250 research outputs found

    Monitoring wetlands and water bodies in semi-arid Sub-Saharan regions

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    Surface water in wetlands is a critical resource in semi-arid West-African regions that are frequently exposed to droughts. Wetlands are of utmost importance for the population as well as the environment, and are subject to rapidly changing seasonal fluctuations. Dynamics of wetlands in the study area are still poorly understood, and the potential of remote sensing-derived information as a large-scale, multi-temporal, comparable and independent measurement source is not exploited. This work shows successful wetland monitoring with remote sensing in savannah and Sahel regions in Burkina Faso, focusing on the main study site Lac Bam (Lake Bam). Long-term optical time series from MODIS with medium spatial resolution (MR), and short-term synthetic aperture radar (SAR) time series from TerraSAR-X and RADARSAT-2 with high spatial resolution (HR) successfully demonstrate the classification and dynamic monitoring of relevant wetland features, e.g. open water, flooded vegetation and irrigated cultivation. Methodological highlights are time series analysis, e.g. spatio-temporal dynamics or multitemporal-classification, as well as polarimetric SAR (polSAR) processing, i.e. the Kennaugh elements, enabling physical interpretation of SAR scattering mechanisms for dual-polarized data. A multi-sensor and multi-frequency SAR data combination provides added value, and reveals that dual-co-pol SAR data is most recommended for monitoring wetlands of this type. The interpretation of environmental or man-made processes such as water areas spreading out further but retreating or evaporating faster, co-occurrence of droughts with surface water and vegetation anomalies, expansion of irrigated agriculture or new dam building, can be detected with MR optical and HR SAR time series. To capture long-term impacts of water extraction, sedimentation and climate change on wetlands, remote sensing solutions are available, and would have great potential to contribute to water management in Africa

    Automated wetland delineation from multi-frequency and muliti-polarized SAR Images in high temporal and spatial resolution

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    Water scarcity is one of the main challenges posed by the changing climate. Especially in semi-arid regions where water reservoirs are filled during the very short rainy season, but have to store enough water for the extremely long dry season, the intelligent handling of water resources is vital. This study focusses on Lac Bam in Burkina Faso, which is the largest natural lake of the country and of high importance for the local inhabitants for irrigated farming, animal watering, and extraction of water for drinking and sanitation. With respect to the competition for water resources an independent area-wide monitoring system is essential for the acceptance of any decision maker. The following contribution introduces a weather and illumination independent monitoring system for the automated wetland delineation with a high temporal (about two weeks) and a high spatial sampling (about five meters). The similarities of the multispectral and multi-polarized SAR acquisitions by RADARSAT-2 and TerraSAR-X are studied as well as the differences. The results indicate that even basic approaches without pre-classification time series analysis or post-classification filtering are already enough to establish a monitoring system of prime importance for a whole region

    Burnt area mapping in insular Southeast Asia using medium resolution satellite imagery

