32,864 research outputs found

    From the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm to a Quantum Alternating Operator Ansatz

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    The next few years will be exciting as prototype universal quantum processors emerge, enabling implementation of a wider variety of algorithms. Of particular interest are quantum heuristics, which require experimentation on quantum hardware for their evaluation, and which have the potential to significantly expand the breadth of quantum computing applications. A leading candidate is Farhi et al.'s Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm, which alternates between applying a cost-function-based Hamiltonian and a mixing Hamiltonian. Here, we extend this framework to allow alternation between more general families of operators. The essence of this extension, the Quantum Alternating Operator Ansatz, is the consideration of general parametrized families of unitaries rather than only those corresponding to the time-evolution under a fixed local Hamiltonian for a time specified by the parameter. This ansatz supports the representation of a larger, and potentially more useful, set of states than the original formulation, with potential long-term impact on a broad array of application areas. For cases that call for mixing only within a desired subspace, refocusing on unitaries rather than Hamiltonians enables more efficiently implementable mixers than was possible in the original framework. Such mixers are particularly useful for optimization problems with hard constraints that must always be satisfied, defining a feasible subspace, and soft constraints whose violation we wish to minimize. More efficient implementation enables earlier experimental exploration of an alternating operator approach to a wide variety of approximate optimization, exact optimization, and sampling problems. Here, we introduce the Quantum Alternating Operator Ansatz, lay out design criteria for mixing operators, detail mappings for eight problems, and provide brief descriptions of mappings for diverse problems.Comment: 51 pages, 2 figures. Revised to match journal pape

    Optimal web-scale tiering as a flow problem

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    We present a fast online solver for large scale parametric max-flow problems as they occur in portfolio optimization, inventory management, computer vision, and logistics. Our algorithm solves an integer linear program in an online fashion. It exploits total unimodularity of the constraint matrix and a Lagrangian relaxation to solve the problem as a convex online game. The algorithm generates approximate solutions of max-flow problems by performing stochastic gradient descent on a set of flows. We apply the algorithm to optimize tier arrangement of over 84 million web pages on a layered set of caches to serve an incoming query stream optimally

    Multireference Alignment using Semidefinite Programming

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    The multireference alignment problem consists of estimating a signal from multiple noisy shifted observations. Inspired by existing Unique-Games approximation algorithms, we provide a semidefinite program (SDP) based relaxation which approximates the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for the multireference alignment problem. Although we show that the MLE problem is Unique-Games hard to approximate within any constant, we observe that our poly-time approximation algorithm for the MLE appears to perform quite well in typical instances, outperforming existing methods. In an attempt to explain this behavior we provide stability guarantees for our SDP under a random noise model on the observations. This case is more challenging to analyze than traditional semi-random instances of Unique-Games: the noise model is on vertices of a graph and translates into dependent noise on the edges. Interestingly, we show that if certain positivity constraints in the SDP are dropped, its solution becomes equivalent to performing phase correlation, a popular method used for pairwise alignment in imaging applications. Finally, we show how symmetry reduction techniques from matrix representation theory can simplify the analysis and computation of the SDP, greatly decreasing its computational cost

    Budget-Feasible Mechanism Design for Non-Monotone Submodular Objectives: Offline and Online

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    The framework of budget-feasible mechanism design studies procurement auctions where the auctioneer (buyer) aims to maximize his valuation function subject to a hard budget constraint. We study the problem of designing truthful mechanisms that have good approximation guarantees and never pay the participating agents (sellers) more than the budget. We focus on the case of general (non-monotone) submodular valuation functions and derive the first truthful, budget-feasible and O(1)O(1)-approximate mechanisms that run in polynomial time in the value query model, for both offline and online auctions. Prior to our work, the only O(1)O(1)-approximation mechanism known for non-monotone submodular objectives required an exponential number of value queries. At the heart of our approach lies a novel greedy algorithm for non-monotone submodular maximization under a knapsack constraint. Our algorithm builds two candidate solutions simultaneously (to achieve a good approximation), yet ensures that agents cannot jump from one solution to the other (to implicitly enforce truthfulness). Ours is the first mechanism for the problem where---crucially---the agents are not ordered with respect to their marginal value per cost. This allows us to appropriately adapt these ideas to the online setting as well. To further illustrate the applicability of our approach, we also consider the case where additional feasibility constraints are present. We obtain O(p)O(p)-approximation mechanisms for both monotone and non-monotone submodular objectives, when the feasible solutions are independent sets of a pp-system. With the exception of additive valuation functions, no mechanisms were known for this setting prior to our work. Finally, we provide lower bounds suggesting that, when one cares about non-trivial approximation guarantees in polynomial time, our results are asymptotically best possible.Comment: Accepted to EC 201

    Fault Tolerant Max-Cut

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    In this work, we initiate the study of fault tolerant Max-Cut, where given an edge-weighted undirected graph G = (V,E), the goal is to find a cut S ? V that maximizes the total weight of edges that cross S even after an adversary removes k vertices from G. We consider two types of adversaries: an adaptive adversary that sees the outcome of the random coin tosses used by the algorithm, and an oblivious adversary that does not. For any constant number of failures k we present an approximation of (0.878-?) against an adaptive adversary and of ?_{GW}? 0.8786 against an oblivious adversary (here ?_{GW} is the approximation achieved by the random hyperplane algorithm of [Goemans-Williamson J. ACM `95]). Additionally, we present a hardness of approximation of ?_{GW} against both types of adversaries, rendering our results (virtually) tight. The non-linear nature of the fault tolerant objective makes the design and analysis of algorithms harder when compared to the classic Max-Cut. Hence, we employ approaches ranging from multi-objective optimization to LP duality and the ellipsoid algorithm to obtain our results
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