1,090 research outputs found

    A requirements specification for a software design support system

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    Most existing software design systems (SDSS) support the use of only a single design methodology. A good SDSS should support a wide variety of design methods and languages including structured design, object-oriented design, and finite state machines. It might seem that a multiparadigm SDSS would be expensive in both time and money to construct. However, it is proposed that instead an extensible SDSS that directly implements only minimal database and graphical facilities be constructed. In particular, it should not directly implement tools to faciliate language definition and analysis. It is believed that such a system could be rapidly developed and put into limited production use, with the experience gained used to refine and evolve the systems over time

    Towards a framework for multiparadigm multimethodologies in systems thinking and practice

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    Burrell and Morgan (2000) claimed that knowledge is paradigmatic, encompassing a distinct worldview and rationality governing research strategies and methods for which they identified four sociological paradigms to locate them based on “metatheoretical assumptions about the nature of reality, knowledge, and human behavior” (Cunliffe, 2010). They regard the competing theories developed from different paradigms as incommensurable—those working in one paradigm are not understood by those committed to another. Moreover, “there can be no measure, outside of the paradigms, which can be used as a basis for comparing and adjudicating between the claims toknowledge of theories produced from within different paradigms” (Jackson, 2000).This new theory states that because the problem of paradigm incommensurability begins at the level of ontology the solution lies there as well. Rather than supporting just one or a few paradigms, a different type of ontology is needed to explain ontological variety. It is argued that we can only perceive reality as meaningful paradigmatically, just as in the metaphor of the blind men and the elephant (Saxe, ca. 1850) where each comes upon a different part of an elephant andgeneralises that the whole is like their one piece. Furthermore, they cannot understand what they have found by comparing experiences.Solving the incommensurability issue is the theoretical key needed to properly underpin pluralist approaches to systems theory, design and intervention. But to do so, this new ontology is placed so that it operates within a suitable and otherwise complete theoretical framework which does not circumscribe, subsume, or in any way alter existing approaches, paradigms and theories—it purpose is only to sanction their use in a pluralist systemic approach. Such a framework, calledP–S Multiparadigm Perspectivity is described in this thesis.Ten interviews with systemists were conducted with mixed results. The tests mistakenly assumed that systemists were generally aware of paradigms and incommensurability—instead, an aversion to theory was discovered. Surprisingly, though, two methods to address the issue were also found in the data. One of the interviewees teaches theory through storytelling; another demonstrates methods first, to pique the learner’s interest and evoke their questions. It was learned that the adoption of this theory depends upon an improved awareness of the concepts of critical systems paradigms within the systemist community


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    This research aims to test the influence of intellectual capital performance , mudharabah financing, and good corporate governance (independent commissioner, council directors, and Hall sharia supervisor) against financial performance (ROA) on company Bank General Sharia at Indonesia for period 2019-2021. Amount sample in research this is 10 company by sum observation as much as 30 data. Recruitment sample done by purposive sampling. This research uses secondary data obtained from company financial reports from Exchange Indonesia effect and corporate web each as well data from the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Technique analysis data which used in research this is analysis regression linear double by software SPSS 25. Results from this research prove that intellectual capital performance have a significant effect on performance finance (ROA), while mudharabah financing, independent commissioners, board of directors, and board of supervisors sharia no influential against performance finance (ROA

    Paradigm: a bibliometric analysis of papers presented at the conferences of the POMS from 2000 to 2010

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    This study presents bibliometrics on Paradigm in papers presented at the Production and Operation Management Society (POMS) from 2000 to 2010, and establishes the profile of the authors and the theoretical relationships present in those papers’ content. The portal of the Production and Operation Management Society and the abstracts contained in each of the events of the period were used, seeking to highlight the concept of Paradigm and its approaches. As a result, the articles presented at the POMS from 2000 to 2010, at least three out of the four hundred papers had the concept in its title or abstract, besides being within the central arguments of these same items analyzed by this study


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    This paper presents an analysis of Human-Centred Design (HCD), using a metatriangulation of scientific literature. This metatriangulation comprises a systematic overview of recent HCD research, in which literature is categorised and analysed using both engineering lens and cognitive science paradigmatic lenses. The study reveals that the most popular HCD approaches do not accommodate software aimed at a broad or anonymous user-base. This shortcoming can be attributed, at least in part, to the popularity of HCD approaches focusing on highly-conscious user cognition based on conceptual models. These forms of cognition rely upon learned conventions and accumulated understanding and, as a result, design approaches focusing upon them are fundamentally limited to catering for a specific subset of the human population. We identify an emerging HCD approach, which we label \u27Foundational Design\u27. This approach focuses on cognitive regularities which exist in less-conscious processing, independent of culture or individual experience, and thus possibly offers a solution to the dilemma described above. Thus a future research agenda focused on the Foundational Design approach and the emerging NeuroIS research stream is proposed and discussed

    Experiences in Using a Multiparadigm and Multiprogramming Approach to Teach an Information Systems Course on Introduction to Programmi