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    Burnt area mapping in humid tropical insular Southeast Asia using medium resolution (250-500m) satellite imagery is characterized by persisting cloud cover, wide range of land cover types, vast amount of wetland areas and highly varying fire regimes. The objective of this study was to deepen understanding of three major aspects affecting the implementation and limits of medium resolution burnt area mapping in insular Southeast Asia: 1) fire-induced spectral changes, 2) most suitable multitemporal compositing methods and 3) burn scars patterns and size distribution. The results revealed a high variation in fire-induced spectral changes depending on the pre-fire greenness of burnt area. It was concluded that this variation needs to be taken into account in change detection based burnt area mapping algorithms in order to maximize the potential of medium resolution satellite data. Minimum near infrared (MODIS band 2, 0.86μm) compositing method was found to be the most suitable for burnt area mapping purposes using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. In general, medium resolution burnt area mapping was found to be usable in the wetlands of insular Southeast Asia, whereas in other areas the usability was seriously jeopardized by the small size of burn scars. The suitability of medium resolution data for burnt area mapping in wetlands is important since recently Southeast Asian wetlands have become a major point of interest in many fields of science due to yearly occurring wild fires that not only degrade these unique ecosystems but also create regional haze problem and release globally significant amounts of carbon into the atmosphere due to burning peat. Finally, super-resolution MODIS images were tested but the test failed to improve the detection of small scars. Therefore, super-resolution technique was not considered to be applicable to regional level burnt area mapping in insular Southeast Asia.Laaja valikoima erilaisia maankäyttöluokkia, pilvisyys ja kosteikkoalueiden suuri määrä luovat erityispiirteet paloalueiden kartoitukselle Kaakkois-Aasian saariston kostean troppisissa olosuhteissa keskiresoluutioisilla (250m-500m) satelliittikuva-aineistoilla. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli syventää ymmärrystä keskiresoluutioisen paloaluekartoituksen toteutukseen ja rajoituksiin Kaakkois-Aasian saaristossa vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Tutkimuksen tulokset paljastivat suurta vaihtelua tulipalojen aiheuttamissa heijastussäteilyn muutoksissa riippuen palaneen alueen vehreydestä ennen tulipaloa. Johtopäätöksenä todettiin että keskiresoluutioisten satelliittikuvien koko potentiaalin hyödyntämiseksi paloalueiden kartoituksessa tämä vaihtelu tulisi ottaa huomioon paloalueiden havainnointialgoritmeissa jotka perustuvat heijastussäteilyn muutosten seurantaan. Tähän ajatukseen perustuvaa paloalueiden kartoitusta myös kokeiltiin aineistoilla jotka oli tutkimuksissa todettu parhaiten tarkoitukseen sopiviksi. Paloalueiden muoto- ja kokojakauman analyysiin sekä käytännön testeihin perustuen keskiresoluutioinen paloalueiden kartoitus todettiin käyttökelpoiseksi Kaakkois-Aasian saariston kosteikkoalueilla. Muilla alueilla sen sijaan paloalueiden pieni koko uhkasi vakavasti sen käyttökelpoisuutta. Keskiresoluutioisten satelliittikuva-aineistojen käyttökelpoisuus paloalueiden kartoitukseen kosteikkoalueilla on kuitenkin merkittävää sillä viime aikoina Kaakkois-Aasian kosteikkoalueet ovat monilla tieteenaloilla nousseet kiinnostuksen kohteeksi vuosittain esiintyvien tulipalojen takia. Vuosittaiset tulipalot eivät ainoastaan heikennä näitä ainutlaatuisia ekosysteemejä vaan lähinnä palavan turpeen johdosta myös aiheuttavat pahoja alueellisia savusumuongelmia ja vapauttavat maailmanlaajuisesti merkittäviä määriä hiilidioksidia ilmakehään. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset osaltaan luovat pohjaa yhä tarkempien alueellisten paloalueiden kartoitusmenetelmien kehittämiselle. Näillä menetelmillä kerättävä tieto paloalueiden laajuudesta ja sijainneista antaa muiden alojen tutkijoille yhä paremmat mahdollisuudet arvioida Kaakkois-Aasian saariston kosteikkoalueiden tulipalojen paikallisia, alueellisia ja maailmanlaajuisia vaikutuksia

    Multispectral remote sensing of wetlands in semi-arid and arid areas: A review on applications, challenges and possible future research directions

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    Wetlands are ranked as very diverse ecosystems, covering about 4–6% of the global land surface. They occupy the transition zones between aquatic and terrestrial environments, and share characteristics of both zones. Wetlands play critical roles in the hydrological cycle, sustaining livelihoods and aquatic life, and biodiversity. Poor management of wetlands results in the loss of critical ecosystems goods and services. Globally, wetlands are degrading at a fast rate due to global environmental change and anthropogenic activities. This requires holistic monitoring, assessment, and management of wetlands to prevent further degradation and losses. Remote-sensing data offer an opportunity to assess changes in the status of wetlands including their spatial coverage. So far, a number of studies have been conducted using remotely sensed data to assess and monitor wetland status in semi-arid and arid regions

