87 research outputs found

    On Approximability of Bounded Degree Instances of Selected Optimization Problems

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    In order to cope with the approximation hardness of an underlying optimization problem, it is advantageous to consider specific families of instances with properties that can be exploited to obtain efficient approximation algorithms for the restricted version of the problem with improved performance guarantees. In this thesis, we investigate the approximation complexity of selected NP-hard optimization problems restricted to instances with bounded degree, occurrence or weight parameter. Specifically, we consider the family of dense instances, where typically the average degree is bounded from below by some function of the size of the instance. Complementarily, we examine the family of sparse instances, in which the average degree is bounded from above by some fixed constant. We focus on developing new methods for proving explicit approximation hardness results for general as well as for restricted instances. The fist part of the thesis contributes to the systematic investigation of the VERTEX COVER problem in k-hypergraphs and k-partite k-hypergraphs with density and regularity constraints. We design efficient approximation algorithms for the problems with improved performance guarantees as compared to the general case. On the other hand, we prove the optimality of our approximation upper bounds under the Unique Games Conjecture or a variant. In the second part of the thesis, we study mainly the approximation hardness of restricted instances of selected global optimization problems. We establish improved or in some cases the first inapproximability thresholds for the problems considered in this thesis such as the METRIC DIMENSION problem restricted to graphs with maximum degree 3 and the (1,2)-STEINER TREE problem. We introduce a new reductions method for proving explicit approximation lower bounds for problems that are related to the TRAVELING SALESPERSON (TSP) problem. In particular, we prove the best up to now inapproximability thresholds for the general METRIC TSP problem, the ASYMMETRIC TSP problem, the SHORTEST SUPERSTRING problem, the MAXIMUM TSP problem and TSP problems with bounded metrics

    NFA reduction via hypergraph vertex cover approximation

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    In this thesis, we study in minimum vertex cover problem on the class of k-partite k-uniform hypergraphs. This problem arises when reducing the size of nondeterministic finite automata (NFA) using preorders, as suggested by Champarnaud and Coulon. It has been shown that reducing NFAs using preorders is at least as hard as computing a minimal vertex cover on 3-partite 3-uniform hypergraphs, which is NP-hard. We present several classes of regular languages for which NFAs that recognize them can be optimally reduced via preorders. We introduce an algorithm for approximating vertex cover on k-partite k-uniform hypergraphs based on a theorem by Lovász and explore the use of fractional cover algorithms to improve the running time at the expense of a small increase in the approximation ratio

    Towards Ryser\u27s Conjecture: Bounds on the Cardinality of Partitioned Intersecting Hypergraphs

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    This work is motivated by the open conjecture concerning the size of a minimum vertex cover in a partitioned hypergraph. In an r-uniform r-partite hypergraph, the size of the minimum vertex cover C is conjectured to be related to the size of its maximum matching M by the relation (|C|\u3c= (r-1)|M|). In fact it is not known whether this conjecture holds when |M| = 1. We consider r-partite hypergraphs with maximal matching size |M| = 1, and pose a novel algorithmic approach to finding a vertex cover of size (r - 1) in this case. We define a reactive hypergraph to be a back-and-forth algorithm for a hypergraph which chooses new edges in response to a choice of vertex cover, and prove that this algorithm terminates for all hypergraphs of orders r = 3 and 4. We introduce the idea of optimizing the size of the reactive hypergraph and find that the reactive hypergraph terminates for r = 5...20. We then consider the case where the intersection of any two edges is exactly 1. We prove bounds on the size of this 1-intersecting hypergraph and relate the 1-intersecting hypergraph maximization problem to mutually orthogonal Latin squares. We propose a generative algorithm for 1-intersecting hypergraphs of maximal size for prime powers r-1 = pd under the constraint pd+1 is also a prime power of the same form, and therefore pose a new generating algorithm for MOLS based upon intersecting hypergraphs. We prove this algorithm generates a valid set of mutually orthogonal Latin squares and prove the construction guarantees certain symmetric properties. We conclude that a conjecture by Lovasz, that the inequality in Ryser\u27s Conjecture cannot be improved when (r-1) is a prime power, is correct for the 1-intersecting hypergraph of prime power orders

    Hardness of Rainbow Coloring Hypergraphs

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    A hypergraph is k-rainbow colorable if there exists a vertex coloring using k colors such that each hyperedge has all the k colors. Unlike usual hypergraph coloring, rainbow coloring becomes harder as the number of colors increases. This work studies the rainbow colorability of hypergraphs which are guaranteed to be nearly balanced rainbow colorable. Specifically, we show that for any Q,k >= 2 and ell <= k/2, given a Qk-uniform hypergraph which admits a k-rainbow coloring satisfying: - in each hyperedge e, for some ell_e <= ell all but 2ell_e colors occur exactly Q times and the rest (Q +/- 1) times, it is NP-hard to compute an independent set of (1 - (ell+1)/k + eps)-fraction of vertices, for any constant eps > 0. In particular, this implies the hardness of even (k/ell)-rainbow coloring such hypergraphs. The result is based on a novel long code PCP test that ensures the strong balancedness property desired of the k-rainbow coloring in the completeness case. The soundness analysis relies on a mixing bound based on uniform reverse hypercontractivity due to Mossel, Oleszkiewicz, and Sen, which was also used in earlier proofs of the hardness of omega(1)-coloring 2-colorable 4-uniform hypergraphs due to Saket, and k-rainbow colorable 2k-uniform hypergraphs due to Guruswami and Lee

