35 research outputs found

    Run Generation Revisited: What Goes Up May or May Not Come Down

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    In this paper, we revisit the classic problem of run generation. Run generation is the first phase of external-memory sorting, where the objective is to scan through the data, reorder elements using a small buffer of size M , and output runs (contiguously sorted chunks of elements) that are as long as possible. We develop algorithms for minimizing the total number of runs (or equivalently, maximizing the average run length) when the runs are allowed to be sorted or reverse sorted. We study the problem in the online setting, both with and without resource augmentation, and in the offline setting. (1) We analyze alternating-up-down replacement selection (runs alternate between sorted and reverse sorted), which was studied by Knuth as far back as 1963. We show that this simple policy is asymptotically optimal. Specifically, we show that alternating-up-down replacement selection is 2-competitive and no deterministic online algorithm can perform better. (2) We give online algorithms having smaller competitive ratios with resource augmentation. Specifically, we exhibit a deterministic algorithm that, when given a buffer of size 4M , is able to match or beat any optimal algorithm having a buffer of size M . Furthermore, we present a randomized online algorithm which is 7/4-competitive when given a buffer twice that of the optimal. (3) We demonstrate that performance can also be improved with a small amount of foresight. We give an algorithm, which is 3/2-competitive, with foreknowledge of the next 3M elements of the input stream. For the extreme case where all future elements are known, we design a PTAS for computing the optimal strategy a run generation algorithm must follow. (4) Finally, we present algorithms tailored for nearly sorted inputs which are guaranteed to have optimal solutions with sufficiently long runs

    Ordered Sets in the Calculus of Data Structures

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    Our goal is to identify families of relations that are useful for reasoning about software. We describe such families using decidable quantifier-free classes of logical constraints with a rich set of operations. A key challenge is to define such classes of constraints in a modular way, by combining multiple decidable classes. Working with quantifierfree combinations of constraints makes the combination agenda more realistic and the resulting logics more likely to be tractable than in the presence of quantifiers. Our approach to combination is based on reducing decidable fragments to a common class, Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (BAPA). This logic was introduced by Feferman and Vaught in 1959 and can express properties of uninterpreted sets of elements, with set algebra operations and equicardinality relation (consequently, it can also express Presburger arithmetic constraints on cardinalities of sets). Combination by reduction to BAPA allows us to obtain decidable quantifierfree combinations of decidable logics that share BAPA operations. We use the term Calculus of Data Structures to denote a family of decidable constraints that reduce to BAPA. This class includes, for example, combinations of formulas in BAPA, weak monadic second-order logic of k-successors, two-variable logic with counting, and term algebras with certain homomorphisms. The approach of reduction to BAPA generalizes the Nelson-Oppen combination that forms the foundation of constraint solvers used in software verification. BAPA is convenient as a target for reductions because it admits quantifier elimination and its quantifier-free fragment is NP-complete. We describe a new member of the Calculus of Data Structures: a quantifier-free fragment that supports 1) boolean algebra of finite and infinite sets of real numbers, 2) linear arithmetic over real numbers, 3) formulas that can restrict chosen set or element variables to range over integers (providing, among others, the power of mixed integer arithmetic and sets of integers), 4) the cardinality operators, stating whether a given set has a given finite cardinality or is infinite, 5) infimum and supremum operators on sets. Among the applications of this logic are reasoning about the externally observable behavior of data structures such as sorted lists and priority queues, and specifying witness functions for the BAPA synthesis problem. We describe an abstract reduction to BAPA for our logic, proving that the satisfiability of the logic is in NP and that it can be combined with the other fragments of the Calculus of Data Structures

