29 research outputs found

    Computational Analysis of Complex Beat-to-Beat Dynamics in Heart Cells

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    Contrary to the popular belief that the heart maintains a regular rhythm, healthy heartbeats fluctuate in a chaotic way. We now know that the fluctuations do not display uncorrelated randomness, but they contain long-range correlations and can be characterized by a fractal. This behavior supports the adaptability of the heart and may thus protect it from external stress. The fractal complexity is also found in the smallest parts of the heart: the cells. In the dawn of advanced pluripotent stem cell technology, producing independently beating cardiomyocytes in a laboratory, the beat-rate fluctuations of heart cells can be directly studied. In this thesis, we investigate the complex fluctuations in the field potentials generated by clusters of human cardiomyocytes. We show that the heart cells exhibit similar correlation properties in the beat-to-beat intervals and field potential durations comparable to RR and QT intervals, i.e., time between consecutive R waves and time from Q wave to the end of T wave, respectively, in an electrocardiogram of a heart. The cells are studied under conditions resembling real-life situations such as cardiac disorders, application of cardioactive drugs, and injuries. The results show significant alteration of the scaling properties in the beat rates, reflecting the changes in the intrinsic mechanism at the cellular level. By employing a set of nonlinear time series analysis tools, we explore their powerful applicability as well as their limitations. Our main method of choice throughout the work is detrended fluctuation analysis, which is designed to detect the degree of correlation in nonstationary time series. We demonstrate that detrended fluctuation analysis and its extensions are extremely useful in dealing with the field potential data of the heart cells despite the presence of abnormalities and irregular trends. The study of heartbeat dynamics at the cellular level using computational methods has important advantages. In particular, the methods provide non-invasive and versatile ways to improve our understanding of the intrinsic firing patterns of the heart cells, which play a crucial role in the future applications of in vitro human cardiomyocytes

    Use of Multiscale Entropy to Characterize Fetal Autonomic Development

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    The idea that uterine environment and adverse events during fetal development could increase the chances of the diseases in adulthood was first published by David Barker in 1998. Since then, investigators have been employing several methods and methodologies for studying and characterizing the ontological development of the fetus, e.g., fetal movement, growth and cardiac metrics. Even with most recent and developed methods such as fetal magnetocardiography (fMCG), investigators are continuously challenged to study fetal development; the fetus is inaccessible. Finding metrics that realize the full capacity of characterizing fetal ontological development remains a technological challenge. In this thesis, the use and value of multiscale entropy to characterize fetal maturation across third trimester of gestation is studied. Using multiscale entropy obtained from participants of a clinical trial, we show that MSE can characterize increasing complexity due to maturation in the fetus, and can distinguish a growing and developing fetal system from a mature system where loss of irregularity is due to compromised complexity from increasing physiologic load. MSE scales add a nonlinear metric that seems to accurately reflect the ontological development of the fetus and hold promise for future use to investigate the effects of maternal stress, intrauterine growth restriction, or predict risk for sudden infant death syndrome

    Relation between QT interval variability and cardiac sympathetic innervation in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    Computing in Cardiology 2011, 18-21 September 2011, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, ChinaElevated QT interval variability (QTV) has been asso- ciated with increased cardiac mortality, but the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. Sympathetic ac- tivity is thought to be a main contributor to QTV. The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between car- diac sympathetic integrity and QTV in 15 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and varying degrees of cardiac autonomic neuropathy. Cardiac sympathetic innervation was assessed by 123I-mIBG scintigraphy based on heart- to-mediastinum ratio of 123I-mIBG uptake 4 hours after infusion. To assess QTV high resolution ECGs (1000 Hz) were recorded during standing. Beat-to-beat QT inter- vals were calculated over a period of 5 minutes, using a template-stretching algorithm. QTV was quantified using time and frequency domain measures as well as non-linear approaches (symbolic dynamics, fractal dimension). The group mean and standard deviation of HMR values were 1.07 ± 0.48. Time and frequency domain QTV parame- ters were significantly increased in subjects with sympa- thetic dysinnervation and inversely correlated with HMR (r = −0.7, p < 0.001). In conclusion, there is a clear link between sympathetic dysinnervation and elevated QTV in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus during sympathetic activation. Sympathetic dysinnervation is associated with increased ventricular repolarization lability.Mathias Baumert, Julian Sacre and Bennett Franjichttp://www.cinc.org/archives/2011

