10 research outputs found

    (1 + )-Approximate shortest paths in dynamic streams

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    Computing approximate shortest paths in the dynamic streaming setting is a fundamental challenge that has been intensively studied. Currently existing solutions for this problem either build a sparse multiplicative spanner of the input graph and compute shortest paths in the spanner offline, or compute an exact single source BFS tree. Solutions of the first type are doomed to incur a stretch-space tradeoff of 2−1 versus n1+1/, for an integer parameter . (In fact, existing solutions also incur an extra factor of 1 + in the stretch for weighted graphs, and an additional factor of logO(1) n in the space.) The only existing solution of the second type uses n1/2−O(1/) passes over the stream (for space O(n1+1/)), and applies only to unweighted graphs. In this paper we show that (1+)-approximate single-source shortest paths can be computed with ˜O (n1+1/) space using just constantly many passes in unweighted graphs, and polylogarithmically many passes in weighted graphs. Moreover, the same result applies for multi-source shortest paths, as long as the number of sources is O(n1/). We achieve these results by devising efficient dynamic streaming constructions of (1 + , )-spanners and hopsets. On our way to these results, we also devise a new dynamic streaming algorithm for the 1-sparse recovery problem. Even though our algorithm for this task is slightly inferior to the existing algorithms of [26, 11], we believe that it is of independent interest. 2012 ACM Subject Classification Theory of computation ! Streaming models; Theory of computation ! Streaming, sublinear and near linear time algorithms; Theory of computation ! Shortest paths; Theory of computation ! Sparsification and spanner

    New Tradeoffs for Decremental Approximate All-Pairs Shortest Paths

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    We provide new tradeoffs between approximation and running time for the decremental all-pairs shortest paths (APSP) problem. For undirected graphs with mm edges and nn nodes undergoing edge deletions, we provide two new approximate decremental APSP algorithms, one for weighted and one for unweighted graphs. Our first result is an algorithm that supports (2+ϵ)(2+ \epsilon)-approximate all-pairs constant-time distance queries with total update time O~(m1/2n3/2)\tilde{O}(m^{1/2}n^{3/2}) when m=O(n5/3)m= O(n^{5/3}) (and m=n1+cm= n^{1+c} for any constant c>0c >0), or O~(mn2/3)\tilde{O}(mn^{2/3}) when m=Ω(n5/3)m = \Omega(n^{5/3}). Prior to our work the fastest algorithm for weighted graphs with approximation at most 33 had total O~(mn)\tilde O(mn) update time providing a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation [Bernstein, SICOMP 2016]. Our technique also yields a decremental algorithm with total update time O~(nm3/4)\tilde{O}(nm^{3/4}) supporting (2+ϵ,Wu,v)(2+\epsilon, W_{u,v})-approximate queries where the second term is an additional additive term and Wu,vW_{u,v} is the maximum weight on the shortest path from uu to vv. Our second result is a decremental algorithm that given an unweighted graph and a constant integer k2k \geq 2 , supports (1+ϵ,2(k1))(1+\epsilon, 2(k-1))-approximate queries and has O~(n21/km1/k)\tilde{O}(n^{2-1/k}m^{1/k}) total update time (when m=n1+cm=n^{1+c} for any constant c>0c >0). For comparison, in the special case of (1+ϵ,2)(1+\epsilon, 2)-approximation, this improves over the state-of-the-art algorithm by [Henzinger, Krinninger, Nanongkai, SICOMP 2016] with total update time of O~(n2.5)\tilde{O}(n^{2.5}). All of our results are randomized and work against an oblivious adversary


