489 research outputs found

    Implementation of new regulatory rules in a multistage ALM model for Dutch pension funds

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    This paper discusses the implementation of new regulatory rules in a multistage recourse ALM model for Dutch pension funds. The new regulatory rules, which are called the ?Financieel Toetsingskader?, are effective as of January 2007 and have deep impact on the issues of valuation of liabilities, solvency, contribution rate, and indexation. Multistage recourse models have proved to be valuable for pension fund ALM. The ability to include the new regulatory rules would increase the practical value of these models.

    International Portfolio Management under Uncertainty

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    Although the consideration of foreign investments may have a positive impact on the overall market risk of the portfolio through diversi cation, it also adds a new source of uncertainty due to changes in the value of the currency. We investigate portfolio optimization models that account separately for the local asset returns and the currency returns, providing the investor with a full investment strategy. We tackle the uncertainty inherent to the estimation of the parameters with the aid of robust optimization techniques. We show how, by using appropriate assumptions regarding the formulation of the uncertainty sets, the original non-linear and non-convex models may be reformulated as second order cone or as semide nite programs. Additionally to the guarantees provided by robust optimization, we consider the use of hedging instruments such as forward contracts and options. The proposed hedging strategies are implemented from a portfolio perspective, and therefore do not depend on the individual value or behavior of any particular asset or currency. Hedging decisions are taken at the same time as investment decisions in a holistic approach to portfolio management. While dynamic decision making has traditionally been represented as scenario trees, these may become severely intractable and di cult to compute with an increasing number of time periods. We present an alternative approach to multiperiod international portfolio optimization based on an a ne dependence between the decision variables and the past returns. We add to our formulation the minimization of the worst case value-at-risk and show the close relationship with robust optimization. The proposed theoretical framework is supported by various numerical experiments with simulated and historical market data demonstrating its potential bene ts

    A stochastic programming model for dynamic portfolio management with financial derivatives

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    Stochastic optimization models have been extensively applied to financial portfolios and have proven their effectiveness in asset and asset-liability management. Occasionally, however, they have been applied to dynamic portfolio problems including not only assets traded in secondary markets but also derivative contracts such as options or futures with their dedicated payoff functions. Such extension allows the construction of asymmetric payoffs for hedging or speculative purposes but also leads to several mathematical issues. Derivatives-based nonlinear portfolios in a discrete multistage stochastic programming (MSP) framework can be potentially very beneficial to shape dynamically a portfolio return distribution and attain superior performance. In this article we present a portfolio model with equity options, which extends significantly previous efforts in this area, and analyse the potential of such extension from a modeling and methodological viewpoints. We consider an asset universe and model portfolio set-up including equity, bonds, money market, a volatility-based exchange-traded-fund (ETF) and over-the-counter (OTC) option contracts on the equity. Relying on this market structure we formulate and analyse, to the best of our knowledge, for the first time, a comprehensive set of optimal option strategies in a discrete framework, including canonical protective puts, covered calls and straddles, as well as more advanced combined strategies based on equity options and the volatility index. The problem formulation relies on a data-driven scenario generation method for asset returns and option prices consistent with arbitrage-free conditions and incomplete market assumptions. The joint inclusion of option contracts and the VIX as asset class in a dynamic portfolio problem extends previous efforts in the domain of volatility-driven optimal policies. By introducing an optimal trade-off problem based on expected wealth and Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR), we formulate the problem as a stochastic linear program and present an extended set of numerical results across different market phases, to discuss the interplay among asset classes and options, relevant to financial engineers and fund managers. We find that options’ portfolios and trading in options strengthen an effective tail risk control, and help shaping portfolios returns’ distributions, consistently with an investor's risk attitude. Furthermore the introduction of a volatility index in the asset universe, jointly with equity options, leads to superior risk-adjusted returns, both in- and out-of-sample, as shown in the final case-study

    On improving pension product design

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    Mortality Contingent Claims: Impact of Capital Market, Income, and Interest Rate Risk

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    In this paper, we consider optimal insurance, portfolio allocation, and consumption rules for a stochastic wage earner with CRRA preferences whose lifetime is random. In a continuous time framework, the investor has to decide among short and long positions in mortality contingent claims a.k.a. life insurance, stocks, bonds, and money market investment when facing a risky stock market and interest rate risk. We find an analytical solution for the complete market case in which human capital is exactly priced. We also extend the analysis to the case where income is unspanned. An illustrative analysis shows when the wage earner’s demand for life insurance switches to the demand for annuities.

