16,433 research outputs found

    Footprints of information foragers: Behaviour semantics of visual exploration

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    Social navigation exploits the knowledge and experience of peer users of information resources. A wide variety of visual–spatial approaches become increasingly popular as a means to optimize information access as well as to foster and sustain a virtual community among geographically distributed users. An information landscape is among the most appealing design options of representing and communicating the essence of distributed information resources to users. A fundamental and challenging issue is how an information landscape can be designed such that it will not only preserve the essence of the underlying information structure, but also accommodate the diversity of individual users. The majority of research in social navigation has been focusing on how to extract useful information from what is in common between users' profiles, their interests and preferences. In this article, we explore the role of modelling sequential behaviour patterns of users in augmenting social navigation in thematic landscapes. In particular, we compare and analyse the trails of individual users in thematic spaces along with their cognitive ability measures. We are interested in whether such trails can provide useful guidance for social navigation if they are embedded in a visual–spatial environment. Furthermore, we are interested in whether such information can help users to learn from each other, for example, from the ones who have been successful in retrieving documents. In this article, we first describe how users' trails in sessions of an experimental study of visual information retrieval can be characterized by Hidden Markov Models. Trails of users with the most successful retrieval performance are used to estimate parameters of such models. Optimal virtual trails generated from the models are visualized and animated as if they were actual trails of individual users in order to highlight behavioural patterns that may foster social navigation. The findings of the research will provide direct input to the design of social navigation systems as well as to enrich theories of social navigation in a wider context. These findings will lead to the further development and consolidation of a tightly coupled paradigm of spatial, semantic and social navigation

    Multimodal interactions in insect navigation

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    Animals travelling through the world receive input from multiple sensory modalities that could be important for the guidance of their journeys. Given the availability of a rich array of cues, from idiothetic information to input from sky compasses and visual information through to olfactory and other cues (e.g. gustatory, magnetic, anemotactic or thermal) it is no surprise to see multimodality in most aspects of navigation. In this review, we present the current knowledge of multimodal cue use during orientation and navigation in insects. Multimodal cue use is adapted to a species’ sensory ecology and shapes navigation behaviour both during the learning of environmental cues and when performing complex foraging journeys. The simultaneous use of multiple cues is beneficial because it provides redundant navigational information, and in general, multimodality increases robustness, accuracy and overall foraging success. We use examples from sensorimotor behaviours in mosquitoes and flies as well as from large scale navigation in ants, bees and insects that migrate seasonally over large distances, asking at each stage how multiple cues are combined behaviourally and what insects gain from using different modalities

    A neural circuit for navigation inspired by C. elegans Chemotaxis

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    We develop an artificial neural circuit for contour tracking and navigation inspired by the chemotaxis of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. In order to harness the computational advantages spiking neural networks promise over their non-spiking counterparts, we develop a network comprising 7-spiking neurons with non-plastic synapses which we show is extremely robust in tracking a range of concentrations. Our worm uses information regarding local temporal gradients in sodium chloride concentration to decide the instantaneous path for foraging, exploration and tracking. A key neuron pair in the C. elegans chemotaxis network is the ASEL & ASER neuron pair, which capture the gradient of concentration sensed by the worm in their graded membrane potentials. The primary sensory neurons for our network are a pair of artificial spiking neurons that function as gradient detectors whose design is adapted from a computational model of the ASE neuron pair in C. elegans. Simulations show that our worm is able to detect the set-point with approximately four times higher probability than the optimal memoryless Levy foraging model. We also show that our spiking neural network is much more efficient and noise-resilient while navigating and tracking a contour, as compared to an equivalent non-spiking network. We demonstrate that our model is extremely robust to noise and with slight modifications can be used for other practical applications such as obstacle avoidance. Our network model could also be extended for use in three-dimensional contour tracking or obstacle avoidance

    Comparison of Selection Methods in On-line Distributed Evolutionary Robotics

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    In this paper, we study the impact of selection methods in the context of on-line on-board distributed evolutionary algorithms. We propose a variant of the mEDEA algorithm in which we add a selection operator, and we apply it in a taskdriven scenario. We evaluate four selection methods that induce different intensity of selection pressure in a multi-robot navigation with obstacle avoidance task and a collective foraging task. Experiments show that a small intensity of selection pressure is sufficient to rapidly obtain good performances on the tasks at hand. We introduce different measures to compare the selection methods, and show that the higher the selection pressure, the better the performances obtained, especially for the more challenging food foraging task

