutability criterion. Our approach is to derive a service S0 from the service S by stepwise transformation. To this end, we present several transformation rules. Finally, we formalize and we extend the equivalence notion for services specified in the language WS-BPEL. That way, we demonstrate the applicability of our work

    A programming system for process coordination in virtual organisations

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    PhD thesisDistributed business applications are increasingly being constructed by composing them from services provided by various online businesses. Typically, this leads to trading partners coming together to form virtual organizations (VOs). Each member of a VO maintains their autonomy, except with respect to their agreed goals. The structure of the Virtual Organisation may contain one dominant organisation who dictates the method of achieving the goals or the members may be considered peers of equal importance. The goals of VOs can be defined by the shared global business processes they contain. To be able to execute these business processes, VOs require a flexible enactment model as there may be no single ‘owner’ of the business process and therefore no natural place to enact the business processes. One solution is centralised enactment using a trusted third party, but in some cases this may not be acceptable (for instance because of security reasons). This thesis will present a programming system that allows centralised as well as distributed enactment where each organisation enacts part of the business process. To achieve distributed enactment we must address the problem of specifying the business process in a manner that is amenable to distribution. The first contribution of this thesis is the presentation of the Task Model, a set of languages and notations for describing workflows that can be enacted in a centralised or decentralised manner. The business processes that we specify will coordinate the services that each organisation owns. The second contribution of this thesis is the presentation of a method of describing the observable behaviour of these services. The language we present, SSDL, provides a flexible and extensible way of describing the messaging behaviour of Web Services. We present a method for checking that a set of services described in SSDL are compatible with each other and also that a workflow interacts with a service in the desired manner. The final contribution of this thesis is the presentation of an abstract architecture and prototype implementation of a decentralised workflow engine. The prototype is able to enact workflows described in the Task Model notation in either a centralised or decentralised scenario

    Correctness of services and their composition

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    We study correctness of services and their composition and investigate how the design of correct service compositions can be systematically supported. We thereby focus on the communication protocol of the service and approach these questions using formal methods and make contributions to three scenarios of SOC.Wir studieren die Korrektheit von Services und Servicekompositionen und untersuchen, wie der Entwurf von korrekten Servicekompositionen systematisch unterstĂŒtzt werden kann. Wir legen dabei den Fokus auf das Kommunikationsprotokoll der Services. Mithilfe von formalen Methoden tragen wir zu drei Szenarien von SOC bei

    Modeling and verification of web service composition based interorganizational workflows

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    Interorganisationale Workflows sind ArbeitsablĂ€ufe, welche die Grenzen einer Organisation verlassen und einen Rahmen fĂŒr Kooperationen der verschiedenen autonomen Organisationen zur VerfĂŒgung stellen. Ein wichtiger Punkt fĂŒr den Entwurf solcher Workflows ist die Balance zwischen Offenheit und Abgrenzung, wobei erstere fĂŒr Kooperationen und letztere die fĂŒr den Schutz von Know-how benötigt wird. Workflow Sichten stellen ein effizientes Werkzeug fĂŒr diesen Zweck zur VerfĂŒgung. Durch Offenlegung von bestimmten Teilen eines Prozesses, können Organisationen sowohl kooperieren als auch das Know-how schĂŒtzen. Diese Dissertation prĂ€sentiert nun eine Methode fĂŒr die korrekte Konstruktion von Workflow Sichten. Es wird angenommen, dass Organisationen Web Service orientierte Technologien zur Modellierung und Implementierung von interorganisationalen Workflows verwenden. Die Anwendung von Web Services bietet Organisationen viele Vorteile. Den eigentlichen Mehrwert von Web Services stellt aber die KompositionsfĂ€higkeit dar. VerfĂŒgbare Web Services können dadurch von anderen Choreographien und Orchestrationen (wieder-)verwendet werden. Die Notwendigkeit der Implementierung von Systemen von Null weg kann minimiert werden. Die zentralen Anforderungen sind einerseits eine Architektur mit adĂ€quatem Potential, andererseits die Verifikation der Korrektheit. Diese Dissertation prĂ€sentiert nun eine Architektur zur Modellierung von Web Service Composition basierten interorganisationalen Workflows, genannt föderierte Choreographien, die verglichen mit anderen Architekturen verschiedene Vorteile anbieten. DarĂŒber hinaus werden Algorithmen und Techniken zur Verifikation der strukturellen und temporalen Korrektheit vorgestellt. Strukturelle Korrektheit prĂŒft, ob die Strukturen der beteiligten Prozesse zusammenpassen. Temporale Korrektheit ĂŒberprĂŒft, ob ein interorganisationaler Workflow, der aus mehreren Choreographien und Orchestrationen besteht hinsichtlich der lokalen und globalen Bedingungen fehlerfrei ist. Mit Hilfe dieser Techniken kann die strukturelle und temporale KonformitĂ€t des Modells zur Designzeit ĂŒberprĂŒft werden. Falls das Modell nicht strukturell oder temporal konform ist, können nötige Änderungen durchgefĂŒhrt werden, sodass die korrekte AusfĂŒhrung zur Laufzeit garantiert werden kann. Die ÜberprĂŒfung der KonformitĂ€t zur Designzeit reduziert die Prozesskosten vor allem wegen den folgenden zwei GrĂŒnden: Erstens, die entdeckten Fehler zur Designzeit sind normalerweise billiger als jene, die zur Laufzeit entdeckt werden und zweitens, Fehlerbehandlungsmechanismen können verhindert werden, die wiederum Zusatzkosten verursachen. ZusĂ€tzlich zu der vorgestellten Architektur wird eine allgemeinere Architektur zusammen mit den passenden KonformitĂ€tsprĂŒfungsalgorithmen prĂ€sentiert. Der Ansatz ist Platform- und sprachunabhĂ€ngig und die Algorithmen sind verteilt.Interorganizational workflows are workflows that cross the boundaries of a single organization and provide a framework for cooperation of different autonomous organizations. An important issue when designing such workflows is the balance between the openness needed for cooperation and the privacy needed for protection of business know-how. Workflow views provide an efficient tool for this aim. By exposure of only selected parts of a process, organizations can both cooperate and protect their business logic. This dissertation presents a technique for a correct construction of workflow views. It is assumed that organizations and partners use web services and web service related technology to model and implement interorganizational workflows. Application of web services offers several advantages for organizations. The real surplus of web services is their capability of being composed to more complex systems. Available web services can be reused by other choreographies and orchestrations and the need for development of new systems from scratch can be minimized. The essential requirements are on the one hand an architecture with adequate capabilities and on the other hand, verification of correctness. This dissertation proposes an architecture for modeling web service composition based interorganizational workflows, called \emph{federated choreographies}, that provides several advantages compared to existing proposals. Moreover, algorithms and techniques for verification of structural and temporal correctness of interorganizational workflows are proposed. Structural conformance checks if the structures of the involved processes match. Temporal conformance checks if an interorganizational workflow composed of choreographies and orchestrations is temporally error-free with respect to local and global temporal constraints. The proposed algorithms can be applied for checking the structural and temporal conformance of the federated choreographies at design-time. If the model is not structurally or temporally conformant, necessary modifications can be done such that the correct execution of the flow at run-time can be guaranteed. The conformance checking at design time reduces the cost of process because of two reasons: first, errors detected at design time are normally cheaper than those detected at run time and second, exception handling mechanisms can be avoided which are, in turn, coupled with additional costs. In addition to the proposed architecture, a more general architecture together with the conformance checking algorithms and techniques for interorganizational workflows are presented. The presented approach is language and platform independent and algorithms work in a distributed manner

