516 research outputs found

    Locally adaptive image denoising by a statistical multiresolution criterion

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    We demonstrate how one can choose the smoothing parameter in image denoising by a statistical multiresolution criterion, both globally and locally. Using inhomogeneous diffusion and total variation regularization as examples for localized regularization schemes, we present an efficient method for locally adaptive image denoising. As expected, the smoothing parameter serves as an edge detector in this framework. Numerical examples illustrate the usefulness of our approach. We also present an application in confocal microscopy

    Extreme Value Analysis of Empirical Frame Coefficients and Implications for Denoising by Soft-Thresholding

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    Denoising by frame thresholding is one of the most basic and efficient methods for recovering a discrete signal or image from data that are corrupted by additive Gaussian white noise. The basic idea is to select a frame of analyzing elements that separates the data in few large coefficients due to the signal and many small coefficients mainly due to the noise \epsilon_n. Removing all data coefficients being in magnitude below a certain threshold yields a reconstruction of the original signal. In order to properly balance the amount of noise to be removed and the relevant signal features to be kept, a precise understanding of the statistical properties of thresholding is important. For that purpose we derive the asymptotic distribution of max_{\omega \in \Omega_n} || for a wide class of redundant frames (\phi_\omega^n: \omega \in \Omega_n}. Based on our theoretical results we give a rationale for universal extreme value thresholding techniques yielding asymptotically sharp confidence regions and smoothness estimates corresponding to prescribed significance levels. The results cover many frames used in imaging and signal recovery applications, such as redundant wavelet systems, curvelet frames, or unions of bases. We show that `generically' a standard Gumbel law results as it is known from the case of orthonormal wavelet bases. However, for specific highly redundant frames other limiting laws may occur. We indeed verify that the translation invariant wavelet transform shows a different asymptotic behaviour.Comment: [Content: 39 pages, 4 figures] Note that in this version 4 we have slightely changed the title of the paper and we have rewritten parts of the introduction. Except for corrected typos the other parts of the paper are the same as the original versions

    Combining local regularity estimation and total variation optimization for scale-free texture segmentation

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    Texture segmentation constitutes a standard image processing task, crucial to many applications. The present contribution focuses on the particular subset of scale-free textures and its originality resides in the combination of three key ingredients: First, texture characterization relies on the concept of local regularity ; Second, estimation of local regularity is based on new multiscale quantities referred to as wavelet leaders ; Third, segmentation from local regularity faces a fundamental bias variance trade-off: In nature, local regularity estimation shows high variability that impairs the detection of changes, while a posteriori smoothing of regularity estimates precludes from locating correctly changes. Instead, the present contribution proposes several variational problem formulations based on total variation and proximal resolutions that effectively circumvent this trade-off. Estimation and segmentation performance for the proposed procedures are quantified and compared on synthetic as well as on real-world textures

    Wavelet Analysis and Denoising: New Tools for Economists

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    This paper surveys the techniques of wavelets analysis and the associated methods of denoising. The Discrete Wavelet Transform and its undecimated version, the Maximum Overlapping Discrete Wavelet Transform, are described. The methods of wavelets analysis can be used to show how the frequency content of the data varies with time. This allows us to pinpoint in time such events as major structural breaks. The sparse nature of the wavelets representation also facilitates the process of noise reduction by nonlinear wavelet shrinkage , which can be used to reveal the underlying trends in economic data. An application of these techniques to the UK real GDP (1873-2001) is described. The purpose of the analysis is to reveal the true structure of the data - including its local irregularities and abrupt changes - and the results are surprising.Wavelets, Denoising, Structural breaks, Trend estimation

    Variational Multiscale Nonparametric Regression: Algorithms and Implementation

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    Many modern statistically efficient methods come with tremendous computational challenges, often leading to large-scale optimisation problems. In this work, we examine such computational issues for recently developed estimation methods in nonparametric regression with a specific view on image denoising. We consider in particular certain variational multiscale estimators which are statistically optimal in minimax sense, yet computationally intensive. Such an estimator is computed as the minimiser of a smoothness functional (e.g., TV norm) over the class of all estimators such that none of its coefficients with respect to a given multiscale dictionary is statistically significant. The so obtained multiscale Nemirowski-Dantzig estimator (MIND) can incorporate any convex smoothness functional and combine it with a proper dictionary including wavelets, curvelets and shearlets. The computation of MIND in general requires to solve a high-dimensional constrained convex optimisation problem with a specific structure of the constraints induced by the statistical multiscale testing criterion. To solve this explicitly, we discuss three different algorithmic approaches: the Chambolle-Pock, ADMM and semismooth Newton algorithms. Algorithmic details and an explicit implementation is presented and the solutions are then compared numerically in a simulation study and on various test images. We thereby recommend the Chambolle-Pock algorithm in most cases for its fast convergence. We stress that our analysis can also be transferred to signal recovery and other denoising problems to recover more general objects whenever it is possible to borrow statistical strength from data patches of similar object structure.Comment: Codes are available at https://github.com/housenli/MIN

    Pointwise adaptive estimation for robust and quantile regression

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    A nonparametric procedure for robust regression estimation and for quantile regression is proposed which is completely data-driven and adapts locally to the regularity of the regression function. This is achieved by considering in each point M-estimators over different local neighbourhoods and by a local model selection procedure based on sequential testing. Non-asymptotic risk bounds are obtained, which yield rate-optimality for large sample asymptotics under weak conditions. Simulations for different univariate median regression models show good finite sample properties, also in comparison to traditional methods. The approach is extended to image denoising and applied to CT scans in cancer research

    Shape Constrained Regularisation by Statistical Multiresolution for Inverse Problems: Asymptotic Analysis

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    This paper is concerned with a novel regularisation technique for solving linear ill-posed operator equations in Hilbert spaces from data that is corrupted by white noise. We combine convex penalty functionals with extreme-value statistics of projections of the residuals on a given set of sub-spaces in the image-space of the operator. We prove general consistency and convergence rate results in the framework of Bregman-divergences which allows for a vast range of penalty functionals. Various examples that indicate the applicability of our approach will be discussed. We will illustrate in the context of signal and image processing that the presented method constitutes a locally adaptive reconstruction method

    A Multiscale Approach for Statistical Characterization of Functional Images

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    Increasingly, scientific studies yield functional image data, in which the observed data consist of sets of curves recorded on the pixels of the image. Examples include temporal brain response intensities measured by fMRI and NMR frequency spectra measured at each pixel. This article presents a new methodology for improving the characterization of pixels in functional imaging, formulated as a spatial curve clustering problem. Our method operates on curves as a unit. It is nonparametric and involves multiple stages: (i) wavelet thresholding, aggregation, and Neyman truncation to effectively reduce dimensionality; (ii) clustering based on an extended EM algorithm; and (iii) multiscale penalized dyadic partitioning to create a spatial segmentation. We motivate the different stages with theoretical considerations and arguments, and illustrate the overall procedure on simulated and real datasets. Our method appears to offer substantial improvements over monoscale pixel-wise methods. An Appendix which gives some theoretical justifications of the methodology, computer code, documentation and dataset are available in the online supplements