    Characterizing forest disturbance dynamics in the humid tropics using optical and LIDAR remotely sensed data sets

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    Human-induced tropical deforestation and forest degradation are widely recognized as major environmental threats, negatively affecting tropical forest ecosystem services, such as biodiversity and climate regulation. To mitigate the effects of forest disturbance, particularly carbon emissions, national forest monitoring systems are being established throughout the tropics. Multiple good practice guidelines aimed at developing accurate, compatible and cost-effective monitoring systems have been issued by IPCC, UNFCCC, GFOI and other organizations. However, there is a lack of consensus in characterization of the baseline state of the forests and carbon stocks. This dissertation is focused on the improvement of the current methods of remotely-sensed forest area and carbon loss estimation. A sample-based estimation method employing Landsat-based forest type and change maps and GLAS Lidar-modeled carbon data was first prototyped for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and then applied for the entire pan-tropical region. The DRC study found that Landsat-scale (30m) map-based forest loss assessments unadjusted for errors may lead to significant underestimation of forest aboveground carbon (AGC) loss in the environments with small-scale land cover change dynamics. This conclusion was supported by the pan-tropical study, which revealed that Landsat-based mapping omitted almost half (44%) of forest loss in Africa compared to the sample-based estimate (sample-based estimate exceeded map-based by 78%). Landsat performed well in Latin America and Southeast Asia (sample-based estimate exceeded map-based by 15% and 6% respectively), where forest dynamics are dominated by large-scale industrial forest clearings. The pan-tropical validation sample also allowed disaggregating forest cover and AGC loss by occurrence in natural- (primary and mature secondary forests, and natural woodlands) or human-managed (tree plantations, agroforestry systems, areas of subsistence agriculture with rapid tree cover rotation) forests. Pan-tropically, 58% of AGC loss came from natural forests, with proportion of natural AGC loss being the highest in Brazil (72%) and the lowest in the humid tropical Africa outside of the DRC (22%). The pan-tropical study employed a novel forest stratification for carbon estimation based on forest structural characteristics (canopy cover and height) and intactness, which aided in reducing standard errors of the sample-based estimate (SE of 4% for the pan-tropical gross forest loss area estimate). Such a stratification also allowed for the quantification of forest degradation by delineating intact and non-intact forest areas with different carbon content. This indirect approach to quantify forest degradation was advanced in the last research chapter by automating the process of intact (hinterland) forest mapping. Hinterland forests are defined as forest patches absent of and removed from disturbance in near-term history. Their utility in using spatial context to map structurally different (degraded and non-degraded) forests points a way forward for improved stratification of forest carbon stocks. Conclusions from the dissertation summarize strengths and challenges of sample-based area estimation in monitoring forest carbon stocks and the possible use of such estimates in the revision of spatially explicit maps by adjusting them to match the unbiased sample-based estimates. Hinterland forest maps, in addition to providing a valuable stratum for sample-based carbon monitoring, may serve as a baseline for the near real-time monitoring of remaining ecologically intact tropical forests

    Monitoring Cloud-prone Complex Landscapes At Multiple Spatial Scales Using Medium And High Resolution Optical Data: A Case Study In Central Africa

