14 research outputs found

    Advanced Process Control

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    The debutanizer column is an important unit operation in petroleum refining industries. The top product is liquefied petroleum gas and the bottom product is light naphtha. This system is difficult to handle. This is because due to its non-linear behavior, multivariable interaction and existence of numerous constraints on its manipulated variable. Neural network techniques have been increasingly used for a wide variety of applications. In this book, equation-based multi-input multi-output (MIMO) neural network has been proposed for multivariable control strategy to control the top and bottom temperatures of the column. The manipulated variables for column are reflux and reboiler flow rates, respectively. This neural network model are based on multivariable equation, instead of the normal black box structure. It has the advantage of being robust in nature while being easier to interpret in terms of its input-output variables. It has been employed for set point changes and disturbance changes. The results show that the neural network equation-based model for direct inverse and internal model approach performs better than the conventional proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller

    Composition Prediction of Debutanizer Column using Neural Network

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    In oil refining industries, debutanizer column is one of the important unit operations. Debutanizer column is the main column used to produce the main product in oil refinery process. The online composition prediction of top and bottom product of debutanizer column using neural network will be an aid to increase product quality monitoring in oil refining industry. In this work, a single dynamic neural network model is used in order to achieve the objective which is to generate composition prediction online of the top and bottom product of debutanizer column. Neural network is a computing system with several of simple and highly interconnected processing elements that will process information using their dynamic state response to external inputs. It is a software based sensor method or known as “soft sensor” which is a helpful technology that utilizes software techniques to infer the value of important but difficult-to-measure process variables from available process variables which are requisite from physical sensor observation or lab measurements. The neural network development and equation based model for ibutane, i-pentane, n-butane, n-pentane and propane has been obtained. Then, these results will be compared with proportional integral derivatives (PID) controller design to show its supremacy over this method

    Flexible operation of large-scale coal-fired power plant integrated with solvent-based post-combustion CO2 capture based on neural network inverse control

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    Post-combustion carbon capture (PCC) with chemical absorption has strong interactions with coal-fired power plant (CFPP). It is necessary to investigate dynamic characteristics of the integrated CFPP-PCC system to gain knowledge for flexible operation. It has been demonstrated that the integrated system exhibits large time inertial and this will incur additional challenge for controller design. Conventional PID controller cannot effectively control CFPP-PCC process. To overcome these barriers, this paper presents an improved neural network inverse control (NNIC) which can quickly operate the integrated system and handle with large time constant. Neural network (NN) is used to approximate inverse dynamic relationships of integrated CFPP-PCC system. The NN inverse model uses setpoints as model inputs and gets predictions of manipulated variables. The predicted manipulated variables are then introduced as feed-forward signals. In order to eliminate steady-state bias and to operate the integrated CFPP-PCC under different working conditions, improvements have been achieved with the addition of PID compensator. The improved NNIC is evaluated in a large-scale supercritical CFPP-PCC plant which is implemented in gCCS toolkit. Case studies are carried out considering variations in power setpoint and capture level setpoint. Simulation results reveal that proposed NNIC can track setpoints quickly and exhibit satisfactory control performances

    Multivariable System Identification of a Continuous Binary Distillation Column

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    Distillation is a process that is commonly used in industries for separation purpose. A distillation column is a multivariable system which shows nonlinear dynamic behavior due to its nonlinear vapor-liquid equilibrium. In order to gain better product quality and lower energy consumption of the distillation column, an effective model based control system is needed to allow the process to be operated over a certain operating range. In control engineering, System Identification is considered as a well suited approach for developing an approximate model for the nonlinear system. In this study, System Identification technique is applied to predict the top and bottom product composition by focusing the temperature of the distillation column. The process in the column is based on the distillation of a binary mixture of Isopropyl Alcohol and Acetone. The experimental data obtained from the distillation column was used for estimation and validation of simulated models. During analysis, different types of linear and nonlinear models were developed and are compared to predict the best model which can be effectively used for designing the control system of the distillation column. Among the linear models such as; Autoregressive with Exogenous Input (ARX), Autoregressive Moving Average with Exogenous inputs (ARMAX), Linear State Space (LSS) model and Continuous Process Model were developed and compared with each other. The results of this comparison reveals that the perf01mance of LSS model is efficient and hence it was further used to improve the modeling approach and compared with other nonlinear models. A Nonlinear State Space (NSS) model was developed by the combination of LSS and Neural Network (NN) and is compared solely with NN and ANFIS identification model. The simulation results show that the developed NSS model is well capable of defining the dynan1ics of the plant based on the best fit criteria and residual performance. In addition to this, NSS model predicted the best statistical measurement of the nonlinear system. This approach is helpful for designing the efficient control system for online separation process of the plant

