14,061 research outputs found

    Navigating in Populated Environments by Following a Leader

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    International audienceService robots have a great potential of improving human quality of life by aiding in everyday tasks. However, robots that share an environment and interact with humans still face some challenges that limits their acceptance. One of these challenges is how to move and behave among groups of people, which is a task performed seamlessly by humans and some animals. This is an interesting issue for the robotics community, as it is important to predict and adapt to an environment that is constantly changing, while at the same time respect social conventions. Path planning in dynamic environments has been addressed mostly by predicting future position of humans and avoiding them. However, with the increase of the number of persons in such environments, techniques that are based only on the prediction of the movement of humans can fail, as they usually ignore the human's reaction to the presence of the robot. Instead of trying to model the complex human motion behavior, this work proposes to rely on humans to guide the robot through difficult situations, where classical approaches would fail to find a solution. This will be accomplished by a probabilistic approach for electing a human leader, according to the robot's desired destination. In this way, the robot can take advantage of the humans' paths and behavior, effortlessly avoiding dynamic and static features as the human leader does, relieving the robot from the burden of having to generate its own path in difficult situations

    Experiments in Leader Classification and Following with an Autonomous Wheelchair

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    International audienceWith decreasing costs in robotic platforms, mobile robots that provide assistance to humans are becoming a reality. A key requirement for these types of robots is the ability to efficiently and safely navigate in populated environments. This work proposes to address this issue by studying how robots can select and follow human leaders, to take advantage of their motion in complex situations. To accomplish this, a machine learning framework is proposed, comprising data acquisition with a real robot, data labeling, feature extraction and the training of a leader classifier. Preliminary experiments combined the classification system with a multi-mode navigation algorithm, to validate this approach using an autonomous wheelchair

    Navegação em ambientes dinâmicos tirando partido de agentes móveis

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia MecânicaEsta tese propõe uma forma diferente de navegação de robôs em ambientes dinâmicos, onde o robô tira partido do movimento de pedestres, com o objetivo de melhorar as suas capacidades de navegação. A ideia principal é que, ao invés de tratar as pessoas como obstáculos dinâmicos que devem ser evitados, elas devem ser tratadas como agentes especiais com conhecimento avançado em navegação em ambientes dinâmicos. Para se beneficiar do movimento de pedestres, este trabalho propõe que um robô os selecione e siga, de modo que possa mover-se por caminhos ótimos, desviar-se de obstáculos não detetados, melhorar a navegação em ambientes densamente populados e aumentar a sua aceitação por outros humanos. Para atingir estes objetivos, novos métodos são desenvolvidos na área da seleção de líderes, onde duas técnicas são exploradas. A primeira usa métodos de previsão de movimento, enquanto a segunda usa técnicas de aprendizagem por máquina, para avaliar a qualidade de candidatos a líder, onde o treino é feito com exemplos reais. Os métodos de seleção de líder são integrados com algoritmos de planeamento de movimento e experiências são realizadas para validar as técnicas propostas.This thesis proposes a di erent form of robotic navigation in dynamic environments, where the robot takes advantage of the motion of pedestrians, in order to improve its own navigation capabilities. The main idea is that, instead of treating persons as dynamic obstacles that should be avoided, they should be treated as special agents with an expert knowledge of navigating in dynamic scenarios. To bene t from the motion of pedestrians, this work proposes that the robot selects and follows them, so it can move along optimal paths, deviate from undetected obstacles, improve navigation in densely populated areas and increase its acceptance by other humans. To accomplish this proposition, novel approaches are developed in the area of leader selection, where two methods are explored. The rst uses motion prediction approaches while the second uses a machine learning method, to evaluate the leader quality of subjects, which is trained with real examples. Finally, the leader selection methods are integrated with motion planning algorithms and experiments are conducted in order to validate the proposed techniques

