205 research outputs found

    Polish Internet at the end of the 20th century

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    Artykuł recenzowany / Peer-reviewed articleThis article is an attempt to analyse the most important phenomena in two decades, from the viewpoint of the development of the media market. First decade (1989-1999) is the period in which only the “old media” was used (to a small extent - the "new"); in the second period (first decade of the XXI century) the development of new technologies has accelerated, and the growth of the Internet began to determine most of the changes occurring in this period. These changes were in the areas of media system, communication, culture and new social habits. In this terms, the real growth came with the development of broadband Internet connections at the end of XX century. But for some reasons its dissemination was not as dynamic as in many other European countries.Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą konfrontacji najważniejszych z punktu widzenia rozwoju rynku polskich mediów po 1989 roku zjawisk, związanych z rozwojem Internetu. Analiza obejmuje dwie dekady. Pierwsza obejmuje lata 1989-1999, czyli okres użytkowania głownie „starych mediów” (w niewielkim stopniu mediów "nowych"); druga (pierwsza dekada XXI wieku) dotyczy dynamicznego rozwoju nowych technologii i samego Internetu, który zaczął określać większość zachodzących wówczas zmian, przede wszystkim w obszarze systemu mediów, komunikacji, kultury oraz nowych zachowań społecznych. W tym ujęciu, realny przełom nadszedł wraz z upowszechnieniem się szerokopasmowych łączy internetowych, choć, z kilku wskazanych w tekście powodów, rozwój sieci nie był tak dynamiczny, jak mogliśmy to obserwować w innych krajach europejskich

    The Evolution of International Internet Telephony

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    International Internet Telephony has been evolving since its introduction in 1996. In 1996, the typical player was someone like Delta Three, who used the Internet as a backbone network, used agreements with local ISPs to ?gray-market? terminate traffic in a country, such as Columbia or Israel, and then used a VocalTec type gateway to interconnect the local call with an E&M or R2 type signaling. Voice quality was bad, call set up time interminable, and call completions were limited at best to 10-15%. The only selling point was price. Today, four years later, there is a clear segmentation of models. At one extreme is the extension of the Delta Three approach still being provided by delta Three as well as IBasis and ITXC. This is the ?be everywhere but be shallow? approach. This approach uses the Internet as a backbone and then deals with local players as did Delta Three at the beginning. The other approach is one which integrates IP services. It is an approach characterized by ?be selective but own the IP market? approach. To some degree Net2Phone exemplifies that strategy as does Zephyr, as does many of the would be players such as KPM Qwest, Colt, and Level3

    Cybersecurity in Poland

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    This open access book explores the legal aspects of cybersecurity in Poland. The authors are not limited to the framework created by the NCSA (National Cybersecurity System Act – this act was the first attempt to create a legal regulation of cybersecurity and, in addition, has implemented the provisions of the NIS Directive) but may discuss a number of other issues. The book presents international and EU regulations in the field of cybersecurity and issues pertinent to combating cybercrime and cyberterrorism. Moreover, regulations concerning cybercrime in a few select European countries are presented in addition to the problem of collision of state actions in ensuring cybersecurity and human rights. The advantages of the book include a comprehensive and synthetic approach to the issues related to the cybersecurity system of the Republic of Poland, a research perspective that takes as the basic level of analysis issues related to the security of the state and citizens, and the analysis of additional issues related to cybersecurity, such as cybercrime, cyberterrorism, and the problem of collision between states ensuring security cybernetics and human rights. The book targets a wide range of readers, especially scientists and researchers, members of legislative bodies, practitioners (especially judges, prosecutors, lawyers, law enforcement officials), experts in the field of IT security, and officials of public authorities. Most authors are scholars and researchers at the War Studies University in Warsaw. Some of them work at the Academic Centre for Cybersecurity Policy – a thinktank created by the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Poland