    Multivariate Process Monitoring Of Structural Changes in A CSTR System

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    Process monitoring traditionally using univariate process monitoring approach where each of individual variables is monitored separately. In this approach process variables interaction is difficult to be monitored and therefore multivariable statistical process monitoring (MSPM) was introduced to cater the drawback of univariate process monitoring. MSPM has a major advantage in detecting change in variables relationship or also known as structural changes. Despite of the advantage, most of studies are focusing on change in variables rather than the variables interaction. In this study, PCA based detection techniques performance including PCA, dynamic PCA and nonlinear PCA has been evaluated under change in reaction kinetic and change in heat transfer coefficient. Hotelling T2 and SPE chart are employed as the fault detection techniques. The project mainly focusing on fault detectability and fault detection time. All the PCA based approaches are able to detect the structural changes. Nonlinear PCA shows the fastest detectability followed by dynamic PCA and PCA. For highly nonlinear system, Nonlinear PCA are able to detects the fault the fast but the nonlinear PCA not performing the best when encounter with lesser degree of nonlinear data set

    Multivariate Process Monitoring Of Structural Changes in A CSTR System

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    Process monitoring traditionally using univariate process monitoring approach where each of individual variables is monitored separately. In this approach process variables interaction is difficult to be monitored and therefore multivariable statistical process monitoring (MSPM) was introduced to cater the drawback of univariate process monitoring. MSPM has a major advantage in detecting change in variables relationship or also known as structural changes. Despite of the advantage, most of studies are focusing on change in variables rather than the variables interaction. In this study, PCA based detection techniques performance including PCA, dynamic PCA and nonlinear PCA has been evaluated under change in reaction kinetic and change in heat transfer coefficient. Hotelling T2 and SPE chart are employed as the fault detection techniques. The project mainly focusing on fault detectability and fault detection time. All the PCA based approaches are able to detect the structural changes. Nonlinear PCA shows the fastest detectability followed by dynamic PCA and PCA. For highly nonlinear system, Nonlinear PCA are able to detects the fault the fast but the nonlinear PCA not performing the best when encounter with lesser degree of nonlinear data set

    Energy efficient control and optimisation techniques for distillation processes

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    PhD ThesisDistillation unit is one of the most energy intensive processes and is among the major CO2 emitter in the chemical and petrochemical industries. In the quest to reduce the energy consumption and hence the environmental implications of unutilised energy, there is a strong motivation for energy saving procedures for conventional columns. Several attempts have been made to redesign and heat integrate distillation column with the aim of reducing the energy consumption of the column. Most of these attempts often involve additional capital costs in implementing. Also a number of works on applying the second law of thermodynamics to distillation column are focused on quantifying the efficiency of the column. This research aims at developing techniques of increasing the energy efficiency of the distillation column with the application of second law using the tools of advanced control and optimisation. Rigorous model from the fundamental equations and data driven models using Artificial neural network (ANN) and numerical methods (PLS, PCR, MLR) of a number of distillation columns are developed. The data for the data driven models are generated from HYSYS simulation. This research presents techniques for selecting energy efficient control structure for distillation processes. Relative gain array (RGA) and relative exergy array (REA ) were used in the selection of appropriate distillation control structures. The viability of the selected control scheme in the steady state is further validated by the dynamic simulation in responses to various process disturbances and operating condition changes. The technique is demonstrated on two binary distillation systems. In addition, presented in this thesis is optimisation procedures based on second law analysis aimed at minimising the inefficiencies of the columns without compromising the qualities of the products. ANN and Bootstrap aggregated neural network (BANN) models of exergy efficiency were developed. BANN enhances model prediction accuracy and also provides model prediction confidence bounds. The objective of the optimisation is to maximise the exergy efficiency of the column. To improve the reliability of the optimisation strategy, a modified objective function incorporating model prediction confidence bounds was presented. Multiobjective optimisation was also explored. Product quality constraints introduce a measure of penalization on the optimisation result to give as close as possible to what obtains in reality. The optimisation strategies developed were applied to binary systems, multicomponents system, and crude distillation system. The crude distillation system was fully explored with emphasis on the preflash unit, atmospheric distillation system (ADU) and vacuum distillation system (VDU). This study shows that BANN models result in greater model accuracy and more robust models. The proposed ii techniques also significantly improve the second law efficiency of the system with an additional economic advantage. The method can aid in the operation and design of energy efficient column.Commonwealth scholarship commissio

