237 research outputs found

    Soil organic carbon dynamics under long-term fertilizations in arable land of northern China

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    Soil carbon sequestration is a complex process influenced by agricultural practices, climate and soil conditions. This paper reports a study of long-term fertilization impacts on soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamic from six long-term experiments. The experiment sites are located from warm-temperate zone with a double-cropping system of corn (Zea mays L.) - wheat (Triticum Aestivium L.) rotation, to mild-temperate zones with mono-cropping systems of continuous corn, or a three-year rotation of corn-wheat-wheat. Mineral fertilizer applications result in an increasing trend in SOC except in the arid and semi-arid areas with the mono-cropping systems. Additional manure application is important to maintain SOC level in the arid and semi-arid areas. Carbon conversion rate is significant lower in the warm-temperate zone with double cropping system (6.8%-7.7%) than that in the mild-temperate areas with mono-cropping systems (15.8%-31.0%). The conversion rate is significantly correlated with annual precipitation and active accumulative temperature, i.e., higher conversion rate under lower precipitation and/or temperature conditions. Moreover, soil high in clay content has higher conversion rate than soils low in clay content. Soil carbon sequestration rate ranges from 0.07 to 1.461 t ha(-1) year(-1) in the upland of northern China. There is significantly linear correlation between soil carbon sequestration and carbon input at most sites, indicating that these soils are not carbon-saturated thus have potential to migrate more CO2 from atmosphere

    Soil Chemical Properties Depending on Fertilization and Management in China: A Meta-Analysis

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    The long-term overuse of fertilizers negatively affects soil chemical properties and health, causing unsustainable agricultural development. Although many studies have focused on the effects of long-term fertilization on soil properties, few comparative and comprehensive studies have been conducted on fertilization management over the past 35 years in China. This meta-analysis (2058 data) evaluated the effects of the fertilizer, climate, crop types, cultivation duration and soil texture on the soil chemical properties of Chinese croplands. NPKM (NPK fertilizers + manure) led to the highest increase in pH (−0.1), soil organic carbon (SOC) (+67%), total nitrogen (TN) (+63%), alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen (AN) (+70%), total phosphorus (TP) (+149%) and available potassium (AK) (+281%) compared to the unfertilized control, while the sole nitrogen fertilizer (N) led to the lowest increase. The SOC (+115%) and TN (+84%) showed the highest increase under the influence of NPKM in an arid region. The increase in the chemical properties was higher in unflooded crops, with the maximum increase in the wheat–maize rotation, compared to rice, under NPKM. The SOC and TN increased faster under the influence of organic fertilizers (manure or straw) compared to mineral fertilization. Fertilizers produced faster effects on the change in the SOC and TN in sandy loam compared to the control. Fertilizers showed the highest and lowest effects on change in pH, organic C to total N ratio (C/N), TP and TK in clay loam with the cultivation duration. NPKM greatly increased the C/N compared to NPK in an arid region by 1.74 times and in wheat by 1.86 times. Reaching the same SOC increase, the lowest TN increase was observed in wheat, and the lowest increase in TP and AK was observed in rice, compared to the other crops. These results suggest that organic fertilizers (manure or straw) play important roles in improving soil fertility and in acidification. NPKM greatly increased the potential for soil C sequestration in wheat and in the arid region. The small increases in TP and TK can increase the SOC in rice and in the humid region. Therefore, considering the crop types and climatic conditions, reduced fertilization and the combination of mineral fertilizers with manure may be the best ways to avoid agricultural soil deterioration and increase soil carbon sequestration

