873 research outputs found

    1. Strengthening International Regulation Through Transnational New Governance: Overcoming the Orchestration Deficit. 2. International Regulation without International Government: Improving IO Performance through Orchestration

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    1. A new kind of international regulatory system is spontaneously arising out of the failure of international 'Old Governance' (i.e., treaties and intergovernmental organizations) to adequately regulate international business. Nongovernmental organizations, business firms, and other actors, singly and in novel combinations, are creating innovative institutions to apply transnational norms to business. These institutions are predominantly private and operate through voluntary standards. The Authors depict the diversity of these new regulatory institutions on the 'Governance Triangle,' according to the roles of different actors in their operations. To analyze this complex system, we adapt the domestic 'New Governance' model of regulation to the international setting. 'Transnational New Governance' potentially provides many benefits of New Governance and is particularly suitable for international regulation because it demands less of states and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs). However, Transnational New Governance does require states and IGOs to act as orchestrators of the international regulatory system, and that system currently suffers from a significant orchestration deficit. If states and IGOs expanded 'directive' and especially 'facilitative' orchestration of the Transnational New Governance system, they could strengthen high-quality private regulatory standards, improve the international regulatory system, and better achieve their own regulatory goals. 2. International organizations (IOs) have been widely criticized as ineffective. Yet scholars and practitioners assessing IO performance frequently focus on traditional modes of governance such as treaties and inter-state dispute-resolution mechanisms. When they observe poor performance, moreover, they often prescribe a strengthening of those same activities. We call this reliance on traditional state-based mechanisms 'International Old Governance' (IOG). A better way to understand and improve IO performance is to consider the full range of ways in which IOs can and do operate - including, increasingly, by reaching out to private actors and institutions, collaborating with them, and supporting and shaping their activities. Such actions are helping to develop an intricate global network of public, private and mixed institutions and norms, partially orchestrated by IOs, that we call 'Transnational New Governance' (TNG). With proper orchestration by IOs, TNG can ameliorate both 'state failure' - the inadequacies of IOG - and 'market failure' - the problems that result when the creation and evolution of norm-setting institutions is highly decentralized. Orchestration thus provides a significant way for IOs to improve their regulatory performance. Some IOs already engage actively with private actors and institutions - we provide a range of illustrations, highlighting the activities of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). Yet there remains a significant 'orchestration deficit' that provides real opportunities for IOs. We draw on the lessons of existing IO activities to suggest additional possibilities for improving IO performance. -- 1. Ein internationales regulatorisches System neuer Art entsteht derzeit spontan aus dem Versagen der internationalen 'Old Governance' - also der bestehenden internationalen VertrĂ€ge und Organisationen - dabei, den internationalen Handel angemessen zu regulieren. Nichtregierungsorganisationen, Unternehmen und andere Akteure - allein und in ganz neuen Kombinationen - schaffen sich neue internationale Einrichtungen, um transnationale Normen auf internationale GeschĂ€ftstĂ€tigkeit anzuwenden. Es geht dabei vornehmlich um private Einrichtungen, die vor allem ĂŒber freiwillige Standardbefolgung wirken. In diesem Beitrag werden die unterschiedlichen Regulierungseinrichtungen als Teil eines 'Governance Dreiecks' beschreiben und das geschieht vor allem in Blick darauf, welche Rollen die unterschiedlichen Akteure in ihrer TĂ€tigkeit spielen. Um dieses komplexe System zu untersuchen passen wir das innenpolitische Regulierungsmodell der 'New Governance' an den internationalen Rahmen an. Die 'Transnational New Governance' enthĂ€lt viele Vorteile der 'New Governance' und sie ist fĂŒr die internationale Regulierung besonders angemessen, weil sie geringere Anforderungen an die Staatenwelt und an die intergouvernementalen Organisationen, die IGOs, stellen. Allerdings ist es fĂŒr eine wirksame 'Transnational New Governance' weiterhin erforderlich, dass die Staaten und die IGOs das internationale regulatorische System 'orchestrieren'. Das heutige internationale regulatorische System leidet allerdings unter einem Orchestrierungsdefizit. WĂŒrden die Staaten und die IGOs die 'anweisende' und 'ermöglichende' Orchestrierungsfunktion des 'Transnational New Governance System' ausbauen, dann stĂ€rkten sie die privaten regulatorischen Standards von hoher QualitĂ€t, verbesserten das internationale regulatorische System und könnten ihre eigenen regulatorischen Ziele besser verwirklichen. 2. Internationale Organisationen (IOs) werden vielfach ob Ihrer Ineffizienz kritisiert. Allerdings konzentrieren sich Wissenschaftler und Praktiker bei dieser Bewertung der LeistungsfĂ€higkeit von IOs hĂ€ufig auf MaßstĂ€be, die den herkömmlichen Formen von Governance - wie internationalen VertrĂ€gen und den Mechanismen fĂŒr die Schlichtung zwischenstaatlicher Konflikte - entlehnt sind. Soweit eine ungenĂŒgende Leistung festgestellt wird, empfehlen sie zudem meist, TĂ€tigkeiten der traditionellen Art zu verstĂ€rken. Wir bezeichnen dies als ein Sich-Verlassen auf die herkömmlichen staats-basierten Mechanismen, als 'International Old Governance' (IOG). Man versteht die IOs besser und verbessert ihre LeistungsfĂ€higkeit aber der Situation weitaus angemessener, wenn man die gesamte Vielfalt wirklicher und möglicher IO-TĂ€tigkeiten in den Blick nimmt: Das umfasst vor allem, dass die IOs private Akteure und Organisationen einbeziehen, mit ihnen zusammenarbeiten, ihre AktivitĂ€ten stĂŒtzen, sie formen und ihnen Richtung geben. Diese TĂ€tigkeiten schaffen ein fein gesponnenes globales Netzwerk von öffentlichen, privaten und gemischten Organisationen und Normen, das seinerseits teilweise durch die IOs orchestriert wird. Dieses Netzwerk bezeichnen wir als 'Transnational New Governance' (TNG). Wenn die Orchestrierung durch IOs gut funktioniert kann sie auch Staatsversagen (state failure) abmildern - also hier die InadĂ€quanzen von 'International Organization Governance' - und ebenso kann sie Marktversagen ausgleichen, also die Probleme, die sich ergeben wenn Herausbildung und Schaffung normgebender Einrichtungen höchst dezentralisiert verlĂ€uft. Über die Orchestrierung können die IOs auch die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit ihrer Regulierungen erhöhen. Einige IOs sind schon jetzt stark zusammen mit privaten Akteuren und Einrichtungen unterwegs; in diesem Beitrag mustern wir das Spektrum solcher AktivitĂ€ten. Wir betonen dabei die Unternehmungen des UN Environment Programme (UNEP), des Umweltprogramms der VN. Allerdings verbleibt ein erhebliches 'Orchestrierungsdefizit', das fĂŒr die IOs zugleich Herausforderung und Chance ist. Wir stĂŒtzten uns auf den Erfahrungsschatz der vorgefundenen IO-AktivitĂ€ten, um den Möglichkeitsraum der IOs fĂŒr die Zukunft auszumessen und Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der LeistungsfĂ€higkeit von IOs anzuregen.