    Hypergraph matchings and designs

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    We survey some aspects of the perfect matching problem in hypergraphs, with particular emphasis on structural characterisation of the existence problem in dense hypergraphs and the existence of designs.Comment: 19 pages, for the 2018 IC

    A Characterization of Hard-to-cover CSPs

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    Matchings and Flows in Hypergraphs

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    In this dissertation, we study matchings and flows in hypergraphs using combinatorial methods. These two problems are among the best studied in the field of combinatorial optimization. As hypergraphs are a very general concept, not many results on graphs can be generalized to arbitrary hypergraphs. Therefore, we consider special classes of hypergraphs, which admit more structure, to transfer results from graph theory to hypergraph theory. In Chapter 2, we investigate the perfect matching problem on different classes of hypergraphs generalizing bipartite graphs. First, we give a polynomial time approximation algorithm for the maximum weight matching problem on so-called partitioned hypergraphs, whose approximation factor is best possible up to a constant. Afterwards, we look at the theorems of König and Hall and their relation. Our main result is a condition for the existence of perfect matchings in normal hypergraphs that generalizes Hall’s condition for bipartite graphs. In Chapter 3, we consider perfect f-matchings, f-factors, and (g,f)-matchings. We prove conditions for the existence of (g,f)-matchings in unimodular hypergraphs, perfect f-matchings in uniform Mengerian hypergraphs, and f-factors in uniform balanced hypergraphs. In addition, we give an overview about the complexity of the (g,f)-matching problem on different classes of hypergraphs generalizing bipartite graphs. In Chapter 4, we study the structure of hypergraphs that admit a perfect matching. We show that these hypergraphs can be decomposed along special cuts. For graphs it is known that the resulting decomposition is unique, which does not hold for hypergraphs in general. However, we prove the uniqueness of this decomposition (up to parallel hyperedges) for uniform hypergraphs. In Chapter 5, we investigate flows on directed hypergraphs, where we focus on graph-based directed hypergraphs, which means that every hyperarc is the union of a set of pairwise disjoint ordinary arcs. We define a residual network, which can be used to decide whether a given flow is optimal or not. Our main result in this chapter is an algorithm that computes a minimum cost flow on a graph-based directed hypergraph. This algorithm is a generalization of the network simplex algorithm.Diese Arbeit untersucht Matchings und Flüsse in Hypergraphen mit Hilfe kombinatorischer Methoden. In Graphen gehören diese Probleme zu den grundlegendsten der kombinatorischen Optimierung. Viele Resultate lassen sich nicht von Graphen auf Hypergraphen verallgemeinern, da Hypergraphen ein sehr abstraktes Konzept bilden. Daher schauen wir uns bestimmte Klassen von Hypergraphen an, die mehr Struktur besitzen, und nutzen diese aus um Resultate aus der Graphentheorie zu übertragen. In Kapitel 2 betrachten wir das perfekte Matchingproblem auf Klassen von „bipartiten“ Hypergraphen, wobei es verschiedene Möglichkeiten gibt den Begriff „bipartit“ auf Hypergraphen zu definieren. Für sogenannte partitionierte Hypergraphen geben wir einen polynomiellen Approximationsalgorithmus an, dessen Gütegarantie bis auf eine Konstante bestmöglich ist. Danach betrachten wir die Sätze von Konig und Hall und untersuchen deren Zusammenhang. Unser Hauptresultat ist eine Bedingung für die Existenz von perfekten Matchings auf normalen Hypergraphen, die Halls Bedingung für bipartite Graphen verallgemeinert. Als Verallgemeinerung von perfekten Matchings betrachten wir in Kapitel 3 perfekte f-Matchings, f-Faktoren und (g, f)-Matchings. Wir beweisen Bedingungen für die Existenz von (g, f)-Matchings auf unimodularen Hypergraphen, perfekten f-Matchings auf uniformen Mengerschen Hypergraphen und f-Faktoren auf uniformen balancierten Hypergraphen. Außerdem geben wir eine Übersicht über die Komplexität des (g, f)-Matchingproblems auf verschiedenen Klassen von Hypergraphen an, die bipartite Graphen verallgemeinern. In Kapitel 4 untersuchen wir die Struktur von Hypergraphen, die ein perfektes Matching besitzen. Wir zeigen, dass diese Hypergraphen entlang spezieller Schnitte zerlegt werden können. Für Graphen weiß man, dass die so erhaltene Zerlegung eindeutig ist, was im Allgemeinen für Hypergraphen nicht zutrifft. Wenn man jedoch uniforme Hypergraphen betrachtet, dann liefert jede Zerlegung die gleichen unzerlegbaren Hypergraphen bis auf parallele Hyperkanten. Kapitel 5 beschäftigt sich mit Flüssen in gerichteten Hypergraphen, wobei wir Hypergraphen betrachten, die auf gerichteten Graphen basieren. Das bedeutet, dass eine Hyperkante die Vereinigung einer Menge von disjunkten Kanten ist. Wir definieren ein Residualnetzwerk, mit dessen Hilfe man entscheiden kann, ob ein gegebener Fluss optimal ist. Unser Hauptresultat in diesem Kapitel ist ein Algorithmus, um einen Fluss minimaler Kosten zu finden, der den Netzwerksimplex verallgemeinert
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