    Special issue: Applied mathematical programming and modelling 2016

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    Essays on Multistage Stochastic Programming applied to Asset Liability Management

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    Uncertainty is a key element of reality. Thus, it becomes natural that the search for methods allows us to represent the unknown in mathematical terms. These problems originate a large class of probabilistic programs recognized as stochastic programming models. They are more realistic than deterministic ones, and their aim is to incorporate uncertainty into their definitions. This dissertation approaches the probabilistic problem class of multistage stochastic problems with chance constraints and joint-chance constraints. Initially, we propose a multistage stochastic asset liability management (ALM) model for a Brazilian pension fund industry. Our model is formalized in compliance with the Brazilian laws and policies. Next, given the relevance of the input parameters for these optimization models, we turn our attention to different sampling models, which compose the discretization process of these stochastic models. We check how these different sampling methodologies impact on the final solution and the portfolio allocation, outlining good options for ALM models. Finally, we propose a framework for the scenario-tree generation and optimization of multistage stochastic programming problems. Relying on the Knuth transform, we generate the scenario trees, taking advantage of the left-child, right-sibling representation, which makes the simulation more efficient in terms of time and the number of scenarios. We also formalize an ALM model reformulation based on implicit extensive form for the optimization model. This technique is designed by the definition of a filtration process with bundles, and coded with the support of an algebraic modeling language. The efficiency of this methodology is tested in a multistage stochastic ALM model with joint-chance constraints. Our framework makes it possible to reach the optimal solution for trees with a reasonable number of scenarios.A incerteza é um elemento fundamental da realidade. Então, torna-se natural a busca por métodos que nos permitam representar o desconhecido em termos matemáticos. Esses problemas originam uma grande classe de programas probabilísticos reconhecidos como modelos de programação estocástica. Eles são mais realísticos que os modelos determinísticos, e tem por objetivo incorporar a incerteza em suas definições. Essa tese aborda os problemas probabilísticos da classe de problemas de multi-estágio com incerteza e com restrições probabilísticas e com restrições probabilísticas conjuntas. Inicialmente, nós propomos um modelo de administração de ativos e passivos multi-estágio estocástico para a indústria de fundos de pensão brasileira. Nosso modelo é formalizado em conformidade com a leis e políticas brasileiras. A seguir, dada a relevância dos dados de entrada para esses modelos de otimização, tornamos nossa atenção às diferentes técnicas de amostragem. Elas compõem o processo de discretização desses modelos estocásticos Nós verificamos como as diferentes metodologias de amostragem impactam a solução final e a alocação do portfólio, destacando boas opções para modelos de administração de ativos e passivos. Finalmente, nós propomos um “framework” para a geração de árvores de cenário e otimização de modelos com incerteza multi-estágio. Baseados na tranformação de Knuth, nós geramos a árvore de cenários considerando a representação filho-esqueda, irmão-direita o que torna a simulação mais eficiente em termos de tempo e de número de cenários. Nós também formalizamos uma reformulação do modelo de administração de ativos e passivos baseada na abordagem extensiva implícita para o modelo de otimização. Essa técnica é projetada pela definição de um processo de filtragem com “bundles”; e codifciada com o auxílio de uma linguagem de modelagem algébrica. A eficiência dessa metodologia é testada em um modelo de administração de ativos e passivos com incerteza com restrições probabilísticas conjuntas. Nosso framework torna possível encontrar a solução ótima para árvores com um número razoável de cenários