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    Tracking land surface dynamics over cloud-prone areas with complex mountainous terrain and a landscape that is heterogeneous at a scale of approximately 10 m, is an important challenge in the remote sensing of tropical regions in developing nations, due to the small plot sizes. Persistent monitoring of natural resources in these regions at multiple spatial scales requires development of tools to identify emerging land cover transformation due to anthropogenic causes, such as agricultural expansion and climate change. Along with the cloud cover and obstructions by topographic distortions due to steep terrain, there are limitations to the accuracy of monitoring change using available historical satellite imagery, largely due to sparse data access and the lack of high quality ground truth for classifier training. One such complex region is the Lake Kivu region in Central Africa. This work addressed these problems to create an effective process for monitoring the Lake Kivu region located in Central Africa. The Lake Kivu region is a biodiversity hotspot with a complex and heterogeneous landscape and intensive agricultural development, where individual plot sizes are often at the scale of 10m. Procedures were developed that use optical data from satellite and aerial observations at multiple scales to tackle the monitoring challenges. First, a novel processing chain was developed to systematically monitor the spatio-temporal land cover dynamics of this region over the years 1988, 2001, and 2011 using Landsat data, complemented by ancillary data. Topographic compensation was performed on Landsat reflectances to avoid the strong illumination angle impacts and image compositing was used to compensate for frequent cloud cover and thus incomplete annual data availability in the archive. A systematic supervised classification, using the state-of-the-art machine learning classifier Random Forest, was applied to the composite Landsat imagery to obtain land cover thematic maps with overall accuracies of 90% and higher. Subsequent change analysis between these years found extensive conversions of the natural environment as a result of human related activities. The gross forest cover loss for 1988-2001 and 2001- 2011 periods was 216.4 and 130.5 thousand hectares, respectively, signifying significant deforestation in the period of civil war and a relatively stable and lower deforestation rate later, possibly due to conservation and reforestation efforts in the region. The other dominant land cover changes in the region were aggressive subsistence farming and urban expansion displacing natural vegetation and arable lands. Despite limited data availability, this study fills the gap of much needed detailed and updated land cover change information for this biologically important region of Central Africa. While useful on a regional scale, Landsat data can be inadequate for more detailed studies of land cover change. Based on an increasing availability of high resolution imagery and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data from manned and unmanned aerial platforms (\u3c1m \u3eresolution), a study was performed leading to a novel generic framework for land cover monitoring at fine spatial scales. The approach fuses high spatial resolution aerial imagery and LiDAR data to produce land cover maps with high spatial detail using object-based image analysis techniques. The classification framework was tested for a scene with both natural and cultural features and was found to be more than 90 percent accurate, sufficient for detailed land cover change studies

    Landsliding Pre-Warning System

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    In this project we have to study of landslide, it occurs naturally we can’t stop natural cause but we can alert the people. Due to landslide there will losses of human life and properties. This project present landslide alert system by using wireless sensors that transmitted by zigbee module from this we can alert the people. In this we used three sensors accelerometer sensor, water level sensor, temperature sensor. Accelerometer sensor is used to measure the slop of angle if there is any movement in landslide and we used water level sensor to collect the depth of water in land. Temperature sensor is used to check the change in temperature. This data is given to microcontroller it is used to read the measurement and display on LCD. GPS is used to give latitude and longitude all reading is given to transmitter zigbee. This information is transmitting to receiver zigbee which is display on LCD and buzzer will activate due to this we can alert people and save human life and properties. This is real time project to save the human life

    Remote sensing based assessment of land cover and soil moisture in the Kilombero floodplain in Tanzania