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    Many fundamental computational tasks can be modeled by distances on a graph. This has inspired studying various structures that preserve approximate distances, but trade off this approximation factor with size, running time, or the number of hops on the approximate shortest paths. Our focus is on three important objects involving preservation of graph distances: hopsets, in which our goal is to ensure that small-hop paths also provide approximate shortest paths; distance oracles, in which we build a small data structure that supports efficient distance queries; and spanners, in which we find a sparse subgraph that approximately preserves all distances. We study efficient constructions and applications of these structures in various models of computation that capture different aspects of computational systems. Specifically, we propose new algorithms for constructing hopsets and distance oracles in two modern distributed models: the Massively Parallel Computation (MPC) and the Congested Clique model. These models have received significant attention recently due to their close connection to present-day big data platforms. In a different direction, we consider a centralized dynamic model in which the input changes over time. We propose new dynamic algorithms for constructing hopsets and distance oracles that lead to state-of-the-art approximate single-source, multi-source and all-pairs shortest path algorithms with respect to update-time. Finally, we study the problem of finding optimal spanners in a different distributed model, the LOCAL model. Unlike our other results, for this problem our goal is to find the best solution for a specific input graph rather than giving a general guarantee that holds for all inputs. One contribution of this work is to emphasize the significance of the tools and the techniques used for these distance problems rather than heavily focusing on a specific model. In other words, we show that our techniques are broad enough that they can be extended to different models

    Processing massive graphs under limited visibility

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    Graphs are one of the most important and widely used combinatorial structures in mathematics. Their ability to model many real world scenarios which involve a large network of related entities make them useful across disciplines. They are useful as an abstraction in the analysis of networked structures such as the Internet, social networks, road networks, biological networks and many more. The graphs arising out of many real world phenomenon can be very large and they keep evolving over time. For example, Facebook reported over 2:9 billion monthly active users in 2022. Another very large and dynamic network is the human brain consisting of around 1011 nodes and many more edges. These large and evolving graphs present new challenges for algorithm designers. Traditional graph algorithms designed to work with centralised and sequential computing models are rendered useless due to their prohibitively high resource usage. In fact one needs huge amounts of resources just to read the entire graph. A number of new theoretical models have been devised over the years to keep up with the trends in the modern computing systems capable of handing massive input datasets. Some of these models such as streaming model and the query model allow the algorithm to view the graph piecemeal. In some cases, the model allows the graph to be processed by a set of interconnected computing elements such as in distributed computing. In this thesis we address some graph problems in these non-centralised, non-sequential models of computing with a limited access to the input graph. Specifically, we address three different graph problems, each in a different computing model. The first problem we look at is the computation of approximate shortest paths in dynamic streams. The second problem deals with finding kings in tournament graphs, given query access to the arcs of the tournament. The third and the final problem we investigate is a local test criteria for testing the expansion of a graph in the distributed CONGEST model

    Labeled Nearest Neighbor Search and Metric Spanners via Locality Sensitive Orderings

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    Chan, Har-Peled, and Jones [SICOMP 2020] developed locality-sensitive orderings (LSO) for Euclidean space. A (τ,ρ)(\tau,\rho)-LSO is a collection Σ\Sigma of orderings such that for every x,yRdx,y\in\mathbb{R}^d there is an ordering σΣ\sigma\in\Sigma, where all the points between xx and yy w.r.t. σ\sigma are in the ρ\rho-neighborhood of either xx or yy. In essence, LSO allow one to reduce problems to the 11-dimensional line. Later, Filtser and Le [STOC 2022] developed LSO's for doubling metrics, general metric spaces, and minor free graphs. For Euclidean and doubling spaces, the number of orderings in the LSO is exponential in the dimension, which made them mainly useful for the low dimensional regime. In this paper, we develop new LSO's for Euclidean, p\ell_p, and doubling spaces that allow us to trade larger stretch for a much smaller number of orderings. We then use our new LSO's (as well as the previous ones) to construct path reporting low hop spanners, fault tolerant spanners, reliable spanners, and light spanners for different metric spaces. While many nearest neighbor search (NNS) data structures were constructed for metric spaces with implicit distance representations (where the distance between two metric points can be computed using their names, e.g. Euclidean space), for other spaces almost nothing is known. In this paper we initiate the study of the labeled NNS problem, where one is allowed to artificially assign labels (short names) to metric points. We use LSO's to construct efficient labeled NNS data structures in this model