    Dynamics in Logistics

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    This open access book highlights the interdisciplinary aspects of logistics research. Featuring empirical, methodological, and practice-oriented articles, it addresses the modelling, planning, optimization and control of processes. Chiefly focusing on supply chains, logistics networks, production systems, and systems and facilities for material flows, the respective contributions combine research on classical supply chain management, digitalized business processes, production engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and mathematical optimization. To celebrate 25 years of interdisciplinary and collaborative research conducted at the Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (LogDynamics), in this book hand-picked experts currently or formerly affiliated with the Cluster provide retrospectives, present cutting-edge research, and outline future research directions

    On the Combination of Game-Theoretic Learning and Multi Model Adaptive Filters

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    This paper casts coordination of a team of robots within the framework of game theoretic learning algorithms. In particular a novel variant of fictitious play is proposed, by considering multi-model adaptive filters as a method to estimate other players’ strategies. The proposed algorithm can be used as a coordination mechanism between players when they should take decisions under uncertainty. Each player chooses an action after taking into account the actions of the other players and also the uncertainty. Uncertainty can occur either in terms of noisy observations or various types of other players. In addition, in contrast to other game-theoretic and heuristic algorithms for distributed optimisation, it is not necessary to find the optimal parameters a priori. Various parameter values can be used initially as inputs to different models. Therefore, the resulting decisions will be aggregate results of all the parameter values. Simulations are used to test the performance of the proposed methodology against other game-theoretic learning algorithms.</p

    Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation

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    Commons-Based Governance under Uncertainty: The Role of Behaviours and Information