    Mapping and Semantic Perception for Service Robotics

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    Para realizar una tarea, los robots deben ser capaces de ubicarse en el entorno. Si un robot no sabe dónde se encuentra, es imposible que sea capaz de desplazarse para alcanzar el objetivo de su tarea. La localización y construcción de mapas simultánea, llamado SLAM, es un problema estudiado en la literatura que ofrece una solución a este problema. El objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar técnicas que permitan a un robot comprender el entorno mediante la incorporación de información semántica. Esta información también proporcionará una mejora en la localización y navegación de las plataformas robóticas. Además, también demostramos cómo un robot con capacidades limitadas puede construir de forma fiable y eficiente los mapas semánticos necesarios para realizar sus tareas cotidianas.El sistema de construcción de mapas presentado tiene las siguientes características: En el lado de la construcción de mapas proponemos la externalización de cálculos costosos a un servidor en nube. Además, proponemos métodos para registrar información semántica relevante con respecto a los mapas geométricos estimados. En cuanto a la reutilización de los mapas construidos, proponemos un método que combina la construcción de mapas con la navegación de un robot para explorar mejor un entorno y disponer de un mapa semántico con los objetos relevantes para una misión determinada.En primer lugar, desarrollamos un algoritmo semántico de SLAM visual que se fusiona los puntos estimados en el mapa, carentes de sentido, con objetos conocidos. Utilizamos un sistema monocular de SLAM basado en un EKF (Filtro Extendido de Kalman) centrado principalmente en la construcción de mapas geométricos compuestos únicamente por puntos o bordes; pero sin ningún significado o contenido semántico asociado. El mapa no anotado se construye utilizando sólo la información extraída de una secuencia de imágenes monoculares. La parte semántica o anotada del mapa -los objetos- se estiman utilizando la información de la secuencia de imágenes y los modelos de objetos precalculados. Como segundo paso, mejoramos el método de SLAM presentado anteriormente mediante el diseño y la implementación de un método distribuido. La optimización de mapas y el almacenamiento se realiza como un servicio en la nube, mientras que el cliente con poca necesidad de computo, se ejecuta en un equipo local ubicado en el robot y realiza el cálculo de la trayectoria de la cámara. Los ordenadores con los que está equipado el robot se liberan de la mayor parte de los cálculos y el único requisito adicional es una conexión a Internet.El siguiente paso es explotar la información semántica que somos capaces de generar para ver cómo mejorar la navegación de un robot. La contribución en esta tesis se centra en la detección 3D y en el diseño e implementación de un sistema de construcción de mapas semántico.A continuación, diseñamos e implementamos un sistema de SLAM visual capaz de funcionar con robustez en entornos poblados debido a que los robots de servicio trabajan en espacios compartidos con personas. El sistema presentado es capaz de enmascarar las zonas de imagen ocupadas por las personas, lo que aumenta la robustez, la reubicación, la precisión y la reutilización del mapa geométrico. Además, calcula la trayectoria completa de cada persona detectada con respecto al mapa global de la escena, independientemente de la ubicación de la cámara cuando la persona fue detectada.Por último, centramos nuestra investigación en aplicaciones de rescate y seguridad. Desplegamos un equipo de robots en entornos que plantean múltiples retos que implican la planificación de tareas, la planificación del movimiento, la localización y construcción de mapas, la navegación segura, la coordinación y las comunicaciones entre todos los robots. La arquitectura propuesta integra todas las funcionalidades mencionadas, asi como varios aspectos de investigación novedosos para lograr una exploración real, como son: localización basada en características semánticas-topológicas, planificación de despliegue en términos de las características semánticas aprendidas y reconocidas, y construcción de mapas.In order to perform a task, robots need to be able to locate themselves in the environment. If a robot does not know where it is, it is impossible for it to move, reach its goal and complete the task. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, known as SLAM, is a problem extensively studied in the literature for enabling robots to locate themselves in unknown environments. The goal of this thesis is to develop and describe techniques to allow a service robot to understand the environment by incorporating semantic information. This information will also provide an improvement in the localization and navigation of robotic platforms. In addition, we also demonstrate how a simple robot can reliably and efficiently build the semantic maps needed to perform its quotidian tasks. The mapping system as built has the following features. On the map building side we propose the externalization of expensive computations to a cloud server. Additionally, we propose methods to register relevant semantic information with respect to the estimated geometrical maps. Regarding the reuse of the maps built, we propose a method that combines map building with robot navigation to better explore a room in order to obtain a semantic map with the relevant objects for a given mission. Firstly, we develop a semantic Visual SLAM algorithm that merges traditional with known objects in the estimated map. We use a monocular EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) SLAM system that has mainly been focused on producing geometric maps composed simply of points or edges but without any associated meaning or semantic content. The non-annotated map is built using only the information extracted from an image sequence. The semantic or annotated parts of the map –the objects– are estimated using the information in the image sequence and the precomputed object models. As a second step we improve the EKF SLAM presented previously by designing and implementing a visual SLAM system based on a distributed framework. The expensive map optimization and storage is allocated as a service in the Cloud, while a light camera tracking client runs on a local computer. The robot’s onboard computers are freed from most of the computation, the only extra requirement being an internet connection. The next step is to exploit the semantic information that we are able to generate to see how to improve the navigation of a robot. The contribution of this thesis is focused on 3D sensing which we use to design and implement a semantic mapping system. We then design and implement a visual SLAM system able to perform robustly in populated environments due to service robots work in environments where people are present. The system is able to mask the image regions occupied by people out of the rigid SLAM pipeline, which boosts the robustness, the relocation, the accuracy and the reusability of the geometrical map. In addition, it estimates the full trajectory of each detected person with respect to the scene global map, irrespective of the location of the moving camera at the point when the people were imaged. Finally, we focus our research on rescue and security applications. The deployment of a multirobot team in confined environments poses multiple challenges that involve task planning, motion planning, localization and mapping, safe navigation, coordination and communications among all the robots. The architecture integrates, jointly with all the above-mentioned functionalities, several novel features to achieve real exploration: localization based on semantic-topological features, deployment planning in terms of the semantic features learned and recognized, and map building.<br /