    Longitudinally Tracking Maternal Autonomic Modulation During Normal Pregnancy With Comprehensive Heart Rate Variability Analyses

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    Changes in the maternal autonomic nervous system are essential in facilitating the physiological changes that pregnancy necessitates. Insufficient autonomic adaptation is linked to complications such as hypertensive diseases of pregnancy. Consequently, tracking autonomic modulation during progressing pregnancy could allow for the early detection of emerging deteriorations in maternal health. Autonomic modulation can be longitudinally and unobtrusively monitored by assessing heart rate variability (HRV). Yet, changes in maternal HRV (mHRV) throughout pregnancy remain poorly understood. In previous studies, mHRV is typically assessed only once per trimester with standard HRV features. However, since gestational changes are complex and dynamic, assessing mHRV comprehensively and more frequently may better showcase the changing autonomic modulation over pregnancy. Subsequently, we longitudinally (median sessions = 8) assess mHRV in 29 healthy pregnancies with features that assess sympathetic and parasympathetic activity, as well as heart rate (HR) complexity, HR responsiveness and HR fragmentation. We find that vagal activity, HR complexity, HR responsiveness, and HR fragmentation significantly decrease. Their associated effect sizes are small, suggesting that the increasing demands of advancing gestation are well tolerated. Furthermore, we find a notable change in autonomic activity during the transition from the second to third trimester, highlighting the dynamic nature of changes in pregnancy. Lastly, while we saw the expected rise in mean HR with gestational age, we also observed increased autonomic deceleration activity, seemingly to counter this rising mean HR. These results are an important step towards gaining insights into gestational physiology as well as tracking maternal health via mHRV