    Compost Process and Organic Fertilizers Application in China

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    Composting is an inexpensive and sustainable treatment for solid wastes. The composting industry has been growing rapidly because of a boom in the animal industry in China over the past decades. In this chapter, we introduce composting process and status in China, especially in Jiangsu Province. Meanwhile, the developed novel spectroscopy techniques are also introduced, which are more suitable for assessment of compost maturity than the conventional techniques in view of ease of sample preparation, rapid spectrum acquisition, and nondestructive nature of the analysis. These novel spectroscopy techniques include near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS)––partial least squares (PLS) analysis and fluorescence excitation–emission matrix (EEM) spectroscopy––parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis. In addition, organic fertilizer amendments can not only improve soil fertility but also offset chemical fertilizers’ nanoscale changes. Emerging cutting-edge technologies of synchrotron-based X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy and nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) were used to identify the composition of organic carbon and minerals and their correlations, respectively. Recently, investigators have shown that organic fertilizer amendments could enhance the production of highly reactive minerals, for example, allophane, imogolite, and ferrihydrite, which further benefit for soil carbon storage and soil fertility improvement

    Testing the Soil Carbon Saturation Theory: Maximal Carbon Stabilization and Soil Organic Matter Stability as a Function of Organic Carbon Inputs

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    Soil carbon (C) stocks and fluxes represent significant components of the global C cycle. Application of the soil C saturation theory can help identify soils with large C storage potentials and estimate rates and durations needed to reach maximal soil C storage. The goal of my dissertation was to test the soil C saturation theory by estimating C saturation levels of fine soil particles and quantifying changes in soil organic matter (SOM) stability as fine soil particles approach C saturation. Current model using least-squares linear regression generally underestimates C the maximal amount of soil C stabilization in fine soil particles. Using an analysis of published data, I proposed two alternative methods (boundary line analysis and the organic C loading method) to improve estimates, and found that while the organic C loading method is better since it incorporated mineral specific surface areas which would influence C saturation, it requires information about soil mineralogy and further tests to determine whether the monolayer-equivalent C loading indeed represents a maximal C stabilization potential. Laboratory batch sorption experiment of dissolved organic matter onto soil minerals generated organo-mineral complexes with a range of organic C loadings. These organo-mineral complexes, as well as silt+clay fractions physically isolated from soil samples from three long-term agroecosystem field experiments with differing fertilizer and manure addition treatments, were used to test for differences in SOM stability as a function of organic C loading. Biological, chemical, and thermal test of SOM stability showed little change or the increase trend of SOM stability with increasing organic C inputs, which do not support the notion of the soil C saturation theory that SOM stability decreases as organic C inputs increase. This observation of SOM stability is likely due to the fact that most samples did not exhibit C saturation behavior. The results show that most soils are likely well below C saturation, and further studies of the driving factors (e.g., chemical composition of organic C inputs, mineralogy, and organo-mineral binding types and strength) is needed to determine maximal C loadings and estimate the maximal soil C storage potentials

    Microbial Properties Depending on Fertilization Regime in Agricultural Soils with Different Texture and Climate Conditions: A Meta-Analysis

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    Over-fertilization has a significant impact on soil microbial properties and its ecological environment. However, the effects of long-term fertilization on microbial properties on a large scale are still vague. This meta-analysis collected 6211 data points from 109 long-term experimental sites in China to evaluate the effects of fertilizer type and fertilization duration, as well as soil and climate conditions, on the effect sizes on various microbial properties and indices. The organic fertilizers combined with straw (NPKS) and manure (NPKM) had the highest effect sizes, while the chemical fertilizers N (sole N fertilizer) and NPK (NPK fertilizer) had the lowest. When compared with the control, NPKM treatment had the highest effect size, while N treatment had the lowest effect size on MBN (111% vs. 19%), PLFA (110% vs. −7%), fungi (88% vs. 43%), Actinomycetes (97% vs. 44%), urease (77% vs. 25%), catalase (15% vs. −11%), and phosphatase (58% vs. 4%). NPKM treatment had the highest while NPK treatment had the lowest effect size on bacteria (123% vs. 33%). NPKS treatment had the highest while N treatment had the lowest effect sizes on MBC (77% vs. 8%) and invertase (59% vs. 0.2%). NPKS treatment had the highest while NPK treatment had the lowest effect size on the Shannon index (5% vs. 1%). The effect sizes of NPKM treatment were the highest predominantly in arid regions because of the naturally low organic carbon in soils of these regions. The effect sizes on various microbial properties were also highly dependent on soil texture. In coarse-textured soils the effect sizes on MBC and MBN peaked sooner compared with those of clayey or silty soils, although various enzymes were most active in silty soils during the first 10 years of fertilization. Effect sizes on microbial properties were generally higher under NPKM and NPKS treatments than under NPK or N treatments, with considerable effects due to climate conditions. The optimal field fertilizer regime could be determined based on the effects of fertilizer type on soil microorganisms under various climate conditions and soil textures. This will contribute to the microbial biodiversity and soil health of agricultural land. Such controls should be used for adaptation of fertilization strategies to global changes