    Organizacja krajowego systemu cyberbezpieczeństwa. Wybrane zagadnienia

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    The issues discussed in this paper concern cybersecurity. The threats present in cyberspace are becoming increasingly difficult to detect, and their prevention requires not only knowledge and special equipment, but also considerable financial resources. As such, the State has to put a great deal of effort (both institutional and financial) into cybersecurity measures directed against attacks. In order to meet the challenges connected with ensuring cybersecurity, the legislators have undertaken the regulation of such issues by adopting laws on the national cybersecurity system to allow the responsible authorities to properly secure cyberspace against threats. As part of the national cybersecurity system, lawmakers have imposed a number of obligations on public entities to ensure that information systems are resistant to actions which compromise the confidentiality, integrity, accessibility, and authenticity of processed data, and the related services offered by such systems. Appropriate obligations have also been exacted on the operators of essential services (OES), i.e. services key to maintaining critical social or economic activities which are included in the list of essential services.Podjęta w artykule problematyka dotyczy cyberbezpieczeństwa. Zagrożenia występujące w cyberprzestrzeni stają się coraz trudniejsze do wykrycia, a przeciwdziałanie im wymaga nie tylko wiedzy i sprzętu specjalistycznego, lecz także znacznych nakładów finansowych. W związku z powyższym państwo musi wkładać istotny wysiłek w działania zabezpieczające cyberprzestrzeń przed atakami (zarówno instytucjonalny, jak i finansowy). Wychodząc naprzeciw wyzwaniom związanym z zapewnieniem cyberbezpieczeństwa, ustawodawca podjął się uregulowania tego rodzaju kwestii, uchwalając ustawę o krajowym systemie cyberbezpieczeństwa, która ma pozwalać właściwym podmiotom na odpowiednie zabezpieczenie cyberprzestrzeni przed zagrożeniami. W ramach krajowego systemu cyberbezpieczeństwa nakłada się na poszczególne podmioty szereg obowiązków, które są związane z zapewnieniem odporności systemów informacyjnych na działania naruszające poufność, integralność, dostępność i autentyczność przetwarzanych danych lub związanych z nimi usług oferowanych przez te systemy. Ustawodawca stosowne obowiązki nałożył również na operatorów usług kluczowych, czyli usług, które mają kluczowe znaczenie dla utrzymania krytycznej działalności społecznej lub gospodarczej, wymienione w wykazie usług kluczowych

    Report on Polish Public Libraries 2001

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    Report is an overview of polish public libraries, services to a variety of communities, it also provides statistics, n explanation of the funding policy for public libraries in Poland and information about the governance of public libraries in the country


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    Cybercrime rates are increasing in Poland and throughout the world. There are many types of offences concerning internet domains, among others, cybersquatting, typosquatting, cyber smearing, and cyberwildcatting.The following article is a comparative study of the settlement of disputes concerning internet domain names taking as an example the Domain Name Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (PIIT) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Arbitration and Mediation Center. Between the two processes of recovery of the domains there are many similarities. During the study legislation was sought in the Polish legal system, which is related to internet domains. In Poland, there is no particular legal regulation regarding internet domain names. One may search for protective measures in the Act on Combating Unfair Competition [o zwalczaniu nieuczciwej konkurencji], Industrial Property Law [Prawo własności przemysłowej], and the Civil Code [Kodeks cywilny]. This article commends the settlement of disputes through arbitration and describes them in detail

    Towards Building National Cybersecurity Awareness

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    The paper depicts a complex, distributed information system aimed at promoting cybersecurity awareness at the national level. The system, that is built in accordance with the Act on National Cybersecurity, passed by the Polish Parliament, enables collecting and processing in near-real time available information on the security status of essential services and digital services and, also, provides for assessment of negative impact of the identified threats concerned with the provision of those services. Advanced access control and dissemination mechanisms, for secure information sharing within the system, are provided in order to aggregate distributed knowledge and use this information for on-line security risk analysis and for generation and distribution  of early warnings