    Novel Framework for Nonlinear HRV Analysis and its Physiological Interpretation

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    La inclusión de métodos no lineales aplicados a señales de variabilidad del ritmo cardiaco (HRV, del inglés Heart Rate Variability) proporciona una nueva visión en la caracterización de anomalías en el contexto de las enfermedades cardiacas o patologías como la insuficiencia cardiaca o la fibrilación auricular, por nombrar algunas. Se ha demostrado que alteraciones en el sistema nervioso autónomo (ANS, del inglés Autonomic Nervous System), el cuál modula el ritmo cardiaco, conllevan a cambios en los patrones no lineales de la HRV. Sin embargo, la incertidumbre, todavía presente, en los mecanismos que subyacen a variaciones fisiológicas o patofisiológicas en los índices no lineales de la HRV, junto con el alto tiempo que requieren los algoritmos para la estimación de estos índices, representan el cuello de botella para su aplicación en la práctica clínica.Después de una breve introducción sobre los temas abordados en esta la tesis en el capítulo 1, el segundo capítulo, el capítulo 2, está dedicado a la primera gran contribución de esta tesis, que consiste en la propuesta y desarrollo de una metodología con el fin de reducir el coste computacional asociado a la caracterización no lineal de la HRV. El esquema propuesto es muy eficaz, reduciendo el tiempo de cálculo a unos pocos segundos para el análisis no lineal de señales de HRV de corta longitud (5 minutos). Con respecto a la interpretación del análisis no lineal de la HRV, es importante señalar que hay una serie de factores que afectan a su cálculo y deben tenerse en cuenta al comparar diferentes estudios de la literatura. Las características de las series de HRV, como la frecuencia de muestreo, así como la selección de valores de parámetros en los métodos no lineales, tienen un impacto en los resultados de los índices no lineales de la HRV y, en algunas circunstancias, pueden dar lugar a interpretaciones erróneas. Uno de los principales objetivos del capítulo 3 es estudiar la influencia de la tasa de muestreo en los índices no lineales de la HRV y proponer alternativas para atenuar esta influencia. Los métodos propuestos incluyen, por una parte, la corrección de la frecuencia cardiaca de las estimaciones de la HRV mediante fórmulas de regresión individuales o basadas en la población y, por otra, el preprocesamiento de las series temporales de HRV mediante modelos de interpolación o de point-process. El capítulo 4 se centra en investigar el efecto de la selección del valor de los parámetros requeridos para el cálculo de ciertos índices no lineales de la HRV (por ejemplo, la entropía aproximada) y proponiendo un nuevo índice independiente de la definición del valor de éstos parámetros a-priori. Este novedoso índice se denomina entropía multidimensional aproximada. El análisis no lineal de la HRV, incluido el nuevo índice propuesto, se aplica al estudio de afecciones asociadas a alteraciones de la modulación cardiaca del ANS, como el envejecimiento y la insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva (CHF, del inglés Congestive Heart Failure). Por un lado, todos los índices no lineales de la HRV evaluados ven disminuidos significativamente sus valores en las personas mayores en comparación con los jóvenes ambos grupos en condiciones de reposo en posición de decubito supino. Por otro lado, los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca muestran valores más altos de los índices no lineales significativamente con respecto al grupo de sujetos sanos, en ambos casos analizando el período nocturno. Además, el análisis no lineal de la HRV es evaluada en respuesta a provocaciones simpáticas, inducidas por el cambio de la posición supina a la posición de pie o por la administración de atropina, donde se observa una disminución en todos los índicesno lineales estimados.El capítulo 5 está dedicado a la evaluación del rendimiento del análisis no lineal de la HRV en el triaje de la administración profiláctica con el fin de prevenir los episodios de hipotension causados por la anestesia espinal durante el parto por cesárea. El estudio se realiza en colaboración con el Servicio de Anestesia del Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet (Zaragoza, España). Debido a que la profilaxis puede producir efectos secundarios en el feto, el desafío consiste en predecir los casos normotensos para los cuales se puede prescindir del tratamiento profilactico. La hipótesis de esta tesis se basa en el hecho de que la alteración de la regulación del ANS causada por el último período de embarazo y la proximidad a la cirugía podría reflejarse en los índices no lineales de la HRV, lo que podría ayudar a predecir los casos que deriven en hipotension y normotension con mayor precisión que cuando se utilizan solamente variables demográficas. Es importante destacar que las propuestas metodológicas para el análisis no lineal de la HRV desarrolladas en la tesis se aplican en la caracterización de otras señales cardiovasculares, como la señal fotopletismografica de pulso. Las series temporales derivadas de esta señal, que incluyen información del sistema vascular periférico, se incorporan en un clasificador basado en la regresión logística junto con los índices no lineales de la HRV. El clasificador propuesto alcanza un 76,5% de sensibilidad y un 72,2% de precisión en la detección de los casos normotensos, proporcionando así información pertinente y objetiva respaldando la decisión final del equipo médico.En el capítulo 6 se presentan las principales conclusiones derivadas de la tesis y se consideran futuras ampliaciones en base a las investigaciones llevadas a cabo. Se hace hincapié en la contribución de la tesis al desarrollo de metodologías novedosas para caracterizar de manera más robusta los índices no lineales de la HRV e interpretar con fiabilidad los resultados correspondientes. Basándose en las metodologías desarrolladas, se investigan las condiciones o patologías asociadas con alteraciones en la modulación autonómica de la actividad cardiaca y se destaca la contribución del análisis no lineal de la HRV para su caracterización. En conclusión, entre los objetivos metodológicos desarrollados en esta tesis se encuentran: i) la propuesta de un esquema de trabajo para incrementar la fiabilidad de la estimación de la dimensión de correlación, usando un algoritmo que reduce la carga computacional, facilitando su aplicabilidad en la práctica clínica; ii) el desarrollo de métodos alternativos para atenuar la dependencia de los índices no lineales de la HRV con el ritmo cardiaco medio; iii) la propuesta de un índice no lineal de la HRV multidimensional independiente de la definición a priori de parámetros para su estimación. Además, los objetivos relacionados con la aplicación clínica de lascontribuciones metodológicas son: i) la caracterización del efecto del envejecimiento en los índices no lineales de la HRV; ii) la evaluación de la complejidad e irregularidad del ritmo cardiaco en pacientes que sufren de insuficiencia cardiaca comparada con sujetos sanos; iii) la mejora de la eficacia de la profilaxis para la prevención de eventos de hipotensión después de anestesia espinal durante parto programado por cesárea.<br /