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    Wetlands provide important ecological, biological, and social-economic services that are critical for human existence. The increasing demand for food, arable land shortage and changing climate conditions in East Africa have created a paradigm shift from upland cultivation to wetland use due to their year-round soil water availability. However, there is need to control and manage the activities within the wetlands to ensure sustainable use while negating any negative effects caused by these activities. This is implemented through the decisions made by the land managers within the wetlands. Providing the users of the wetlands with scientific knowledge acts as a support tool for policy-making geared towards the sustainable use of the wetlands. The overall research contains two main components: First, the need for timely land cover maps at a reasonable scale, and secondly, the assessment of soil moisture as a major contributor to agricultural production. The objectives of the study were to generate land cover maps from multi-sensor optical datasets and to assess the performance of single-polarized Sentinel-1 Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) texture and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) features by applying multiple classification algorithms in a floodplain in the Kilombero catchment. Furthermore, soil moisture spatial-temporal patterns over three hydrological zones was assessed, estimation of soil moisture from radar data and generation of soil moisture products from global products was investigated. The correlation of the merged products to Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) measures was also investigated. RapidEye, Sentinel-2 and Landsat images were used in determining the areal extents of four major land cover classes namely vegetated, bare, water and built up. The acquisition period of the images ranges from August 2013 to June 2015 for the RapidEye images, December 2015 to August 2016 for the Sentinel-2 images and 2013 to 2016 Landsat-8 images were included in the land cover time series dynamic study. However, the major challenge arising was cloud coverage and hence Sentinel-1 images were tested in the application of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) in wetland mapping. Variograms were used in spatial-temporal assessment of soil moisture data collected from three hydrological zones, riparian, middle and fringe. A roughness parameter was derived from a semi-empirical model. Soil moisture was retrieved from TerraSAR-X and RadarSAT-2 with the retrieved roughness parameter as an input in a linear regression equation. Triple collocation was applied in error assessment of the global soil moisture products prior to development of a merged product. Cross-correlation was applied in relating NDVI to soil moisture. Optical data (RapidEye, Landsat-8, and Sentinel-2) generated land cover maps used in assessing the land cover dynamics over time. The land cover ratios were related to depth to groundwater. As the depth to groundwater reduced in June the bare land coverage was 45-57% while that of vegetation was 34-47%. In December when the depth to groundwater was highest, bare land coverage was 62-69% while that of the vegetated area was 27-25%. This indicates that depth of groundwater and vegetation coverage responds to seasonality. During the dry season, 68-81% of the total vegetation class is within the riparian zone. In the classification of the SAR images, the overall accuracies for the single polarized VV images ranged from 54-76%, 60-81% and 61-80% for Random Forest (RF), Neural Network (NN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) respectively. GLCM features had overall accuracies of 64-86%, 65-88% and 65-86% for RF, NN, and SVM respectively. PCA derived images had similar overall accuracies of 68-92% for NN, RF, and SVM respectively. The PCA images had the highest overall accuracy for the entire time series indicating that reduction in the number of texture features to layers containing the maximum variance improves the accuracy. The standard deviation of soil moisture was noted to increase with increasing soil moisture. Soil texture plays a key role in soil moisture retention. The riparian fields had a high water content explained by the high clay and organic matter content. A roughness parameter was derived and utilized in the retrieval of soil moisture from SAR resulting to R2 of 0.88- 0.92 between observed and simulated soil moisture values from co-polarized RadarSAT-2 HH and TerraSAR-X HH and VV. Merged soil