    Improving yield and water use efficiency of apple trees through intercrop-mulch of crown vetch (Coronilla varia L.) combined with different fertilizer treatments in the Loess Plateau

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    Improving water use efficiency (WUE) and soil fertility is relevant for apple production in drylands. The effects of intercrop-mulch (IM) of crown vetch (Coronilla varia L.) combined with different fertilizer treatments on WUE of apple trees and soil fertility of apple orchards were assessed over three years (2011, 2013 and 2014). A split-plot design was adopted, in which the main treatments were IM and no intercrop-mulch (NIM). Five sub-treatments were established: no fertilization (CK); nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer (NP); manure (M); N, P and potassium fertilizer (NPK); and NPK fertilizer combined with manure (NPKM). Due to mowing and mulching each month during July–September, the evapotranspiration for IM was 17.3% lower than that of NIM in the dry year of 2013. Additionally, the soil water storage of NPKM treatment was higher than that of CK during the experimental period. Thus, single fruit weight and fruit number per tree increased with IM and NPKM application. Moreover, applying NPKM with IM resulted in the highest yield (on average of three years), which was 73.25% and 130.51% greater than that of CK in IM and NIM, respectively. The WUE of NPKM combined with IM was also the highest in 2013 and 2014 (47.69 and 56.95% greater than applying IM alone). In addition, due to application of IM combined with NPKM, soil organic matter was increased by 25.8% compared with that of CK (in NIM). Additionally, application of IM combined with NPKM obtained more economic net return, compared to other combinations. Therefore, applying NPKM with IM is recommended for improving apple production in this rain-fed agricultural area

    Manure amendment acts as a recommended fertilization for improving carbon sequestration efficiency in soils of typical drylands of China

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    It is generally known that soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks tend to increase with increasing C input, whereas the C sequestration efficiency (CSE), i.e. the conversion ratio of C input to SOC, differs depending on the amount and type of C input. However, there still exists the need to better understand the impact of various fertilization practices on CSE. We studied the data from 8 long-term experiments located in the main dryland region of China in order to comprehensively assess the key drivers of CSE in the plough layer considering nearly four decades of various fertilizer treatments, i.e. no fertilizer (CK), chemical nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK/NP), chemical fertilizers plus manure (NPKM/NPM/NM) and straw (NPKS/NPS/NS). Our results showed that manure amendment had the most significant fertilization effect on SOC sequestration with the average CSE of 14.9%, which was significantly higher than that of chemical fertilizations (9.0%) and straw return treatments (7.9%). And manure amendment also had the highest average SOC increase rate of 684 kg C ha-1 yr-1. Variance partitioning analysis (VPA) illustrated that CSE of the main dryland region of China was mostly controlled by edaphic characteristics (32.2%), especially the soil C/N ratio and clay content. The VPA and structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed that the magnitude and influencing factors driving CSE varied among different fertilizer treatments. Soil total N was the limiting factor for CSE in the CK treatment, whereas the soil C/N ratio and pH were the main explanatory factors for CSE in the long-term chemical NPK fertilizer treatment. The negative impact of C input from straw was the main driver of CSE under straw return treatments, though C input had a positive effect on soil physical properties improvement. However, when considering manure amendments, the improvement of soil nutrients and clay content controlled CSE, underlining the main positive direct effect of soil chemical properties. In a nutshell, our results recommend manure plus chemical fertilizers as a sustainable practice for improving C sequestration rate and efficiency in dryland cropping systems
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