    Symbolic Dynamics Analysis: a new methodology for foetal heart rate variability analysis

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    Cardiotocography (CTG) is a widespread foetal diagnostic methods. However, it lacks of objectivity and reproducibility since its dependence on observer's expertise. To overcome these limitations, more objective methods for CTG interpretation have been proposed. In particular, many developed techniques aim to assess the foetal heart rate variability (FHRV). Among them, some methodologies from nonlinear systems theory have been applied to the study of FHRV. All the techniques have proved to be helpful in specific cases. Nevertheless, none of them is more reliable than the others. Therefore, an in-depth study is necessary. The aim of this work is to deepen the FHRV analysis through the Symbolic Dynamics Analysis (SDA), a nonlinear technique already successfully employed for HRV analysis. Thanks to its simplicity of interpretation, it could be a useful tool for clinicians. We performed a literature study involving about 200 references on HRV and FHRV analysis; approximately 100 works were focused on non-linear techniques. Then, in order to compare linear and non-linear methods, we carried out a multiparametric study. 580 antepartum recordings of healthy fetuses were examined. Signals were processed using an updated software for CTG analysis and a new developed software for generating simulated CTG traces. Finally, statistical tests and regression analyses were carried out for estimating relationships among extracted indexes and other clinical information. Results confirm that none of the employed techniques is more reliable than the others. Moreover, in agreement with the literature, each analysis should take into account two relevant parameters, the foetal status and the week of gestation. Regarding the SDA, results show its promising capabilities in FHRV analysis. It allows recognizing foetal status, gestation week and global variability of FHR signals, even better than other methods. Nevertheless, further studies, which should involve even pathological cases, are necessary to establish its reliability.La Cardiotocografia (CTG) è una diffusa tecnica di diagnostica fetale. Nonostante ciò, la sua interpretazione soffre di forte variabilità intra- e inter- osservatore. Per superare tali limiti, sono stati proposti più oggettivi metodi di analisi. Particolare attenzione è stata rivolta alla variabilità della frequenza cardiaca fetale (FHRV). Nel presente lavoro abbiamo suddiviso le tecniche di analisi della FHRV in tradizionali, o lineari, e meno convenzionali, o non-lineari. Tutte si sono rivelate efficaci in casi specifici ma nessuna si è dimostrata più utile delle altre. Pertanto, abbiamo ritenuto necessario effettuare un’indagine più dettagliata. In particolare, scopo della tesi è stato approfondire una specifica metodologia non-lineare, la Symbolic Dynamics Analysis (SDA), data la sua notevole semplicità di interpretazione che la renderebbe un potenziale strumento di ausilio all’attività clinica. Sono stati esaminati all’incirca 200 riferimenti bibliografici sull’analisi di HRV e FHRV; di questi, circa 100 articoli specificamente incentrati sulle tecniche non-lineari. E’ stata condotta un’analisi multiparametrica su 580 tracciati CTG di feti sani per confrontare le metodologie adottate. Sono stati realizzati due software, uno per l’analisi dei segnali CTG reali e l’altro per la generazione di tracciati CTG simulati. Infine, sono state effettuate analisi statistiche e di regressione per esaminare le correlazioni tra indici calcolati e parametri di interesse clinico. I risultati dimostrano che nessuno degli indici calcolati risulta più vantaggioso rispetto agli altri. Inoltre, in accordo con la letteratura, lo stato del feto e le settimane di gestazione sono parametri di riferimento da tenere sempre in considerazione per ogni analisi effettuata. Riguardo la SDA, essa risulta utile all’analisi della FHRV, permettendo di distinguere – meglio o al pari di altre tecniche – lo stato del feto, la settimana di gestazione e la variabilità complessiva del segnale. Tuttavia, sono necessari ulteriori studi, che includano anche casi di feti patologici, per confermare queste evidenze

