399 research outputs found

    A Multiple Bit Parity Fault Detection Scheme for The Advanced Encryption Standard Galois/Counter Mode

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    The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric-key block cipher for electronic data announced by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001. The encryption process is based on symmetric key (using the same key for both encryption and decryption) for block encryption of 128, 192, and 256 bits in size. AES and its standardized authentication Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) have been adopted in numerous security-based applications. GCM is a mode of operation for AES symmetric key cryptographic block ciphers, which has been selected for its high throughput rates in high speed communication channels. The GCM is an algorithm for authenticated encryption to provide both data authenticity and confidentiality that can be achieved with reasonable hardware resources. The hardware implementation of the AES-GCM demands tremendous amount of logic blocks and gates. Due to natural faults or intrusion attacks, faulty outputs in different logic blocks of the AES-GCM module results in erroneous output. There exist plenty of specific literature on methods of fault detection in the AES section of the AES-GCM. In this thesis, we consider a novel fault detection of the GCM section using parity prediction. For the purpose of fault detection in GCM, two independent methods are proposed. First, a new technique of fault detection using parity prediction for the entire GCM loop is presented. Then, matrix based CRC multiple-bit parity prediction schemes are developed and implemented. As a result, we achieve the fault coverage of about 99% with the longest path delay and area overhead of 23% and 10.9% respectively. The false alarm is 0.12% which can be ignored based on the number of injected faults

    Reliability for exascale computing : system modelling and error mitigation for task-parallel HPC applications

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    As high performance computing (HPC) systems continue to grow, their fault rate increases. Applications running on these systems have to deal with rates on the order of hours or days. Furthermore, some studies for future Exascale systems predict the rates to be on the order of minutes. As a result, efficient fault tolerance solutions are needed to be able to tolerate frequent failures. A fault tolerance solution for future HPC and Exascale systems must be low-cost, efficient and highly scalable. It should have low overhead in fault-free execution and provide fast restart because long-running applications are expected to experience many faults during the execution. Meanwhile task-based dataflow parallel programming models (PM) are becoming a popular paradigm in HPC applications at large scale. For instance, we see the adaptation of task-based dataflow parallelism in OpenMP 4.0, OmpSs PM, Argobots and Intel Threading Building Blocks. In this thesis we propose fault-tolerance solutions for task-parallel dataflow HPC applications. Specifically, first we design and implement a checkpoint/restart and message-logging framework to recover from errors. We then develop performance models to investigate the benefits of our task-level frameworks when integrated with system-wide checkpointing. Moreover, we design and implement selective task replication mechanisms to detect and recover from silent data corruptions in task-parallel dataflow HPC applications. Finally, we introduce a runtime-based coding scheme to detect and recover from memory errors in these applications. Considering the span of all of our schemes, we see that they provide a fairly high failure coverage where both computation and memory is protected against errors.A medida que los Sistemas de Cómputo de Alto rendimiento (HPC por sus siglas en inglés) siguen creciendo, también las tasas de fallos aumentan. Las aplicaciones que se ejecutan en estos sistemas tienen una tasa de fallos que pueden estar en el orden de horas o días. Además, algunos estudios predicen que los fallos estarán en el orden de minutos en los Sistemas Exascale. Por lo tanto, son necesarias soluciones eficientes para la tolerancia a fallos que puedan tolerar fallos frecuentes. Las soluciones para tolerancia a fallos en los Sistemas futuros de HPC y Exascale tienen que ser de bajo costo, eficientes y altamente escalable. El sobrecosto en la ejecución sin fallos debe ser bajo y también se debe proporcionar reinicio rápido, ya que se espera que las aplicaciones de larga duración experimenten muchos fallos durante la ejecución. Por otra parte, los modelos de programación paralelas basados en tareas ordenadas de acuerdo a sus dependencias de datos, se están convirtiendo en un paradigma popular en aplicaciones HPC a gran escala. Por ejemplo, los siguientes modelos de programación paralela incluyen este tipo de modelo de programación OpenMP 4.0, OmpSs, Argobots e Intel Threading Building Blocks. En esta tesis proponemos soluciones de tolerancia a fallos para aplicaciones de HPC programadas en un modelo de programación paralelo basado tareas. Específicamente, en primer lugar, diseñamos e implementamos mecanismos “checkpoint/restart” y “message-logging” para recuperarse de los errores. Para investigar los beneficios de nuestras herramientas a nivel de tarea cuando se integra con los “system-wide checkpointing” se han desarrollado modelos de rendimiento. Por otra parte, diseñamos e implementamos mecanismos de replicación selectiva de tareas que permiten detectar y recuperarse de daños de datos silenciosos en aplicaciones programadas siguiendo el modelo de programación paralela basadas en tareas. Por último, se introduce un esquema de codificación que funciona en tiempo de ejecución para detectar y recuperarse de los errores de la memoria en estas aplicaciones. Todos los esquemas propuestos, en conjunto, proporcionan una cobertura bastante alta a los fallos tanto si estos se producen el cálculo o en la memoria.Postprint (published version