23 research outputs found

    The Road From Classical to Quantum Codes: A Hashing Bound Approaching Design Procedure

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    Powerful Quantum Error Correction Codes (QECCs) are required for stabilizing and protecting fragile qubits against the undesirable effects of quantum decoherence. Similar to classical codes, hashing bound approaching QECCs may be designed by exploiting a concatenated code structure, which invokes iterative decoding. Therefore, in this paper we provide an extensive step-by-step tutorial for designing EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) chart aided concatenated quantum codes based on the underlying quantum-to-classical isomorphism. These design lessons are then exemplified in the context of our proposed Quantum Irregular Convolutional Code (QIRCC), which constitutes the outer component of a concatenated quantum code. The proposed QIRCC can be dynamically adapted to match any given inner code using EXIT charts, hence achieving a performance close to the hashing bound. It is demonstrated that our QIRCC-based optimized design is capable of operating within 0.4 dB of the noise limit

    Quantum Codes and Multiparty Computation:A Coding Theoretic Approach

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    Quantum multipartite entangled states, classical and quantum error correction

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    Studying entanglement is essential for our understanding of such diverse areas as high-energy physics, condensed matter physics, and quantum optics. Moreover, entanglement allows us to surpass classical physics and technologies enabling better information processing, computation, and improved metrology. Recently, entanglement also played a prominent role in characterizing and simulating quantum many-body states and in this way deepened our understanding of quantum matter. While bipartite entanglement is well understood, multipartite entanglement is much richer and leads to stronger contradictions with classical physics. Among all possible entangled states, a special class of states has attracted attention for a wide range of tasks. These states are called k-uniform states and are pure multipartite quantum states of n parties and local dimension q with the property that all of their reductions to k parties are maximally mixed. Operationally, in a k-uniform state any subset of at most k parties is maximally entangled with the rest. The k = bn/2c-uniform states are called absolutely maximally entangled because they are maximally entangled along any splitting of the n parties into two groups. These states find applications in several protocols and, in particular, are the building blocks of quantum error correcting codes with a holographic geometry, which has provided valuable insight into the connections between quantum information theory and conformal field theory. Their properties and the applications are however intriguing, as we know little about them: when they exist, how to construct them, how they relate to other multipartite entangled states, such as graph states, or how they connect under local operations and classical communication. With this motivation in mind, in this thesis we first study the properties of k-uniform states and then present systematic methods to construct closed-form expressions of them. The structure of our methods proves to be particularly fruitful in understanding the structure of these quantum states, their graph-state representation and classification under local operations and classical communication. We also construct several examples of absolutely maximally entangled states whose existence was open so far. Finally, we explore a new family of quantum error correcting codes that generalize and improve the link between classical error correcting codes, multipartite entangled states, and the stabilizer formalism. The results of this thesis can have a role in characterizing and studying the following three topics: multipartite entanglement, classical error correcting codes and quantum error correcting codes. The multipartite entangled states can provide a link to find different resources for quantum information processing tasks and quantify entanglement. Constructing two sets of highly entangled multipartite states, it is important to know if they are equivalent under local operations and classical communication. By understanding which states belong to the same class of quantum resource, one may discuss the role they play in some certain quantum information tasks like quantum key distribution, teleportation and constructing