    Multiscale complexity analysis of the cardiac control identifies asymptomatic and symptomatic patients in long QT syndrome type 1

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    Abstract The study assesses complexity of the cardiac control directed to the sinus node and to ventricles in long QT syndrome type 1 (LQT1) patients with KCNQ1-A341V mutation. Complexity was assessed via refined multiscale entropy (RMSE) computed over the beat-to-beat variability series of heart period (HP) and QT interval. HP and QT interval were approximated respectively as the temporal distance between two consecutive R-wave peaks and between the R-wave apex and T-wave end. Both measures were automatically taken from 24-hour electrocardiographic Holter traces recorded during daily activities in non mutation carriers (NMCs, n = 14) and mutation carriers (MCs, n = 34) belonging to a South African LQT1 founder population. The MC group was divided into asymptomatic (ASYMP, n = 11) and symptomatic (SYMP, n = 23) patients according to the symptom severity. Analyses were carried out during daytime (DAY, from 2PM to 6PM) and nighttime (NIGHT, from 12PM to 4AM) off and on beta-adrenergic blockade (BBoff and BBon). We found that the complexity of the HP variability at short time scale was under vagal control, being significantly increased during NIGHT and BBon both in ASYMP and SYMP groups, while the complexity of both HP and QT variability at long time scales was under sympathetic control, being smaller during NIGHT and BBon in SYMP subjects. Complexity indexes at long time scales in ASYMP individuals were smaller than those in SYMP ones regardless of therapy (i.e. BBoff or BBon), thus suggesting that a reduced complexity of the sympathetic regulation is protective in ASYMP individuals. RMSE analysis of HP and QT interval variability derived from routine 24-hour electrocardiographic Holter recordings might provide additional insights into the physiology of the cardiac control and might be fruitfully exploited to improve risk stratification in LQT1 population

    The fluctuation behavior of heart and respiratory system signals as a quantitative tool for studying long-term environmental exposures and chronic diseases