moisture product from FEWSNET Land Data Assimilation System_NOAH (FLDAS_NOAH), ECMWF Re-Analysis Interim (ERA-Interim) and Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and FLDAS_Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC), ERA-Interim and SMOS had similar patterns attributed to FLDAS_NOAH and FLDAS_VIC forced by the same precipitation product (RFE). Cross-correlation of Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) NDVI and the merged soil moisture products revealed a 2-month lag of NDVI. Hence, the relationship is useful in determining the Start of Season from soil moisture products. In conclusion, the successful land cover mapping of the study area demonstrated the use of satellite imagery for wetland characterization. The vast coverage and frequent acquisitions of optical and microwave remotely sensed data additionally make the approaches transferable to other locations and allow for mapping at larger scales. Soil moisture assessment from point data revealed varied soil moisture patterns whereas global remotely sensed and modeled products rather provide complementary information about growing conditions, and hence a situational assessment tool of potential of physical availability dimension of food security. This study forms a baseline upon which additional monitoring and assessment of the Kilombero wetland ecosystem can be performed with the current results marked as a reference. Moreover, the study serves as a demonstration case of remote sensing based approaches for land cover and soil moisture mapping, whose results are useful to stakeholders to aid in the implementation of adapted production techniques for yield optimization while minimizing the unsustainable use of the natural resources.Feuchtgebiete erbringen wichtige ökologische, biologische und sozial-ökonomische Dienstleistungen, welche entscheidend für das menschliche Dasein sind. Der steigende Bedarf an Nahrung, der Mangel an landwirtschaftlichen Nutzflächen und die Veränderung der klimatischen Bedingungen in Ostafrika haben zu einem Paradigmenwechsel vom Anbau im Hochland hin zur Nutzung von Feuchtgebieten geführt. Allerdings sind Kontrolle und Management der Aktivitäten in Feuchtgebieten notwendig, um die nachhaltige Nutzung zu sichern und negative Effekte dieser Aktivitäten zu vermeiden. Die Implementierung erfolgt durch die Landverwalter in den Feuchtgebieten. Den Nutzern von Feuchtgebieten wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse bereitzustellen dient als Hilfsmittel zur politischen Entscheidungsfindung für die nachhaltige Feuchtgebietsnutzung. Die Forschung im Rahmen der Dissertation beinhaltet zwei Hauptkomponenten: erstens den Bedarf an aktuellen Landbedeckungskarten auf einer angemessenen Skalenebene und zweitens die Erfassung der Bodenfeuchte als wichtiger Einflussfaktor auf die landwirtschaftliche Produktion. Das Ziel der Untersuchung war, Landbedeckungskarten auf Grundlage von multisensorischen optischen Daten zu erstellen und die Eignung der Textur der einfach polarisierten Sentinel-1 Grauwertmatrix (GLCM) sowie der einer Hauptkomponentenanalyse (PCA) bei Anwendung unterschiedlicher Klassifikationsalgorithmen zu beurteilen. Des Weiteren wurden raum-zeitliche Bodenfeuchtemuster über drei hydrologische Zonen hinweg modelliert, die Bodenfeuchte aus Radardaten abgeleitet sowie die Erstellung von Bodenfeuchteprodukten auf Basis von globalen Produkten untersucht. Die Korrelation der Bodenfeuchteprodukte mit dem Normalisierten Differenzierten Vegetationsindex (NDVI) wurde ebenfalls analysiert. RapidEye, Sentinel-2 und Landsat Bilder wurden genutzt um die räumliche Ausdehnung der vier Hauptklassen (Vegetation, freiliegender Boden, Wasser und Bebauung) der Landbedeckung zu ermitteln. Für die Zeitreihenanalyse der der Landbedeckungsdynamik wurden RapidEye-Daten von August 2013 bis Juni 2015, Sentinel-2-Bilder von Dezember 2015 bis August 2016 und Landsat-8-Bilder von 2013 bis 2016 verwendet. Die größte Herausforderung war jedoch die Wolkenbedeckung, weshalb die Anwendung von Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) für die Feuchtgebietskartierung getestet wurde. Die gemessene Bodenfeuchte wurde mittels Variogrammen für die drei hydrologischen Zonen (Uferzone, Mitte und Randgebiete) raum-zeitlich interpoliert. Ein Rauhigkeitsparameter wurde aus einem semi-empirischen Modell hergeleitet. Die Bodenfeuchte wurde aus TerraSAR-X und RadarSAT-2- Bildern unter Verwendung des Rauhigkeitsparameters als Eingangsgröße in einer linearen Regression abgeleitet. Vor der Zusammenführung der Produkte wurde das globale Bodenfeuchteprodukt mithilfe