    Understanding Leadership for Adaptive Change in Catholic Schools: A Complexity Perspective

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    In an era of decline and crisis, Catholic school leaders have been encouraged to find innovative ways to enhance a school’s operational vitality. Yet to this point, most research on educational change in Catholic schools has focused on the technical tasks school principals can take to “save” individual schools. In this article, we apply a complexity perspective to educational change leadership in Catholic education: leadership for adaptive change. Based on a new empirical analysis of the professional experiences of two Catholic school principals working at four different parish schools, we demonstrate in this article how leadership for adaptive change can operate in Catholic elementary parish schools and assess whether and how the attributes of complex adaptive schools were present in these four elementary schools. We also highlight the organizational and social conditions these two principals confronted that both undermined and promoted their ability to lead for adaptive change at these four schools. Ultimately, we suggest in this article the utility of using a “complex adaptive” approach to understanding change leadership in Catholic elementary schools as opposed to “technically rational” approaches commonly found in contemporary Catholic school leadership research

    Community Context: Influence and Implications for School Leadership Preparation

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    Effective K-12 leaders remain a central concern for schools and communities of all types. The purpose of this research is to examine critically the literature on issues facing leaders in rural and urban settings and present a synthesis of cross-cutting themes. The authors reviewed the theoretical and empirical literature on K-12 leadership issues in rural settings and in urban settings published between 2013-2018 in ten journals. An examination of the similarities and differences facing leaders in these settings in the United States and a discussion of the implications for leadership preparation programs is provided. Future research directions to guide the study of K-12 leadership are also discussed

    A Framework for Interactive Teaching of Virtual Borders to Mobile Robots

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    The increasing number of robots in home environments leads to an emerging coexistence between humans and robots. Robots undertake common tasks and support the residents in their everyday life. People appreciate the presence of robots in their environment as long as they keep the control over them. One important aspect is the control of a robot's workspace. Therefore, we introduce virtual borders to precisely and flexibly define the workspace of mobile robots. First, we propose a novel framework that allows a person to interactively restrict a mobile robot's workspace. To show the validity of this framework, a concrete implementation based on visual markers is implemented. Afterwards, the mobile robot is capable of performing its tasks while respecting the new virtual borders. The approach is accurate, flexible and less time consuming than explicit robot programming. Hence, even non-experts are able to teach virtual borders to their robots which is especially interesting in domains like vacuuming or service robots in home environments.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Mobile Robot Navigation for Person Following in Indoor Environments

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    Service robotics is a rapidly growing area of interest in robotics research. Service robots inhabit human-populated environments and carry out specific tasks. The goal of this dissertation is to develop a service robot capable of following a human leader around populated indoor environments. A classification system for person followers is proposed such that it clearly defines the expected interaction between the leader and the robotic follower. In populated environments, the robot needs to be able to detect and identify its leader and track the leader through occlusions, a common characteristic of populated spaces. An appearance-based person descriptor, which augments the Kinect skeletal tracker, is developed and its performance in detecting and overcoming short and long-term leader occlusions is demonstrated. While following its leader, the robot has to ensure that it does not collide with stationary and moving obstacles, including other humans, in the environment. This requirement necessitates the use of a systematic navigation algorithm. A modified version of navigation function path planning, called the predictive fields path planner, is developed. This path planner models the motion of obstacles, uses a simplified representation of practical workspaces, and generates bounded, stable control inputs which guide the robot to its desired position without collisions with obstacles. The predictive fields path planner is experimentally verified on a non-person follower system and then integrated into the robot navigation module of the person follower system. To navigate the robot, it is necessary to localize it within its environment. A mapping approach based on depth data from the Kinect RGB-D sensor is used in generating a local map of the environment. The map is generated by combining inter-frame rotation and translation estimates based on scan generation and dead reckoning respectively. Thus, a complete mobile robot navigation system for person following in indoor environments is presented