    Design and implementation of a soft computing-based controller for a complex mechanical system

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    Soft-Computing basierende Regler beinhalten Algorithmen, die im Bereich des Maschinellen Lernens einzuordnen sind. Diese Regler sind in der Lage eine geeignete Steuerungsstrategie durch direkte Interaktion mit einer dynamischen Regelstrecke zu entwerfen. Sowohl klassische als auch moderne Reglerentwurfsmethoden hangen von der Genauigkeit des verwendeten dynamischen Systemmodells ab, was insbesondere bei steigender Komplexitat des Systems und auftretenden Modellunsicherheiten nicht mehr uneingeschrankt gewahrleistet werden kann. Die Ziele von Soft- Computing basierenden Reglern sind die Verbesserung der Gute des Regelverhaltens und eine geeignete Anpassung der Regler ohne eine mathematische Modellbildung auf Grundlage von physikalischen Gesetzen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden funf Algorithmen zur Modellbildung und Regelung dynamischer Systeme untersucht, welche auf dem Mehrschichten-Perzeptron-Netzwerk (Multi-Layer Perceptron network, MLP), auf der Methode der Support Vector Machine (SVM), der Gau-Prozesse, der radialen Basisfunktionen (Radial Basis Functions, RBF) sowie der Fuzzy-Inferenz-Systeme basieren. Im Anschluss an die Darstellung der zugrunde liegenden mathematischen Zusammenhange dieser Methoden sowie deren Hauptanwendungsfelder im Bereich der Modellbildung und Regelung dynamischer Systeme wird eine systematische Evaluierung der funf Methoden diskutiert. Anhand der Verwendung quantitativer Gutekennziern werden diese Methoden fur die Verwendung in der Modellbildung und Regelung dynamischer Systeme vergleichbar gegenubergestellt. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen der Evaluierung wird der SVM-basierte Algorithmus als Kernalgorithmus des Soft-Computing basierenden Reglers verwendet. Der vorgestellte Regler besteht aus zwei Hauptteilen, wobei der erste Teil aus einer Modellfunktion der dynamischen Regelstrecke und einem SVM-basierten Beobachter besteht, und der zweite Teil basierend auf dem Systemmodell eine geeignete Regelstrategie generiert. Die Verikation des SVM-basierten Regleralgorithmus erfolgt anhand eines FEM-Modells eines dynamischen elastischen Balken bzw. einseitig eingespannten elastischen Balkens. Dieses Modell kann z. B. als Ersatzmodell fur das mechanische Verhalten eines exiblen Roboterarms oder einer Flugzeugtrag ache verwendet werden. Der Hauptteil der Modellfunktion besteht aus einem automatischen Systemidentikationsalgorithmus, der auch die Integration eines systematischen Modellbildungsansatzes fur dynamische Systeme ermoglicht.Die Ergebnisse des SVM-basierten Beobachter zeigen ahnliches Verhalten zum Kalman- Bucy Beobachter. Auch die Sensitivitatsanalyse der Parameter zeigt eine bessere Gute der SVM-basierten Beobachter im Vergleich mit den Kalman-Bucy Beobachtern. Im Anschluss wird der SVM-basierte Regler zur Schwingungsregelung des Kragtragers verwendet. Hierbei werden vergleichbare Ergebnisse zum LQR-Regler erzielt. Eine experimentelle Validierung des SVM basierten Reglers erfolgt an Versuchsst anden eines elastischen Biegebalkens sowie eines invertierten Biegebalkens. Die Zustandsbeobachtung fuhrt zu vergleichbaren Ergebnissen verglichen mit einem Kalman-Bucy Beobachter. Auch die Modellbildung des elastischen Balkens fuhrt zu guten Ubereinstimmungen. Die Regelgute des Soft-Computing basierenden Reglers wurde am Versuchsstand des invertierten Biegebalkens experimentell erprobt. Es wird deutlich, dass Ergebnisse im Rahmen der erforderlichen Vorgaben erzielt werden konnen.The focus of this thesis is to obtain a soft computing-based controller for complex mechanical system. soft computing based controllers are based on machine learning algorithm that able to develop suitable control