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    Una efficace governance dell'acqua di irrigazione Ăš fondamentale per affrontare il futuro e la sostenibilitĂ  dei sistemi alimentari. I limiti alla gestione delle risorse idriche per la produzione primaria sono sempre piĂč evidenti e complessitĂ , incertezza e comportamenti umani ricevono sempre piĂč considerazione. Per far fronte a questi fenomeni la comunitĂ  e le azioni collettive stanno emergendo come i domini piĂč appropriati di analisi. Infatti la buona gestione di una risorsa condivisa dipende in gran parte da un'azione coordinata a livello individuale per ridurre la vulnerabilitĂ  del sistema a livello macro. Ma la cooperazione puĂČ essere in gioco quando si verificano cambiamenti imprevedibili e rapidi, minando in tal modo la capacitĂ  di resilienza e adattamento di una comunitĂ . Nonostante la ricerca nel settore manca ancora la comprensione su fattori che favoriscono o limitano la cooperazione in condizioni di variabilitĂ  di una risorsa come l’acqua. Per contribuire a tale dibattito la presente ricerca si interessa a come i comportamenti cooperativi sono affetti dall’ incertezza e della conseguente interazione con i sistemi socio-ecologici. A tal fine proponiamo un modello che integra incertezza delle risorse disponibili, processi cognitivi e comportamenti sociali nel processo decisionale. Identifichiamo l'esperienza, l'accesso alle informazioni, la reciprocitĂ  e la rete come fattori di supporto a comportamenti cooperativi per utilizzatori delle risorse idriche in condizioni di incertezza di disponibilitĂ .Effective irrigation water governance is crucial to address the future and sustainability of food systems. Limits to the governance of water resources for primary production are becoming more evident and complexity, uncertainty and human dimensions are receiving more consideration. To address these phenomena community level and collective actions issues are emerging as the most appropriate domains of analysis. In fact successful management of a shared resource largely depends on coordinated action at individual level that will reduce sector vulnerability at macro level. But cooperation can be at stake when unpredictable and rapid changes occur, thus undermining the capacity of community resiliency and adaptation. Despite the literature there is still lack of understanding concerning successful and constrains factors enabling cooperation under water changing conditions. To contribute the debate on how cooperative behaviours are affected by uncertainty and dig deeper in socio-ecological systems interactions, we propose an agent-based model integrating water resource uncertainty, cognitive processes and social behaviours into decision-making. We identify experience, access to information, reciprocity and network as factors supporting cooperative behaviours of resource users under water changing conditions

    Dynamics in Logistics

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    This open access book highlights the interdisciplinary aspects of logistics research. Featuring empirical, methodological, and practice-oriented articles, it addresses the modelling, planning, optimization and control of processes. Chiefly focusing on supply chains, logistics networks, production systems, and systems and facilities for material flows, the respective contributions combine research on classical supply chain management, digitalized business processes, production engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and mathematical optimization. To celebrate 25 years of interdisciplinary and collaborative research conducted at the Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (LogDynamics), in this book hand-picked experts currently or formerly affiliated with the Cluster provide retrospectives, present cutting-edge research, and outline future research directions

    Stakeholder cooperation in circular economy adoption for municipal solid waste management

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    The current global pattern of systematic use and disposal of resources, combined with the evergrowing urban population increasingly demanding more goods and services, has resulted in vast amounts of resources being extracted and waste generated. A circular economy aims to capture the remaining value in waste through several disruptive actions such as reuse, recycle, recover and regenerate. However, stakeholders in this transition often find themselves in conflict due to their different objectives and priorities. Cooperation is a critical feature in the circular economy implementation, but in practice it is not easily achieved. There is a shortfall of studies and tools that attempt to facilitate stakeholder cooperation in developing a circular economy. This doctoral research addresses this gap by establishing an instrument as a questionnaire to analyse the cooperation features in stakeholders, and by developing a Game Theory-hybrid tool that can help to induce cooperation or to make discord clear. Such a methodology consists of six steps: 1) define stakeholders, scope and objectives; 2) select indicators and construct future scenarios for municipal solid waste management; 3) survey stakeholders on cooperation features and to rank the evaluation indicators; 4) determine the weightings for the scenarios criteria; 5) reveal the preference order of the scenarios; and 6) analyse the preferences to study cooperation. The questionnaire was sent to stakeholder groups of the circular economy with interest in the adoption in the municipal solid waste management of Birmingham, UK. The cohorts consisted of 101 MSc students and 27 businesses. The efficiency of the proposed game theory method was tested using a case study with 14 stakeholder responses: The Tyseley Energy Park, a major energy-from-waste facility that currently treats over two-thirds of the municipal solid waste of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. The results of the questionnaire and Game Theory-hybrid tool are compared and contrasted with existing literature to reveal their commonalities and differences. The findings allowed conclusions to be drawn that circular economy awareness and cooperation readiness from stakeholders are high, but their practices do not sufficiently align with this. However, the study revealed a range of encouraging and optimistic thoughts from stakeholders surrounding the development of a circular economy, despite (as repeatedly mentioned) benefits and costs not always being evident to all participants. Finally, the supporting decision-making process suggests mechanisms to embed cooperation in circular economy adoption so that decisions are made optimally (as a collective) and are acceptable to all the stakeholders