optimum quantum error correcting codes. They can also be used to explore the connection between the Antide Sitter/Conformal Field Theory holographic correspondence and quantum error correction, which will then allow us to construct better quantum error correcting codes. At the same time, their roles in the characterization of quantum networks will be essential to design functional networks, robust against losses and local noise.El estudio del entrelazamiento cu谩ntico es esencial para la comprensi贸n de diversas 谩reas como la 贸ptica cu谩ntica, la materia condensada e incluso la f铆sica de altas energ铆as. Adem谩s, el entrelazamiento nos permite superar la f铆sica y tecnolog铆as cl谩sicas llevando a una mejora en el procesado de la informaci贸n, la computaci贸n y la metrolog铆a. Recientemente se ha descubierto que el entrelazamiento desarrolla un papel central en la caracterizaci贸n y simulaci贸n de sistemas cu谩nticos de muchos cuerpos, de esta manera facilitando nuestra comprensi贸n de la materia cu谩ntica. Mientras que se tiene un buen conocimiento del entrelazamiento en estados puros bipartitos, nuestra comprensi贸n del caso de muchas partes es mucho m谩s limitada, a pesar de que sea un escenario m谩s rico y que presenta un contraste m谩s fuerte con la f铆sica cl谩sica. De entre todos los posibles estados entrelazados, una clase especial ha llamado la atenci贸n por su amplia gama de aplicaciones. Estos estados se llaman k-uniformes y son los estados multipartitos de n cuerpos con dimensi贸n local q con la propiedad de que todas las reducciones a k cuerpos son m谩ximamente desordenadas. Operacionalmente, en un estado k-uniforme cualquier subconjunto de hasta k cuerpos est谩 m谩ximamente entrelazado con el resto. Los estados k = n/2 -uniformes se llaman estados absolutamente m谩ximamente entrelazados porque son m谩ximamente entrelazados respecto a cualquier partici贸n de los n cuerpos en dos grupos. Estos estados encuentran aplicaciones en varios protocolos y, en particular, forman los elementos de base para la construcci贸n de los c贸digos de correcci贸n de errores cu谩nticos con geometr铆a hologr谩fica, los cuales han aportado intuici贸n importante sobre la conexi贸n entre la teor铆a de la informaci贸n cu谩ntica y la teor铆a conforme de campos. Las propiedades y aplicaciones de estos estados son intrigantes porque conocemos poco sobre las mismas: cu谩ndo existen, c贸mo construirlos, c贸mo se relacionan con otros estados con entrelazamiento multipartito, c贸mo los estados grafo, o como se relacionan mediante operaciones locales y comunicaci贸n cl谩sica. Con esta motivaci贸n en mente, en esta tesis primero estudiamos las propiedades de los estados k-uniformes y luego presentamos m茅todos sistem谩ticos para construir expresiones cerradas de los mismos. La naturaleza de nuestros m茅todos resulta ser muy 煤til para entender la estructura de estos estados cu谩nticos, su representaci贸n como estados grafo y su clasificaci贸n bajo operaciones locales y comunicaci贸n cl谩sica. Tambi茅n construimos varios ejemplos de estados absolutamente m谩ximamente entrelazados, cuya existencia era desconocida. Finalmente, exploramos una nueva familia de c贸digos de correcci贸n de errores cu谩nticos que generalizan y mejoran la conexi贸n entre los c贸digos de correcci贸n de errores cl谩sicos, los estados entrelazados multipartitos y el formalismo de estabilizadores. Los resultados de esta tesis pueden desarrollar un papel importante en la caracterizaci贸n y el estudio de las tres siguientes 谩reas: entrelazamiento multipartito, c贸digos de correcci贸n de errores cl谩sicos y c贸digos de correcci贸n de errores cu谩nticos. Los estados de entrelazamiento multipartito pueden aportar una conexi贸n para encontrar diferentes recursos para tareas de procesamiento de la informaci贸n cu谩ntica y cuantificaci贸n del entrelazamiento. Al construir dos conjuntos de estados multipartitos altamente entrelazados, es importante saber si son equivalentes entre operaciones locales y comunicaci贸n cl谩sica. Entendiendo qu茅 estados pertenecen a la misma clase de recurso cu谩ntico, se puede discutir qu茅 papel desempe帽an en ciertas tareas de informaci贸n cu谩ntica, como la distribuci贸n de claves criptogr谩ficas cu谩nticas, la teleportaci贸n y la construcci贸n de c贸digos de correcci贸n de errores cu谩nticos 贸ptimos. Tambi茅n se pueden usar para explorar la conexi贸n entre la correspondencia hologr谩fica Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory y c贸digos de correcci贸n de errores cu谩nticos, que nos permitir铆a construir mejores c贸digos de correcci贸n de errores. A la vez, su papel en la caracterizaci贸n de redes cu谩nticas ser谩 esencial en el dise帽o de redes funcionales, robustas ante p茅rdidas y ruidos locales

