19,074 research outputs found

    Procedures for Social Volunteers in Rehabilitating Patients with Mental Disorders in A Rural Community of Bandung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi upaya yang dilakukan oleh keluarga, masyarakat, dan pemerintah dalam mengatasi berbagai kasus gangguan jiwa masyarakat. Dengan menggunakan wawancara dan observasi semi terstruktur, data diperoleh dari 25 responden. Penyebab gangguan kesehatan jiwa terutama disebabkan oleh faktor psikososial atau eksternal. Dengan perawatan medis, pasien bisa lepas dari belenggu dan mulai bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat. Komunikasi sosial adalah salah satu cara yang paling efektif untuk merawat pasien untuk mengenali diri mereka sendiri, berhubungan kembali dengan orang lain, dan menjadi lebih sehat secara mental. Yang menjadi penggerak utama rehabilitasi sosial bagi penderita gangguan jiwa adalah para relawan yang membantu melancarkan berbagai kegiatan rehabilitasi. Temuan penelitian ini dapat memberikan informasi yang berharga untuk membantu meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat, khususnya bagi relawan, terutama di masyarakat pedesaan. Penelitian ini secara langsung akan memotivasi pemerintah untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan dalam mengatasi masalah sosial terkait gangguan jiwa

    Konsep Ma’rifat Dalam Serat Wirid Hidayat Jati Karya Ronggowarsito

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    This study aims to analyze the concept of Ma'rifat in Serat Wirid Hidayat Jati Ronggowarsito. This study uses a qualitative method that applies the object of literature research which is categorized as library research. The results and discussion of this study include the conceptualization of Ma'rifat in Sufism, Ronggowarsito biography and Serat Wirid Hidayat Jati and Ma'rifat in Serat Wirid Hidayat Jati. The conclusion in this study is that Serat Wirid Hidayat Jati as a monumental work of a Javanese Sufi, namely Ronggowarsito, contains descriptions of Ma'rifat teachings which have implications for wisdom which includes good deeds in life. This study recommends further research with a holistic perspective

    Thilakavathy's Unakagava Naan Novel

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    The author of the novel Unkakagava Naan deals with the problems faced by women in the society and it also brings out how those women overcomes many obstacles and succeeds in life. This article highlights the sufferings of the woman named Pragathi in this novel. This article tells us that no matter how educated a woman is, she is always known for her beauty. And the author narrates her hardships from her father to the teacher who comes to teach her. It also highlights her migration from Tamil Nadu to Kolkata, marriage interrupted several times and waiting as an old woman. It captures her perspective on men. Later she married a boy named Tarun and expressed her love to him. Marrying someone who is less educated thanher and promoting him in life is a very great thing and she raised him to big level. The purpose of this article is to raise the status of the woman through her knowledge to fight the hardships
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