von dreifacher Kollokation auf Fehler überprüft. Die Kreuzkorrelation zwischen NDVI und Bodenfeuchte wurde berechnet. Optische Daten (RapidEye, Landsat-8 und Sentinel-2) wurden genutzt, um die zeitliche Dynamik der Landbedeckung zu bestimmen. Die Landbedeckungsverhältnisse wurde mit der Höhe des Grundwasserspiegels korreliert. Ein hoher Grundwasserstand im Juni resultierte in 45-57% unbedecktem Boden, während der Anteil der Vegetation 34-47% betrug. Im Dezember, als der Grundwasserspiegel seinen Tiefststand hatte, erhöhte sich der Anteil des freiliegenden Bodens auf 62-69% und der Anteil der Vegetation verringerte sich auf 27-25%. Das zeigt, dass Grundwasserspiegel und Vegetation saisonalen Schwankungen unterworfen sind. Während der Trockenzeit liegen 68-81% der gesamten als Vegetation klassifizierten Fläche innerhalb der Uferzone. In der Klassifikation der SAR-Bilder liegt die Gesamtgenauigkeit der einfach polarisierten VV-Bilder im Rahmen von 54-76%, 60-81% und 61-80%, entsprechend für Random Forest (RF), Neuronale Netze (NN) und Support Vector Machine (SVM). Die GLCM ergab eine Gesamtgenauigkeit von 64-86%, 65-88% und 65-86% für RF, NN und SVM. Die über eine PCA abgeleiteten Bilder erreichten eine ähnliche Genauigkeit von 68-92% für NN, RF und SVM. Die PCA-Bilder weisen die höchste Gesamtgenauigkeit der gesamten Zeitreihe auf, was darauf hinweist, dass eine Reduktion von Textureigenschaften auf Layer der maximalen Varianz enthalten, die Genauigkeit erhöht. Die Standardabweichung der Bodenfeuchte stieg mit zunehmender Bodenfeuchte. Die Bodentextur spielt dabei eine Schlüsselrolle für das Wasserhaltevermögen des Bodens. Die Uferzone wies einen hohen Wassergehalt auf, was durch den hohen Anteil von Ton und Humus zu erklären ist. Die beobachteten und simulierten Bodenfeuchtewerte von co-polarisierten RadarSAT-2 HH, TerraSAR-X HH und VV Daten korrelieren mit einem R2 von 0.88 - 0.92. Die zusammengesetzten globalen Bodenfeuchteprodukte von FLDAS_NOAH, ERA-Interim sowie SMOS und FLDAS_VIC, ERA-Interim und SMOS zeigen ähnliche Muster wie FLDAS_NOAH und FLDAS_VIC, was über die Verwendung desselben Niederschlagsproduktes (RFE) zu erklären ist. Die Kreuzkorrelation von MODIS NDVI und den zusammengeführten Bodenfeuchteprodukten ergab eine zeitliche Verzögerung des NDVI von zwei Monaten. Dieser Zusammenhang kann daher bei der Bestimmung des Saisonbeginns aus Bodenfeuchtigkeitsprodukten nützlich sein. Zusammengefasst hat die Studie gezeigt, wie Satellitenbilder zur Charakterisierung von Wetlands genutzt werden können. Die große Abdeckung und häufige Aufnahme der optischen und Mikrowellen-Fernerkundungsdaten ermöglichen darüber hinaus die Übertragung der Ansätze auf weitere Gebiete und Kartierung auf größeren Skalen. Die Punktmessungen zeigen kleinräumige Muster der Bodenfeuchte, während globale Fernerkundungsprodukte und Modelle Informationen über die Wachstumsbedingungen liefern und somit ein Bewertungsinstrument der Ernährungssicherheit darstellen können. Weiterhin bildet die Studie eine Basis, auf der ein weitergehendes Monitoring und eine Bewertung des Feuchtgebietsökosystems durchgeführt werden kann. Sie ist ein Beispiel für fernerkundungsbasierte Ansätze zur Landbedeckungs- und Bodenfeuchtekartierung; ihre Ergebnisse sind nützlich, um Akteuren bei der Implementierung von Produktionstechniken zu unterstützen, welche die Erträge maximieren und gleichzeitig die nicht nachhaltige Nutzung der natürlichen Ressourcen minimieren

    Impacts of climate variability and drought on surface water resources in sub-saharan africa using remote sensing: A review

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    Climate variability and recurrent droughts have caused remarkable strain on water resources in most regions across the globe, with the arid and semi-arid areas being the hardest hit. The impacts have been notable on surface water resources, which are already under threat from massive abstractions due to increased demand, as well as poor conservation and unsustainable land management practices. Drought and climate variability, as well as their associated impacts on water resources, have gained increased attention in recent decades as nations seek to enhance mitigation and adaptation mechanisms. Although the use of satellite technologies has, of late, gained prominence in generating timely and spatially explicit information on drought and climate variability impacts across different regions, they are somewhat hampered by difficulties in detecting drought evolution due to its complex nature, varying scales, the magnitude of its occurrence, and inherent data gaps