4,548 research outputs found

    Virtual Reality Games for Motor Rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic based method to track user satisfaction without the need for devices to monitor users physiological conditions. User satisfaction is the key to any product’s acceptance; computer applications and video games provide a unique opportunity to provide a tailored environment for each user to better suit their needs. We have implemented a non-adaptive fuzzy logic model of emotion, based on the emotional component of the Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) proposed by El-Nasr, to estimate player emotion in UnrealTournament 2004. In this paper we describe the implementation of this system and present the results of one of several play tests. Our research contradicts the current literature that suggests physiological measurements are needed. We show that it is possible to use a software only method to estimate user emotion

    A study of Neo-Humanist Kindergarten's Physical Environment in Supporting Social Skills

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    The main focus of this study was to examine how a kindergarten’s physical environment supports the social skills of negotiation, problem-solving and fairness of children aged five to seven-year-olds. The study was carried out in a private English neo-humanist kindergarten using qualitative research method, and the data was collected by observing seven children in ten participant observations during free play indoors and outdoors. Data was analysed using interpretative content analysis approach in order to answer the research question of how a kindergarten setting and play materials support children’s social skills. The findings show that kindergarten play props and physical environment support children social skills as they exhibit sufficient level of social skills in interaction with one another indoors and outdoors. However, few anti-social behaviours were also recorded during the use of some play props provided. Findings also emphasize the important role of an adult in the physical environment as propounded by social-constructivists’ theory. In conclusion, recommendations were made on how the practitioners could widen the physical environment to include more play areas and types of play props that could also be introduce to further support children’s skills of negotiation, fairness and problem-solving. Keywords: Early childhood education, Physical environment, Social skills, Play props, Neo-humanist educationNeo-humanistisen päiväkodin fyysinen ympäristö sosiaalisten taitojen tukijana Tämän tutkimuksen pääasiallisena painopisteenä oli tutkia, kuinka päiväkodin fyysinen ympäristö tukee 5-7-vuotiaiden lasten sosiaalisia taitoja, erityisesti neuvottelu- ja ongelmanratkaisutaitoja sekä reiluutta. Tutkimus toteutettiin yksityisessä, englanninkielisessä neo-humanistisessa päiväkodissa hyödyntäen laadullista tutkimusotetta. Aineisto kerättiin observoimalla seitsemää lasta vapaan leikin aikana sekä päiväkodin sisä –että ulkotiloissa. Kaikilla kymmenellä aineistonkeruukerralla käytimme osallistuvaa havainnointia tutkimusmetodina. Lopuksi aineisto analysoitiin hyödyntäen tulkinnallista sisällönanalyysia, mikä mahdollisti vastaamisen tutkimuskysymykseen kuinka päiväkotimiljöö sekä leikkirekvisiitat tukevat lasten sosiaalisia taitoja. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että päiväkodin leikkirekvisiitat sekä fyysinen miljöö tukevat lasten sosiaalisia taitoja silloin, kun lapset ilmentävät riittävän tasoisia sosiaalisia taitoja vuorovaikutuksessa toisten lasten kanssa niin sisä- että ulkotiloissa. Joidenkin leikkirekvisiittojen parissa havainnointiin myös epäsosiaalista käyttäytymistä, jolloin tunnistettavissa oli puutteellisia sosiaalisia taitoja.Tulokset korostavat myös sitä, että aikuisella on tärkeä rooli fyysisessä varhaiskasvatusympäristössä, jota myös sosiaalis-konstruktiivinen näkemys puoltaa. Kehityssuositukset kohdennettiin fyysiseen varhaiskasvatusympäristöön; varhaiskasvatusopettajat voivat laajentaa fyysistä ympäristöä liittämällä mukaan enemmän leikkinurkkauksia ja erilaisia leikkirekvisiittoja, joiden tarkoitus on edesauttaa sosiaalisten taitojen, kuten neuvottelu- ja ongelmanratkaisutaitojen sekä reiluuden tukemista. Avainsanat: Varhaiskasvatus, Fyysinen ympäristö, Sosiaaliset taidot, Leikkirekvisiitat, Neo-humanistinen kasvatu

    Measuring the capacity of active video games for social interaction: The Social Interaction Potential Assessment tool

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    Active Video Games (AVGs) have been designed and promoted for family centred leisure in the home. However, few studies have investigated their capacity to facilitate psychosocial outcomes. This study aimed to establish a reliable system to rate the potential of AVGs to facilitate social interaction among players. A conceptual framework was developed to establish the core elements of the Social Interaction Potential Assessment Tool (SIPA). Four raters implemented the SIPA across five AVGs. ANOVAs were conducted to establish the ability of the SIPA to differentiate between AVGs and inter- and intra-rater reliability was tested. The overall SIPA could differentiate between AVGs social features. A significant difference was found for Social Facilitators and Pro-social Features, but not for Anti-social Features (p < 0.05). The overall SIPA exhibited excellent inter-rater (ICC = 0.92) and intra-rater (ICCs = 0.95 - 0.99) reliability. This study identified the core elements of AVGs that enable social interaction. The SIPA tool can assess AVGs’ potential to facilitate social interaction among players. Subsequently, the SIPA rating can provide consumers with valuable information on which to base AVG purchasing decisions
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