    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volum

    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum

    16th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory: SWAT 2018, June 18-20, 2018, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden

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    Algorithms for sparse convolution and sublinear edit distance

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    In this PhD thesis on fine-grained algorithm design and complexity, we investigate output-sensitive and sublinear-time algorithms for two important problems. (1) Sparse Convolution: Computing the convolution of two vectors is a basic algorithmic primitive with applications across all of Computer Science and Engineering. In the sparse convolution problem we assume that the input and output vectors have at most t nonzero entries, and the goal is to design algorithms with running times dependent on t. For the special case where all entries are nonnegative, which is particularly important for algorithm design, it is known since twenty years that sparse convolutions can be computed in near-linear randomized time O(t log^2 n). In this thesis we develop a randomized algorithm with running time O(t \log t) which is optimal (under some mild assumptions), and the first near-linear deterministic algorithm for sparse nonnegative convolution. We also present an application of these results, leading to seemingly unrelated fine-grained lower bounds against distance oracles in graphs. (2) Sublinear Edit Distance: The edit distance of two strings is a well-studied similarity measure with numerous applications in computational biology. While computing the edit distance exactly provably requires quadratic time, a long line of research has lead to a constant-factor approximation algorithm in almost-linear time. Perhaps surprisingly, it is also possible to approximate the edit distance k within a large factor O(k) in sublinear time O~(n/k + poly(k)). We drastically improve the approximation factor of the known sublinear algorithms from O(k) to k^{o(1)} while preserving the O(n/k + poly(k)) running time.In dieser Doktorarbeit über feinkörnige Algorithmen und Komplexität untersuchen wir ausgabesensitive Algorithmen und Algorithmen mit sublinearer Lauf-zeit für zwei wichtige Probleme. (1) Dünne Faltungen: Die Berechnung der Faltung zweier Vektoren ist ein grundlegendes algorithmisches Primitiv, das in allen Bereichen der Informatik und des Ingenieurwesens Anwendung findet. Für das dünne Faltungsproblem nehmen wir an, dass die Eingabe- und Ausgabevektoren höchstens t Einträge ungleich Null haben, und das Ziel ist, Algorithmen mit Laufzeiten in Abhängigkeit von t zu entwickeln. Für den speziellen Fall, dass alle Einträge nicht-negativ sind, was insbesondere für den Entwurf von Algorithmen relevant ist, ist seit zwanzig Jahren bekannt, dass dünn besetzte Faltungen in nahezu linearer randomisierter Zeit O(t \log^2 n) berechnet werden können. In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir einen randomisierten Algorithmus mit Laufzeit O(t \log t), der (unter milden Annahmen) optimal ist, und den ersten nahezu linearen deterministischen Algorithmus für dünne nichtnegative Faltungen. Wir stellen auch eine Anwendung dieser Ergebnisse vor, die zu scheinbar unverwandten feinkörnigen unteren Schranken gegen Distanzorakel in Graphen führt. (2) Sublineare Editierdistanz: Die Editierdistanz zweier Zeichenketten ist ein gut untersuchtes Ähnlichkeitsmaß mit zahlreichen Anwendungen in der Computerbiologie. Während die exakte Berechnung der Editierdistanz nachweislich quadratische Zeit erfordert, hat eine lange Reihe von Forschungsarbeiten zu einem Approximationsalgorithmus mit konstantem Faktor in fast-linearer Zeit geführt. Überraschenderweise ist es auch möglich, die Editierdistanz k innerhalb eines großen Faktors O(k) in sublinearer Zeit O~(n/k + poly(k)) zu approximieren. Wir verbessern drastisch den Approximationsfaktor der bekannten sublinearen Algorithmen von O(k) auf k^{o(1)} unter Beibehaltung der O(n/k + poly(k))-Laufzeit

    27th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms: ESA 2019, September 9-11, 2019, Munich/Garching, Germany

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