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    In the current literature, there is limited evidence of the effects of teaching programming languages using two different paradigms concurrently. In this paper, we present our experience in using a multiparadigm and multiprogramming approach for an Introduction to Programming course. The multiparadigm element consisted of teaching the imperative and functional paradigms, while the multiprogramming element involved the Scheme and Python programming languages. For the multiparadigm part, the lectures were oriented to compare the similarities and differences between the functional and imperative approaches. For the multiprogramming part, we chose syntactically simple software tools that have a robust set of prebuilt functions and available libraries. After our experiments, we found that the students were strongly biased towards memorizing the syntax of these languages, jeopardizing their ability to learn to think algorithmically and logically in order to solve the given problems. We believe that teaching students using multiparadigm and multiprogramming techniques could be discouraging, especially for those students with no programming experience. In this research study, we present the results of applying this approach together with the achievements, failures, and trends of the students who were taught with this multipath system

    Organisatsiooniline kontroll ülikoolide juhtimises: mitmeparadigmaline lähenemine Tartu Ülikooli näitel

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    Tuginedes erinevate teadusfilosoofiliste paradigmade (modernistlik, sümbolistlik ja postmodernistlik) sünteesile on doktoritöö eesmärgiks välja töötada teoreetiline raamistik organisatsioonilise kontrolli mõistmiseks Tartu Ülikooli näitel. Antud eesmärgist kantuna, esimene ehk teoreetiline peatükk hõlmab organisatsioonilise kontrolli alaste käsitluste teadusfilosoofilist korrastamist paradigmade lõikes. Viimast silmas pidades tekib teoreetilises osas kontrollialase kirjanduse süstematiseerimine, mis annab lugejale ülevaatliku pildi sellest, kuidas vastavalt omaksvõetud teadusparadigmale on teadlased seni kontrolli olemust ja toimimist mõistnud. Teine ehk empiiriline peatükk rakendab kolme paradigmat Tartu Ülikooli juhtimisreformi uurimisel ning kolmas peatükk, sünteesides nii teoreetilist kui empiirilist peatükki kujundab metatasandil teoreetilise raamistiku organisatsioonilise kontrolli paremaks mõistmiseks. Doktoritöö tulemusena ilmnes, kuidas organisatsioonilise kontrolli loomus sõltub suuresti tekkinud dominantsetest diskursustest ülikoolis. Doktoritööst selgus, kuidas sisuliselt juhtimisreformi raames tekkinud diskursused keskendusid olemasolevate tähenduste hoidmisele (nt identiteediküsimused), samas põrkuvad otsese vajadusega harjunud tähendusi muuta (nt harjutamine valdkonnapõhise identiteedi vormis mõtlemisega). Kokkuvõttes tõi doktoritöö välja, kuidas olulised muutused ülikoolis ei ole mitte pelgalt komplekssed, vaid tulenevalt ülikoolide traditsioonilisest töökorraldusest sageli ka poliitilistel võimumängudel baseeruvad. Kuna suuremastaabilisi muudatusi juhitakse tsentraalselt tippjuhtkonna poolt, siis võib muudatuste taga peituv argumentatsioon tavatöötajast kaugele jääda. Seetõttu, kuigi muudatuste mõju on hilisemalt kõigile tuntav, ent vähese dialoogi tekkimise tõttu loob see viljaka pinnase ebakindlust ja ärevust sütitavate ning organisatsioonilist kontrolli haarata püüdvate dominantsete diskursuste tekkeks.The aim of the thesis is to offer a framework of organisational control that bases itself on the synthesis of multiple paradigms (modernism, symbolism and postmodernism) on the example of University of Tartu. That said, chapter one will tackle with complex nature of organisational control by mapping the fragmentation of existing control studies, then bringing out the essence of control via multiple paradigms in theory. Second chapter bases itself on multiparadigm research, which applies multiple paradigms witnessed in literature to study organisational control in university management. Finally, metaparadigm theory building chapter can be regarded as a conclusion and discussion that summarises both theoretical and empirical study in order to provide novel theoretical insights at the metalevel. Dissertation led to show how organisational control manifests in finding a strategic fit between sensegiving and sensemaking, a process, which is facilitated and negotiated by a paradox of sensekeeping and sensebreaking. By coupling sensekeeping with sensebreaking results in a paradox or a contradictory state of affairs where at one side there might be a need for a change, possibly with great reasons, yet from another side, these reasons or explanations are not strong enough to undermine the need to keep existing arrangements as they are. According to empirical phases of the thesis, strategic change processes tend to be not only highly complex and politically laden (since they have a great effect of large parts of the organisation), but due to the fact that as a rule they are driven by upper level managers, the communication over the argumentation for and about the essence of the change may stand too far from the organisational members (interpretive realities). Thus, as fundamental change in organisation has wide effects to many, yet the change process is usually managed by few there are lot of hidden possibilities of resistance and dominating discourses to emerge as an attempt to seek organisational control over the perceived uncertainties