    Fundamentals and applications of order dependencies

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    Business-intelligence queries often involve SQL functions and algebraic expressions. There can be clear semantic relationships between a column's values and the values of a function over that column. A common property is monotonicity: as the column's values ascend, so do the function's values (or the other column's values). This we call an order dependency (OD). Queries can be evaluated more efficiently when the query optimizer uses order dependencies. They can be run even faster when the optimizer can also reason over known ODs to infer new ones. Order dependencies can be declared as integrity constraints, and they can be detected automatically for many types of SQL functions and algebraic expressions. We present optimization techniques using ODs for queries that involve join, order by, group by, partition by, and distinct. Essentially, ODs can further exploit interesting orders to eliminate or simplify potentially expensive sorts in the query plan. We evaluate these techniques over our prototype implementation in IBM® DB2® using the TPC-DS® benchmark schema and some customer inspired queries. Our experimental results demonstrate a significant performance gain. Dependencies have played an important role in database theory. We study the theoretical aspects of order dependencies-and unidirectional order dependencies (UODs), a proper sub-class of ODs-which describe the relationships among lexicographical orderings of sets of tuples. We investigate the inference problem for order dependencies. We establish the following: (i) a sound and complete axiomatization for UODs which is sound for ODs; (ii) a hierarchy of order dependency classes; (iii) a proof of co-NP-completeness of the inference problem for ODs and for the subclass of UODs; (iv) a proof of co-NP-completeness of the inference problem of functional dependencies (FDs) from ODs in general, but demonstrate linear time complexity for the inference of FDs from UODs; (v) a sound and complete elimination procedure for testing logical implication over ODs; and (vi) a sound and complete polynomial inference algorithm for sets of UODs over natural domains

    On Decision Procedures for Ordered Collections

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    We describe a decision procedure for a logic that supports 1) finite collections of elements (sets or multisets), 2) the cardinality operator, 3) a total order relation on elements, and 4) min and max operators on entire collections. Among the applications of this logic are 1) reasoning about the externally observable behavior of data structures such as random access priority queues, 2) specifying witness functions for synthesis problems of set algebra, and 3) reasoning about constraints on orderings arising in termination proofs

    Analyzing massive datasets with missing entries: models and algorithms

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    We initiate a systematic study of computational models to analyze algorithms for massive datasets with missing or erased entries and study the relationship of our models with existing algorithmic models for large datasets. We focus on algorithms whose inputs are naturally represented as functions, codewords, or graphs. First, we generalize the property testing model, one of the most widely studied models of sublinear-time algorithms, to account for the presence of adversarially erased function values. We design efficient erasure-resilient property testing algorithms for several fundamental properties of real-valued functions such as monotonicity, Lipschitz property, convexity, and linearity. We then investigate the problems of local decoding and local list decoding of codewords containing erasures. We show that, in some cases, these problems are strictly easier than the corresponding problems of decoding codewords containing errors. Moreover, we use this understanding to show a separation between our erasure-resilient property testing model and the (error) tolerant property testing model. The philosophical message of this separation is that errors occurring in large datasets are, in general, harder to deal with, than erasures. Finally, we develop models and notions to reason about algorithms that are intended to run on large graphs with missing edges. While running algorithms on large graphs containing several missing edges, it is desirable to output solutions that are close to the solutions output when there are no missing edges. With this motivation, we define average sensitivity, a robustness metric for graph algorithms. We discuss various useful features of our definition and design approximation algorithms with good average sensitivity bounds for several optimization problems on graphs. We also define a model of erasure-resilient sublinear-time graph algorithms and design an efficient algorithm for testing connectivity of graphs

    IST Austria Thesis

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    This dissertation concerns the automatic verification of probabilistic systems and programs with arrays by statistical and logical methods. Although statistical and logical methods are different in nature, we show that they can be successfully combined for system analysis. In the first part of the dissertation we present a new statistical algorithm for the verification of probabilistic systems with respect to unbounded properties, including linear temporal logic. Our algorithm often performs faster than the previous approaches, and at the same time requires less information about the system. In addition, our method can be generalized to unbounded quantitative properties such as mean-payoff bounds. In the second part, we introduce two techniques for comparing probabilistic systems. Probabilistic systems are typically compared using the notion of equivalence, which requires the systems to have the equal probability of all behaviors. However, this notion is often too strict, since probabilities are typically only empirically estimated, and any imprecision may break the relation between processes. On the one hand, we propose to replace the Boolean notion of equivalence by a quantitative distance of similarity. For this purpose, we introduce a statistical framework for estimating distances between Markov chains based on their simulation runs, and we investigate which distances can be approximated in our framework. On the other hand, we propose to compare systems with respect to a new qualitative logic, which expresses that behaviors occur with probability one or a positive probability. This qualitative analysis is robust with respect to modeling errors and applicable to many domains. In the last part, we present a new quantifier-free logic for integer arrays, which allows us to express counting. Counting properties are prevalent in array-manipulating programs, however they cannot be expressed in the quantified fragments of the theory of arrays. We present a decision procedure for our logic, and provide several complexity results

