95 research outputs found

    Optimization of object query languages

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    From Nested-Loop to Join Queries in OODB

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    Most declarative SQL-like query languages for object-oriented database systems are orthogonal languages allowing for arbitrary nesting of expressions in the select-, from-, and where-clause. Expressions in the from-clause may be base tables as well as set-valued attributes. In this paper, we propose a general strategy for the optimization of nested OOSQL queries. As in the relational model, the translation/optimization goal is to move from tuple- to set-oriented query processing. Therefore, OOSQL is translated into the algebraic language ADL, and by means of algebraic rewriting nested queries are transformed into join queries as far as possible. Three different optimization options are described, and a strategy to assign priorities to options is proposed

    Datalog extension for nested relations

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    AbstractThe nested relational model allows relations that are not in first normal form. This paper gives an extension of Datalog rules for nested relations. In our approach, nested Datalog is a natural extension of Datalog introduced for the relational data model. A nested Datalog program has a hierarchical structure of rules and subprograms to manipulate relation values of nested relations. We introduce a new category of predicate symbols, the variable predicate symbols to refer to tuples of subrelations. The notion of soundness, safety and consistency is defined to avoid undesirable nested Datalog programs. The evaluation of nested Datalog is given in terms of the nested relational algebra. Finally, we relate the expressive power of nonrecursive nested Datalog to the power of nested relational algebra and safe nested tuple relational calculus

    Moa and the multi-model architecture: a new perspective on XNF2

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    Advanced non-traditional application domains such as geographic information systems and digital library systems demand advanced data management support. In an effort to cope with this demand, we present the concept of a novel multi-model DBMS architecture which provides evaluation of queries on complexly structured data without sacrificing efficiency. A vital role in this architecture is played by the Moa language featuring a nested relational data model based on XNF2, in which we placed renewed interest. Furthermore, extensibility in Moa avoids optimization obstacles due to black-box treatment of ADTs. The combination of a mapping of queries on complexly structured data to an efficient physical algebra expression via a nested relational algebra, extensibility open to optimization, and the consequently better integration of domain-specific algorithms, makes that the Moa system can efficiently and effectively handle complex queries from non-traditional application domains

    Incremental Recomputation of Pig Latin’s Nest and Unnest Operators

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    This master’s thesis addresses the maintenance of pre-computed structures, which store a frequent or expensive query, for the nested bag data type in the high level work-flow language Pig Latin. This thesis defines a model suitable to accommodate incremental expressions over nested bags on Pig Latin. Afterwards, the partitioned normal form for sets is extended with further restrictions, in order to accommodate the nested bag model, allow the Pig Latin nest and unnest operators revert each other, and create a suitable environment to the incremental computations. Subsequently, the extended operators – extended union and extended difference – are defined for the nested bag data model with the partitioned normal form for bags (PNF Bag) restriction, and semantics for the extended operators are given. Finally, incremental data propagation expressions are proposed for the nest and unnest operators on the data model proposed with the PNF Bag restriction, and the proof of correctness is given.Esta tese de mestrado aborda a problemĂĄtica da manutenção de estruturas prĂ©-cumputas, que – regra geral – armazenam uma pesquisa computacionalmente dispendiosa ou frequente, para a linguagem de fluxo de dados de alto nĂ­vel Pig Latin. Esta tese começa por definir um modelo de dados para acomodar o tipo de dados nested bag do Pig Latin. Posteriormente a partitioned normal form para sets ÂŽe transformada para poder: acomodar o tipo de dados nested bag, permitir que os operadores do Pig Latin nest e unnest possam reverter-se mutuamente, e para criar um ambiente propicio `a utilização de expressĂ”es incrementais. De seguida os operadores extendidos – extended union e extended difference – sĂŁo definidos para o modelo nested bag com a restrição partitioned normal form para bags (PNF Bag), sendo a semĂąntica dos operadores tambĂ©m dada nesta tese. Por fim, sĂŁo propostas expressĂ”es incrementais de propagação da informação para os operadores nest e unnest no modelo proposto com a restrição PNF Bag

    The R2-algebra : an extension of an algebra for nested relations

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