    Some Results on Qudit Quantum Error-Correction

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    Quantum computing鈥檚 seemingly perpetual promise of nearness still has a few hurdles to surmount before it can become a reality. Among these hurdles is that of protection of information from random errors. A potential solution for this challenge is stabilizer codes, which are the analog of classical linear error-correcting codes, however, with an additional axis of error possibility. By and large, quantum computing is discussed in the standard qubit, or two-level, language, however, it is worth considering the case of qudits, or more than two-level systems. Often times results follow simply from some form of algebraic extension: typically group theory or linear algebra. In this work we consider some features that are not immediately apparent from that approach, more often appealing to physical intuition to guide our mathematical ideas, then proving these ideas using the language of qudit operators. Here we consider two particular previously unexplored ideas. The first idea is that of embedding and inscribing of codes into spaces of different sizes than the stabilizer code was originally designed for. Here, we show that all codes can be embedded, and that for infinitely many primes we can in fact guarantee that the distance is at least preserved鈥揳 somewhat surprising result. The second idea is, in a way an application of those presented in the first idea, that of turning many stabilizer codes into hybrid codes by taking advantage of relabelling of syndromes and the rapid increase in syndrome space upon using codes in large spaces. Both of these are somewhat useful in their current forms, however, with some additional mathematical work could be turned into potentially very powerful tools for the protection of quantum information. We finish off by, and along the way, mentioning various future directions to carry work on this

    Digital techniques for ultra-high data rate optical fibre transmission

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    The exponential growth of the demand for higher data rates is pushing scientists to find ways to improve the internet infrastructure, which crucially relies on optical fibres. The main obstacle to increasing transmission rates of optical fibre systems is presented by the fibre Kerr nonlinear effect, which impairs signal transmission as the transmitted power is increased. Fortunately, optical coherent detection, in combination with digital signal processing techniques, have enabled more sophisticated digital receivers, tailored to the optical fibre channel. This thesis describes a comprehensive study on the performance of two digital receiver-side techniques: digital back-propagation (DBP) and maximum likelihood sequence detection (MLSD). DBP is the most widespread digital technique to mitigate fibre nonlinearity at the receiver. The performance of DBP, is assessed for long-haul, wide-bandwidth systems, highlighting theoretical gains and practical limitations. Analytical models to predict DBP performance are discussed and compared to numerical results. The impact of polarisation-mode dispersion on the capability of DBP to remove nonlinear impairments is investigated. The principles of detection theory are discussed in the context of the optical fibre nonlinear channel. Following such principles, MLSD strategies are studied and their performance analysed for unrepeatered systems. A close to optimum receiver scheme, using the Viterbi algorithm, is proposed and investigated for the first time in a singlespan fibre system. Finally, information-theoretic tools are used to predict achievable information rates of both receiver schemes, when employed in combination with forward error correction codes. In particular, pragmatic coded modulation schemes were examined to assess the potential of off-the-shelf channel codes. Both receiving strategies analysed were demonstrated to significantly outperform conventional receivers optimised for the additive white Gaussian noise channel. The results of this thesis provide a useful insight on the properties of the optical fibre channel and on the design of receivers aiming to maximise information rates through it

    Quantum error control codes

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    It is conjectured that quantum computers are able to solve certain problems more quickly than any deterministic or probabilistic computer. For instance, Shor's algorithm is able to factor large integers in polynomial time on a quantum computer. A quantum computer exploits the rules of quantum mechanics to speed up computations. However, it is a formidable task to build a quantum computer, since the quantum mechanical systems storing the information unavoidably interact with their environment. Therefore, one has to mitigate the resulting noise and decoherence effects to avoid computational errors. In this dissertation, I study various aspects of quantum error control codes - the key component of fault-tolerant quantum information processing. I present the fundamental theory and necessary background of quantum codes and construct many families of quantum block and convolutional codes over finite fields, in addition to families of subsystem codes. This dissertation is organized into three parts: Quantum Block Codes. After introducing the theory of quantum block codes, I establish conditions when BCH codes are self-orthogonal (or dual-containing) with respect to Euclidean and Hermitian inner products. In particular, I derive two families of nonbinary quantum BCH codes using the stabilizer formalism. I study duadic codes and establish the existence of families of degenerate quantum codes, as well as families of quantum codes derived from projective geometries. Subsystem Codes. Subsystem codes form a new class of quantum codes in which the underlying classical codes do not need to be self-orthogonal. I give an introduction to subsystem codes and present several methods for subsystem code constructions. I derive families of subsystem codes from classical BCH and RS codes and establish a family of optimal MDS subsystem codes. I establish propagation rules of subsystem codes and construct tables of upper and lower bounds on subsystem code parameters. Quantum Convolutional Codes. Quantum convolutional codes are particularly well-suited for communication applications. I develop the theory of quantum convolutional codes and give families of quantum convolutional codes based on RS codes. Furthermore, I establish a bound on the code parameters of quantum convolutional codes - the generalized Singleton bound. I develop a general framework for deriving convolutional codes from block codes and use it to derive families of non-catastrophic quantum convolutional codes from BCH codes. The dissertation concludes with a discussion of some open problems