    35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2018, February 28-March 3, 2018, Caen, France

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    Efficient algorithms to solve scheduling problems with a variety of optimization criteria

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    La programmation par contraintes est une technique puissante pour résoudre, entre autres, des problèmes d'ordonnancement de grande envergure. L'ordonnancement vise à allouer dans le temps des tâches à des ressources. Lors de son exécution, une tâche consomme une ressource à un taux constant. Généralement, on cherche à optimiser une fonction objectif telle la durée totale d'un ordonnancement. Résoudre un problème d'ordonnancement signifie trouver quand chaque tâche doit débuter et quelle ressource doit l'exécuter. La plupart des problèmes d'ordonnancement sont NP-Difficiles. Conséquemment, il n'existe aucun algorithme connu capable de les résoudre en temps polynomial. Cependant, il existe des spécialisations aux problèmes d'ordonnancement qui ne sont pas NP-Complet. Ces problèmes peuvent être résolus en temps polynomial en utilisant des algorithmes qui leur sont propres. Notre objectif est d'explorer ces algorithmes d'ordonnancement dans plusieurs contextes variés. Les techniques de filtrage ont beaucoup évolué dans les dernières années en ordonnancement basé sur les contraintes. La proéminence des algorithmes de filtrage repose sur leur habilité à réduire l'arbre de recherche en excluant les valeurs des domaines qui ne participent pas à des solutions au problème. Nous proposons des améliorations et présentons des algorithmes de filtrage plus efficaces pour résoudre des problèmes classiques d'ordonnancement. De plus, nous présentons des adaptations de techniques de filtrage pour le cas où les tâches peuvent être retardées. Nous considérons aussi différentes propriétés de problèmes industriels et résolvons plus efficacement des problèmes où le critère d'optimisation n'est pas nécessairement le moment où la dernière tâche se termine. Par exemple, nous présentons des algorithmes à temps polynomial pour le cas où la quantité de ressources fluctue dans le temps, ou quand le coût d'exécuter une tâche au temps t dépend de t.Constraint programming is a powerful methodology to solve large scale and practical scheduling problems. Resource-constrained scheduling deals with temporal allocation of a variety of tasks to a set of resources, where the tasks consume a certain amount of resource during their execution. Ordinarily, a desired objective function such as the total length of a feasible schedule, called the makespan, is optimized in scheduling problems. Solving the scheduling problem is equivalent to finding out when each task starts and which resource executes it. In general, the scheduling problems are NP-Hard. Consequently, there exists no known algorithm that can solve the problem by executing a polynomial number of instructions. Nonetheless, there exist specializations for scheduling problems that are not NP-Complete. Such problems can be solved in polynomial time using dedicated algorithms. We tackle such algorithms for scheduling problems in a variety of contexts. Filtering techniques are being developed and improved over the past years in constraint-based scheduling. The prominency of filtering algorithms lies on their power to shrink the search tree by excluding values from the domains which do not yield a feasible solution. We propose improvements and present faster filtering algorithms for classical scheduling problems. Furthermore, we establish the adaptions of filtering techniques to the case that the tasks can be delayed. We also consider distinct properties of industrial scheduling problems and solve more efficiently the scheduling problems whose optimization criteria is not necessarily the makespan. For instance, we present polynomial time algorithms for the case that the amount of available resources fluctuates over time, or when the cost of executing a task at time t is dependent on t