41 research outputs found

    Low-Rank Matrix Approximation with Weights or Missing Data is NP-hard

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    Weighted low-rank approximation (WLRA), a dimensionality reduction technique for data analysis, has been successfully used in several applications, such as in collaborative filtering to design recommender systems or in computer vision to recover structure from motion. In this paper, we study the computational complexity of WLRA and prove that it is NP-hard to find an approximate solution, even when a rank-one approximation is sought. Our proofs are based on a reduction from the maximum-edge biclique problem, and apply to strictly positive weights as well as binary weights (the latter corresponding to low-rank matrix approximation with missing data).Comment: Proof of Lemma 4 (Lemma 3 in v1) has been corrected. Some remarks and comments have been added. Accepted in SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Application

    Sum-of-squares proofs and the quest toward optimal algorithms

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    In order to obtain the best-known guarantees, algorithms are traditionally tailored to the particular problem we want to solve. Two recent developments, the Unique Games Conjecture (UGC) and the Sum-of-Squares (SOS) method, surprisingly suggest that this tailoring is not necessary and that a single efficient algorithm could achieve best possible guarantees for a wide range of different problems. The Unique Games Conjecture (UGC) is a tantalizing conjecture in computational complexity, which, if true, will shed light on the complexity of a great many problems. In particular this conjecture predicts that a single concrete algorithm provides optimal guarantees among all efficient algorithms for a large class of computational problems. The Sum-of-Squares (SOS) method is a general approach for solving systems of polynomial constraints. This approach is studied in several scientific disciplines, including real algebraic geometry, proof complexity, control theory, and mathematical programming, and has found applications in fields as diverse as quantum information theory, formal verification, game theory and many others. We survey some connections that were recently uncovered between the Unique Games Conjecture and the Sum-of-Squares method. In particular, we discuss new tools to rigorously bound the running time of the SOS method for obtaining approximate solutions to hard optimization problems, and how these tools give the potential for the sum-of-squares method to provide new guarantees for many problems of interest, and possibly to even refute the UGC.Comment: Survey. To appear in proceedings of ICM 201

    Input Sparsity and Hardness for Robust Subspace Approximation

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    In the subspace approximation problem, we seek a k-dimensional subspace F of R^d that minimizes the sum of p-th powers of Euclidean distances to a given set of n points a_1, ..., a_n in R^d, for p >= 1. More generally than minimizing sum_i dist(a_i,F)^p,we may wish to minimize sum_i M(dist(a_i,F)) for some loss function M(), for example, M-Estimators, which include the Huber and Tukey loss functions. Such subspaces provide alternatives to the singular value decomposition (SVD), which is the p=2 case, finding such an F that minimizes the sum of squares of distances. For p in [1,2), and for typical M-Estimators, the minimizing FF gives a solution that is more robust to outliers than that provided by the SVD. We give several algorithmic and hardness results for these robust subspace approximation problems. We think of the n points as forming an n x d matrix A, and letting nnz(A) denote the number of non-zero entries of A. Our results hold for p in [1,2). We use poly(n) to denote n^{O(1)} as n -> infty. We obtain: (1) For minimizing sum_i dist(a_i,F)^p, we give an algorithm running in O(nnz(A) + (n+d)poly(k/eps) + exp(poly(k/eps))), (2) we show that the problem of minimizing sum_i dist(a_i, F)^p is NP-hard, even to output a (1+1/poly(d))-approximation, answering a question of Kannan and Vempala, and complementing prior results which held for p >2, (3) For loss functions for a wide class of M-Estimators, we give a problem-size reduction: for a parameter K=(log n)^{O(log k)}, our reduction takes O(nnz(A) log n + (n+d) poly(K/eps)) time to reduce the problem to a constrained version involving matrices whose dimensions are poly(K eps^{-1} log n). We also give bicriteria solutions, (4) Our techniques lead to the first O(nnz(A) + poly(d/eps)) time algorithms for (1+eps)-approximate regression for a wide class of convex M-Estimators.Comment: paper appeared in FOCS, 201

    On the Average-case Complexity of Parameterized Clique

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    The k-Clique problem is a fundamental combinatorial problem that plays a prominent role in classical as well as in parameterized complexity theory. It is among the most well-known NP-complete and W[1]-complete problems. Moreover, its average-case complexity analysis has created a long thread of research already since the 1970s. Here, we continue this line of research by studying the dependence of the average-case complexity of the k-Clique problem on the parameter k. To this end, we define two natural parameterized analogs of efficient average-case algorithms. We then show that k-Clique admits both analogues for Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi random graphs of arbitrary density. We also show that k-Clique is unlikely to admit neither of these analogs for some specific computable input distribution