    Correctness of services and their composition

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    We study correctness of services and their composition and investigate how the design of correct service compositions can be systematically supported. We thereby focus on the communication protocol of the service and approach these questions using formal methods and make contributions to three scenarios of SOC.Wir studieren die Korrektheit von Services und Servicekompositionen und untersuchen, wie der Entwurf von korrekten Servicekompositionen systematisch unterstĂŒtzt werden kann. Wir legen dabei den Fokus auf das Kommunikationsprotokoll der Services. Mithilfe von formalen Methoden tragen wir zu drei Szenarien von SOC bei

    Cross organisational compatible workflows generation and execution

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    With the development of internet and electronics, the demand for electronic and online commerce has increased. This has, in turn, increased the demand for business process automation. Workflow has established itself as the technology used for business process automation. Since business organisations have to work in coordination with many other business organisations in order to succeed in business, the workflows of business organisations are expected to collaborate with those of other business organisations. Collaborating organisations can only proceed in business if they have compatible workflows. Therefore, there is a need for cross organisational workflow collaboration. The dynamism and complexity of online and electronic business and high demand from the market leave the workflows prone to frequent changes. If a workflow changes, it has to be re-engineered as well as reconciled with the workflows of the collaborating organisations. To avoid the continuous re-engineering and reconciliation of workflows, and to reuse the existing units of work done, the focus has recently shifted from modeling workflows to automatic workflow generation. Workflows must proceed to runtime execution, otherwise, the effort invested in the build time workflow modeling is wasted. Therefore, workflow management and collaboration systems must support workflow enactment and runtime workflow collaboration. Although substantial research has been done in build-time workflow collaboration, automatic workflow generation, workflow enactment and runtime workflow collaboration, the integration of these highly inter-dependent aspects of workflow has not been considered in the literature. The research work presented in this thesis investigates the integration of these different aspects. The main focus of the research presented in this thesis is the creation of a framework that is able to generate multiple sets of compatible workflows for multiple collaborating organisations, from their OWLS process definitions and high level goals. The proposed framework also supports runtime enactment and runtime collaboration of the generated workflows

    Soundness of workflow nets : classification, decidability, and analysis

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    Workflow nets, a particular class of Petri nets, have become one of the standard ways to model and analyze workflows. Typically, they are used as an abstraction of the workflow that is used to check the so-called soundness property. This property guarantees the absence of livelocks, deadlocks, and other anomalies that can be detected without domain knowledge. Several authors have proposed alternative notions of soundness and have suggested to use more expressive languages, e.g., models with cancellations or priorities. This paper provides an overview of the different notions of soundness and investigates these in the presence of different extensions of workflow nets. We will show that the eight soundness notions described in the literature are decidable for workflow nets. However, most extensions will make all of these notions undecidable. These new results show the theoretical limits of workflow verification. Moreover, we discuss some of the analysis approaches described in the literature