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    Background: Several studies over the last decades have suggested that a wide range of disease states, as well as the aging process itself, are marked by progressive impairment of the involved physiological processes to adapt, resulting in a loss of complexity in the dynamics of physiological functions. Therefore, measuring complexity from physiological system signals holds enormous promise for providing a new understanding of the mechanisms underlying physiological systems and how they change with diseases and aging. Furthermore, since physiological systems are continuously exposed to environmental factors, measuring how physiological complexity changes during exposure to environmental elements might also provide new insights into their effects. Indeed, this approach may be able to unveil subtle but important changes in the regulatory mechanisms of physiological systems not detectable by traditional analysis methods. Objectives: The overall objective of this PhD thesis was to quantify the complexity of the dynamics of heart and respiratory system signals, in order to investigate how this complexity changes with long-term environmental exposures and chronic diseases, using data from large epidemiological and clinical studies, in order to control for most potential confounders of the fluctuation behavior of systems signals (e.g., demographic, environmental, clinical, and lifestyle factors). We specifically aimed (1) at assessing the influence, first, of long-term smoking cessation, and second, of long-term exposure to traffic-related particulate matter of less than 10 micrometers in diameter (TPM10), on the regulation of the autonomic cardiovascular system and heart rate dynamics in an aging general population, using data from the SAPALDIA cohort study; (2) to assess whether the subgrouping of patients with recurrent obstructive airway diseases, including mild-to-moderate asthma, severe asthma, and COPD, according to their pattern of lung function fluctuation, allows for the identification of phenotypes with specific treatable traits, using data from the BIOAIR study. Methods: In the SAPALDIA cohort, a population-based Swiss cohort, 1608 participants ≥ 50 years of age underwent ambulatory 24-hr electrocardiogram monitoring and reported on lifestyle and medical history. In each participant, heart rate variability and heart rate dynamics were characterized by means of various quantitative analyses of the inter-beat interval time series generated from 24-hour electrocardiogram recordings. Each parameter obtained was then used as the outcome variable in multivariable linear regression models in order to evaluate the association with (1) smoking status and time elapsed since smoking cessation; (2) long-term exposure to TPM10. The models were adjusted for known confounding factors. In the BIOAIR study, we conducted a time series clustering analysis based on the fluctuation of twice-daily FEV1 measurements recorded over a one year period in a mixed group of 134 adults with mild-to-moderate asthma, severe asthma, or COPD from the longitudinal Pan-European BIOAIR study. Results: In the SAPALDIA cohort, our findings indicate that smoking triggers adverse changes in the regulation of the cardiovascular system, even at low levels of exposure since current light smokers exhibited significant changes as compared to lifelong non-smokers. Moreover, there was evidence for a dose-response effect. Furthermore, full recovery was achieved in former smokers (i.e., normalization to the level of lifelong non-smokers). However, while light smokers fully recovered within the 15 first years of cessation, heavy former smokers might need up to 15-25 years to fully recover. Regarding long-term exposure to TPM10, we did not observe an overall association with heart rate variability/heart rate dynamics in the entire study population. However, significant changes in the heart rate dynamics were found in subjects without cardiovascular morbidity and significant changes, both in the heart rate dynamics and in the heart rate variability, were found in non-obese subjects without cardiovascular morbidity. Furthermore, subjects with homozygous GSTM1 gene deletion appeared to be more susceptible to the effects of TPM10. In the BIOAIR study, we identified five phenotypes, of those three distinct phenotypes of severe asthma, in which the progressive functional alteration of the lung corresponded to a gradually increasing clinical severity and translated into specific risks of exacerbation and treatment response features. Conclusions: This thesis hopes to demonstrate the importance of multidimensional approaches to gain understanding in the complex functioning of the human physiological system and of disease processes. Characterization of the complexity in the fluctuation behavior of system signals holds enormous promise for providing new understandings of the regulatory mechanisms of physiological systems and how they change with diseases. However, it is important to combine this kind of approach with classical epidemiological approaches in order to disentangle the various contributions of the intrinsic physiological dynamics, aging, diseases and comorbidities, lifestyle, and environment. In the SAPALDIA cohort study, we were able to disentangle the influence of specific environmental exposures, such as particulate matter air pollution and smoking exposure, on the heart rate variability and heart rate dynamics, and thus to unveil long-term alterations in former heavy smokers, as well as adverse effects of low level, but long-term, exposure to TPM10 in healthy subjects and in subjects with homozygous GSTM1 gene deletion. In the BIOAIR study, we provide evidence that airway dynamics contain substantial information, which enables the identification of clinically meaningful phenotypes, in which the functional alteration of the lung translates into specific treatable traits

    QT interval variability in body surface ECG: measurement, physiological basis, and clinical value: position statement and consensus guidance endorsed by the European Heart Rhythm Association jointly with the ESCWorking Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology

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    This consensus guideline discusses the electrocardiographic phenomenon of beat-to-beat QT interval variability (QTV) on surface electrocardiograms. The text covers measurement principles, physiological basis, and clinical value of QTV. Technical considerations include QT interval measurement and the relation between QTV and heart rate variability. Research frontiers of QTV include understanding of QTV physiology, systematic evaluation of the link between QTV and direct measures of neural activity, modelling of the QTV dependence on the variability of other physiological variables, distinction between QTV and general T wave shape variability, and assessing of the QTV utility for guiding therapy. Increased QTV appears to be a risk marker of arrhythmic and cardiovascular death. It remains to be established whether it can guide therapy alone or in combination with other risk factors. QT interval variability has a possible role in non-invasive assessment of tonic sympathetic activity