strategies by direct interaction with targeted dynamic systems. Classical and modern control design methods depend on the accuracy of the system dynamic model which cannot be achieved due to the dynamic system complexity and modeling uncertainties. A soft computing-based controller aims to improve the performance of the close loop system and to give the controller adaptation ability as well as to reduce the need for mathematical modeling based on physical laws. In this work ve dierent softcomputing algorithms used in the eld of modeling and controlling dynamic systems are investigated.These algorithms are Multi-Layer Perceptron(MLP) network, Support Vector Machine (SVM),Gaussian process, Radial Basis Function (RBF), and Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). The basic mathematical description of each algorithm is given. Additionally, the most recent applications in modeling and controlling of dynamic system are summarized. A systematic evaluation of the ve algorithms is proposed. The goal of the evaluation is to provide quantitative measure of the performance of soft computing algorithms when used in modeling and controlling a dynamic system. Based on the evaluation, the SVM algorithm is selected as the core learning algorithm for the soft computing based controller. The controller has two main units. The rst unit has two functions of modeling dynamic system and obtaining a SVM-based observer. The second unit is in charge of generating suitable control strategy based on the dynamic model obtained. The verication of the controller using SVM algorithm is done using an elastic cantilever beam modeled using Finite Element Method (FEM). An elastic cantilever beam can be considered as a representation of exible single-link manipulator or aircraft wing. In the core of the modeling unit, an automatic system identication algorithm which allows a systematic modeling approach of dynamic systems is implemented. The results show that the system dynamic model using SVM algorithm is accurate with respect to the FEM model. As for the SVM-based observer the results show that it has good estimation in comparison with to dierent Kalman-Bucy observers. The sensitivity to parameters variations analysis shows that the SVM-based observer has better performance than Kalman-Bucy observer. The SVM based controller is used to control the vibration of the cantilever beam; the results show that the model reference controller using SVM has a similar performance to LQR controller. The validation of the controller using SVM algorithm is carried out using the elastic cantilever beam test rig and the inverted cantilever beam test rig. The states estimation using SVM-based observer of the elastic cantilever beam test rig is successful and accurate compared to a Kalman-Bucy observer. Modeling of the elastic cantilever beam using the SVM algorithm shows good accuracy. The performance of controller is tested on the inverted cantilever beam test rig. The results show that required performance objective can be realized using this control strategy

    Advances in Robotics, Automation and Control

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    The book presents an excellent overview of the recent developments in the different areas of Robotics, Automation and Control. Through its 24 chapters, this book presents topics related to control and robot design; it also introduces new mathematical tools and techniques devoted to improve the system modeling and control. An important point is the use of rational agents and heuristic techniques to cope with the computational complexity required for controlling complex systems. Through this book, we also find navigation and vision algorithms, automatic handwritten comprehension and speech recognition systems that will be included in the next generation of productive systems developed by man