    Phototaxic foraging of the archaepaddler, a hypothetical deep-sea species

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    An autonomous agent (animat, hypothetical animal), called the (archae) paddler, is simulated in sufficient detail to regard its simulated aquatic locomotion (paddling) as physically possible. The paddler is supposed to be a model of an animal that might exist, although it is perfectly possible to view it as a model of a robot that might be built. The agent is assumed to navigate in a simulated deep-sea environment, where it hunts autoluminescent prey. It uses a biologically inspired phototaxic foraging-strategy, while paddling in a layer just above the bottom. The advantage of this living space is that the navigation problem is essentially two-dimensional. Moreover, the deep-sea environment is physically simple (and hence easier to simulate): no significant currents, constant temperature, completely dark. A foraging performance metric is developed that circumvents the necessity to solve the travelling salesman problem. A parametric simulation study then quantifies the influence of habitat factors, such as the density of prey, and the body-geometry (e.g. placement, direction and directional selectivity of the eyes) on foraging success. Adequate performance proves to require a specific body-% geometry adapted to the habitat characteristics. In general performance degrades smoothly for modest changes of the geometric and habitat parameters, indicating that we work in a stable region of 'design space'. The parameters have to strike a compromise between on the one hand the ability to 'fixate' an attractive target, and on the other hand to 'see' as many targets at the same time as possible. One important conclusion is that simple reflex-based navigation can be surprisingly efficient. In the second place, performance in a global task (foraging) depends strongly on local parameters like visual direction-tuning, position of the eyes and paddles, etc. Behaviour and habitat 'mould' the body, and the body-geometry strongly influences performance. The resulting platform enables further testing of foraging strategies, or vision and locomotion theories stemming either from biology or from robotics

    Improving Reachability and Navigability in Recommender Systems

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    In this paper, we investigate recommender systems from a network perspective and investigate recommendation networks, where nodes are items (e.g., movies) and edges are constructed from top-N recommendations (e.g., related movies). In particular, we focus on evaluating the reachability and navigability of recommendation networks and investigate the following questions: (i) How well do recommendation networks support navigation and exploratory search? (ii) What is the influence of parameters, in particular different recommendation algorithms and the number of recommendations shown, on reachability and navigability? and (iii) How can reachability and navigability be improved in these networks? We tackle these questions by first evaluating the reachability of recommendation networks by investigating their structural properties. Second, we evaluate navigability by simulating three different models of information seeking scenarios. We find that with standard algorithms, recommender systems are not well suited to navigation and exploration and propose methods to modify recommendations to improve this. Our work extends from one-click-based evaluations of recommender systems towards multi-click analysis (i.e., sequences of dependent clicks) and presents a general, comprehensive approach to evaluating navigability of arbitrary recommendation networks

    A model of ant route navigation driven by scene familiarity

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    In this paper we propose a model of visually guided route navigation in ants that captures the known properties of real behaviour whilst retaining mechanistic simplicity and thus biological plausibility. For an ant, the coupling of movement and viewing direction means that a familiar view specifies a familiar direction of movement. Since the views experienced along a habitual route will be more familiar, route navigation can be re-cast as a search for familiar views. This search can be performed with a simple scanning routine, a behaviour that ants have been observed to perform. We test this proposed route navigation strategy in simulation, by learning a series of routes through visually cluttered environments consisting of objects that are only distinguishable as silhouettes against the sky. In the first instance we determine view familiarity by exhaustive comparison with the set of views experienced during training. In further experiments we train an artificial neural network to perform familiarity discrimination using the training views. Our results indicate that, not only is the approach successful, but also that the routes that are learnt show many of the characteristics of the routes of desert ants. As such, we believe the model represents the only detailed and complete model of insect route guidance to date. What is more, the model provides a general demonstration that visually guided routes can be produced with parsimonious mechanisms that do not specify when or what to learn, nor separate routes into sequences of waypoints

    Investigating the Effects of Exploratory Semantic Search on the Use of a Museum Archive

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    Recently, there has been a great deal of interest in how new technologies can support the more effective use of online museum content. Two particularly relevant developments are exploratory search and semantic web technologies. Exploratory search tools support a more undirected and serendipitous interaction with the content. Semantic web technology, when applied in this context, allows the exploitation of metadata and ontologies to provide more intelligent support for user interaction. Bletchley Park Text is a museum web application supporting a semantic driven, exploratory approach to the search and navigation of digital museum resources. Bletchley Park Text uses semantics to organise selected content (i.e. stories) into a number of composite pages that illustrate conceptual patterns in the content, and from which the content itself can be accessed. The use made of Bletchley Park Text over an eight month period was analysed in order to understand the kinds of trajectories across the available resources that users could make with such a system. The results identified two distinct strategies of exploratory search. A risky strategy was characterised as incorporating: conceptual jumps between successive queries, a larger number of shorter queries and the use of the stories themselves to acclimatise to a new set of search results. A cautious strategy was characterised as incorporating: small conceptual shifts between queries, a smaller number of longer queries and the use of composite pages to acclimatise to a set of new search results. These findings have implications for the intelligent scaffolding of exploratory search
